I recently just took a week and a half off of blogging. I needed a bit of a break from constant internet ‘surfing’ and going through all the news etc. Sometimes you just get sick to fucking death of it all – the same old scenario of fucked up new stories everyday. It gets very repetitive (as you probably are fully aware!) spending most of your time analysing what the Jews have been up to.
We already know what the agenda is: Jews want to rule the entire world from their home bases of New York, London, Tel-Aviv, and Hollywood. They get to maintain their international swindling HQ over there in Edomite land (a land for Edomite Jews only; falsely called Israel), and the rest of the world will live in a big Commie pig-pen where everyone is nothing more than a bunch of mixed-race, culture-free, consuming, mindless idiots. That’s the promise from these wonderful enlightening rat-faced Edomite Jew bastards! We also know that Racial Nationalism/National Socialism are the only known antidotes to the Jewish problem. Right. So what do we do about this in the real world? Is there any point in me doing all this internet-based activism? Sometimes I really don’t know….

Anyway, I was having this particular conversation on Skype with John Hardon and Cairo last weekend and it seems I’m not the only one who’s fast growing sick and tired of our real-world political impotence. The general feeling that all three of us agreed on is described by John quite well in this post (although I wouldn’t say that the Daily Stormer is good for the Jews, but I think you get the gist of what John is saying there). Basically our general feeling is that the Jews will let us have these blogs/internet sites because it is a good avenue for us to ‘let off steam’ and continue to do nothing in the real world. We just happily sit here blogging and preaching to the already converted, in general. I know this is true because over time blogs get more and more popular as traffic increases due to more search engine hits. The traffic from other sites ‘in-the-know’ hasn’t really increased that much over time and this is because it’s the same people doing their daily rounds of the ‘anti-Semite’ sites. I know, I do the same thing myself!
So, yeah, John Hardon has taken a bit of time away from blogging lately and I don’t blame him. He’s not stopping it all-together and neither am I. Although I might streamline this site a bit and post less often to avoid a serious case of ‘bloggiosis’ (blog fatigue). I’ll probably be writing more of my own stuff and not bothering with as many reposts from other sites, maybe. We’ll see. I think that’s the direction I’ll head in anyway. Who knows – I’ll probably change my mind as the Jew news pisses me off again and I have to vent!………
Whatever, it’s just a few thoughts on things of late.
– BDL1983