The Cause of Our Economic Woes: Free Trade, the United Nations, Fractional Reserve Debt-Based Money, Usury, and Jews

The Jews are behind it all....
The Jews are behind it all….

“If you own something, you will fight to protect it. If not, someone will come along and take it”.

The above statement holds true, whether you are talking about your own personal property, your family’s property, or your country’s resources and assets. The scale doesn’t matter – the principle remains the same.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have noticed that the economies of our formerly White ‘Nations’ (for want of a better word) are not what they used to be. Manufacturing and Agriculture have steadily declined since the 1970’s, and now we’ve reached the point where we hardly do either of these things at all. When a country no longer does any productive work, it tends to struggle to convince the rest of the world that its currency is worth anything. But don’t despair, for it is easy to identify the forces at work systematically gutting Western economies – namely the World Trade Organisation with its ‘Free Trade Agreements’, the U.N with its I.P.C.C. Global Warming hoax, the International Monetary Fund & World Bank which works extremely closely with the WTO, and then finally the international force which created the U.N/WTO/World Bank/IMF power structure – The Jew! Let us never forget that it is the Jew who drives this push for world domination!

In the real world you’ll find that economies are not anywhere near as complicated as the TV (electric Jew) pretends. The animal world lives and deals with its own economic systems, but the key point is that their economic systems, whilst simple, are in tune with and deal only with natural, real quantities. The real purpose of money is to facilitate an easier and more efficient exchange of goods, as opposed to bartering, which would be very tiresome! There is no other legitimate purpose or use for money, none! Where did humans go wrong? The answer is that we are living under the unnatural, parasitic rule of a ‘financial system’ which is at odds with every naturally developed real economy. If ‘finance’ is not in tune with the same principles which uphold economic reality, then eventual failure is the only possible outcome.

And Free Trade Agreements are just one more thing we want you to accept!!
And Free Trade Agreements are just one more thing we want you to accept!!

This is why we are in the mess that we are in:

Free Trade Agreements

Free Trade translates in simple terms to ‘no National borders’. When you have no National borders, you have no protection, no way of guarding anything from International Communist thieves. Immediately there is a huge problem. What usually happens to unguarded assets? Answer – they disappear! This is precisely what has happened, and continues to happen in the Western world. National Economic Protectionism was the only way of stopping this from happening, but slowly the ‘pro-Jew’ forces dismantled the tariff system and chipped away at our national economic barriers, leading to the grave problems we see now.

The question of ‘Free Trade’ or a robust National Economy is one of either/or. If you accept Free Trade, then you will just be integrated into the global economic melting pot, and you should expect a living standard no better than the average Asiatic peasant. That’s the reality of the situation. On the other hand, if you support (and are willing to fight for) a robust National Economy where assets and resources are protected, then you can expect your standard of living to also be protected. It’s that simple. We Whites have a higher standard of living for the most obvious of reasons – we are simply more capable of producing a well functioning society than others. It’s none of that crap about privilege!  We are more adept at creating and running healthy societies, so why shouldn’t we protect our living standards? There is no logical reason why we shouldn’t!

As we know, the Free Trade Agreements are reached every time one of our gutless Jew-controlled politicians goes on a holiday to New York to meet with the Jews at the U.N. As they create more and more Free Trade Agreements, it stands to reason that the new FTA’s are going to knock down bigger ‘barriers’ every time. They all started off small – just knocking down National Trade barriers to consolidate into regional blocks. Now things are really accelerating since the Jew Fractional Reserve Debt-based money system is forcing their hand (Ponzi Scheme out of control). Regional blocks are now being integrated just to keep the money system going – all at the expense of our way of life!


Another powerful weapon in the propaganda armoury of the Communist Jews at the U.N. is the Global Warming or ‘Climate Change’ hoax. This hoax is the key to successfully guilt-tripping all the White Nations into allowing their industries to be shut down. You are supposed to feel guilty about all that horrible polluting the evil White man has done over the last hundred years, and from there you are supposed to turn a blind eye to your country being shut down. “After all, it’ll help stop Climate Change if we de-industrialise – let’s set an example for the rest of the world”, says the ‘do-gooder’ White, all the while ignoring the fact that China and India and every other third-world cesspit nation will just carry on polluting (and they do real polluting, not the harmless CO2 style ‘polluting’ these idiots are going on about). Since Free Trade Agreements have led to western de-industrialisation, you can see how handy this Global Warming hoax is in getting White western populations to accept their own economic demise. These Communist Jews are experts at disguising their true motives – most think Global Warming/Climate Change is about the environment, when in reality it is about dissolving the White western economies so we are even more subservient to World Jewry!

One side of the Jewish coin......
One side of the Jewish coin……
and this is the other side.....
and the other…..

The Fractional Reserve Debt-based Money & Usury System

The money system we live under in the western world is nothing more than a giant Ponzi Scheme run by the ‘you-know-who’s’. The basic principle underlying the system is that of Debt-based money. Every single dollar which is circulated via government is done so under the condition that it must be paid back to the bank at a later date. Even if there were no interest (usury) to be paid back, the net result of paying off the ‘national debt’ would mean that no money would be in circulation (and the debt would be settled when no-one has a single cent left! Haha)!

Anyway, as if the Jews needed to make matters worse, they decided to also charge interest for the ‘privilege’ of using their debt money, of which most has no reserve sitting behind it backing it up! Fractional Reserve means exactly that. The bank is supposed to issue money as a receipt for the deposits we make (usually in gold or silver). The catch is that no-one outside the banks high level management has any idea how much the bank really has in deposits. This is why the cunning Jew thought, “Oh well, what the hell? I could just print off more receipts (money) than I have in real reserves (gold/silver), and no-one would be any the wiser!” Turns out the evil bastard Jew was right. No-one caught onto his sly little trick (well, not in modern times anyway)! So essentially, the bank lends out roughly ten times more money than it actually has in reserves, then charges us interest for the privilege! Therefore the Jew banker also makes ten times more interest than what you would think! I don’t believe that any of the big Jew banks would keep anywhere near the 10:1 or 9:1 ratio that they claim they do. We know what Jews are like – rather greedy from my observations.

This video explains everything without naming the Jew. It’s child’s play to connect the dots:


The simple principle to remember with Jew Fractional Reserve Debt Money is this: every dollar that goes into circulation has to be paid back to the Jew, plus interest. So, to keep it simple, 10% interest on $1 into the system means $1.10 must eventually come out, right? You can see how this creates problems for governments trying to pay their debts to Mr. Jew! If the system only received $1 then it’s literally impossible to get $1.10 out of it without asking for new ‘loans’ to cover the extra 10%. So when payment of the old loan is due, all they (government) do is take out a new one to cover the unpaid principal and interest on the old one. A Ponzi Scheme by definition! Because of the impossible nature of sustaining this system forever as things inevitably worsen financially, the only other way to get money to pay off old debts is to start selling all the nations assets and resources. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? This generates the much needed cash flow to keep the dying system afloat, but it’s a bit like trying to stop someone from bleeding to death by wrapping a bandage on their wound, even though they are going to bleed out regardless (like sticking a band-aid on a severed leg).

The principles behind the Fractional Reserve Jew Debt system explain why they absolutely must keep expanding and merging things together. This Fractional Reserve Capitalist Jew Ponzi Scheme makes it necessary for us to enter into the Communist Jew United Nations Free Trade Agreements. Without all the Free Trade Agreements, our western nations wouldn’t have been able to tap into the slave labour markets in Asia, and the Ponzi scheme which is reliant upon continual growth would have ran out of steam a while back. That’s the real reason for Free Trade and its ever expanding nature. The Capitalist Jew Debt Money system on one hand, then the Communist U.N. apparatus to compliment it on the other, and there you go: two sides of the one Jewish coin! Neither is correct, moral nor sound-economic-thinking in any sense, but the Fractional Reserve Debt system forces things to work like this. Only when you know that it is the Jew behind both the Capitalistic and Communistic financial scheming, can you see how and why things are set up like they are. The Jew always portrays himself as if other Jews are working against him. That is enough to fool most intelligent people, but when you know that these ‘opposing’ forces are actually working together, like in this case; it isn’t too hard to identify the unified group pulling all the strings! When you understand that the Jews control ‘International Finance’, it isn’t exactly a giant leap-of-faith to believe that they control everything else too. In fact, it would be a giant leap-of-faith to believe that they didn’t control everything else!

He knew the deal
He knew the deal

Adolf Hitler understood exactly how the ‘two sides of the one Jewish coin’ worked together. He knew that the Debt and Usury Jew Capitalist system was set up and designed to fail in such a way that served Jewry, like in Weimar Germany. When it failed the International Jew speculators were waiting eagerly to pounce and buy up all Germany’s assets for virtually nothing while the German people starved and lost all their savings. Although it is true that these international Jew speculators were indeed Capitalists on one hand, they would later create the United Nations as a Communistic Internationalist organisation. Seemingly strange behaviour for committed Capitalists, but a Jew will become whatever best serves his tribes interests at the drop of a hat! The U.N. through their ‘loving & caring’ sounding communist terminology could then manipulate public minds world-wide and deliver the rotting economic bodies of the west (under the Jew Debt/Usury system) into the hands of even more powerful international Jew Capitalist banks. This was always the plan and Adolf Hitler knew what the Jews were up to:

“I began to study again, and now for the first time really achieved an understanding of the content of the Jew Karl Marx’s life effort. Only now did his ‘Das Kapital’ become really intelligible to me, and also the struggle of the Social Democracy against the national economy, which aims only to prepare the ground for the domination of truly international finance and stock exchange capital.”

(The way I translate this quote in my head is like this: International Jew Karl Marx = Social Democracy = Communism = natural inclination to destroy national economy = same function the U.N. provides in the modern scenario = eventual deliverance to International Jewish Capitalism)

Finally, I have two telling quotes: the Jewish Rothschild family’s attitude to money, then the aim of World Jewry explained by a Rothschild agent:

“Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws”

– Amschel Rothschild, International Jew-banker-extraordinaire.

“We shall have world government whether or not you like it… the only question is whether or not it be by conquest or consent.”

– James Warburg, Jew Rothschild Banking Agent, 1950

– BDL1983

The Jewish Diamond Empire


So it’s the Jews from top to bottom controlling the diamond trade – who’d have thought?….. Diamonds certainly aren’t rare – the Jews are simply using their power to create artificial scarcity!

The main diamond mining company, De Beers (good name), would appear to be under a bit of Jewish influence (to put it mildly) – From Wikipedia (this paragraph says enough – my commentary in bold):

“The company was founded in 1888 by Cecil Rhodes, who was financed by South African diamond magnate Alfred Beit (JEW) and the London-based N M Rothschild & Sons (JEWS) bank.[3] In 1927, Ernest Oppenheimer (JEW), a German immigrant to Britain who had earlier founded mining giant Anglo American plc (RUN BY JEWS) with American financier J.P. Morgan (INTERMARRIED WITH JEWS),[4] took over De Beers. He built and consolidated the company’s global monopoly over the diamond industry until his retirement. During this time, he was involved in a number of controversies, including price fixing, antitrust behaviour and an allegation of not releasing industrial diamonds for the US war effort during World War II”

There was an interesting bit there toward the end where one of the Jews doing the talking was acting as if he was surprised that Harry Oppenheimer opposed the Apartheid regime, yet good old Harry made so much money off of it!!! Could it be that Harry was a typical Jew using whatever economic advantages he could get from the regime, lapping up all the cheap black labour, then finally giving in to his innate Jewish urge to destroy any healthy White society? It would appear so. Even more ironic and hypocritical might be his life-long support for Israel and Jewish causes! Oy Vey!

A bit that I found rather amusing was how Harry was also chairman of the Anglo American Corporation (of all names)! This is from the Wikipedia entry:

“Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, along with the American bank J.P. Morgan & Co., founded the Anglo American Corporation, a gold (AND DIAMOND) mining company, in 1917 with £1 million, raised from UK and US sources, and ultimately derived the name of the company

Hahaha! So, Oppenheimer (Jew) and J.P. Morgan & Co. (intermarried with Jews) founded and NAMED their company the “Anglo American Corporation“!! These Jews do have a sense of humour!

It’s definitely a good video worth watching. Cheers to Keith for recommending this one to me!

– BDL1983

Why Does Everyone Want to be a Victim?

The television is an evil creature in the modern age. The medium is passive and all you are meant to do is sit there and soak up whatever rubbish the Jews want to feed you. If you are not a person who is capable of critical thought (like the majority), then the chances are you simply absorb all the false information like a sponge. Add in all the emotionally manipulative propaganda designed to further disable your critical thought faculties, and you end up with an obedient, zombie-like herd of people, who just say ‘yes’ to the T.V. and treat it as their loving ‘living-room’ companion!

Just sit there, shut up, and absorb what Mr. Jew tells you!

I suggest if you don’t watch any television to turn it on and watch a half hour news or current affairs program to see what it’s like. See how it makes you feel. I probably watch half an hour in total everyday just to get the flavour of what people are being fed. One aspect of T.V. programming that they’ve really upped the ante with over the last few years is that of forcibly promoting ‘victimhood’ status as something to be desired. It continues to get worse and worse as this rotten Jew World Order agenda drags on. Everywhere you look in ‘T.V.-land’ there are more and more people trying their hardest to be victims of something. Anything will do. So long as they can complain about someone oppressing them. That’s what it boils down to, and it’s pathetic, not to mention how depressing it is.

Q. What is the driving force and the underlying false ideal behind all the T.V. propaganda?

A. Jewish Marxism and its ‘equality’ mythology.

William L. Pierce said that equality is mankind’s’ most dangerous myth. He was certainly spot-on with that assessment!

All Marxist philosophy is an extension of the false assumption that everyone and everything is inherently equal. We know that there is no equality in nature. No two individual people or any two races are the same. So, if we start from the false assumption of inherent equality, then there must be oppressors and the oppressed (victims). This is the only way to explain why inequality is abundant and everywhere. It creates a crazy scenario where anyone who is naturally above the ‘equality-line’ and doing well for themselves must be oppressing some poor victim. And vice-versa; the person who is below the ‘equality-line’ and is less able must be suffering some form of victimisation. Marxism is sheer lunacy when broken down in a simple manner like that. The oppressor and victim dialectic (Talmudic) also does wonders to destroy any incentive for people to better themselves. Rather than taking a good hard look at your own miserable failings and trying to fix them, you can just blame someone else! What a stupid, destructive, and thoroughly Jewish ideology!


On the television (electric Jew) it is pretty easy to see how Jewish Marxism works its wonders on the issues of race, gender and sexual orientation:

Public enemy #1: White male, heterosexual. Especially if you are fit, strong, and racially conscious! Can never be oppressed according to Marxists!

Public enemy #2: White female, heterosexual. Women come in at number two because they can always complain that men are oppressing them, if they want. All thanks to Jewish Feminism which is just an extension of Marxism anyway!

The Eternal Victims of Evil Whites: Consists of men and women from all non-white racial groups. They all have ‘oppressors’ who they can complain about to the Marxist overlords. No prizes for guessing who is always accused of possessing ‘privileges’. The only Whites who are afforded special treatment, due to oppression, are the gays. If you’re White and straight, forget about it!

White oppression caused this.
The White oppressors made them like this.

Understanding the racialist worldview is the only way anyone can understand the depressing Marxist equality propaganda on television. Whites are always going to outperform the non-whites in any multi-racial society and become the so-called ‘oppressors’ of everyone. This is why the desire for victim status is so strong with the non-whites. With a bunch of Jews overlooking the process, the darker races are encouraged, as if ‘Whitey’ owes them, to take whatever they can out of Whitey’s rightfully earned wealth and status.

It’s not hard to see why modern society continues to decompose around us. The Jews have pretty much removed all incentive for the most able elements within society to try to ‘succeed’. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t try to make our lives better wherever possible, we definitely should. The point is that with the system set up the way it is – taxing the hell out of those who earn more, then giving it to an undeserving class of scum – to put it mildly, it’s certainly no way to create a better society. We end up with what we see now – a completely dependent welfare class (mostly coloured) that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Enough with the victims! I’d happily tread on them all! This is the attitude we need to adopt – ‘if you are able-bodied and technically of sound mind, but you don’t want to contribute anything useful to society, then you deserve to be shunned and looked down upon’!

Strength, Power, Glory!
Strength, Power, Glory!

Adopting and implementing National Socialist principles (with an extremely aggressive eugenics program) is the only answer to our current societal and racial problems. It isn’t just one possible answer of many. It is the only answer because National Socialism is the exact opposite to the Jewish Talmudic doctrine of Marxism which is destroying everything natural and healthy in this world!

Be strong and don’t ever be a victim!

– BDL1983

Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew)


Directed by Fritz Hippler at the behest of Joseph Goebbels and the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Produced in 1940.

Last night I actually got a chance to re-watch ‘The Eternal Jew’. To be honest, I’d forgotten how good it was! The Germans certainly had these Jews ‘worked out’, to put it mildly. Everything they said about Jewish behaviour and their general ‘nature’ is still 100% applicable! 74 years after they made it, and it’s still completely relevant – the best proof that the National Socialists were correct!

If you haven’t seen Der Ewige Jude, then I’d suggest you watch it. It’s well worth it, and you get to see what utterly filthy rat-faced creatures these Jews really are. (I still broke out in a cold sweat and it’s the middle of a heat-wave!)

– BDL1983

Bitcoin: Libertarian Idea of Paradise Would be Hell on Earth

Business Insider
December 11, 2013

Welcome to Libtardistan.  Feel free to trade freely. Our President, Ron Paulberg, is on his ship doing something with computer sciences.  You'll have to come back laterWelcome to Libtardistan. Feel free to trade freely. Our President, Ron Paulberg, is on his ship doing something with computer sciences and market analysis of production proposals. You’ll have to come back later

Libertarians love Bitcoin.

About 44% of the online crypto-currency’s users self-identify as Libertarians.

They love the fact that it’s not controlled by a government or central bank — so no online Fed can “print” more of it and inflate our way out of trouble. They love that it’s decentralized; it’s the currency of The People, not The Man. They love that it’s “mined,” a bit like gold, because that makes it a bit like the gold standard, which libertarians think real currencies ought to be tied to. They love that Bitcoin isn’t taxed, so you can hide your income from the government if you want to. They love the way its value reflects pure supply and demand, and not a value forced into the system by regulation or monopoly. And they love that it’s fairly lawless — it’s difficult to enforce rules (other than the rules of the market) when everyone in the market is anonymous.

So the Bitcoin experience gives us a glimpse of Libertarian paradise: What life would be like with as little government interference as possible, in a market free of burdensome laws and taxes.

Unfortunately, that experience looks like a total nightmare. It’s characterized by radical instability, chaos, the rise of a boss-class of criminals who assassinate people they don’t like, and a mass handover of wealth to a minority even smaller than the 1% that currently lauds it in the United States.

If Bitcoin was a country — Bitcoinistan? — it would be like Somalia. Consider:

Bitcoin is most useful to criminals.

Currently, for ordinary people, cash and credit work just fine. While some mainstream businesses do take Bitcoin, there is no compelling reason — yet — for ordinary people to use it. If you’re a criminal, however, there are very compelling reasons to use it: you can transfer vast sums of cash completely anonymously. Cash transfers are a real problem for criminals. When you can’t use bank accounts, lugging around vast sums of cash gets old pretty quickly. Bitcoin solves that. So Bitcoin is very, very empowering for criminals.

There is a Bitcoin crime wave going on right now.

Given that Bitcoin is good for criminals, it should not be surprising that those criminals are targeting other Bitcoin users for thefts. The most spectacular theft so far is the Sheep Marketplace robbery, in which one hacker appears to have emptied a massive Bitcoin marketplace of up to $220 million in Bitcoins. Note that Sheep Marketplace was basically a trading post for drug dealers. Bitcoin exchange and account thefts are very common. Here’s a potted history of recent Bitcoin capers.

Bitcoin “law” is enforced by paid assassins.

The most shocking thing about the indictment of the Silk Road operator Ross Ulbricht was not the amount of money in Bitcoin he controlled (about $28 million). Rather, it was the fact that when other drug dealers ripped him off, he didn’t put it down as the price of doing business. Instead, he is accused of hiring a hitman to murder six people he believed had stolen from him. Ulbricht was a Libertarian. In other words, there will be laws in the Bitcoin Libertarian paradise: And the people with the most Bitcoins will decide what that law is, when it should be applied, and how “justice” will be meted out. In Bitcoinistan, the sentence for non-violent financial crimes includes the death penalty, apparently.

There is literally a Bitcoin market for assassinations.

There have always been people engaging in murder for hire, using old-fashioned cash. But the operator of this Bitcoin website seems to believe that Bitcoin creates enough anonymity to allow assassination to take place “at scale” (to borrow the parlance of the tech startup world). He wants to destroy “all governments, everywhere.”

Bitcoin as a currency is horribly unstable.

Lolbergs love a life of danger.

Read More

Daily Stormer Link

Hmmmm…. Indeed it would seem that Bitcoin isn’t going to save us from the Jews!

– BDL1983