After listening to the “debate” with “Mike Delaney & Scott Roberts versus John Friend & Tom in CT”,I am now certain that the 9-11 No-Planes Theory & September Cluesare both completely bunk. After watching September Clues it’s clear to me that none of it makes any sense. There is no reason for the Jews to have turned New York into a giant movie set in order to carry out 9-11, nor is thereany waythey could have done this and gotten away with it, without thousands of New Yorker’s noticing something strange that day. The whole Simon Shack scenario is so bizarre that, like Scott Roberts said, the official story of 19 Arab Hijackers is far more plausible. Think about it. Just because the Jews own the TV doesn’t mean that normal people in New York “all of a sudden” were completely incapable of recognising or bearing eyewitness to something fishy, like Jews filming a 9-11 movie.
The only valid concept put forward by the “No Plane” crowd is that of “Media Fakery“. Video footage can be faked, digitally altered, superimposed, etc. They could have used faked videos, but there was really no reason when they could film the real thing! Dov Zakheim – Systems Planning Corporation – remote control planes – fly into towers – and there you go.
This is Simon Shack:
Jew or not Jew? Given his ‘Jewy look’ and role as maker of the September Clues disinfo film, I say ‘Jew’!Simon Hytten AKA Simon Shack & Max Konrardy (Hoi Polloi)….. Yeah, they’re Jews…
Regarding the “debate” itself; it wasn’t much of a debate. It was basically Mike and Scott telling it like it is, and to hell with everyone and everything else. I firmly believe that Mike’s film ‘Missing Links’is spot on, and the only 9-11 documentary worth watching, so I can understand Mike’s fierce defence of its rock-solid thesis. John Friend was barely given a chance to state his case, therefore the whole thing was completely unfair to him. For a “debate” to be done right, it needs a moderator, especially when both sides are likely to get heated! Tom in CT surprised me with how well he explained the “Media Fakery/ Psyop” aspects of 9-11 (or any given case), whilst agreeing with Mike and Scott’s underlying theme of always exposing the Jew and looking at the bigger picture.
Finally, this point should have been raised, but it wasn’t:
Ken Feinberg ran a victims compensation fund of $7 billion. 97% of victims’ families took the money and waived their right to demand a real investigation into 9-11. Why bother with a compensation fund if there were no real victims?
That fact alone is a smoking gun. It tells us that the Jews clearly knew there were going to be real victims AND that the reason for a lack of victim’s family members demanding real answers is because the Jews put up irresistibly high sums of money as compensation to keep their mouths shut.
I stand by my earlier article about this issue. It sums up what I think and it’s the truth. I don’t really care to investigate this topic anymore; I’m done with it.
Hopefully there’s no bitterness between John Friend, Mike Delaney and Scott. It was a necessary thrashing out of the issue. It’s done now, so everyone can get back to focusing on what matters: The White Race and defeating the eternal Jew! (Anyone who can’t work that last bit out isn’t worth a pinch of shit)
What is it that determines whether or not someone is capable of understanding how political power works? What are the factors involved?
The main factors in my mind are intelligence, perception, mental courage, and critical thought. Varying degrees of natural ability exist in each person for using these faculties. For some reason, humans, as a species, are dangerously deficient when it comes to recognising and understanding how power works. As a life-long independent thinker, I’ve always found the ‘sheepish’ nature of people, or the ‘herd mentality’, to be immensely frustrating to deal with. It gets very irritating to see how the majority of people around you can live quite happily, completely oblivious to the ‘world political nightmare’ we are facing. If you are reading this, you probably already know that the ‘Jewish Agenda for World Domination’ is the only real problem facing the world, and that everything else is merely symptomatic.
The American Empire is simply the main engine, or ‘Jew HQ’ for World Domination.
Here’s how I analyse the situation:
A power structure always works in a ‘top-down’ fashion. This is just a basic fact of nature. Every species lives among its own kind, and among all the individuals who all have different traits, a pecking order will develop. This forms a hierarchical pyramid-shaped structure, and when the species is living exclusively (not including foreign invaders), it will be a natural, agreeable type of structure. When parasites, like Jews, are included in the structure, you get problems.
The eye at the top represents the Jew controlling everything
At this current juncture in history, we have a power structure of unprecedented size, operating and ruling over the entire ‘western world’. To identify the ‘hidden force’ behind things, I’ve always pictured the pyramid. The pyramid tells you that there must be a ‘Mr. Big’, who represents the force responsible for holding the power structure together. All you have to do, is work out who Mr. Big is! He must exist, or the power structure would fall apart, like a match-stick castle without glue.
As it turns out, Mr. Big is a collaborative effort of a certain (alleged) 2%, to rule everything. They are called Jews. The question remains; how do I know I am right? How can I be so certain?
This is the answer, and something I’ve always understood intuitively:
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize.”
This quote has been attributed to Voltaire, but there’s some conjecture about whether it’s one of his. Either way, it always holds true!
To find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize, you must identify ‘taboo’ issues, forbidden topics, and anyone who is ‘holier than thou’. It’s pretty easy, when you put your mind to it. The Jews, Race, and the Holocaust, are never talked about in an open fashion in modern society. The Jews are ‘holier than thou’, while Race and the Holocaust are off the discussion table! Those facts alone, made me want to know why, and urgently! Once you crack the ‘Jews, Race, Holocaust’ trio, everything starts making sense. You also know for sure that you have hit the ‘nerve centre’ of the power structure! The ‘holy ones’ are not to be spoken badly of; therefore, we have identified Mr. Big of the pyramid!
The real sign in Hollywood
Jews are the rulers of the modern western world, and once you know that, it becomes child’s-play to tie every taboo issue back to them. Why can’t we discuss Race? Well, that’s because the Jews are out to destroy every race except theirs. Why can’t we discuss the Holocaust? It’s because if people understood that it’s a hoax, then the Jews could no longer hide behind their veil of persecution, and everyone would see the vampire for who he is! You can just keep on going down the line, exposing all the Marxist crap for what it is. Every taboo issue, where certain opinions are deemed unacceptable, will lead you back to the Jewish poison in our modern society. For example: equality, feminism, the fags, 9-11, global warming, wars in the middle east (for Israel), race, the Holocaust, etc. It’s always the Jews behind the poison, and you are not allowed to point the fact out (in public discourse anyway)!
It’s everyone except the Jews
Why is it hard for some people to identify the real ruling power? It obviously isdifficult for a lot of people. Forget the masses and consider how many people are out there chasing ghosts, goblins, and Trilateral Commissions. Alex Jones ranks 1,030 on the Alexa Rankings, so clearly there are tons of people who know something’s wrong, but have absolutely no idea how to work out where the power is actually emanating from. I was fooled by Jonestein for a couple of months during the awakening process, but I smelled a rat (faced-Jew) pretty quickly!
Those at the ‘top of the pyramid’ tend to look like this
I know that I’m an intelligent person, much smarter than the average in regards to IQ, but I’m not some super-smart genius or anything. Why is it that I can figure the entire world political situation out, while much more intelligent people, like physics professors and mathematicians, often don’t seem to be able to? (Obviously, William L Pierce is excluded from the list of physics professors who can’t figure it out!) This is where I believe perception comes into the equation.
Intelligent thought is one thing, but being perceptive and able to see the bigger picture is a different sort of skill. Either you are born with it, or you’re not. This is why I think geniuses are often compartmentalised in their brilliance. They can only use their intellect in certain fields, and the rest of the world is lost on them. Only a naturally perceptive mind has any hope of reaching the point where they can see past all the crap, and work out how the world really works.
I think that most people stuck on the ‘Alex Jones- Infowars’ level are intelligent, but sorely lacking in the skill of perceiving how power operates. As we know, all Alex Jones does, is point (with his fat fingers) at every conceivable Goyim group, real or fictitious, and says,
“Well, we know it’s the Germanic Death Cult, since Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was a Nazi, and he was in the Bilderberg Group, they’re planning to use Nazi Eugenics on us all to reduce the population, and we should never forget that Hitler holocausted 6 million Jews”.
The guy talks utter crap, and whenever he points at a ‘Shabbos Goy’ (Jew collaborator), these people are fooled into believing that the Jews aren’t the force at the top of the pyramid. How many giant criminal networks don’t have willing sell-out collaborators assisting them? Could the Jews do all this on their own? Of course not! But it doesn’t mean that they aren’t the controllers and string-pullers behind the agenda. The fact that big fat Alex Jones broadcasts from a Jewish owned radio network, with nearly all Jewish sponsors, should arouse suspicion amongst his followers! The strange thing is that it doesn’t seem to. It illustrates how gullible people can be, and these people are at least somewhat intelligent.
Alex Jones: The fat lunatic is constantly lying to his gullible followers
The faculty of critical thought is an extension of general intelligence, or IQ of a person. It can be taught to people who are intelligent enough to use it, but it’s more a question of whether the individual is mentally active, or mentally lazy.
If I were a betting man, I’d say that most people lack a virtue which is very tempting for the average coward to ignore: Mental Courage! Take a certain portion within the Alex Jonestein camp, and I bet they know the real deal, but simply do not have the guts to admit it. They are truly pathetic, and in fact, are far worse than the genuinely gullible person.
A person must possess all four skills/abilities if they are ever going to work things out.
Sufficient levels of intellect and perceptivity are something that an individual either has, or doesn’t have. These two factors depend entirely on the innate qualities within an individual, and cannot be learned.
Without it, you can never hope to correctly diagnose what’s causing all the problems!
Whether someone has the mental courage to face the truth depends upon their innate nature mainly, but environmental factors may also come into play, either enhancing or hindering the individual’s level of mental courage.
Everyone is born with a certain ‘level of inclination’ toward critical thought. Some have no inclination, while others are very critical thinkers. With a bit of training and effort, the mentally lazy person can be taught to think critically!
That is my basic summary of how I view the concept and reality of power in this world. Just in case anyone reading this doesn’t know that it’s the Jews at the top of the pyramid; please return to this fundamental truism:
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize.”
12 years on from the most famous Jewish attack on American (western) soil…… What lessons have we learnt?
(Apart from the fact that Alex Jones tells lies about 9-11!)
Here’s what I make of 9-11:
There are three primary reasons why the Jewish Cabal decided to attack the U.S. on September 11, 2001:
1.) To put the blame for the attacks on Israel’s enemies; meaning the Arab/Muslim nations surrounding them. The goal was to portray them as “terrorists” and the enemies of “western” civilisation in general…. This objective has clearly been achieved by the Jews. They can then call anyone who opposes the Jewified Western nations a “terrorist” and also bitch and moan about how much “terrorism” the poor innocent persecuted Jews have to put up with in Israel. Basically, they get the “sympathy vote” if we follow their bullshit story of the 19 Arabs wielding box-cutters!
2.) So the Jewish controlled “west” would willingly fight wars on behalf of Israel…. Now that we have common enemies it’s supposedly in our interest to help the Jews.
3.) To create hi-tech police-states throughout the West and survey every single action anyone makes… If we “good goyim” oppose them in any way then we must be “siding with the Terrorists”!
We’ve already been through Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and now are about to go into Syria, and after that, Iran. Why is that? All because the Jews have us on a “terrorist witch hunt” for the “bogey man”….. (I thought Osama bin Obama was already dealt with….. Haha….. Nope; the wars still continue, telling us clearly that the “binny” hunt was all bullshit to start with!)
It’s interesting to note that the “Fighting Terrorism” excuse for all these mid-east wars was used most extensively for the Iraq and Afghan wars, but in the more recent Libya and Egypt debacles the media simply shows Arabs/Muslims = Bad, U.S. (west) = Good, peace loving, democratic…. And that’s enough for most to swallow the “Jew Party Line”! The Jew narrative is so entrenched, they only have to show 9-11 footage “every now and then” to illustrate how evil the Muslims are, and everyone believes it…… (Not that I like Muslims btw…)
Whenever the “rat faced Jews” are looking for extra sympathy all they do is throw in the ultimate chutzpah, and mention the Holohoax so we feel even more sorrow and pity for the “poisecuted” Yids!
The latest bit of chutzpah here in Australia has been our U.S. Ambassador, Jeffrey Bleich (Jewish of course), putting up flags of all the “victim” nations at a 9-11 memorial in Canberra… The NERVE of these RAT bastards is unbelievable: They commit the crime, play the victim, get us to fight their illegitimate wars, and then pretend to be “sorry” for the acts of the supposedly evil, plotting, Arabs/Muslims……
Folks, we have one problem in the world today and that is the JEWISH PROBLEM!
Everything else is a symptom of the JEWISH PROBLEM!
12 years after the fact it is high-time “average Joe Schmo” got an IRON FIST of TRUTH in his FACE!!!!
Watch this if you are unsure of whether JEWS did 9-11:
OK. You’ve learnt the truth about the Jews and their Jew World Order agenda. You understand the racial question. You view the world clearly along the correct ideological lines: racial separatism equals racial preservation; the opposite equals racial and cultural destruction. You know that the Jews are the destructive force behind the agenda of racial integration; therefore they must be opposed and excluded from our society. You know and understand the ways of nature and how National Socialism is the direct expression of natures will. You know that Jewish Communism is 100% anti-nature and is the enemy of everything good and beautiful in the world…..
The situation is pretty simple.
Above: Good and Evil.
You must be Pro-White, Anti-Jewish and Pro-Nature. That’s essentially it! Now what? What do you do?
This is when things get frustrating. To know the “real deal” about world politics and then take a good hard look around at how completely inert the average persons mind is; well, to put it mildly, it doesn’t fill you with much hope……. It reinforces the fact that we are suffering from MAJOR POLITICAL IMPOTENCE! I believe that most people who know the stuff we know probably feel the same way. They look around at the unthinking masses and just wonder, “What the hell are we going to do about our state of affairs?” It makes you feel like a genius stuck in an absolute swarm of idiots. I don’t know how else to put it. I really don’t like bragging but we must admit it: we, the people in ‘the know’, are like a more advanced life-form than the average unthinking people….. That may sound as if I’m suffering from delusions of superiority, but am I really? WE ARE RIGHT. WE KNOW IT. Therefore all else follows. If 99.9% of other people can’t figure out how things work around them, then why should we pretend as if we are on their level (for any reason other than spreading the word), when we are above them? If in doubt, turn on the T.V. and see what level of political thought the average people are occupied with…. It’s so dumb and meaningless it’s beyond description!
So, we are pretty much ‘lone people’ with far superior knowledge and understanding, surrounded by giant swarms of mindless idiots. That’s how I feel most of the time, except when I’m talking to like-minded intelligent beings…. I’m lucky enough to know a few of these splendid people among family, friends, and internationally. But, apart from that, the whole world is a bunch of idiots!
What do you do? Time is ticking, the world’s problems are getting worse thanks to the Jews, and we have absolutely no political organisation, and no real way of fighting these filthy rat-faced Jews…. This is the political impotence I mentioned earlier! There is basically nothing of any substance we can look to to fix things…… You feel like just throwing your hands in the air and saying, “to hell with it all”, and completely ignoring all this stuff. But you know deep down that you simply can’t ignore it! That’s because as righteous individuals we feel a responsibility toward our race and providing it with a decent future. This is a natural instinct and it cannot be done away with. Maybe it can be suppressed, but not extinguished. So, once again: What do you do?
Here’s how I view our situation and ‘options for action’:
Are we ever going to magically ‘wake-up’ the great masses of people? No, that will never happen.
Is there probably 10-15% of our race that is worth saving? Yes there is, and this should be our TARGET AUDIENCE when spreading our message.
Can we ever negotiate or compromise with the Jews? Absolutely not under any circumstances whatsoever! (That would be like a mouse pleading with a cat not to eat it!)
OK, so we have a target audience for our message; the 10-15%. Remember we are the 0.1% of this 10-15%, if that! We know the deal and it’s our job to somehow plant the right ideas and seeds of thought into this worthwhile 10-15%…… The million dollar question is: HOW?
I believe that since this whole ‘Anti-Jew, Pro-White’ movement is virtually non-existent in the real world; our job at this stage is to simply do what we can to fight the ‘infowar’. As much as I hate to steal a term from big fat Jew shill Alex Jones, it is the best term for the stage things are at…. The ‘Infowar’ stage. Can we really kid ourselves into believing we are any more politically advanced in this fight than that? Not in my opinion.
How do we conduct ourselves and what techniques should we use to spread our message?
Activism such as handing out fliers or DVD’s or plastering noticeboards etc, are always good things to do. It’s probably not very effective on most people because most common idiots struggle to digest any real information that’s not in the mainstream media. But, forget them; they’re a lost cause anyway. Noticeboard fliers (if they look good) may tweak the interest of someone in the 10-15%, who knows? It may lead that person over to our side…. That’s our aim of course! This sort of activism is not for everyone obviously. Personally, I like to do the noticeboard thing every now and then. It’s easy to do if you’re out and about the place, and it might get through to someone someday…. Another idea is to stick a couple bumper stickers on your car… Not with swastikas or anything likely to get your vehicle vandalised though….. Stickers like this:
Maybe VoR isn’t the best example as they are seemingly defunct…. or Truth Militia either since they’re on ‘extended holidays‘…. but you get the idea. Just make sure it LOOKS GOOD. Nothing boring or shitty looking…
My favourite technique to spread the message is through the spoken word (one-on-one style). The main thing to take into consideration when speaking to people you don’t really know is whether they are susceptible to reason. If they’re not, then don’t bother. If they seem decent, intelligent and interested in the subject matter, then ask them some thought provoking questions. Be smart and try to get them thinking! Behave in a decent polite manner, show respect, and never come across as if you are insulting their intelligence. I’ve done that before in the past, and people think you’re a fucking crackpot lunatic, tipping a bucket of water on their head, and expecting them to drink it all!! DON’T DO THAT, trust me! Success comes when you can put ‘our message’ on THEIR level. They are not on your level, so you must alter your conduct accordingly. The idea is to lift them to a higher level of knowledge, so play it cool and smart! If you’re out somewhere and alcohol is involved, be extra careful!
Another method is through the internet. Start up a blog and put your thoughts on there! Who knows, YOU may have a great writing style and a ‘knack’ for getting through to people! It’s worth trying. What have you got to lose? Obviously this site is aimed mainly at the already converted, and I’m probably just preaching to the choir most of the time… But who cares? I feel better for doing it and it means there’s one more site opposing the rotten Jew bastards! Internet media is the media of the future. More and more people are going to get sick of the Jew newspapers and look for alternative news and truth on the net…….. Then they stumble upon our plethora of sites? More sites expressing our message can only help things reach a ‘critical mass’ in the future….. I hope!
Still within the internet realm; you could go around to mainstream news sites and other blogs that disagree with us, and leave comments directing readers our way…..
This is honestly where I believe we are at in this ‘movement’ (if we can call it that)….
Outside of the ‘world political nightmare’ you have yourself to worry about. What are you going to do with your life? No matter what dreams you may have of living 100% independent of the Jew, it aint going to happen, not at this point in time anyway….. But,you can minimise your involvement and dependency on his rotten system!
I have a theory that enclaves of decent White people will emerge in the future as a result of how the Jew system pushes things about….. The top 10-15% of Whites will probably be forced back into self-sufficiency, meaning living off the land once again, as our Jew-run countries balkanise along racial lines…… This is why I promote the idea of ‘Whites who know the deal’ going back to the land to run their own affairs as independently of the Jew as they can! This is my personal aim in life, outside of all the political concerns….. Take it for what you reckon its worth.
The biggest hurdle in the future will be how we handle the non-white hordes in all the cities when their welfare funds dry up…… They will move outwards looking for more stuff to pinch off Whitey… What will we do then? I think this is the point when political organisation will ‘all-of-a-sudden’ become a lot easier for Whites to do along racial lines…. ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ and the worthwhile Whites will eventually organise properly out of necessity!!
I may be wrong about how I think things will unfold in the future. I’m only speculating here…..
The bottom-line is:
Take care of yourself and your own affairs first. Look for a way to minimise participation in the Jew system and simultaneously do your bit to inform other receptive minds of what’s going on!
That’s really all we can do at the moment until the Jews exhaust themselves, which they will, because their systems are parasitic and therefore self-destructive! At the critical juncture when the Jews’ power has weakened: We will strike the beast and finish him off for good! Until then, everyone is far too comfortable to organise politically, therefore NOTHING will happen at this point in time……
Be positive and spread the word of TRUTH…. EVERY effort helps!
I think it’s long overdue that I explained my own personal “awakening” to the Jewish and Racial problems.
So here goes:
Up until probably late 2008 I had no idea what a Jew even was. Absolutely no real conception of them and the enormous problem they truly are. If you had asked me about Jews I would probably have said that they were Hitler’s unfortunate victims in the Holocaust…… That would have been it. Regarding “Race” I’d say that I have always been “a bit” racially conscious but I never gave it any serious thought…. I’d probably have been turned off by “racism” as I understood it (through the Jew medias portrayal of it)….’
Anyway, my first ever “real” political thinking began in 2007 while I was working a shitty office job. There was fuck all to do except play computer mini-golf or waste the company’s internet time… I chose to waste their internet time! The first thing I was interested in was studying the differences between “Capitalism” and “Communism”. I kept on this topic until I was sick of it…. My conclusion was that communism offered more to the working man and capitalism was a more deregulated system of financial corruption…. I managed to use 18x the internet allowance at work and got myself in a bit of shit for that! All good fun, trust me….
In the first half of 2008 I was listening to The Clash and the Sex Pistols endlessly and this fuelled my “Left-leaning” tendencies to the point of being sympathetic to communism! I admit it. The Sex Pistols made me think more along the lines of Anarchism. For most of 2008 I went between commie left-wing ideas and anarchism…. I never really believed in these “lefty” ideologies. I just felt that they were more in touch with common people than anything “right-wingers” or capitalists did or said…. I was naive and wrong…
Above: Johnny Rotten
I didn’t get anywhere near the right track until I was lent a copy of Jim Marrs’ book “The Rise of the Fourth Reich” and an Alex Jones DVD called Endgame. I know now that they are ridiculous lying propaganda pieces designed to make you blame “Nazis” and feel sympathy for “the Jews”. Anyway, these two items got me studying this “New World Order” thing. I knew what they were saying was kind-of correct…. It was in the “ball-park” of what I could see going on through the TV, newspapers etc…. After studying the New World Order with a fine tooth comb (albeit only from inside the Alex Jones Infowars sort of mindset) I decided that it was definitely a REAL AGENDA. There was this “NEW WORLD ORDER” AND SOME “HIDDEN FORCE” WAS BEHIND IT!
I kept on with ol’ Jonestein for a couple months after I’d finished Marrs’ book and Endgame. After listening to Jones and Marrs bash Hitler constantly I got wondering about how evil this man must have been….. It seemed incredible that he could have been soooo EVIL, so I decided to go and get myself a copy of Mein Kampf to see what a MONSTER he was….. I gifted it to myself as an extra Christmas present for 2008…. I fully expected an orgy of violence and irrational hatred and I was quite disappointed when I first started reading and found no such thing!
So, I kept reading….. I began to like Mein Kampf early on and I thought there must be something wrong with me! I didn’t really say what I was truly thinking about Mein Kampf to anyone while I read it… It took from the start of 2009 until May 2009 to finish it… I went through everything in the book with a fine tooth comb, this time looking at websites outside of Jonesteins circle of disinfo….
As I went through what he said about “Jewry” I simultaneously investigated the Jews and their role in historical events… My jaw dropped when I found out that “The Holocaust” was a propaganda LIE! That shattered all my previous belief in anything I’d been told through the mainstream media. I just couldn’t believe it was a hoax….. But there it was. I knew it was a hoax but I doubted and wavered thinking there must be another explanation for this…. That was until I reached the bit in Mein Kampf where Hitler talks about the BIG LIE! Alex Jones told me that Hitler promoted it…. Then I discovered Hitler WARNED US ABOUT “THE BIG LIE” AS A JEWISH LYING TECHNIQUE… He didn’t promote it at all…. He warned that the Jews use it… Case in point: The HOLOCAUST! Hitler was right back then and he’s still being lied about, JUST AS HE PREDICTED….. This was and still is the most amazing prophetic vision I’ve ever heard! My eyes were open. Truly open. I could see and understand what Hitler was on about… He was right... And more amazingly, his worldview from the 1920’s was still correct!
It was May 2009. I knew the deal finally. It was THE JEWS who were the driving force of this NEW WORLD ORDER and I had no doubt about it…..
I’ve continued my study of the Jews and their Jew World Order ever since… So that makes me officially wise to the situation for 4 years and 2 months (July 2013)!
Since May 2009 I’ve uncovered a million and one “agendas” that the Jews are behind. In fact, they are behind pretty much EVERYTHING! “Oh I’m exaggerating, blah blah blah…. No I’m not”! If you look up any number of “unsavoury” agendas being promoted (or promoted in the past), you’ll find Jews behind them all….
For example: Faggot agenda, Egalitarianism (equalitarianism I prefer to call it), Marxism (Bolshevism), Phoney White Guilt, Zionism, Capitalism, 9-11 attacks, 7-7 London Bombings, Pornography, control of governments, foreign policy, MASS-MEDIA, alternative gate-keepers like Alex Jones etc, financial systems and all the banks within, Hollywood, publishing companies, THE LAW, insurance companies, Wall St scams (entirely Jew run), multi-RACIALISM (erroneously called multi-culturalism), extreme taxation, pharmaceutical industry, medicine, vaccines, GM Foods, Global Warming Lies…. and on and on and on…. you get the picture….
As for the question of “Race”? I made my mind up in late 2009 (officially). After careful and logical consideration the options are this: 1.) go with the “Jew World Order” agenda and promote mixing of all races together, except the Jews of course, until we are a “coffee coloured negroid consuming mass of idiots” like the Jews want to turn us all into, or 2.) promote “RACIAL NATIONALISM” or “RACIAL LOYALTY” since these are the ONLY natural defensive ideologies we can use, long term, against the evil Jews…. I chose OPTION 2….
The 9-11 attacks which were perpetrated by the Jews (see Missing Links or Masters of Deception) confirmed the “Jew World Order” agenda, 100%, beyond all doubt, for me personally. I learnt about 9-11 in mid 2010 (or there abouts)….. It’s the “clincher” for a lot of people, myself included obviously!
This is the honest truth of how I woke up to all the SHIT going on around the planet!!! All I can say is that after 4 or so years of knowing “the stuff” you certainly don’t become any less sure of yourself…. I can say with 100% confidence that I am right about the “Jew World Order” being the dominant force for globalisation and destruction of everything natural and good on this planet… I have absolutely no doubt that they are GUILTY OF WHAT I ACCUSE THEM OF! Posterity will be the judge of everyone…. That doesn’t worry me because I’m right!
Above: An unlikely Academy Award winner!
Anyone who honestly studies these questions, like I have, will have to agree… Or just LIE to themselves in a stupid display of self-deception!
I’m honest and true to myself.