So it’s the Jews from top to bottom controlling the diamond trade – who’d have thought?….. Diamonds certainly aren’t rare – the Jews are simply using their power to create artificial scarcity!
The main diamond mining company, De Beers (good name), would appear to be under a bit of Jewish influence (to put it mildly) – From Wikipedia (this paragraph says enough – my commentary in bold):
“The company was founded in 1888 by Cecil Rhodes, who was financed by South African diamond magnate Alfred Beit(JEW) and the London-based N M Rothschild & Sons(JEWS) bank.[3] In 1927, Ernest Oppenheimer(JEW), a German immigrant to Britain who had earlier founded mining giant Anglo American plc(RUN BY JEWS) with American financier J.P. Morgan (INTERMARRIED WITH JEWS),[4] took over De Beers. He built and consolidated the company’s global monopoly over the diamond industry until his retirement. During this time, he was involved in a number of controversies, including price fixing, antitrust behaviour and an allegation of not releasing industrial diamonds for the US war effort during World War II”
There was an interesting bit there toward the end where one of the Jews doing the talking was acting as if he was surprised that Harry Oppenheimer opposed the Apartheid regime, yet good old Harry made so much money off of it!!! Could it be that Harry was a typical Jew using whatever economic advantages he could get from the regime, lapping up all the cheap black labour, then finally giving in to his innate Jewish urge to destroy any healthy White society? It would appear so. Even more ironic and hypocritical might be his life-long support for Israel and Jewish causes! Oy Vey!
A bit that I found rather amusing was how Harry was also chairman of the Anglo American Corporation (of all names)! This is from the Wikipedia entry:
“Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, along with the American bank J.P. Morgan & Co., founded the Anglo American Corporation, a gold (AND DIAMOND) mining company, in 1917 with £1 million, raised from UK and US sources, and ultimately derived the name of the company“
Hahaha! So, Oppenheimer (Jew) and J.P. Morgan & Co. (intermarried with Jews) founded and NAMED their company the “Anglo American Corporation“!! These Jews do have a sense of humour!
It’s definitely a good video worth watching. Cheers to Keith for recommending this one to me!
The television is an evil creature in the modern age. The medium is passive and all you are meant to do is sit there and soak up whatever rubbish the Jews want to feed you. If you are not a person who is capable of critical thought (like the majority), then the chances are you simply absorb all the false information like a sponge. Add in all the emotionally manipulative propaganda designed to further disable your critical thought faculties, and you end up with an obedient, zombie-like herd of people, who just say ‘yes’ to the T.V. and treat it as their loving ‘living-room’ companion!
Just sit there, shut up, and absorb what Mr. Jew tells you!
I suggest if you don’t watch any television to turn it on and watch a half hour news or current affairs program to see what it’s like. See how it makes you feel. I probably watch half an hour in total everyday just to get the flavour of what people are being fed. One aspect of T.V. programming that they’ve really upped the ante with over the last few years is that of forcibly promoting ‘victimhood’ status as something to be desired. It continues to get worse and worse as this rotten Jew World Order agenda drags on. Everywhere you look in ‘T.V.-land’ there are more and more people trying their hardest to be victims of something. Anything will do. So long as they can complain about someone oppressing them. That’s what it boils down to, and it’s pathetic, not to mention how depressing it is.
Q. What is the driving force and the underlying false ideal behind all the T.V. propaganda?
A. Jewish Marxism and its ‘equality’ mythology.
William L. Pierce said that equality is mankind’s’ most dangerous myth. He was certainly spot-on with that assessment!
All Marxist philosophy is an extension of the false assumption that everyone and everything is inherently equal. We know that there is no equality in nature. No two individual people or any two races are the same. So, if we start from the false assumption of inherent equality, then there must be oppressors and the oppressed (victims). This is the only way to explain why inequality is abundant and everywhere. It creates a crazy scenario where anyone who is naturally above the ‘equality-line’ and doing well for themselves must be oppressing some poor victim. And vice-versa; the person who is below the ‘equality-line’ and is less able must be suffering some form of victimisation. Marxism is sheer lunacy when broken down in a simple manner like that. The oppressor and victim dialectic (Talmudic) also does wonders to destroy any incentive for people to better themselves. Rather than taking a good hard look at your own miserable failings and trying to fix them, you can just blame someone else! What a stupid, destructive, and thoroughly Jewish ideology!
On the television (electric Jew) it is pretty easy to see how Jewish Marxism works its wonders on the issues of race, gender and sexual orientation:
Public enemy #1: White male, heterosexual. Especially if you are fit, strong, and racially conscious! Can never be oppressed according to Marxists!
Public enemy #2: White female, heterosexual. Women come in at number two because they can always complain that men are oppressing them, if they want. All thanks to Jewish Feminism which is just an extension of Marxism anyway!
The Eternal Victims of Evil Whites: Consists of men and women from all non-white racial groups. They all have ‘oppressors’ who they can complain about to the Marxist overlords. No prizes for guessing who is always accused of possessing ‘privileges’. The only Whites who are afforded special treatment, due to oppression, are the gays. If you’re White and straight, forget about it!
The White oppressors made them like this.
Understanding the racialist worldview is the only way anyone can understand the depressing Marxist equality propaganda on television. Whites are always going to outperform the non-whites in any multi-racial society and become the so-called ‘oppressors’ of everyone. This is why the desire for victim status is so strong with the non-whites. With a bunch of Jews overlooking the process, the darker races are encouraged, as if ‘Whitey’ owes them, to take whatever they can out of Whitey’s rightfully earned wealth and status.
It’s not hard to see why modern society continues to decompose around us. The Jews have pretty much removed all incentive for the most able elements within society to try to ‘succeed’. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t try to make our lives better wherever possible, we definitely should. The point is that with the system set up the way it is – taxing the hell out of those who earn more, then giving it to an undeserving class of scum – to put it mildly, it’s certainly no way to create a better society. We end up with what we see now – a completely dependent welfare class (mostly coloured) that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Enough with the victims! I’d happily tread on them all! This is the attitude we need to adopt – ‘if you are able-bodied and technically of sound mind, but you don’t want to contribute anything useful to society, then you deserve to be shunned and looked down upon’!
Strength, Power, Glory!
Adopting and implementing National Socialist principles (with an extremely aggressive eugenics program) is the only answer to our current societal and racial problems. It isn’t just one possible answer of many. It is the only answer because National Socialism is the exact opposite to the Jewish Talmudic doctrine of Marxism which is destroying everything natural and healthy in this world!
As we all know, readers of ‘Expel The Parasite’ are extremely hateful, bigoted, irrational, racist neo-Nazis…… Right? Well, in a certain sense, yes, but the key point about what we hate as opposed to what the Jews hate, is that we hate things that deserve to be hated! For example – we hate and oppose what the Jews are doing to our race, because if we don’t hate and oppose them, then our race will eventually be bred out and destroyed. It makes perfect sense to hate those who wish to wipe you out as a genetically unique group (race). All we really want is the Jewish parasite removed from our lives, non-whites living in their own territories, and we Whites living freely in our own territories. It’s pretty simple really. There’s no need for us to talk about racial supremacy or inferiority, because the obvious fact that the races are different is cause enough for us to be separate. Then, and only then, can the different races determine their own destinies. Like I said before, there’s nothing tricky to understand about any of this……
Jews, however, are a different quantity in this regard. They hate us because they know that they are a parasitic entity! They know that their racial existence is only guaranteed so long as they can continue to live off productive peoples. I believe that knowing that fact is what makes the Jew feel inadequate (which he is), and from there he has nothing but a stupid self-destructive sense of loathing and hatred toward his host peoples.
Ugly bastard Edomite….
When you know about what Jews have done throughout history, you realise that it is them doing all the hating and persecuting of others in the most irrational, and racially supremacist of manners. Flip the mainstream ‘truth’ 180 degrees and you arrive at the real truth!
Let’s have a look at what these lovely Chabad Lubavitchers think about non-Jews.
As an introductory glimpse into Jewish supremacism, I can point to the close relationship of the White House of the United States with a very powerful, extremist Jewish organization, Chabad Lubavitch.
What is Chabad Lubavitch? It is worldwide, ultra-orthodox Jewish extremist organization with members in every leading nation of the world. If you are not familiar with the organization, its racial supremacism will shock you.
Chabad Lubavitch teaches that Gentiles are unclean, inferior creatures whose sole purpose on the earth is to serve Jews. Various Chabad rabbis maintain that Jews are literally the DNA of God, while Gentiles are the “supernal refuse of creation.[1]” They often teach that it is no sin, and is in fact righteous, to kill or cheat a Gentile. Some readers may not want to believe this, but any quick research on the Internet to official Chabad sites and the writings of numerous Chabad rabbis will bear out every word that I say. You will find that everything in Jewish Supremacism is thoroughly documented and referenced.
Chabad and other extremist orthodox rabbis frequently author columns in the largest Jewish newspaper in the United States, Jewish Week. In this paper you will find supremacist attitudes that any decent human being would call horrific. Examine the following quote:
As for the goyim…Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. …
If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. – Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States
This Statement was made by a leading Lubavitch Rabbi named Yitshak Ginsburgh and it can be found in the April 26, 1996 Jewish Week. Many Christians would doubt the authenticity of the quote simply because they could not believe any religious leader would actually say that it would be moral for a Jew to kill a Gentile and take his liver. In many of my lectures, I bring home the horror of what Rabbi Ginsburgh said by pointing out to the non-Jews in the audience that he argues that Jews have the moral right to murder your mother or father, son or daughter, husband or wife to provide a liver for a Jew. The evil of such a statement is simply beyond the comprehension of most of us, but again, this statement was made in largest, most popular Jewish publication in the United States.
For simply quoting Ginsburgh and exposing Jewish supremacism in my writings and lectures I have been condemned as a hater, anti-Semite and a bigot. I must endure this treatment by the media while Ginsburgh himself has received hardly a whiff of criticism. His statement was not one of a lone extremist Jew off somewhere in a remote desert of Israel, but was made by one of the honored leaders of a sect that actually has parties and conferences in the White House.
The New Republic in a May 4, 1992 article revealed the hateful anti-Gentile nature of Chabad Lubavitch.
…there are some powerful ironies in Chabad’s new messianic universalism, in its mission to the gentiles; and surely the most unpleasant of them concerns Chabad’s otherwise undisguised and even racial contempt for the goyim.
…Moreover, this characterization of gentiles as being inherently evil, as being spiritually as well as biologically inferior to Jews, has not in any way been revised in later Chabad writing. (The New Republic)[2]
The “Great Rebbe” is the spiritual leader of Chabad. He was late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson many Jews worship like a Messiah. Chabad claims that Rabbi Schneerson never committed a sin in his entire life, and they gathered by the thousands at his gravesite expecting him to rise from the dead. What did Rabbi Schneerson say about Gentiles?
The following quotes are taken from a book of his recorded messages to followers in Israel, titled Gatherings of Conversations and published in Israel in 1965. During the subsequent three decades of his life until his death, Rabbi Schneerson remained consistent; he did not change any of the opinions. What Rabbi Schneerson taught became official, Lubavitch-Hassidic doctrine. Regarding the non-Jew the Lubovitcher Rebbe’s views were clear:
The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world …
…An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.
We therefore ask: Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”[3]
It is against the law to not allow the enemy inside the gates.
UN agency says Australia could be breaking the law after reports of its navy intercepting boats carrying migrants.
Adrian Edwards, a spokesman for the UN high commissioner for refugees says the agency wants an explanation as to why there are reports of the Australian navy stopping Indonesian illegal immigrant boats from crossing into Australia.
“UNHCR would be concerned by any policy or practice that involved pushing asylum-seeker boats back at sea without a proper consideration of individual needs for protection,” Edwards told reporters, saying the agency wanted details from the government.
“Any such approach would raise significant issues and potentially place Australia in breach of its obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention and other international law obligations,” he said.
Meanwhile, Indonesia has put its jet fighters on alert to attack Australian ships if they enter the sea around Indonesia. The Indonesian navy has also been moved closer to Australia.
A nationwide opinion poll conducted by UMR Research, shows that 59% of people think most boat immigrants are not genuine refugees, 30% of Australians think immigrants should not be treated more severely, and 59% oppose immigrants receiving government welfare assistance.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, elected on “stop the boats” slogan, has enacted “Operation Sovereign Borders“, a campaign which is credited with stopping almost 80% of boat illegal immigrants.
When “open borders” are declared (but only for White countries), it is pretty obvious what is going to happen. If you have two buildings; one is full of money, diamonds, gold bullions – and the other building is full of scrap, which building would stand to lose the most if people were invited to take whatever they wanted from either building?
The reason why White countries have so many immigrants is because White people have produced societies that people want to live in.
Meanwhile on planet Earth, rich countries like Japan or China are allowed to patrol their borders to make sure that Japan and China remain countries full of Oriental people. The same is true of ANY non-White country.
Steve Goode over at the White Genocide Project is doing a really good job putting out the right message. Definitely go and check out his site! Keep up the great work Steve!
As usual it’s the wonderful ever-loving Jewnited Nations telling us we can’t patrol our borders. Once you know what’s going in the world (with the Jews controlling everything) you find that no news stories are surprising, at all! Everything fits the Jew agenda for world domination and the genocide of the White Race, therefore we must do our best to oppose them.
It is important that Germans understand the peaceful nature of their new Volk, the invading savage Muslim hordes. Please note how beautiful these girls are, with their black eyes and dog-like facial features.
For the first time in history, German schools are offering school classes teaching Islam, as part of an integration plan.
The classes are being offered in Hesse state primary (middle) schools and it is hoped they will better integrate the Muslim minority, particularly the Turkish, who are the largest minority in Germany.
The state of Hesse not only offers primary school children Islamic classes, but also has developed a university program and has taken charge of training teachers.
Fazil Altin, a lawyer and president of the Islamic Federation, said Muslims in Berlin have spent 20 years trying to push Islam in Berlin’s schools
German authorities want these classes to combat what they call “radical” beliefs. By “radical” it is meant that it changes the direction of a society in a way where the elite would get kicked out of power.
Some “German” Muslims are currently in Syria working as mercenaries – or as they call it, a “Jihad” (holy war), and the German government views their military experience and connections as something that may threaten Germany’s security when the Muslim mercenaries return to Germany.
Germany has approximately four million Muslims; it has continuously increased since Germany invited Turkish “guest workers” in the 1960s. West German states are usually the ones that have the most Muslims in them; both in terms of percentages and actual figures.
The German authorities believe that teaching young Muslims about Islam, and putting a very strong emphasis on “tolerance” will change the opinions of the young Muslims to see themselves as the same German people who the Romans wrote about, and not as just a Muslim who was born in Germany.
This of course will not work – blood is thicker than text books. Muslims are not interested in a coloured bit of flag, they are interested in their own people, and religion. In fact, the majority of every group care about their individual group of people. There is one exception to that – White people; only a minority of White people care about White people as a group.
The people who have initiated and perpetuated White genocide (and policies that lead to White genocide), did not create this kink in our armour, the kink was already there – an enemy just exploits that kink in order to get what they want.
This is a very aggravating story…. Get angry White man, you know damn well this situation is completely fucked up! My blood’s boiling right now….. (and I’m in Australia for fucks sake!)