I’ve just added this as a text article without pictures….

Over the last week or so there has been a bit of talk about why the Jews behave the way they do. This is always an enthralling topic which gets me thinking rather in-depth about these creatures

Well, why is it Jews act the way they do? Is it just their genetic make-up which is solely responsible? Or is it mainly the way they are nurtured/the environmental theory? Is it their Religion? Or is it only a Conspiracy of a ‘few top Jews’?

It is interesting indeed. Here’s how I view the Jews, their behaviour, and what makes them what they are:

The first ‘port-of-call’ for me is to think about Nature and all of the life in it. Every single living organism on this earth has a distinct genetic code. Its DNA. From the most primitive animal or plant, to the most advanced. Every single organism is distinct from all others; be it the smallest of differences, or something astronomically large. All organisms are different. There is absolutely no equality in Nature.

DNAAbove: DNA…..

Nature’s diversity gives us an abundance of animal and plant life. Every different species can be divided up into sub-species, genders, and individual organisms. Generally speaking, we can make statements about the behaviour and characteristics and any particular group, and the chances are that the generalisation will hold true. Sometimes the generalisation holds true so often that it should be considered a fact.

MistletoeAbove: Parasitic Mistletoe growing on a Gum-Tree…..

This article is about the Jews so let’s take an example from the plant world: Mistletoe. This plant behaves in exactly the same way Jews do: parasitically! Mistletoe must attach itself to the branches of a host tree in order to live, and from there it proceeds to gain all its sustenance, sucking up all the nutrients in the branch, until the branch dies. The host tree can survive a little bit of Mistletoe, but if it infects enough branches the whole tree dies, and with it the Mistletoe. Both Tree and Mistletoe die as a result of Mistletoes behaviour!

Everyone knows that. Plants can be parasitic…..

Well, why can’t certain breeds of ‘human’ be parasitic by Nature?

Truth be known: there is a parasitic breed of human: The Jew!


The Jew is a parasitic creature as his GENETIC make-up dictates. He cannot help but be a parasite. It is his mode of existence. This is why he has developed a whole bunch of different peculiar behavioural traits; all of which are fundamentally unlikeable and undesirable for non-Jewish humans. His parasitism means he also has to be a predator to survive. The pray he seeks is always another human host population, and preferably one which is productive so he can feed comfortably. To be a successful parasite he must do his best to blend in with his hosts; at least initially. The Jew then attacks his hosts with all of his assorted weapons: multi-racialism (racially dissolving the host and making it hard to spot the Jew behind all the trouble….), egalitarianism, the fag agenda, financial control and swindling, mass-media control…… and on and on…. (I’m not going to list all the things Jews do here)…… The point is that all of his behaviour is a direct result of his GENETICS.


Above: Jews do love money! It’s a stereotype and also a FACT….

To answer the question of “Why do Jews act the way they do?” –

Ultimately it ALL comes back to their GENETIC MAKE-UP, their DNA!

Mind you though, this is not to say that nurture (environment), their so-called “Religion”, or their conspiratorially-minded organisational structure has no effect on how Jews act! These factors obviously do have a large impact on Jewish actions, BUT they are not independent of their genetic nature…. No, no…. The religious and conspiratorial aspects help ‘speed-up’ what JEWISH GENETICS naturally seek to do! Environment either enhances or hinders them…. Here’s why:

1.)    The Environmental argument (or Nurture): this is the favourite argument used by so-called Anti-Racists. “Oh, every difference you observe between the races is all a result of their different environmental upbringing”…… “Ignore race, it doesn’t exist, it’s only environment that makes the races what they are”…. etc …. That’s all crap obviously.

If two groups of Jews were put in vastly different environments, then clearly they’d develop different strategies for being successful parasites depending on their situations… That much is true, but just because they are in different environments, does that mean that their behaviour is really different? I argue that their behaviour is still THE SAME, but depending on how favourable their environmental conditions are, one group will be more successful than the other, allowing their Jewish GENETICS to ‘speed-up’ their otherwise natural behaviour. They progress toward their goal of enslaving the host quicker!

And as for Nurture; once again it obviously would affect how an individual Jew acts but I only see it as an arbitrary factor either encouraging the Jew’s natural behaviour or preventing his natural behaviour… No matter what way I dice it, I just can’t see how Nurture could ever supersede Genetics! It can’t!! A Jew is still a Jew genetically, no matter what…. and all creatures can only act on what lies within their genetic structure….

Slightly off topic here; but the most sickening argument Jews make to rationalize their parasitic nature is the argument that “Anti-Semitism” forced them to become merchant parasites….. So, it is really the Goyims fault that Jews live how they do:

“We were being persecuted by the evil Goy, so we had to become bankers and merchants… Oy vey”, says the Rabbi!!!

It’s a completely Jewish way of thinking…… so unbelievably JEWY!


2.)    The Religious argument: the so-called Jewish “Religion” is a product of what? Answer: the Jewish people and therefore Jewish GENETICS once again. This is really obvious because since when has any religion created a group of people? Never. Religion is always created by ‘peoples’ and never the other way around! A religion springs from “whatever group of people invent it”

When non-Jews read the Talmud they are naturally sickened by the content, which reflects exactly, the Jewish mind and soul…. The religion is a reflection of the Jewish GENETIC NATURE and when it is placed in the environment or in the ‘nurturing process’ for Jews it enhances or snowballs their sick Jewish tendencies which already lie naturally inside them waiting to be awoken… The Talmud, and their interpretation of the Old Testament, encourages the disgusting Jewish genetic beast inside them.


Above: The Jewish Conspiracy boardgame for all the family to play!

3.)    The Conspiracy argument: it has been said numerous times throughout history that the Jews are “conspiratorial by nature”. I whole-heartedly agree with this assessment. Being a parasite, they are forced into being sneaky predators, which naturally leads to them forming “conspiratorial” types of organisations…. Organisations which seek to subvert and cover-up the truth about what they are up to. Conspiring under the cover of darkness.

The Jewish Conspiracy to rule the entire world is the natural genetic compulsion of the human parasite… Could there really be any other desire for a human parasite? If he does not enslave, control and rule all of his hosts and potential hosts, then his very existence is in grave danger… If he doesn’t seek world domination then he’s likely to be killed or expelled (history has taught him that!):

JewExpulsionsAnd there’s many more expulsions not on the map!

The Jews have experienced over a hundred expulsions throughout their ‘colourful’ history and many violent massacres. What most average people are unaware of is the fact that the Jews provoked and tortured their hosts once-too-often, and as a result their hosts gave them the boot! So it was off to the next poor unfortunate host country…. and the process kept repeating itself….. Ad nauseum….

Left on his own after an expulsion, he would soon die out unless he found a new host…..

Put simply, Jewish GENETICS make them conspire for world domination! And of course, there is a pecking-order of “top Jews” who rule the roost, just like any other hierarchical structure. It’s just like a pyramid with the Jews too…… There are many more numerically as you get to lower and lower levels within the structure. The key point to understand is that no matter where an individual Jew fits into the pyramid structure, he is still genetically Jewish and will naturally act like a Jew to fulfil his role, whether consciously knowing the agenda or not!

More to consider:

If Jewish genetics were not the cause of Jewish behaviour, then why do we see the same historical pattern of Jewish behaviour from different groups of Jews in different countries throughout the world? They were not technologically linked together back then, which would have allowed them to conspire……They were geographically separated. They were only linked by blood, and what do we observe? The same behaviour by independent groups of Jews…… That proves the genetic argument in my mind.

Furthermore, it wasn’t the fact that they all followed the Jewish religion which could explain the same behaviour despite geographic separation…. Nope. As I mentioned before, Judaism is a direct reflection of their genetics, and the proof of this lies in the fact that ‘Atheistic’ Jews also exhibit the same behavioural tendencies without the need for guidance by Judaic religious teachings!

The Jews love to push the ‘Environmental Theory’ when teaching the Goyim about RACE in schools and universities. They outright deny what is blatantly obvious: that the races of humans have different genetics, and therefore different behavioural, mental, and physical characteristics…. Every common person will tell you straight out about differences between breeds of animals or types of plants, but for some reason with humans we are supposed to pretend there are no different breeds (or races)…….? What?

Race is a social-construct, says the Jew. “Difference in achievement from one race to another is ONLY due to environmental factors. If you think otherwise then you’re a racist anti-Semite, and that leads to 6 million dead Jews in a Holocaust…….”


Ignore RACE? Oh really?

Or is that just something Jews tell the Goyim?

Here’s a couple Jews who disagree with the Environmental Theory:

“All is race; there is no other truth, and every race must fall which carelessly suffers its blood to become mixed.”

– Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish Prime Minister of Great Britain, in Tancred, by Frederick Warne, London, 1868, p. 106.

Our race (speaking of the Jews) is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best.
Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.

– Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983.

There it is in their OWN WORDS. Jews acknowledge and uphold THEIR racial uniqueness as something good, whilst they teach the Goyim the opposite! I wonder why? Could it be that they want the Goyim races destroyed so they have one giant culture-free, racially-mixed, consuming mass of idiots with no history or identity, who are therefore easy to rule over?

That is the answer (of course)….

And the Jews especially hate the race that has troubled them the most in the past by catching on to ‘what Jews do’: Namely THE GREAT WHITE RACE! That is why the White Race MUST SURVIVE!


Or the Jews will create a literal “Hell on Earth”……..


Final Thoughts:

A brief note on what Jews actually are, racially:

They are a ‘mixed Turko-Mongolian Race’ of a ‘parasitic nature’, who have long practiced the ‘fine-art’ of mixing with other racial gene-pools to steal better genes for themselves…..

Environment & Nurture only affect Jewish behaviour on superficial levels. It either enhances or hinders their genetic drives…. It speeds ‘em up or slows ‘em down essentially…

Their ‘Religion’ is a result of their genetic nature. It serves to enhance or ‘speed-up’ their genetic drives…… (Horrible thought eh…)

They are ‘Conspiratorial by Nature’. In other words, their genetic nature as a parasitic predator drives them to conspire and form organisations to rule everything; like what we see in today’s modern ‘Kosher’ Western world!

The Jews do what they do ENTIRELY because their GENETICS make them behave that way.

Jew-TVSwitch off your Jew TV and THINK!

That’s all….

– Brett, BDL1983

Related Article: The Eternal Jew – The Necessary Evil?

Race Quote Sources:

Leon DeGrelle on the Real Adolf Hitler…

From The Daily Stormer:

SS officer Leon DeGrelle never gave up the faith, speaking on behalf of the Third Reich until his death in 1994.

SS officer Leon DeGrelle never gave up the faith, speaking on behalf of the Third Reich until his death in 1994.

I have been asked that question a thousand times since 1945, and nothing is more difficult to answer.

Approximately two hundred thousand books have dealt with the Second World War and with its central figure, Adolf Hitler. But has the real Hitler been discovered by any of them? “The enigma of Hitler is beyond all human comprehension” the left-wing German weekly ‘Die Zeit’ once put it.

Salvador Dali, art’s unique genius, sought to penetrate the mystery in one of his most intensely dramatic paintings. Towering mountain landscapes all but fill the canvas, leaving ony a few luminous meters of seashore dotted with delicately miniaturized human figures: the last witness to a dying peace. A huge telephone receiver dripping tears of blood hangs from the branch of a dead tree; and here and there hang umbrellas and bats whose portent is visibly the same. As Dali tells it, “Chamberlain’s umbrella appeared in this painting in a sinister light, made evident by the bat, and it struck me when I painted it as a thing of enormous anguish.”

He then confided: “I felt this painting to be deeply prophetic. But I confess that I haven’t yet figured out the Hitler enigma either. He attracted me only as an object of my mad imaginings and because I saw him as a man uniquely capable of turning things completely upside down.”

What a lesson in humility for the braying critics who have rushed into print since 1945 with their thousands of ‘definitive’ books, most of them scornful, about this man who so troubled the introspective Dali that forty years later he still felt anguished and uncertain in the presence of his own hallucinatory painting. Apart from Dali, who else has ever tried to present an objective portrayal of this extraordinary man who Dali labeled the most explosive figure in human history?


The mountains of Hitler books based on blind hatred and ignorance do little to describe or explain the most powerful man the world has ever seen. How, I ponder, do these thousands of disparate portraits of Hitler in any way resemble the man I knew? The Hitler seated beside me, standing up, talking, listening. It has become impossible to explain to people fed fantastic tales for decades that what they have read or heard on television just does not correspond to the truth.

People have come to accept fiction, repeated a thousand times over, as reality. Yet they have never seen Hitler, never spoken to him, never heard a word from his mouth. The very name of Hitler immediately conjures up a grimacing devil, the fount of all of one’s negative emotions. Like Pavlov’s bell, the mention of Hitler is meant to dispense with substance and reality. In time, however, history will demand more than these summary judgements.


Hitler is always present before my eyes: as a man of peace in 1936, as a man of war in 1944. It is not possible to have been a personal witness to the life of such an extraordinary man without being marked by it forever. Not a day goes by but Hitler rises again in my memory, not as a man long dead, but as a real being who paces his office floor, seats himself in his chair, pokes the burning logs in the fireplace.

The first thing anyone noticed when he came into view was his small mustache. Countless times he had been advised to shave it off, but he always refused: people were used to him the way he was.

He was not tall — no more than was Napoleon or Alexander the Great.

Hitler had deep blue eyes that many found bewitching, although I did not find them so. Nor did I detect the electric current his hands were said to give off. I gripped them quite a few times and was never struck by his lightening.

His face showed emotion or indifference according to the passion or apathy of the moment. At times he was as though benumbed, saying not a word, while his jaws moved in the meanwhile as if they were grinding an obstacle to smithereens in the void. Then he would come suddenly alive and launch into a speech directed at you alone, as though he were addressing a crowd of hundreds of thousands at Berlin’s Tempelhof airfield. Then he became as if transfigured. Even his complexion, otherwise dull, lit up as he spoke. And at such times, to be sure, Hitler was strangely attractive and as if possessed of magic powers.


Anything that might have seemed too solemn in his remarks, he quickly tempered with a touch of humour. The picturesque world, the biting phrase were at his command. In a flash he would paint a word-picture that brought a smile, or come up with an unexpected and disarming comparison. He could be harsh and even implacable in his judgements and yet almost at the same time be surprisingly conciliatory, sensitive and warm.

After 1945 Hitler was accused of every cruelty, but it was not in his nature to be cruel. He loved children. It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cyclists along the road. Once he gave his raincoat to a derelict plodding in the rain. At midnight he would interrupt his work and prepare the food for his dog Blondi.

He could not bear to eat meat, because it meant the death of a living creature. He refused to have so much as a rabbit or a trout sacrificed to provide his food. He would allow only eggs on his table, because egg-laying meant that the hen had been spared rather than killed.

Hitler’s eating habits were a constant source of amazement to me. How could someone on such a rigorous schedule, who had taken part in tens of thousands of exhausting mass meetings from which he emerged bathed with sweat, often losing two to four pounds in the process; who slept only three to four hours a night; and who, from 1940 to 1945, carried the whole world on his shoulders while ruling over 380 million Europeans: how, I wondered, could he physically survive on just a boiled egg, a few tomatoes, two or three pancakes, and a plate of noodles? But he actually gained weight!

He drank only water. He did not smoke and would not tolerate smoking in his presence. At one or two o’clock in the morning he would still be talking, untroubled, close to his fireplace, lively, often amusing. He never showed any sign of weariness. Dead tired his audience might be, but not Hitler.

He was depicted as a tired old man. Nothing was further from the truth. In September 1944, when he was reported to be fairly doddering, I spent a week with him. His mental and physical vigor were still exceptional. The attempt made on his life on July 20th had, if anything, recharged him. He took tea in his quarters as tranquilly as if we had been in his small private apartment at the chancellery before the war, or enjoying the view of snow and bright blue sky through his great bay window at Berchtesgaden.


At the very end of his life, to be sure, his back had become bent, but his mind remained as clear as a flash of lightening. The testament he dictated with extraordinary composure on the eve of his death, at three in the morning of April 29, 1945, provides us a lasting testimony. Napoleon at Fontainebleau was not without his moments of panic before his abdication. Hitler simply shook hands with his associates in silence, breakfasted as on any other day, then went to his death as if he were going on a stroll. When has history ever witnessed so enormous a tragedy brought to its end with such iron self control?

Hitler’s most notable characteristic was ever his simplicity. The most complex of problems resolved itself in his mind into a few basic principles. His actions were geared to ideas and decisions that could be understood by anyone. The laborer from Essen, the isolated farmer, the Ruhr industrialist, and the university professor could all easily follow his line of thought. The very clarity of his reasoning made everything obvious.

His behaviour and his life style never changed even when he became the ruler of Germany. He dressed and lived frugally. During his early days in Munich, he spent no more than a mark per day for food. At no stage in his life did he spend anything on himself. Throughout his 13 years in the chancellery he never carried a wallet or ever had money of his own.


Hitler was self-taught and made not attempt to hide the fact. The smug conceit of intellectuals, their shiny ideas packaged like so many flashlight batteries, irritated him at times. His own knowledge he had acquired through selective and unremitting study, and he knew far more than thousands of diploma-decorated academics.

I don’t think anyone ever read as much as he did. He normally read one book every day, always first reading the conclusion and the index in order to gauge the work’s interest for him. He had the power to extract the essence of each book and then store it in his computer-like mind. I have heard him talk about complicated scientific books with faultless precision, even at the height of the war.

His intellectual curiosity was limitless. He was readily familiar with the writings of the most diverse authors, and nothing was too complex for his comprehension. He had a deep knowledge and understanding of Buddha, Confucius and Jesus Christ, as well as Luther, Calvin, and Savonarola; of literary giants such as Dante, Schiller, Shakespeare and Goethe; and analytical writers such as Renan and Gobineau, Chamberlain and Sorel.

He had trained himself in philosophy by studying Aristotle and Plato. He could quote entire paragraphs of Schopenhauer from memory, and for a long time carried a pocked edition of Schopenhauer with him. Nietzsche taught him much about the willpower.

His thirst for knowledge was unquenchable. He spend hundreds of hours studying the works of Tacitus and Mommsen, military strategists such as Clausewitz, and empire builders such as Bismark. Nothing escaped him: world history or the history of civilizations, the study of the Bible and the Talmud, Thomistic philosophy and all the masterpieces of Homer, Sophocles, Horace, Ovid, Titus Livius and Cicero. He knew Julian the Apostate as if he had been his contemporary.

His knowledge also extended to mechanics. He knew how engines worked; he understood the ballistics of various weapons; and he astonished the best medical scientists with his knowledge of medicine and biology.

The universality of Hitler’s knowledge may surprise or displease those unaware of it, but it is nonetheless a historical fact: Hitler was one of the most cultivated men of this century. Many times more so than Churchill, an intellectual mediocrity; or than Pierre Lavaal, with him mere cursory knowledge of history; of than Roosevelt; or Eisenhower, who never got beyond detective novels.


Even during his earliest years, Hitler was different than other children. He had an inner strength and was guided by his spirit and his instincts.

He could draw skillfully when he was only eleven years old. His sketches made at that age show a remarkable firmness and liveliness. He first paintings and watercolors, created at age 15, are full of poetry and sensitivity. One of his most striking early works, ‘Fortress Utopia,’ also shows him to have been an artist of rare imagination. His artistic orientation took many forms. He wrote poetry from the time he was a lad. He dictated a complete play to his sister Paula who was amazed at his presumption. At the age of 16, in Vienna, he launched into the creation of an opera. He even designed the stage settings, as well as all the costumes; and, of course, the characters were Wagnerian heroes.

More than just an artist, Hitler was above all an architect. Hundreds of his works were notable as much for the architecture as for the painting. From memory alone he could reproduce in every detail the onion dome of a church or the intricate curves of wrought iron. Indeed, it was to fulfill his dream of becoming an architect that Hitler went to Vienna at the beginning of the century.

Read More:

An interesting read!

– BDL1983

William L Pierce Videos…..


The National Alliance Rune………………………….

See my post about the White Liberals….. It relates closely to the Lemmings video…..

William Pierce was a great man. RIP.

– BDL1983

Religious leaders unite on climate….

Rabbi Kamins climate
Oy Vey Jew boy! Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins signs the letter.

THREE rabbis are among 16 diverse Australian religious leaders who have signed an open letter calling for bipartisan support of a ­carbon price.

The letter, which has been organised by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC), also calls for the winding back of coal exports and for more investment in clean, renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“We urge all Australians to give this moral issue the attention it demands,” it reads. “Our world is a blessing, a gift, and a responsibility. We must act now if we are to protect this sacred trust.”

Among the signatories are Emanuel Synagogue senior Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins, Rabbinic Council of Progressive Rabbis chairperson Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky and The Great Synagogue senior Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence.

Speaking alongside other religious leaders at a press conference held at the Pitt St Uniting Church in Sydney last Thursday, Rabbi Kamins said Australians needed to take responsibility for the impact we’re having on the planet.

“That means not only stopping coal exports, but also coal mining over a period of time, and retraining people in those fields for other jobs in renewable resources,” he said.

“This has to be a thought-out societal approach, but to pretend that the problems are too hard or can’t be dealt with now will mean that they can’t ever be dealt with.”

He said religious leaders had a responsibility in their teachings and sermons to raise awareness of the issue.

Read More:

NOTE: The Jewish controlled United Nations spawned the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and therefore “Climate Change” is a Jew agenda… This article goes to show that the lying Jewish propaganda has worked wonders in getting other religions to support their bullshit!


(I grabbed this pic from John Friends blog; it sums things up rather well!)

– BDL1983


When you go “surfing” through comment sections of “Jew-wise” and “Race-wise” sites you will notice people endlessly misunderstanding each other. I don’t really know why, but I’m going to show how you can be “Racist” and “Anti-Racist” at the same time……. “Nationalist” and “Anti-Nationalist” also!

Here we go:

I am a Racist: My definition of a “Racist” is a person who believes there are obvious differences between the human races. Therefore I am! It’s that simple, if that is your definition of who is a “Racist”…..

I am an Anti-Racist: My definition of a “Racist” is someone who doesn’t believe there is any such thing as “Race”, and would seek to integrate the “Races” together. Since I believe in preserving the “Races” and they believe in destroying the “Races”, then I am a true “Anti-Racist”!

The “Anti-Racist” label above is what I’d prefer to go by…. But it isn’t going to happen! So whatever, I can live with the “Racist” label…. Labels don’t bother me….



I can use a similar argument for myself being a “Nationalist” or an “Anti-Nationalist”…

I am a Nationalist in the sense that my Race is my Nation, and therefore I am a Nationalist. Nationalism implies racial loyalty and solidarity, so why wouldn’t I be a Nationalist?

I can also argue that I am against Nationalism. If I view all the so-called “White Nations” and their inherent nationalistic tendencies as artificial barriers between members of our race, then I could logically say that I oppose Nationalism and Nation-states… And that I’d prefer no “Nation-states” but one large White racial conglomerate. That also makes sense…. So now I’m “Anti-Nationalist”!

The point of this little exercise is that I don’t really care what label I’m given, so long as we all understand what side of the fence we are on! Definitions of words are not really that important. It is the underlying intentions that matter…. We should always do our best to understand the “vibe” of what someone is saying before condemning them if they say they are a certain label; like a “Racist” or a “Nationalist” and so on….. You might be against artificial Nationalist barriers and then condemn someone for saying they are a “Nationalist”, when they mean that their “Race is their Nation”…… I think I’ve made my point.

People do the same sort of thing regarding Christianity. Some in the “pro-white” and “anti-Jew” crowd love and promote Christianity; some hate it and attack it endlessly…. Usually it’s the CI crowd promoting their version of Christianity, while the other side attacks Judeo-Christianity (whatever the hell that is…. modern Jew run Christianity). The disagreement is usually over two different versions of Christianity going under one broad banner – “Christianity”! The CI crowd hate Jew-run modern Christianity, and the “Anti-Christs” attack CI based on mostly Judeo-Christian dogma…… You can see how it’s mainly “semantics” which cause all the problems!  I don’t care if someone believes in Christ, Odin, the Lepricorn, or the Tooth Fairy. If they are “pro-white” and “anti-Jew”, ABOVE ALL THE RELIGIOUS DOGMA, then that person is alright by me!

CelticCross odinsrune.jpg

Take your pick, I don’t care! As long as you are pro-white and against the Jews!

Anyway, enough said. The point of this post was just to show how easy it is to argue that you are two contradictory things at the same time….. It’s obviously just a stupid little play on words, but people love beating each other over the head by twisting words and their meanings…… People do it constantly and it’s a waste of time…

Hitler2Above: My “vibe”!!!!

It’s the “vibe” and the underlying thrust of what someone says that matters to me.

Fuck all the petty arguments!!!

