The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It

This article by Sven Longshanks tells you all you need to know about the EU. Bare in mind when reading it that the EU is only a part of the United Nations apparatus for the subjugation and destruction of the White Race. The Jews have always ran the UN with their coloured lackeys helping them out. Logically it follows from there that any country who is in bed with the UN is taking its marching orders from the Jews. Pretty simple really.

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2014


The EU has always been just another system to put Jews in power and to destroy their enemies.

From the beginning, the EU has been a Jewish operation. It has two main goals:

1. To destroy every one of the different European Nation States by consuming all of them under the non-ethnic specific name ‘European’, while at the same time consolidating Jewish power at the top ruling over everyone.

2. To physically destroy all the different White ethnicities through forced integration and miscegenation with the Non-White hordes of Asia and Africa.

These deliberate goals can be ascertained from the writings of the ‘founding fathers’ of the EU and have continued to this day, constantly being hidden with various ploys of distraction by the Jewish subversives involved in it.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi is seen by many as the father of the EU, having laid the groundwork for the plot.

Just like the Jews that he idolized, he was a mongrel himself, being born of a Japanese mother and a mixed European father. His book, Practical Idealism talks of a plan to “turn the European into a mixed race of Asians and Negroes ruled over by the Jews.”

Kalergi-Coudenhove started the 1922 Pan-European movement to achieve this diabolical plan with the help of the B’nai Brith, a Jewish Supremacist international support group and criminal cult. His book was never very widely circulated and it appears that it was never fully translated into English (the original German version can be downloaded here.)

In the preface to the 1932 edition, Kalergi expanded on his mongrelization plan and included a clear call to genocide the White race in Europe:

Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race … similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples … Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, will against its own will … turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros … through this artificial selection process.

His honored status within the EU system today can still be seen in the Coudenhove Kalergi Prize, which is given to heads of state in the EU for furthering the real aims of the EU contained within his book.  Recent recipients of the prize have included Herman Van Rompuy and Angela Merkel. Prizes like this are often given out by the Jews to encourage competition among their servants in carrying out their genocidal agenda against the White race.


Proud citizen of a bastardized anti-nation built on the genocide of the last remaining White nations of the world.

Jean Monnet (1888-1979)

Jean Monnet was the chief architect of the EU. He was born into a family of Jewish merchants and spent his early life travelling between countries in Europe, helping his Jew brethren, fuelled by a hatred of Europeans, specifically Germans. As an adult he devoted his life to promoting the idea of a federated Europe with the goal of eliminating all borders and all distinct ethnicities (with the exception of the Jews of course).

He was not shy of referring to himself as an ‘Internationalist’ and would pretend that his loyalty was to all mankind, rather than to his specific tribe, yet everything he did advanced their interests over everyone else’s.

Monnet and the rest of the Internationalist Jews were putting the legislation in place that would lead to their supremacist dream as far back as 1940. They worked on various future Heads of State in order to achieve their goal, pressurizing them into accepting the idea of a Europe-wide super state, a method still followed today in the universities, where promising students are indoctrinated with pro-EU sentiments, so as when they get to positions of influence they all pursue the same sick policies.


That’s a European profile is it?

Karl Wolfgang Deutsch (1912-1992)

Karl Wolfgang Deutsch was born in Prague to Jewish parents, the name ‘Deutsch’ being a sickening insult to the true Deutsch people. He was brought up to hate Germans by his mother, who was well known for her anti-German activities in the Parliament and her hatred of the National Socialists.

He was banned from university for his anti-German activities and later in life played a part in the formation of the UN at the San Francisco conference in 1945. Deutsch was entrusted with a large role in the manipulation of students opinions, thanks to his position as President of various ‘Political Science’ associations; hatred of Nationalism was a main theme in his teachings.


Communist agitator Altiero Spinelli.

Altiero Spinelli (1907-1986)

Altiero Spinelli is another founding father of the EU. He was a member of the Italian Communist Party and wrote the Ventotene Manifesto with Ernesto Rossi, which advocates a federated Europe as a means to prevent Germany from gaining power.  The Manifesto was ostensibly about preventing war, but was really about restricting the ability of the European nations to fight back against the supranational Jewish power that was to take over the continent.

Spinelli’s Communist agenda is carried on today through the Spinelli Group, which is a network of subversives led by Jews like the pedophila-promoter Daniel Cohen-Bendit and Belgium’s Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt.

David Mitrany (1888-1975)

David Mitrany is a supposed leading scholar in political theory and is responsible for giving false explanations to academia as to why the EU continues to grow, despite constant opposition from the member states. His speciality was ‘Functionalism,’ a school of thought which promotes the concept of having internationalist agencies rule over nation-states.

Ernst Bernard Haas

Ernst Bernard Haas (1924-2003)

Ernst Bernard Haas came up with ‘Neofunctionalism’, where Nation States solve conflicts of interest by giving even more authority to minority groups and Internationalist agencies.

He believed in undermining all Nation States for the purposes of then controlling them:

The one theme that sort of underlies everything I’ve done… is the conditions under which the state as we understand it disappears, disintegrates, weakens, changes.

These people have controlled the EU debate from the beginning, offering false and often outright nonsensical economic explanations as to why the EU was formed, alongside promises of preventing war between the European nations that joined it.

With the aid of their Jewish lobbying groups, they have bullied and bribed statesmen into complying with them and indoctrinated students with their lies through their control of all the leading posts in the universities. All of the EU academia is controlled by Jews like these, following the ideas outlined in ‘Practical Idealism’ with the end goal being the Jews ruling over a mongrelized and weakened servant race, stripped of the ability to unite and fight back.


Due to the way the EU has been set up, the European Jewish Parliament has more control over the countries of Europe than their own nations do.

Through their aggressive self-promotion and united front against dissent, these Jews have managed to control the discourse in the universities entirely. They create the ‘leading scholars’ themselves and then ensure that the future leaders in the EU are all taught by them and adhere to their false premise of why the EU was set up and what it is supposed to achieve.

No discussion is allowed that does not conform to the pre-arranged ideas that the scholars pass down to their students. They dictate the questions that are allowed to be asked and they also dictate the answers.


Why is there no White peoples congress anywhere?

The EU was intentionally set up to give minority groups and supranational organizations excessive influence on the management of nations. This was promoted as being a way to prevent wars between the member states and persecution of minorities, but what it has meant is that groups like the European Jewish Parliament and the European Jewish Congress have more influence over the law-making apparatus than the countries themselves. It was designed from the beginning to prevent there being any accountability, just like their prototype for it – communism – which also involved the collectivisation of industry and resources under a singular state monopoly controlled by the Jews.


Despite continual opposition by the people to the EU since before it even started, politicians have continued to support it. This can only be because of the ceaseless lobbying they have received on its behalf by the Jewish ‘leading scholars’ and captains of industry who are the only people to benefit from it.

There can be only one reason why the idea of the EU has continued to be promoted, despite the people’s constant hatred of it: Jews.

Since before it even existed the Jews were promoting it and discussing ways to implement it. With their control of academia, they were able to push the false premises for it into the students minds and with their lobby groups they were able to bamboozle the statesmen. They rewarded the most zealous in the genocide with lavish awards and prizes.

Despite constant resistance the EU idea was able to cross generations as the Jews carried it forward, constantly changing the reasons given for its existence. If it were not for the Jews, the idea would never have even got off the ground, as the arguments both for and against it would have been heard and expanded on, rather than the false arguments that were put forward instead.

If the Jews had not been there in the institutions pretending to be Europeans and pretending to be wanting the best for their nations, their ideas would have been seen for what they are, nothing less than the genocide of the Jews’ only capable enemy: the White European Man.

Source Article

The Cause of Our Economic Woes: Free Trade, the United Nations, Fractional Reserve Debt-Based Money, Usury, and Jews

The Jews are behind it all....
The Jews are behind it all….

“If you own something, you will fight to protect it. If not, someone will come along and take it”.

The above statement holds true, whether you are talking about your own personal property, your family’s property, or your country’s resources and assets. The scale doesn’t matter – the principle remains the same.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have noticed that the economies of our formerly White ‘Nations’ (for want of a better word) are not what they used to be. Manufacturing and Agriculture have steadily declined since the 1970’s, and now we’ve reached the point where we hardly do either of these things at all. When a country no longer does any productive work, it tends to struggle to convince the rest of the world that its currency is worth anything. But don’t despair, for it is easy to identify the forces at work systematically gutting Western economies – namely the World Trade Organisation with its ‘Free Trade Agreements’, the U.N with its I.P.C.C. Global Warming hoax, the International Monetary Fund & World Bank which works extremely closely with the WTO, and then finally the international force which created the U.N/WTO/World Bank/IMF power structure – The Jew! Let us never forget that it is the Jew who drives this push for world domination!

In the real world you’ll find that economies are not anywhere near as complicated as the TV (electric Jew) pretends. The animal world lives and deals with its own economic systems, but the key point is that their economic systems, whilst simple, are in tune with and deal only with natural, real quantities. The real purpose of money is to facilitate an easier and more efficient exchange of goods, as opposed to bartering, which would be very tiresome! There is no other legitimate purpose or use for money, none! Where did humans go wrong? The answer is that we are living under the unnatural, parasitic rule of a ‘financial system’ which is at odds with every naturally developed real economy. If ‘finance’ is not in tune with the same principles which uphold economic reality, then eventual failure is the only possible outcome.

And Free Trade Agreements are just one more thing we want you to accept!!
And Free Trade Agreements are just one more thing we want you to accept!!

This is why we are in the mess that we are in:

Free Trade Agreements

Free Trade translates in simple terms to ‘no National borders’. When you have no National borders, you have no protection, no way of guarding anything from International Communist thieves. Immediately there is a huge problem. What usually happens to unguarded assets? Answer – they disappear! This is precisely what has happened, and continues to happen in the Western world. National Economic Protectionism was the only way of stopping this from happening, but slowly the ‘pro-Jew’ forces dismantled the tariff system and chipped away at our national economic barriers, leading to the grave problems we see now.

The question of ‘Free Trade’ or a robust National Economy is one of either/or. If you accept Free Trade, then you will just be integrated into the global economic melting pot, and you should expect a living standard no better than the average Asiatic peasant. That’s the reality of the situation. On the other hand, if you support (and are willing to fight for) a robust National Economy where assets and resources are protected, then you can expect your standard of living to also be protected. It’s that simple. We Whites have a higher standard of living for the most obvious of reasons – we are simply more capable of producing a well functioning society than others. It’s none of that crap about privilege!  We are more adept at creating and running healthy societies, so why shouldn’t we protect our living standards? There is no logical reason why we shouldn’t!

As we know, the Free Trade Agreements are reached every time one of our gutless Jew-controlled politicians goes on a holiday to New York to meet with the Jews at the U.N. As they create more and more Free Trade Agreements, it stands to reason that the new FTA’s are going to knock down bigger ‘barriers’ every time. They all started off small – just knocking down National Trade barriers to consolidate into regional blocks. Now things are really accelerating since the Jew Fractional Reserve Debt-based money system is forcing their hand (Ponzi Scheme out of control). Regional blocks are now being integrated just to keep the money system going – all at the expense of our way of life!


Another powerful weapon in the propaganda armoury of the Communist Jews at the U.N. is the Global Warming or ‘Climate Change’ hoax. This hoax is the key to successfully guilt-tripping all the White Nations into allowing their industries to be shut down. You are supposed to feel guilty about all that horrible polluting the evil White man has done over the last hundred years, and from there you are supposed to turn a blind eye to your country being shut down. “After all, it’ll help stop Climate Change if we de-industrialise – let’s set an example for the rest of the world”, says the ‘do-gooder’ White, all the while ignoring the fact that China and India and every other third-world cesspit nation will just carry on polluting (and they do real polluting, not the harmless CO2 style ‘polluting’ these idiots are going on about). Since Free Trade Agreements have led to western de-industrialisation, you can see how handy this Global Warming hoax is in getting White western populations to accept their own economic demise. These Communist Jews are experts at disguising their true motives – most think Global Warming/Climate Change is about the environment, when in reality it is about dissolving the White western economies so we are even more subservient to World Jewry!

One side of the Jewish coin......
One side of the Jewish coin……
and this is the other side.....
and the other…..

The Fractional Reserve Debt-based Money & Usury System

The money system we live under in the western world is nothing more than a giant Ponzi Scheme run by the ‘you-know-who’s’. The basic principle underlying the system is that of Debt-based money. Every single dollar which is circulated via government is done so under the condition that it must be paid back to the bank at a later date. Even if there were no interest (usury) to be paid back, the net result of paying off the ‘national debt’ would mean that no money would be in circulation (and the debt would be settled when no-one has a single cent left! Haha)!

Anyway, as if the Jews needed to make matters worse, they decided to also charge interest for the ‘privilege’ of using their debt money, of which most has no reserve sitting behind it backing it up! Fractional Reserve means exactly that. The bank is supposed to issue money as a receipt for the deposits we make (usually in gold or silver). The catch is that no-one outside the banks high level management has any idea how much the bank really has in deposits. This is why the cunning Jew thought, “Oh well, what the hell? I could just print off more receipts (money) than I have in real reserves (gold/silver), and no-one would be any the wiser!” Turns out the evil bastard Jew was right. No-one caught onto his sly little trick (well, not in modern times anyway)! So essentially, the bank lends out roughly ten times more money than it actually has in reserves, then charges us interest for the privilege! Therefore the Jew banker also makes ten times more interest than what you would think! I don’t believe that any of the big Jew banks would keep anywhere near the 10:1 or 9:1 ratio that they claim they do. We know what Jews are like – rather greedy from my observations.

This video explains everything without naming the Jew. It’s child’s play to connect the dots:


The simple principle to remember with Jew Fractional Reserve Debt Money is this: every dollar that goes into circulation has to be paid back to the Jew, plus interest. So, to keep it simple, 10% interest on $1 into the system means $1.10 must eventually come out, right? You can see how this creates problems for governments trying to pay their debts to Mr. Jew! If the system only received $1 then it’s literally impossible to get $1.10 out of it without asking for new ‘loans’ to cover the extra 10%. So when payment of the old loan is due, all they (government) do is take out a new one to cover the unpaid principal and interest on the old one. A Ponzi Scheme by definition! Because of the impossible nature of sustaining this system forever as things inevitably worsen financially, the only other way to get money to pay off old debts is to start selling all the nations assets and resources. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? This generates the much needed cash flow to keep the dying system afloat, but it’s a bit like trying to stop someone from bleeding to death by wrapping a bandage on their wound, even though they are going to bleed out regardless (like sticking a band-aid on a severed leg).

The principles behind the Fractional Reserve Jew Debt system explain why they absolutely must keep expanding and merging things together. This Fractional Reserve Capitalist Jew Ponzi Scheme makes it necessary for us to enter into the Communist Jew United Nations Free Trade Agreements. Without all the Free Trade Agreements, our western nations wouldn’t have been able to tap into the slave labour markets in Asia, and the Ponzi scheme which is reliant upon continual growth would have ran out of steam a while back. That’s the real reason for Free Trade and its ever expanding nature. The Capitalist Jew Debt Money system on one hand, then the Communist U.N. apparatus to compliment it on the other, and there you go: two sides of the one Jewish coin! Neither is correct, moral nor sound-economic-thinking in any sense, but the Fractional Reserve Debt system forces things to work like this. Only when you know that it is the Jew behind both the Capitalistic and Communistic financial scheming, can you see how and why things are set up like they are. The Jew always portrays himself as if other Jews are working against him. That is enough to fool most intelligent people, but when you know that these ‘opposing’ forces are actually working together, like in this case; it isn’t too hard to identify the unified group pulling all the strings! When you understand that the Jews control ‘International Finance’, it isn’t exactly a giant leap-of-faith to believe that they control everything else too. In fact, it would be a giant leap-of-faith to believe that they didn’t control everything else!

He knew the deal
He knew the deal

Adolf Hitler understood exactly how the ‘two sides of the one Jewish coin’ worked together. He knew that the Debt and Usury Jew Capitalist system was set up and designed to fail in such a way that served Jewry, like in Weimar Germany. When it failed the International Jew speculators were waiting eagerly to pounce and buy up all Germany’s assets for virtually nothing while the German people starved and lost all their savings. Although it is true that these international Jew speculators were indeed Capitalists on one hand, they would later create the United Nations as a Communistic Internationalist organisation. Seemingly strange behaviour for committed Capitalists, but a Jew will become whatever best serves his tribes interests at the drop of a hat! The U.N. through their ‘loving & caring’ sounding communist terminology could then manipulate public minds world-wide and deliver the rotting economic bodies of the west (under the Jew Debt/Usury system) into the hands of even more powerful international Jew Capitalist banks. This was always the plan and Adolf Hitler knew what the Jews were up to:

“I began to study again, and now for the first time really achieved an understanding of the content of the Jew Karl Marx’s life effort. Only now did his ‘Das Kapital’ become really intelligible to me, and also the struggle of the Social Democracy against the national economy, which aims only to prepare the ground for the domination of truly international finance and stock exchange capital.”

(The way I translate this quote in my head is like this: International Jew Karl Marx = Social Democracy = Communism = natural inclination to destroy national economy = same function the U.N. provides in the modern scenario = eventual deliverance to International Jewish Capitalism)

Finally, I have two telling quotes: the Jewish Rothschild family’s attitude to money, then the aim of World Jewry explained by a Rothschild agent:

“Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws”

– Amschel Rothschild, International Jew-banker-extraordinaire.

“We shall have world government whether or not you like it… the only question is whether or not it be by conquest or consent.”

– James Warburg, Jew Rothschild Banking Agent, 1950

– BDL1983

January 27th: Honoring Revisionists, Countering the Holocausters

From The Daily Stormer: is the best "Holocaust denial for beginners" website I've seen so far.

On Monday, Jan 27, the world will once again be subjected to the recounting of the Auschwitz tale of suffering and death – how the Jews were mass murdered by the Nazis. We are all encouraged to join in remembrance of the victims. Why on this date?

In 2005, the 191 member nations of the United Nations unanimously and without a vote, let be adopted an Israeli-drafted resolution proclaiming January 27th “International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust”.

According to Robert Faurisson, this amounted to a universal ban on Revisionism because of the wording, that it “Rejects any denial of the Holocaust as an historical event, either in full or part”.

This year, the committee has created a counter event to reject the rejection of Revisionism by the UN. It is called 1st International Day of Commemoration Honoring the Revisionists Who Introduced Sanity to the Auschwitz “Death Camp” Narrative. Long name, for sure, but we had to get it right. It’s important to note that 1st implies there will be a 2nd, and a 3rd.

We believe that REVISIONISTS HAVE RIGHTS TOO! How can Revisionism and Revisionists be precluded from, or rejected for, questioning any historical event? What makes the alleged Holocaust an exception to history? And what gives the United Nations the right to say so?

Another motto of our campaign is CALLING FOR A RETURN TO SANITY, taken from the 2010 book Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity by Carlo Mattogno.

Be sure to visit this site and tell others about it. The people we most want to come here are the believers in the standard Holocaust narrative who still have somewhat of an open mind about it, so drop the link everywhere you can but particularly at mainstream news sites and forums: And particularly on Sunday and Monday, and during the coming week.


Visit for more!

Jews concerned about Free Speech on the Internet


Surprise, surprise!!

In this article found on J-Wire, a Sydney-based Jew named David Singer, presents the Jewish community’s ‘concern‘ over people’s ability to express themselves freely on the internet. Freedom to say whatever you want, must be limited, because 5 poor innocent loving Jews were beaten up last week in Bondi. How dare anyone say anything that paints the Jewish community is a less-than-favourable light? Why, that is called ‘Hate‘, and according to the Jews we shouldn’t be allowed to express hatred. To tell the truth about this charming group is simply labelled ‘Hate’.

Just a little reminder to any Jews reading this: Article 19 of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Just as a side-note: I am aware that all documentation and spoken word from any U.N. body referring to ‘human rights’, is actually referring only to Jews as humans, since according to the Talmud, we (the non-Jews) are beasts:

“The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.”
Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b

Let’s see what the Jews are whining about:

The Internet has become one of the major contributors to the growing spread of Jew-hatred and assaults on Jews world wide.

The senseless attack by a group of hooligans in Bondi, Sydney last week bashing five Jewish people – one a 62 years old woman – as they were walking home after enjoying a Sabbath meal with friends – has resulted in an outpouring of world-wide condemnation by politicians, the media, the public and other religious groups.

Yet it is only one of an increasing number of such similar assaults on Jews world-wide.

Jewish communities have for decades been required to place their synagogues, communal schools and organizations under 24 hour security surveillance.

The propensity of the Internet to become an uncontrolled vehicle for racial incitement has been allowed to escape under the radar. It is time that its capacity to so influence the minds of its readers was diminished.

What has become particularly disturbing is the ability of people to make whatever comments they like on the Internet without disclosing their full names and addresses to web editors when submitting their comments.

Newspapers require such details to be supplied – and only in exceptional circumstances will anonymous letters be published.

Why do Internet sites not demand the same standard of compliance?

Failure to do so has seen the publication of anonymous comments such as the following:

“The Jews will still occupy the West Bank and blockade Gaza and continue with their brutal, genocidal occupation. If the world were to be rid of the U.S. and Israel, there would be a chance of peace in our chaotic, conflicted world. Surely, anyone with half a brain can see that! 

Freedom of speech should not mean that people should enjoy freedom from prosecution or legal action for comments they make that defame people or groups of people or incite or are capable of inciting violence.

This would be a clear violation of Article 19, if the term ‘human rights‘ included the Goyim. It doesn’t, and it is only speaking of Jews as ‘human’. Back to the whining article:

Should the following comment have been allowed to be anonymously posted?

“Racist Israel is more than an abomination in the Middle East, it is a threat to the 7bn people it considers not to be racially “special”. Us.  All the more reason to stop keeping it alive, and to target it with overwhelming nuclear might if it retaliates against civilisation for refusing to back its play. The Zionists may be blinded by their belief that God will protect them. Nobody and nothing will.”

No doubt apologists will argue that objections can be lodged to delete offending comments – but its implementation inevitably leads to strident cries claiming censorship.

Securing the deletion of an objectionable comment also ignores the damage caused during the time that such comment has remained online before its removal.

These vile viewpoints – if authoritatively sourced – should be exposed to public gaze so that readers can understand the level and intensity of the hatred that exists – as exemplified in the following comment:

“Why should we [love Jews] given what they do to the Palestinians and have done since 1948? I don’t think that Jews are capable of love. Their religion gets in the road. Their god is loveless and punitive and so are they!”

Jews are not on their own in being singled out for such incessant abuse and vilification on the Internet………..

Read More

As you can see, the criticism of Jews and Israel (expressed in the example comments) is very tame, and essentially truthful. That’s what they’re worried about of course! They just keep on whining about it.

Here’s another related post from Destroy Zionism:

According to an article by the New York Post, the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), an anti-European Jewish organization, has found that more and more people criticize international Jewry online.

“There’s everything from mocking the legacy of Anne Frank [who died of typhus but has been expoited as a ‘Holocaust victim’ by Jews ever since], to getting young people to try to join in with a racist, extreme far-right [sic] group in the United States,” says Rabbi Abraham Cooper at the SWC.

Twitter generally avoids political censorship. Recently however, a Jewish student organization in France pressured Twitter into releasing personal details of thought criminals in France.

Read More


– BDL1983

Legally Brown Australia?

Listen up White Australians, and every other member of the White Race around the world. This is no fucking joke. The future of our race, and our very genetic existence is at stake.

Take a look at this short trailer clip for a new show called ‘Legally Brown‘ on SBS TV, Australia:


Not included in this clip, but in the SBS advert for the show, is a bit where the ‘coloured‘ host says something along the lines of:

“I can’t wait until Australia’s national pastime is making fun of White people”

And while poking at the eyes of a white doll, he says to a White person on the street, something like:

“Just look at him. Does he represent the typical Australian, with his beady, racist, blue eyes?”

It goes something like that anyway (I’m only going from the top of my head here). It’s a situation where if the races were switched, there would be a national, no, international outrage overnight, about the evil White racists on TV.

So Whitey, do you really feel like being the butt of the joke in the country your ancestors built? Should you stand for that? National humiliation from a bunch of mud parasites sent here by the JEW to destroy your genetic right to exist? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill? Nope. I’m highlighting the sort of stuff which will continue to flood the mainstream Jew TV propaganda machine, until we virtually cease to exist. It’s not a joke. This is why they are allowing the muds to swarm in, RIGHT NOW! It’s to get rid of you, Whitey, from existing in any place on the face of the earth. We have nowhere left to turn because all our countries are being flooded with coloured invaders. No-ones flooding all the coloured shithole nations. Nope. It’s only our White nations which are being systematically destroyed by the Jewish Multiculti machine.

Regarding the TV show: What a fucking load of shit! This is what we are supposed to uphold as ‘Australian culture’? Fuck off! I’m fucking angry, and I’ve had enough of all this bullshit that people watch on TV. It is all fucking crap, and a complete waste of time. You may as well be dead if all you plan on doing is watching the fucking TV while your race DIES!

Fuck the Jews, and all the coloured swarms who wish to deny our White Race the right to survive and live freely in our own territories, that WE CONQUERED! As for the ‘Multiculti Do-Gooder Whites’, I hope the Jews DESTROY you too, because YOU deserve it!

To deny our right to existence, AS A RACE, is GENOCIDE by definition, according to the United Nations. (The UN’s run by Jews, so forget that, I was only illustrating the point)

My RIGHT to pen these thoughts are also protected under Article 19 of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So FUCK YOU if you are offended!

Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.



He certainly was right.