What I am about to say is the absolute truth about the state of affairs we are living with:
This world is a fucking cesspit. I keep banging my head against a fucking brick wall everyday going over all this stuff. We have the Jewish problem of them controlling everything and systematically destroying our race. We (all the non-troll readers of this site) know the fucking deal. We know what has to be done, but we have no real world support for what we say because the general public is fucking retarded. Our little world of ‘internet-land’ is all very well, but we better bloody well understand that nothing much is happening to swing things our way in the real world.
I am so fucking angry and pissed off at the moment whilst writing this. My fingers are slamming the keyboard so forcefully that if you could translate my keyboard anger into real action, then we’d be getting somewhere. But I know that only a handful of decent people from all over the world will actually end up reading anything I post here. This is the problem. We have a race that is so degenerated and fucked at the moment that it is hard to see any way out of our current predicament without ‘divine intervention’.
So why do I even bother with all this fucking blogging? Does it really do any good at all, other than letting those who already know what’s going on stimulate their senses and enjoy reading a bit of the truth? That’s all that I think it’s doing. Nothing more.
The most frustrating thing about all of this is that when I write some sort of article and people quickly skim over it, do they actually realise that it takes time and effort on my part to put the damn thing together in the first place? Not that I want personal credit for writing or doing this blog – I couldn’t give a fuck about that, it’s just that it feels like a hell of a lot of honest effort on my part for no outcome. I have zero interest in stimulating the minds of people who already know the deal, but see this as a hobby, and would feel a little better when they read something truthful that I’ve written. The real world around us is fucked because people who know the deal do nothing in ‘the real world’. Not to say that I know what the hell to do about it all, other than take care of yourself and your family as best you can. That’s really all we can do in any practical sense at the moment because we have fuck all decent people around us in an everyday sense, and you can’t even lead a retarded horse to water, let alone make him drink it!
After actually speaking (something none of you cowardly troll arseholes ever do) to Keith from Truth Militia I’ve discovered that I feel exactly the same way he does about all this shit. I can understand perfectly why he no longer has any desire to keep doing the radio show and website posting. It’s exactly the same feeling and thought process I described above. A lot of effort for fuck all outcome.
If our race truly hopes to survive into the future then we’re going to have to do a hell of a lot better than what we’re doing now, because if we are 100% honest with ourselves, then we’ll acknowledge this fact.
None of the stuff about the uphill battle our race faces is a joke. None of it is something I consider a hobby. I consider it a matter of duty. If we fail in the endeavour to not only save, but breed our race upward back to it’s former glory, then absolutely everything will be lost, forever. Get that into your heads. This is win or die, White man, and you better damn well have the fucking balls to get on the right side if you’re not already, or prepare for no future worth living. That is the gravity of the situation. It’s no joke and me and my fellow White men are responsible for ensuring we achieve the right outcome. I don’t know how much other people actually think about the gravity of the situation we are in. Nothing else matters other than the preservation and upward path of our bloodline; without it, we’re nothing! Hitler said something along those lines and he was absolutely correct as usual.
Anyway, that’s my angry rant for today. Take a good hard look at yourselves and think about what you really want to leave behind as a legacy for your existence! Everyone dies, who gives a fuck? There’s nothing you can do to change that. How about whilst you are alive you try to do your best to preserve and better the race which the Creator gave to us?
The purpose of existence is not hard to answer either, contrary to what all the fucking retards would say. It is obvious and in front of our eyes – we exist because of our bloodline; therefore our mission given to us by the Creator is to ensure our racial existence and upward mission toward Godhood.
I just recently got back from a New Years trip to Melbourne. I can tell you one thing for sure: Multiculturalism (or more correctly – Multiracialism) does not work. It’s completely ugly, totally unnatural, and strange when you can walk the streets of the town and judging from the people you see, you have absolutely no idea what country you are in. That, for starters, is a pretty good indication that Multiculturalism is a bad idea. As a White man walking the streets of a town in the country which my forefathers built, it is rather unsettling to see virtually no White people. It should make any White person with half a brain realise that something is seriously wrong here. It shouldn’t take a genius to work this out!
This is pretty much the demographic make-up of Melbourne. Take note of the White poof in the background.
Anyway, here’s a few of my general observations, interactions, and thoughts on the whole experience:
I arrived in town by train from Eastern Victoria. The first thing I noticed was that there were hardly any normal looking White people at any of these train stops. There were mainly Asians, Middle-Easterners, and Black Africans getting on and off the train. Not what I expected considering I was still a fair distance out of Melbourne. The other thing I noticed was just how run-down and dilapidated all the buildings looked. Most were completely covered in graffiti, or what the Jew TV now tells us is ‘Street Art’. It’s all just so damn ugly, not to mention fifty million tons of rubbish beside the railway track. I thought sarcastically, “Oh well, this is a nice scenic trip to get to trendy Melbourne”.
Welcome to Melbourne….. Ah, Jeez…. Really….
I checked into my hotel, did all the usual boring travelling essentials, and then set out to find something to eat. The first food place I walked past was a Subway. I took a look in there to see what types were making the sandwiches and found two Indians and an African serving people. That made me feel sick, so I kept going. I thought, “Well, screw it all, I’m going to find myself a spot where a White person is working”. By hell, was that a fateful move. I had to walk around for about an hour and a half until I found an American style Chilli Burger place with a White girl working there! There certainly were no other Whites serving food anywhere. This was a great relief since I was feeling like my stomach was going to collapse if I didn’t find edible food soon!
She wasn’t this good looking, but at least she was White!
Right, now that eating was out the way for a while, it was time for a few pints of Guinness! So I went and found a few maps with all the pubs, then set out to drink at the Irish ones. The first one I went into looked like a sound Irish pub, until who should walk out from behind the bar – an Indian. What the hell, I thought I was in an Irish pub! The Indian himself didn’t seem too unfriendly, so I had one pint and thought about how odd it was to see them working Irish pubs. It just isn’t right. You would expect an Irish man or Irish lass, at least someone White for Christ’s sake! So I scoffed the pint quickly and moved on. The next Irish pub was a keeper!Phew, about time!Irish serving the beers, Irish playing the Celtic tunes, and 99% Whites in the pub! Definitely a big highlight of Melbourne! I probably drank a whole keg of Guinness before I left the place! Good times eh!
Oh yeah!
The next day, after nursing off the Guinness hangover, I set off for the Queen Victoria Markets. There’s a few good ‘odds and sods’ there, but once again, about five billion Asians, a few blacks, a few Jews, and a handful of Whites. That was the ethnic make-up. Anyone who’s been there knows! Whatever, I knew the markets were like that before I went. I was in a fairly good mood as I left, knowing full-well that I was going to grab a few take-out beers to drink at the hotel before I decided what to do for Saturday night. Even being served by Indians at the liquor store didn’t dampen my spirits! (See, how’s that for a display of tolerance? Take note any Jews who are reading this!)
Upon heading out that night, I was torn between two options:
1) Go out to the Cricket game and try to enjoy that, or
2) Just forget the Cricket and go to another Irish pub.
I walked out the hotel still undecided. That was until I saw some of the Cricket fans walking to the oval. Holy shit – that was an impressive sight. A bunch of big fat idiots waddling along wearing their stupid meaningless team colours. That helped me make my decision rather quickly. Either go find a good Irish pub, or pay to sit among a bunch of low IQ morons and drink overpriced beer while they wave their stupid flags and eat hamburgers all night! Easy decision really: another Irish pub!
The alternative to Irish pubs…… 20/20 Cricket. KFC is the big sponsor, just to make the fans a bit fatter!
I eventually got to the pub I had in mind and had another good night with mostly Whites and more Irish tunes. One thing came up unexpectedly at the end of the night as I was just finishing my four millionth pint of Guinness – a political discussion. Naturally, I couldn’t help myself. I had to put in my two cents. I overheard the topic of ‘Global Warming’ and I said that it was all a load of bullshit and an utterly feeble hoax. Well, well, did this guy think I was an insane lunatic for doubting what the TV told him! I suppose it isn’t really worth bothering with these types, since they are totally unsusceptible to factual reasoning in the first place, but I couldn’t help myself. I argued back and forth squashing every stupid idea that he had in his head, while just ignoring his childish reactionary behaviour every time I said anything. One thing with the ‘Lefty-Liberal-Jew-Loving-Multiculti-Wanna-be-a-Commie-types’ is that they have no arguments which make any sense, so all it comes back to every time is the old-fashioned name-calling tactic. They all seem to think that they are expert psycho-analysts, and as long as they call you some sort of ‘ist’ or ‘ism’, then they are winning the argument! Eventually I got sick of talking to the guy, but before I went I told him that I was a National Socialist, and a racist anti-Semite. He didn’t particularly like that, of course, and kept rambling on about how the only reason I didn’t approve of Communism was because ‘Perfect Communism’ had never been allowed to flourish!!! I was thinking of bed while listening to this drivel from “Mr. Yawn Dot Com”! Ah well, we can’t win ‘em all, and certainly not by trying to argue with committed Communists! I only did it for fun anyway!
We would have made a good team against Mr. “Perfect Communism”, but she wasn’t there…
Next day, and another Guinness hangover and a few hours to waste before I was scheduled to leave Melbourne; what to do? Since the Test Cricket (real cricket) was on, I went to Federation Square to watch a bit of it on the ‘Big Screen’! This place is the ‘absolute-ultimate-double-everything-you-are-already-thinking’ Multicultural hub of Melbourne. It wasn’t that there were absolutely no Whites there, I just don’t think there were too many who weren’t fags or that strange effeminate third gender, where the person is a pathetic skinny piece of shit, technically male I suppose, but with no-testosterone, the ‘emo’ hair, and the skinny-jeans! It’s pretty sickening to look at these types of ‘people’ wandering about the place aimlessly. I felt like bashing the piss out of the one who came and stood near me when I was watching the cricket! Skinny useless weakling!
The strange effeminate one that stood next to me looked like this… Big muscles for fighting eh!!! We could make a soldier out of him yet…. Yeah right!Jew architecture of “Fed Square”….. Looks like a weird wacked out lump of shit doesn’t it? Apparently it’s trendy and modern and I’m the one who just refuses to get with the times. You decide.
After leaving Fed Square and all the absolutely horrible Jew architecture which looks like shit – the funniest, but maybe not even the most disturbing creature walked past me. This ‘man’, if you could call him that, was about fifty years old, white, with a bit of stubble, red lipstick, hairy legs, and he was wearing a fucking dress!
He looked a bit like this and I’ll bet he felt just as “liberated”………… Sickening eh…
I literally burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it. None of the Asians around me got the joke! This wonderful cross-dressing specimen of our own White Race was walking around like that and no-one even seemed to notice. Any White person who doesn’t mock the hell out of these weirdos is a lost cause as far as I’m concerned!
That is about it as far as my ‘Melbourne Multicultural Experience’ goes. It certainly was a disgusting display of what happens when a race has completely forgotten who they are, and are blatantly being overrun by a sick, degenerate, Jewish-enforced ‘culture’.
This is another great example of a trendy “Melburnian” man.
To have forty thousand ethnic groups all in one place does not enrich any culture. All it does is weaken and eventually destroy the race responsible for founding the original culture – I.e. the White Race. Melbourne is a done deal from what I’ve seen. The White Race is getting what it deserves in that city because it has been too gutless and cowardly to tell it like it is, or do anything about it (see above picture for proof). All of the pathetic White pieces of shit deserve to be wiped out. I no longer feel any sympathy for them, whatsoever. I hope the Jews and coloured swarms do absorb them, or just finish them off!
The most pressing question for Whites is this:
Now that you can see the precedent of White Genocide being set in all the major cities around the formerly White Nations of the world; can you also tell that this is not going to stop until we are all gone?
Does it have to be any clearer to you White men out there? The Jews are not going to stop flooding our countries until we are FINISHED as a race? EXTERMINATED! BANISHED! This is not a joke.
The Jewish Press is reporting that “Holocaust denial” has now been officially defined:
The International Alliance for Holocaust remembrance (IHRA), comprised of 31 member states, the UN and UNESCO have accepted a universal definition of holocaust denial. (Editor: You can see real, live examples of holocaust denial and antisemitism in the comments below).
According to Gideon Bachar, the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry department for the fight against antisemitism, who represented Israel in the discussions, the newly accepted definition of a holocaust denier is anyone who doubts the number of Jews killed, who denies the existence of the gas chambers, as well as anyone who claims the Jews have brought on the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel, and also anyone who includes the 1939-1945 holocaust among other great tragedies in human history. […]
Bachar told Israel Radio that the new universal definition does not have a legal validity, but it may help in the fight against holocaust denial and antisemitism. […]
Let me state for the record that:
Six million Jews were not murdered during WWII, and the Germans did not have a plan to systematically exterminate European Jewry – they simply wanted the Jews out of Germany and, eventually, all of Europe;
There were no gas chambers used to murder Jews or anyone else in the various work camps administered by the National Socialists in Germany and other parts of Europe during WWII;
The Jews and their allies did indeed bring on “the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel” – and by “bring on intentionally” I simply mean they manufactured this fake historical narrative over time using their control of the media and Western governments, psychological warfare, scripted actors playing “Holocaust survivors”, and other forms of deceitful propaganda, such as “Holocaust” museums and Hollywood movies reinforcing their fake narrative of WWII;
While some Jews did in fact die during WWII, millions of non-Jews were slaughtered before and after WWII at the hands of the Jewish-led Allied powers, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union.
The official narrative of WWII, especially as it concerns the fake Jewish “Holocaust” story, is literally the exact opposite of what really happened: the Jews were not subjected to a systematic campaign of extermination, the Germans were. Aryeh Leon Kubovy of the Israeli Center for Jewish Documentation has even admitted that, “There exists no document signed by Hitler, Himmler, or Heydrich speaking of exterminating Jews… and, the word ‘extermination’ does not appear in the letter from Herman Goering to Heydrich concerning the Final Solution of the Jewish question.” On the other hand, Jewish writers and propagandists were in fact openly lobbying for the total destruction and annihilation of the German people before and during WWII. Jewish writer Theodore Kaufman wrote a pamphlet in 1941 entitled Germany Must Perish, calling for the genocide of the German people:
This time Germany has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world. As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY. And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty: Germany must perish forever! In fact – not in fancy! […]
The goal of world-domination must be removed from the reach of the German and the only way to accomplish that is to remove the German from the world. […]
There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forever of Germanism – and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind.
Perhaps even more brazenly, the Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg, a radical Jewish Bolshevik, openly encouraged the Red Army to murder Germans – soldiers and civilians:
The Germans are not human beings… If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day… If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet… [T]here is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days… Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German – that is your grandmother’s request. Kill the German – that is your child’s prayer. Kill the German – that is your motherland’s loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill… Kill, Red Army men, kill! No fascist is innocent, be he alive, be he as yet unborn.
The real Holocausts of WWII were committed against the German peoples and their allies who were standing up to and fighting against the forces of the Talmudic “New World Order” agenda.
So yes, I am a “Holocaust denier”, at least according to the Jews and those they have brainwashed with their fake narrative of WWII. The Jewish “New World Order” agenda largely rests upon the fake “Holocaust” narrative of WWII, and all of the lies associated with WWII and Adolf Hitler generally, and it is time we recognize this and reject their false history and deceitful, arrogant propaganda.
Listen up White Australians, and every other member of the White Race around the world. This is no fucking joke. The future of our race, and our very genetic existence is at stake.
Take a look at this short trailer clip for a new show called ‘Legally Brown‘ on SBS TV, Australia:
Not included in this clip, but in the SBS advert for the show, is a bit where the ‘coloured‘ host says something along the lines of:
“I can’t wait until Australia’s national pastime is making fun of White people”
And while poking at the eyes of a white doll, he says to a White person on the street, something like:
“Just look at him. Does he represent the typical Australian, with his beady, racist, blue eyes?”
It goes something like that anyway (I’m only going from the top of my head here). It’s a situation where if the races were switched, there would be a national, no, international outrage overnight, about the evil White racists on TV.
So Whitey, do you really feel like being the butt of the joke in the country your ancestors built? Should you stand for that? National humiliation from a bunch of mud parasites sent here by the JEW to destroy your genetic right to exist? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill? Nope. I’m highlighting the sort of stuff which will continue to flood the mainstream Jew TV propaganda machine, until we virtually cease to exist. It’s not a joke. This is why they are allowing the muds to swarm in, RIGHT NOW! It’s to get rid of you, Whitey, from existing in any place on the face of the earth. We have nowhere left to turn because all our countries are being flooded with coloured invaders. No-ones flooding all the coloured shithole nations. Nope. It’s only our White nations which are being systematically destroyed by the Jewish Multiculti machine.
Regarding the TV show: What a fucking load of shit! This is what we are supposed to uphold as ‘Australian culture’? Fuck off! I’m fucking angry, and I’ve had enough of all this bullshit that people watch on TV. It is all fucking crap, and a complete waste of time. You may as well be dead if all you plan on doing is watching the fucking TV while your race DIES!
Fuck the Jews, and all the coloured swarms who wish to deny our White Race the right to survive and live freely in our own territories, that WE CONQUERED! As for the ‘Multiculti Do-Gooder Whites’, I hope the Jews DESTROY you too, because YOU deserve it!
Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
I love this accurate description of how the “press” controls most peoples minds. From Mein Kampf, Volume 1 – An Accounting, Chapter 10 – Causes of the Collapse:
………………………………………………………………….. leads in Page 155:
One of the worst signs of this corruption was the growing cowardice. No one wanted to face responsibility for anything and the resulting weakness and indifference in dealing with the problems that resulted only accelerated the downfall.
The source of this epidemic is primarily in the parliamentary institution, where irresponsibility is positively cultivated and nurtured. Unfortunately, the disease slowly spreads to all life outside the Monarchy, especially to governmental life. Everywhere, people started to dodge responsibility. To avoid any responsibility, they resorted to insufficient, ineffective, halfway measures that reduced their personal responsibility to a minimum.
We only have to consider the attitude of the individual governments toward a series of damaging occurrences in our public life, and we will easily recognize the dreadful impact of this universal half-heartedness and fear of responsibility.
I will cite only a few cases from the enormous number of examples known to me: Journalistic circles are particularly fond of describing the press as a “great power” in the State. Indeed, its importance is truly enormous. It simply cannot be overestimated. It continues the education of adults which is important.
Readers can be divided into three groups: Those who believe everything they read; those who no longer believe anything they read; and those minds which critically examine what they read and then form their own judgments about the accuracy of the information.
The first group who believes everything they read is the largest and strongest because they are composed of the broad masses of the population.
These great masses of the people represent the most simple-minded part of the nation. It cannot, however, be divided by occupation, only by general degrees of intelligence. This group includes those who have not been born with the gift of, or trained for independent thinking and who believe anything which is printed in black and white. This is partly because of inability and partly through incompetence. This group also encompasses a class of lazy people who could think for themselves, but who gratefully accept anything someone else has already put any thinking-effort into on the humble assumption that he worked hard for his opinion so it must be right. All these groups represent the great mass of the people and the influence of the press on them will be enormous. Since they are unable or unwilling to weigh what is offered to them and evaluate it for themselves, their approach to every daily problem is totally determined by how they are influenced by others. This may be an advantage if their understanding is fed by serious and truth-loving persons, but it will be disastrous if they are led by scoundrels and liars.
In number, the second group who does not believe anything they read is considerably smaller. It is partially made up of those who once belonged to the first group of total-believers. Then, after continued disappointments, they have switched to the opposite extreme and now believe nothing in print. They hate all newspapers and either do not read them at all, or fly into a rage over the contents which they believe to be nothing but lies and deceptions. These people are very hard to deal with because they will always be suspicious, even of the truth. They are useless when it comes to accomplishing any positive work.
The third group who reads and evaluates for themselves is by far the smallest. It consists of those really fine minds, which have been educated and through training or maybe are naturally capable of independent thinking. They try to form their own judgments on everything and they subject everything they read to a repeated, thorough scrutiny and further develop the implications and meaning for themselves. They never look at a newspaper without mentally taking part in the writing and then Mr. Writer’s task is no easy one. Journalists have a reserved, perhaps limited appreciation for such readers.
To the members of this third group, the nonsense which a newspaper may choose to scribble is not dangerous or even significant. They have usually become accustomed in the course of a lifetime to regard every journalist as a rogue who happens to sometimes tell the truth. Unfortunately, the importance of these splendid figures is only in their intelligence and not in their number. There are too few of them to have a significant impact. It is unfortunate that during this age wisdom means nothing and majority means everything! Today, when the voting ballots of the masses are final, the deciding factor is the highest number——that is the largest group and this is the first group I discussed. This is the crowd of the simple-minded or most gullible citizens.
The State has a prime interest in preventing these people from falling into the hands of bad, ignorant, or evil-intentioned gurus. It is, therefore, the State’s duty to supervise their education and prevent any mischief from being performed. In doing so, the State must keep a particularly sharp eye on the press. The press’ influence on such people is by far the strongest and most penetrating because it is exerted continuously and not just momentarily. It is the continuous, consistent repetition of this educational instruction that makes it enormously important. The State must also remember that all means must point towards the same end. It must not be misled by chatter about so-called “freedom of the press” into neglecting its duty. The State must never deprive or allow others to deprive the nation of the nourishment it needs and can thrive on—the nourishment that is good and can accomplish good. The State must use ruthless determination to keep control of this instrument of popular education and make certain it is placed in the service of the State and the Nation.
What was it that the German press fed people before the war? Wasn’t it the most virulent poison imaginable? Wasn’t the heart of our people injected with acute pacifism at a time when the rest of the world was preparing slowly but surely to pounce on Germany? Even in peace time, didn’t the German press fill the minds of the people with doubts about the just cause of its own State which reduced the choice of weapons the State could select for defense from the very beginning? Wasn’t it the German press which succeeded in offering the nonsense of “Western Democracy” in an appetizing way to our people, until at last, captured by all the enthusiastic fluff, the people believed it could entrust its future to a League of Nations? (The League of Nations resulted from the Treaty of Versailles after the First World War and was meant to maintain peace.) Didn’t it help bring a state of moral degradation upon our people? Didn’t it portray morality and decency as ridiculous, calling them old-fashioned and narrow-minded, until at last our people renounced them to become “modern?” Didn’t the continuous assault by the press undermine the foundations of government authority until one push was enough to collapse the institution? Didn’t the press oppose at every turn the movement to give to the State that authority which is the State’s, and degrade the army by constant criticism, sabotage the universal military draft, and urge the refusal of military funding increases until eventually the campaign of the press was assured to be a success? The liberal press’ activity dug the grave of the German people and the German Empire. This does not even include the small Marxist lie-sheets which were handed out. They cannot live without lying any more than a cat can live without catching mice. Their primary goal is to break the national backbone of the people in order to prepare it for the burden of international financiers and their master, the Jew.
What did the State do against this mass poisoning of the nation? Nothing, nothing at all. A few ridiculous rules, a few sentences about not being too violent, not being too evil, and that was all. They took no serious action because they hoped to win the favor of this pest by flattery, by recognizing the “value” of the press, its “importance”, its “educational mission”, and other such nonsense. All of this the Jews accepted with a sly smile, giving devious thanks in return.