“Most average people believe that the Holocaust actually happened, that Jesus was a Jew, that the Jews are ‘Gods Chosen People’, and that the Bible is a book written by Jews………. They are mistaken on all four counts!”
Anyone who has been aware of the Jewish problem for any significant amount of time is aware that the WW2 ‘Holocaust’ narrative is a big Jewish fairytale which never happened. The Jews made up the whole story and forced it down everyone’s necks using their control of the mass-media (and everything else)!
Let’s use the Holocaust and WW2 as an example of Jewish behaviour: The Jews instigated the war, killed countless millions throughout Europe, caused real ‘holocausts’ all through Germany, then turned around at the end of the war which they won, and complained about being victims. Oy Vey, the Chutzpah!
Jew story: Evil Germans/Whites were killing poor innocent Jews….
Real story: Evil Jews/Communists killing innocent Germans/Whites……
The Jew story is clearly the opposite of the truth – you get the picture.

What we have here is a pattern: The Jews control everything, and then they force their propaganda on everyone. That much is easy to understand, since it is the only way they could pull-off a hoax like the Holocaust!
Now let’s move on to what the Jews tell us about the Bible, Jesus Christ, and them being these “Chosen People of God”:
We know that the Jews have infiltrated and successfully gained total control of modern ‘Christianity’. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that it is often termed ‘Judeo-Christianity’! We also know that the Jews never tell the truth about anything. Take anything the Jew says, then flip it 180 degrees and you’ll arrive at the doors of truth:
“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
– John 8:44 (no prizes for guessing who’s being referred to in this verse)
My question is this:
Why would anyone in their right mind believe what the Jews tell us about Christianity; a religion which they obviously control in its modern incarnation?

If you believe that Jesus was a Jew, that the Jews are ‘Gods Chosen People’, and that the Bible is a book written by Jews, then you have just swallowed probably an even bigger Jewish lie than the Holocaust!! The Jews are the ones who have told us these things about Christianity. That fact alone made me think (almost instantly) that the opposite is probably true.
Anyway, the deal with Christianity does work the same as with the Holocaust; namely the opposite of what the Jews tell us is true! The thing that amazes me most about the anti-Christ crowd is that they accuse Christian Identity of ‘wanting to do’ EXACTLY WHAT THE JEWS HAVE DONE!
Consider this:
The Jews and anti-Christs walk in lock-step on this issue. They think the Bible is a book written by Jews, and that Christian Identity adherents simply want to insert themselves into the Bible and take the Jews place! I.e. these White Christian Identity adherents want to rule over a multiracial society and behave just like the Jews do. This is the false idea held by those who believe the popular Jewish lie – the one where the Jew says that he created Christianity!
On the other side of the coin, Christian Identity doesn’t make the mistake of believing what the Jews say about Christianity. They say that Jesus and the Israelites of the Bible were White, and that Christianity in its original form, was a White Racial Religion. This means it wasn’t at all ‘universal’ like modern Judeo-Christianity! They point to the modern day Jews and correctly identify them as the Edomites whom Jesus and the White Israelites fought against. Ironically, and correctly, Christian Identity points out that it is the Jews who are imposters pretending to be the Israelites of the Bible, which of course, they are not! (Any simple study of the requirements to fulfill the role of ‘Gods covenant people’ will show how the Jews don’t fulfill any of them!) The Jews are the ones ‘inserting’ themselves into a White racial book, then ‘universalising’ it. So rather than simply having a covenant with their god like the White Israelites did, they become masters over all people, and therefore ‘chosen people’ to rule the world using their own bastardised version of Christianity! Judeo-Christianity, as pointed out correctly by the anti-Christs, is a critical part of the Talmudic Jewish enslavement plan, and therefore it must be rejected by thinking Christians and everyone else for that matter!
For those with lingering doubts – take a step back and think about which option sounds more plausible:
1.) The Jews telling us the truth about Christianity and how they are ‘God’s Chosen’, since we all know that the Jews wouldn’t lie about anything, or
2.) The Jews are lying imposters using and subverting Christianity for their own evil Talmudic agenda of world domination?
When you understand that the Bible is not meant to be taken as ‘universalistic’, since it is a White Racial book, then you begin to understand what it is really all about! In essence, it all comes down to a racial battle between ‘the light’ and ‘the dark’, ‘good’ versus ‘evil’.
The forces for ‘the light’ (or ‘the good’) are the White Israelites – House of Jacob/Israel.
The forces for ‘the dark’ (or ‘the evil’) are the Jews – Esau/Edomites/Canaanites.
The racial battle described in the Bible sounds all too familiar! The key to understanding it is to correctly identify who the peoples involved actually are!
The battle continues…….
End Note:
Just for some clarification regarding my religious views in case anyone is wondering – I don’t officially subscribe to any religion, but as an outcome of my recent studies into Christian Identity and Christianity in general, I can safely say that I now know where Christian Identity adherents are coming from. They are certainly analysing the Bible from the right perspective, as opposed to the Jews and anti-Christs, who are just plain wrong about all of it. What I’ve gathered from my studies into CI, which will be continuing until I’m done with it, is that there are far more historical truths in the Bible than most would care to admit. Does that mean I agree with it all and that I’m going to be yelling ‘praise Yahweh’ at everyone? Certainly not, since I don’t buy into the whole idea of the Bible being sacred. It’s a book with valuable lessons and historical truth in it, but that doesn’t mean I believe it all! ‘Yahweh’s word’ had to be written down by mortal men like ourselves, but we are not fool-proof and nor are we always correct in our interpretation of things; especially after 2,000 years of changing languages, translation errors and deliberate subversion (Jews). The leap of faith, as far as Christian Identity is concerned, is the leap from believing what can be proven to be true, such as the Israelites being White, the Edomites being the modern day Jews, the historical migrations of the Israelite tribes, to believing all the ‘Creation stories’ in Genesis, the Giants walking the earth, and fallen angels etc. I don’t care who you are, you cannot make me believe that any book is the word of God, or some unknown ‘higher creative force’! I do, however, believe in a ‘higher creative force’ which somehow put things how they are, but I don’t believe any man can claim that he knows the secrets of what lies beyond this life, or what the ‘higher creative force’ actually is! That’s the ‘leap of faith’ which I won’t be making….. Not without a miracle or divine intervention!
– BDL1983