“I shouldn’t even say this but if I see a group of lads with our flag I bet some are racists.”
ARIA-winning rapper 360 is white, wears tattoos thickly distributed and comes from the suburbs of Melbourne. But rather than succumb to the assumptions those elements suggest, ahead of Australia Day he’s taken a bead on racists and misguided nationalism in a pointed and often fiery new song.
The song, On A Planet No One Knows, was in in response to the sloganeering of the “we’re full” anti-immigration lobby and in part prompted by racist comments posted on Facebook after 360 (aka Matthew Colwell) put up photos of himself with some mates “with different shades of skin”.
While the song asks, “how the f— do these parents raise their kids and what books are they educated with?”, it still puts the onus on young men, who might otherwise be like him, to not be “racist c–kheads”. And not just racist either. A voice sample used in the song points out that “we need equality … misogyny that is in every culture is not part of the human condition”.
This fucking ‘anti-racist’ garbage always comes out in the lead up to “Australia Day”. You know what? If these ‘anti-racist’ wankers think that everyone is the same, then why don’t they all go and live in Africa? Go on you fuckheads! We’re all the same after all…. Put your retarded egalitarian bullshit ideas to the test. Let’s separate along racial lines: Whites who want to stay here can, and you multikulti lovers can go somewhere else, seeing you know best! Not only that, you’d be free of us horrible racists if you all moved to multikulti heaven… Go and do it! We racists want you gone from our gene-pool anyway!
The Menora – A Symbol of the World’s Best ‘Lying Club’!
“Most average people believe that the Holocaust actually happened, that Jesus was a Jew, that the Jews are ‘Gods Chosen People’, and that the Bible is a book written by Jews………. They are mistaken on all four counts!”
Anyone who has been aware of the Jewish problem for any significant amount of time is aware that the WW2 ‘Holocaust’ narrative is a big Jewish fairytale which never happened. The Jews made up the whole story and forced it down everyone’s necks using their control of the mass-media (and everything else)!
Let’s use the Holocaust and WW2 as an example of Jewish behaviour: The Jews instigated the war, killed countless millions throughout Europe, caused real ‘holocausts’ all through Germany, then turned around at the end of the war which they won, and complained about being victims. Oy Vey, the Chutzpah!
Jew story: Evil Germans/Whites were killing poor innocent Jews….
Real story: Evil Jews/Communists killing innocent Germans/Whites……
The Jew story is clearly the opposite of the truth – you get the picture.
The real sign in Jew Hollywood.
What we have here is a pattern: The Jews control everything, and then they force their propaganda on everyone. That much is easy to understand, since it is the only way they could pull-off a hoax like the Holocaust!
Now let’s move on to what the Jews tell us about the Bible, Jesus Christ, and them being these “Chosen People of God”:
We know that the Jews have infiltrated and successfully gained total control of modern ‘Christianity’. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that it is often termed ‘Judeo-Christianity’! We also know that the Jews never tell the truth about anything. Take anything the Jew says, then flip it 180 degrees and you’ll arrive at the doors of truth:
“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
– John 8:44 (no prizes for guessing who’s being referred to in this verse)
My question is this:
Why would anyone in their right mind believe what the Jews tell us about Christianity; a religion which they obviously control in its modern incarnation?
Does Jesus look like a Jew to you? Looks White to me!
If you believe that Jesus was a Jew, that the Jews are ‘Gods Chosen People’, and that the Bible is a book written by Jews, then you have just swallowed probably an even bigger Jewish lie than the Holocaust!! The Jews are the ones who have told us these things about Christianity. That fact alone made me think (almost instantly) that the opposite is probably true.
Anyway, the deal with Christianity does work the same as with the Holocaust; namely the opposite of what the Jews tell us is true! The thing that amazes me most about the anti-Christ crowd is that they accuse Christian Identity of ‘wanting to do’ EXACTLY WHAT THE JEWS HAVE DONE!
Consider this:
The Jews and anti-Christs walk in lock-step on this issue. They think the Bible is a book written by Jews, and that Christian Identity adherents simply want to insert themselves into the Bible and take the Jews place! I.e. these White Christian Identity adherents want to rule over a multiracial society and behave just like the Jews do. This is the false idea held by those who believe the popular Jewish lie – the one where the Jew says that he created Christianity!
On the other side of the coin, Christian Identity doesn’t make the mistake of believing what the Jews say about Christianity. They say that Jesus and the Israelites of the Bible were White, and that Christianity in its original form, was a White Racial Religion. This means it wasn’t at all ‘universal’ like modern Judeo-Christianity! They point to the modern day Jews and correctly identify them as the Edomites whom Jesus and the White Israelites fought against. Ironically, and correctly, Christian Identity points out that it is the Jews who are imposters pretending to be the Israelites of the Bible, which of course, they are not! (Any simple study of the requirements to fulfill the role of ‘Gods covenant people’ will show how the Jews don’t fulfill any of them!) The Jews are the ones ‘inserting’ themselves into a White racial book, then ‘universalising’ it. So rather than simply having a covenant with their god like the White Israelites did, they become masters over all people, and therefore ‘chosen people’ to rule the world using their own bastardised version of Christianity! Judeo-Christianity, as pointed out correctly by the anti-Christs, is a critical part of the Talmudic Jewish enslavement plan, and therefore it must be rejected by thinking Christians and everyone else for that matter!
For those with lingering doubts – take a step back and think about which option sounds more plausible:
1.) The Jews telling us the truth about Christianity and how they are ‘God’s Chosen’, since we all know that the Jews wouldn’t lie about anything, or
2.) The Jews are lying imposters using and subverting Christianity for their own evil Talmudic agenda of world domination?
When you understand that the Bible is not meant to be taken as ‘universalistic’, since it is a White Racial book, then you begin to understand what it is really all about! In essence, it all comes down to a racial battle between ‘the light’ and ‘the dark’, ‘good’ versus ‘evil’.
The forces for ‘the light’ (or ‘the good’) are the White Israelites – House of Jacob/Israel.
The forces for ‘the dark’ (or ‘the evil’) are the Jews – Esau/Edomites/Canaanites.
The racial battle described in the Bible sounds all too familiar! The key to understanding it is to correctly identify who the peoples involved actually are!
The battle continues…….
End Note:
Just for some clarification regarding my religious views in case anyone is wondering – I don’t officially subscribe to any religion, but as an outcome of my recent studies into Christian Identity and Christianity in general, I can safely say that I now know where Christian Identity adherents are coming from. They are certainly analysing the Bible from the right perspective, as opposed to the Jews and anti-Christs, who are just plain wrong about all of it. What I’ve gathered from my studies into CI, which will be continuing until I’m done with it, is that there are far more historical truths in the Bible than most would care to admit. Does that mean I agree with it all and that I’m going to be yelling ‘praise Yahweh’ at everyone? Certainly not, since I don’t buy into the whole idea of the Bible being sacred. It’s a book with valuable lessons and historical truth in it, but that doesn’t mean I believe it all! ‘Yahweh’s word’ had to be written down by mortal men like ourselves, but we are not fool-proof and nor are we always correct in our interpretation of things; especially after 2,000 years of changing languages, translation errors and deliberate subversion (Jews). The leap of faith, as far as Christian Identity is concerned, is the leap from believing what can be proven to be true, such as the Israelites being White, the Edomites being the modern day Jews, the historical migrations of the Israelite tribes, to believing all the ‘Creation stories’ in Genesis, the Giants walking the earth, and fallenangels etc. I don’t care who you are, you cannot make me believe that any book is the word of God, or some unknown ‘higher creative force’! I do, however, believe in a ‘higher creative force’ which somehow put things how they are, but I don’t believe any man can claim that he knows the secrets of what lies beyond this life, or what the ‘higher creative force’ actually is! That’s the ‘leap of faith’ which I won’t be making….. Not without a miracle or divine intervention!
The patriarch of a crime syndicate-connected empire that has operated in the sphere of the Rothschild dynasty is dead. On December 22, Edgar M. Bronfman—longtime head of the World Jewish Congress (WJC)—died at age 84. New York magazine once described him a “sometimes coarse, bullying businessman” but noted “there are some people who would simply call him king of the Jews.”
Rabbi Mishael Zion has hailed Bronfman as “a modern Talmudic Jew,” noting Bronfman’s favorite book was the Babylonian Talmud, the hero of which, the rabbi admitted, is not God but the “cunning human scholar.” Praising Bronfman’s work funding scholarships for Jewish youth, the rabbi said Bronfman was “the person who invited us to live Talmudically in the modern world.”
This recalls Meyer Rothschild, founder of the dynasty with whom Bronfman’s family has had a long association. An admiring biographer once said Rothschild was “a zealous believer in the Talmud and chose it alone as the guiding principle of all his actions.”
It is thus fitting that Bronfman biographer Peter C. Newman said the Bronfmans were “the Rothschilds of the New World,” estimating in 1978 that Bronfman assets totaled some $7B. In fact, Edgar Bronfman had a level of clout few could claim, precisely because of his front-line positioning in the Zionist movement and his family’s pivotal historic role in the crime syndicate.
Edgar was son of Sam Bronfman who immigrated to Canada from Russia and made his fortune in liquor, gambling, prostitution and drugs. Going “legitimate” when he assumed control of the Montreal-based Seagram distillery, Sam forged links with the New York crime syndicate headed by another Russian Jew, Meyer Lansky, and during Prohibition supplied—and thus controlled—the “spigot” of liquor funneled into the United States and distributed by the Lansky mob.
In many border towns in the northern U.S there are family fortunes accumulated by locals who were part of the Bronfman network. And in the big cities, a connection with this syndicate was a “must.” In Detroit, the “little Jewish navy” of Morris Dalitz—later Lansky’s top man in Las Vegas—ferried Bronfman booze into the U.S.
Even Chicago’s celebrated Italian-American gangster, Al Capone, owed his rise to his own Bronfman connection. It was Lansky who sent Capone to Chicago from N.Y. in the first place, assigned to work for Johnny Torrio (Bronfman’s Chicago contact) who was moving to unseat “Big Jim” Colosimo, as Italian-American Mafia chief in the Windy City.
Colosimo had alienated Lansky and Bronfman—whom he called “dirty Jews”—by asserting there was “no future in bootlegging,” showing little interest in patronizing Bronfman liquor, preferring to focus on drugs, prostitution and loan-sharking.
So a Jewish hitman from N.Y. “retired” Big Jim and soon enough, Bronfman liquor flowed into Chicago. The media lionized Capone, but the Chicago mob, thenceforward, was dominated by behind-the-scenes Jewish bosses.
In any case, Bronfman plowed his ill-gotten gains into legitimate enterprises, establishing his family as major patrons of Israel and expanding their power on American shores.
When Sam died, Edgar assumed family leadership and—though little known to the public—was one of the most powerful figures on the planet. Today, his legacy lives on.
Aside from wheeler-dealer son, Edgar Jr., son Matthew chairs the board of the WJC and is a controlling shareholder of one of Israel’s largest banks, Israel Discount Bank, and other Israeli enterprises. Son Adam directs a family foundation and lives off family wealth. Daughter Holly—interestingly—shares the same high-powered Texas lawyer as media icon and blowhard Alex Jones.
Bronfman bankrolled Mort Zuckerman, now a billionaire, who in turn bankrolled Dan Snyder, now billionaire owner of the Washington Redskins football team. They, too, are Bronfman heirs in their own respect.
Two rather notable Jews dead in less than 12 hours. If things keep ticking along at this rate we might stand a chance!! (I know, it said he died on December 22, but let’s not spoil the mood 🙂 )
Also take a look at his Jew Wikipedia page. Note the pictures down the side – Presidents and Rabbis! A familiar pattern I sense……
On New Year’s Eve, a group of intoxicated German teenagers partied on the Berlin Holocaust memorial, set off firecrackers and urinated on the symbolic graves of the allegedly gassed Jews.
Note that these do appear to be actual White European Germans, rather than Muslim immigrant “Germans.”
Though this may appear to simply be drunken shenanigans of wayward youth, I would offer that it is deeply symbolic of a coming polar shift of the soul of the German nation. In my own estimation, the Roman saying “In Vino Veritas” (In wine, is truth) certainly holds true here, as the teenagers acted out something rooted in their subconscious minds – a drive to be out from under the weight of the guilt the Jews have brought down upon them.
During my time in Europe last year, I met many Germans, and being the sort of gentleman that I am, would find an opportunity to bring up the alleged gassings of the innocent little Jews that their grandfathers are said to have taken part in. Though my denial was sometimes met with slight resistance, there was a universal perception among those I spoke to that they, as a nation, no longer had a duty to support these Jews. They all confirmed that this sentiment is growing very steadily amongst the youth of this once greatest of nations.
Though they were not deniers (at least not when I met them – I converted at least two, and possibly more by telling them to watch a few YouTube clips), they were ready to state the obvious fact that four generations is too long to hold people responsible for this. And once they are ready to question their own responsibility in the matter, it is not a huge leap to question the culpability of their ancestors. Once the window is open, to consider if it is possible that it didn’t happen, it is game over – it doesn’t take much research to see that there is literally no evidence whatsoever to support this ridiculous Jewish lie.
Once the Holocaust lie collapses, so does the entire foundation of Jewish power.
If the youth of Germany rises, so do we all. Even broken down and occupied by the US military, it remains the strongest country in Europe, economically and politically, representing the most intellectually capable members of our race.
Though I believe they are going to need a push, it seems to me that the rise of the Golden Dawn may be on the verge of presenting such a push – of kindling a long diminished flame in the racial soul of the German people. When the Golden Dawn becomes the government of Greece, showing that such a thing is indeed possible, they are going to give the Germans, and all the other Whites of the world, an opportunity to ask the question “what if?”
And once that question is asked, every single member of the Aryan race knows the answer, deep down in their bones.
2014 is going to be a very interesting year indeed.
I just recently got back from a New Years trip to Melbourne. I can tell you one thing for sure: Multiculturalism (or more correctly – Multiracialism) does not work. It’s completely ugly, totally unnatural, and strange when you can walk the streets of the town and judging from the people you see, you have absolutely no idea what country you are in. That, for starters, is a pretty good indication that Multiculturalism is a bad idea. As a White man walking the streets of a town in the country which my forefathers built, it is rather unsettling to see virtually no White people. It should make any White person with half a brain realise that something is seriously wrong here. It shouldn’t take a genius to work this out!
This is pretty much the demographic make-up of Melbourne. Take note of the White poof in the background.
Anyway, here’s a few of my general observations, interactions, and thoughts on the whole experience:
I arrived in town by train from Eastern Victoria. The first thing I noticed was that there were hardly any normal looking White people at any of these train stops. There were mainly Asians, Middle-Easterners, and Black Africans getting on and off the train. Not what I expected considering I was still a fair distance out of Melbourne. The other thing I noticed was just how run-down and dilapidated all the buildings looked. Most were completely covered in graffiti, or what the Jew TV now tells us is ‘Street Art’. It’s all just so damn ugly, not to mention fifty million tons of rubbish beside the railway track. I thought sarcastically, “Oh well, this is a nice scenic trip to get to trendy Melbourne”.
Welcome to Melbourne….. Ah, Jeez…. Really….
I checked into my hotel, did all the usual boring travelling essentials, and then set out to find something to eat. The first food place I walked past was a Subway. I took a look in there to see what types were making the sandwiches and found two Indians and an African serving people. That made me feel sick, so I kept going. I thought, “Well, screw it all, I’m going to find myself a spot where a White person is working”. By hell, was that a fateful move. I had to walk around for about an hour and a half until I found an American style Chilli Burger place with a White girl working there! There certainly were no other Whites serving food anywhere. This was a great relief since I was feeling like my stomach was going to collapse if I didn’t find edible food soon!
She wasn’t this good looking, but at least she was White!
Right, now that eating was out the way for a while, it was time for a few pints of Guinness! So I went and found a few maps with all the pubs, then set out to drink at the Irish ones. The first one I went into looked like a sound Irish pub, until who should walk out from behind the bar – an Indian. What the hell, I thought I was in an Irish pub! The Indian himself didn’t seem too unfriendly, so I had one pint and thought about how odd it was to see them working Irish pubs. It just isn’t right. You would expect an Irish man or Irish lass, at least someone White for Christ’s sake! So I scoffed the pint quickly and moved on. The next Irish pub was a keeper!Phew, about time!Irish serving the beers, Irish playing the Celtic tunes, and 99% Whites in the pub! Definitely a big highlight of Melbourne! I probably drank a whole keg of Guinness before I left the place! Good times eh!
Oh yeah!
The next day, after nursing off the Guinness hangover, I set off for the Queen Victoria Markets. There’s a few good ‘odds and sods’ there, but once again, about five billion Asians, a few blacks, a few Jews, and a handful of Whites. That was the ethnic make-up. Anyone who’s been there knows! Whatever, I knew the markets were like that before I went. I was in a fairly good mood as I left, knowing full-well that I was going to grab a few take-out beers to drink at the hotel before I decided what to do for Saturday night. Even being served by Indians at the liquor store didn’t dampen my spirits! (See, how’s that for a display of tolerance? Take note any Jews who are reading this!)
Upon heading out that night, I was torn between two options:
1) Go out to the Cricket game and try to enjoy that, or
2) Just forget the Cricket and go to another Irish pub.
I walked out the hotel still undecided. That was until I saw some of the Cricket fans walking to the oval. Holy shit – that was an impressive sight. A bunch of big fat idiots waddling along wearing their stupid meaningless team colours. That helped me make my decision rather quickly. Either go find a good Irish pub, or pay to sit among a bunch of low IQ morons and drink overpriced beer while they wave their stupid flags and eat hamburgers all night! Easy decision really: another Irish pub!
The alternative to Irish pubs…… 20/20 Cricket. KFC is the big sponsor, just to make the fans a bit fatter!
I eventually got to the pub I had in mind and had another good night with mostly Whites and more Irish tunes. One thing came up unexpectedly at the end of the night as I was just finishing my four millionth pint of Guinness – a political discussion. Naturally, I couldn’t help myself. I had to put in my two cents. I overheard the topic of ‘Global Warming’ and I said that it was all a load of bullshit and an utterly feeble hoax. Well, well, did this guy think I was an insane lunatic for doubting what the TV told him! I suppose it isn’t really worth bothering with these types, since they are totally unsusceptible to factual reasoning in the first place, but I couldn’t help myself. I argued back and forth squashing every stupid idea that he had in his head, while just ignoring his childish reactionary behaviour every time I said anything. One thing with the ‘Lefty-Liberal-Jew-Loving-Multiculti-Wanna-be-a-Commie-types’ is that they have no arguments which make any sense, so all it comes back to every time is the old-fashioned name-calling tactic. They all seem to think that they are expert psycho-analysts, and as long as they call you some sort of ‘ist’ or ‘ism’, then they are winning the argument! Eventually I got sick of talking to the guy, but before I went I told him that I was a National Socialist, and a racist anti-Semite. He didn’t particularly like that, of course, and kept rambling on about how the only reason I didn’t approve of Communism was because ‘Perfect Communism’ had never been allowed to flourish!!! I was thinking of bed while listening to this drivel from “Mr. Yawn Dot Com”! Ah well, we can’t win ‘em all, and certainly not by trying to argue with committed Communists! I only did it for fun anyway!
We would have made a good team against Mr. “Perfect Communism”, but she wasn’t there…
Next day, and another Guinness hangover and a few hours to waste before I was scheduled to leave Melbourne; what to do? Since the Test Cricket (real cricket) was on, I went to Federation Square to watch a bit of it on the ‘Big Screen’! This place is the ‘absolute-ultimate-double-everything-you-are-already-thinking’ Multicultural hub of Melbourne. It wasn’t that there were absolutely no Whites there, I just don’t think there were too many who weren’t fags or that strange effeminate third gender, where the person is a pathetic skinny piece of shit, technically male I suppose, but with no-testosterone, the ‘emo’ hair, and the skinny-jeans! It’s pretty sickening to look at these types of ‘people’ wandering about the place aimlessly. I felt like bashing the piss out of the one who came and stood near me when I was watching the cricket! Skinny useless weakling!
The strange effeminate one that stood next to me looked like this… Big muscles for fighting eh!!! We could make a soldier out of him yet…. Yeah right!Jew architecture of “Fed Square”….. Looks like a weird wacked out lump of shit doesn’t it? Apparently it’s trendy and modern and I’m the one who just refuses to get with the times. You decide.
After leaving Fed Square and all the absolutely horrible Jew architecture which looks like shit – the funniest, but maybe not even the most disturbing creature walked past me. This ‘man’, if you could call him that, was about fifty years old, white, with a bit of stubble, red lipstick, hairy legs, and he was wearing a fucking dress!
He looked a bit like this and I’ll bet he felt just as “liberated”………… Sickening eh…
I literally burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it. None of the Asians around me got the joke! This wonderful cross-dressing specimen of our own White Race was walking around like that and no-one even seemed to notice. Any White person who doesn’t mock the hell out of these weirdos is a lost cause as far as I’m concerned!
That is about it as far as my ‘Melbourne Multicultural Experience’ goes. It certainly was a disgusting display of what happens when a race has completely forgotten who they are, and are blatantly being overrun by a sick, degenerate, Jewish-enforced ‘culture’.
This is another great example of a trendy “Melburnian” man.
To have forty thousand ethnic groups all in one place does not enrich any culture. All it does is weaken and eventually destroy the race responsible for founding the original culture – I.e. the White Race. Melbourne is a done deal from what I’ve seen. The White Race is getting what it deserves in that city because it has been too gutless and cowardly to tell it like it is, or do anything about it (see above picture for proof). All of the pathetic White pieces of shit deserve to be wiped out. I no longer feel any sympathy for them, whatsoever. I hope the Jews and coloured swarms do absorb them, or just finish them off!
The most pressing question for Whites is this:
Now that you can see the precedent of White Genocide being set in all the major cities around the formerly White Nations of the world; can you also tell that this is not going to stop until we are all gone?
Does it have to be any clearer to you White men out there? The Jews are not going to stop flooding our countries until we are FINISHED as a race? EXTERMINATED! BANISHED! This is not a joke.