For me personally, I have absolutely no need for any organised structured religious institution. I do not need anyone to tell me how to behave and especially how to be a ‘good person’. Behaving in a decent manner and respecting others is something that comes naturally to me. I believe it comes naturally to most white people. It fascinates and annoys me to see the constant bickering about religion within this so-called White Nationalist movement. There is no need for it. It serves no purpose. Whatever religious or spiritual beliefs satisfy a person, that’s their thing, it doesn’t matter to me so long as the WHITE RACE and the Laws of Nature sit above the religious dogma.

I would define my religion as being the survival and upward evolution of our race; everything else in the world can be judged by Nature. If something is not natural, then it is against my religion. If the white race were to be wiped out by the current Jewish-led war against us, then that would be nature’s judgement. We are still here, we are white, and we believe in our racial survival! That is the ‘religious’ aspect of my worldly outlook.

Let’s take a look at what everyone seems to enjoy squabbling about:

1.)    Christianity:


Codreanu and the cross…..

The favourite punching bag of many. I don’t believe it has Jewish origins, although it most certainly came from the land now known as Israel and has been corrupted and infiltrated by Jews. I think this is what happens to anything over the course of 2000 years: Jews tinker with it.

Were the original Christians white (Christian Identity)? I think it is possible considering how many different tribes were in the area at the time, but there are numerous disgusting parasitically-natured quotes from the Old Testament which point me away from that idea. Could all these parasitic and therefore ‘Jewy’ quotes be something which the Jews themselves have stuck in the bible over the past couple millennia? I’m really not sure but it might help explain why there seems to be two sources of input in writing the bible.

John 8:44 – You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

This is clearly speaking about the Jews. If Jews created Christianity then why would they expose themselves? That wouldn’t be very cunning or ‘Jewy’.

My point is that the whole question of Christianity is beyond ‘murky’ to say the least, and I’m convinced there are two origins for all the stuff in the bible. It is both pro-Jewish with a few choice parasitic Old Testament quotes AND anti-Jewish with the likes of John 8:44.

I don’t have any use for Christianity personally, but I have no problem if someone else does, that’s up to them to decide. So long as the WHITE RACE and NATURE are above all then they are my ally!

2.)    Paganism/Odinism:


Not that everyone squabbles over Paganism and Odinism all the time, but it is another ‘religious’ avenue people like to explore. I really like the old time ‘fighting spirit’, honour, bravery, and self-sacrifice embodied within Paganism/Odinism.

I see it as vague in a doctrinal sense, but I think it is more-or-less a legitimate expression of the nature of the white race.

3.)    Creativity:


Ben Klassen was a very intelligent man. I think he is too harsh on Christianity in general, but the rest of the Creativity religion makes sense to me. I can see where he was coming from regarding Christianity. He was certainly right about it if he replaced the word ‘Christian’ with ‘Judeo-Christian’ or ‘Christian Zionist’, just to define it more accurately.

Creativity takes the WHITE RACE and NATURE and says ‘here’s your new religion’! Could you or I do any better than that? I couldn’t! That’s why I think Creativity very closely mirrors my own personal belief system.


Like I said before, my religion is the survival and upward evolution of our race combined with the Laws of Nature. So, if you take Creativity minus the Christian bashing, add in the fighting warrior attitude expressed in Odinism, take the positive/anti-Jewish parts of Christianity, and roll them all into one: You have the perfect belief system!!

I don’t know why anyone would need anything more than that! ‘Race and Nature’ is my religion and all else which doesn’t make sense is the result of Jewish infiltration and the subsequent distortion of reality. I classify the ‘Race and Nature’ belief system as National Socialism’s spiritual expression.

– BDL1983

Are You a National Socialist? You are but You Just Don’t Know it Yet.

From Hardon’s Blog:

Green Arrow at the British Resistance site made a flippant comment a while back, I don’t think he knew at the time just how true this observation was, he said:

“Most [White] People are National Socialists they just don’t realize it.”

He actually hit the nail on the head we are intrinsically National Socialists, We look around and think, ‘What the fuck, this is not how it’s meant to be’. But we are too programmed, dumbed down and too cowardly to do anything about it. We sit there in front of the ‘Jew Box’  that is not only in everyone’s living room but in their bedrooms and kitchen’s too. Absorbing the disinformation like sponges. Like this Halifax advert, how come I’m the only one that finds this offensive?

I happened to walk past a Halifax Bankster PLC outlet in my town the other day and they had a huge poster in the widow showing the Negro with his WHITE pregnant wife, it made me feel sick to the stomach (is it only me that feels this way?). I was going to post the image but after spending nearly an hour on Google I cannot find it. But after all the video says it all.

You dumbed down idiot Whites out there better wake up, don’t look towards the BNP or the EDL or you will just be going around in circles like you have for the last 50 years. I know I’m becoming repetitive and boring now but the only answer is National Socialism. Look at my previous post, Hitler was no bogeyman he did his best to avert war, he wanted the best for the German people and the White race. It is a sad fact that we on behalf of the enemy Jew would not allow National Socialism to gain popular support throughout Europe, which of course it would have done.

You sit there like Zombies (which is what the enemy Jew wants) watching your ‘program’ on TV, do you realise that it is called a ‘Program’ for a reason? Whether it be a popular Soap or the News it is all part of the ‘Program’ to dumb you down and make you submissive to what is about to come, you ain’t seen nothing yet baby.

Everyday is becoming a horror video in reality, you don’t want to think about it so you brush it aside, the sick perversion, homosexuality, bestiality (White women sleeping with Niggers), Paedophilia, Necrophilia these are all straight from the Babylon of old, see my earlier post: Babylon Reborn  

Is this what you want for your children? Do you really want to live in this Jewish cess pit of perversion? This is not in the future, this is happening now. You have been too trusting and naive and now you have consigned yourselves to serfdom under the brutal iron fist of Jewish supremacy. The old Soviet Union has nothing on what you and your children are about to endure and you can call me a loony, a racist, a Nazi, a Fascist but you are wrong. All I care about is you, fuck knows why. Yes you, you suicide merchants who are willing to give up your children’s future just as you gave up your own to the Jewish ‘Usury system’ . 

Will you ever fucking learn? I doubt it, you are too busy watching ‘Eastenders’ and ‘Corrie’ in the UK and in America the Jewish control is even worse, ‘Desperate Housewives’, the ‘Kardashians’ and the never ending Jew Hollywood bullshit.


This man was your last chance white folks and you crucified him
just like you did Jesus Christ.

Get this into your heads White people you are being systematicly Destroyed, this didn’t just happen, it was planned. I can only do so much and other people that I respect are not getting any younger, so it’s up to you now.



Further Link:

I like this mans attitude!

Visit Hardon’s Blog for a UK perspective.

– BDL1983

Race Exists……

From Total Fascism:


The idiot politically correct, cultural Marxist gibberish that is drilled into our brains from the time we can understand spoken language tells us that race does not exist, and that what we call race is simply an expression of culture.  The reality, however, is that culture is an expression of race.  This is why African blacks, many of who were totally isolated from one another for thousands of years, lived a very similar lifestyle, had very similar beliefs.  Their race was that which had adapted to the land they lived on, and their culture was a manifestation of this.  They lived in a harsh land, which required much violence, and thus they are a physical people with incredibly high testosterone.  But the Jew, with his cultural Marxist religious dogma, would have us believe that the physique of the black man is some type of cultural phenomena.  This is ridiculous and idiotic on the face of it.

It is not so long ago that whites understood the concept of race.  All of our grandparents surely understood it.  Not because they were “racialists,” sitting around thinking about it, but because it is such an obvious reality that it requires a massive brainwashing program, beginning in very early childhood, to cause a person to deny its existence.  The non-white races of the world are still very familiar with this concept today; all East Asians have a militant racial pride.  Yasuhiro Nakasone, the former Prime Minister of Japan, stated that Japan was a “homogeneous nation” with “one ethnicity, one state and one language.”  This attitude is surely not due to stupidity.

Having spent several years living in various Asian countries, I have had a chance to directly observe the characteristics of different races, being immersed among them.  East Asians have not merely the obvious physical differences – which the Jews will no doubt claim at some point don’t exist either – but an entirely different emotional and psychological framework.  Forgive me for stating the obvious, but regrettably it is necessary: emotional and psychological structure are as biological as physique.  Should we not expect people with an entirely different physical form to also have variant brain patterns?  Is not (what appears to white men as) the cold, detached culture of the East Asian societies a manifestation of these neural structures, which are in turn a manifestation of the genetic heritage of their ancestors, passed down through their DNA in the very same way as their squinted eyes and lack of muscle mass?

Can you imagine what the Jew thinks of you, that they are capable of telling you “race doesn’t exist” with a straight face?  These same people who pass laws about race mixing in their own alleged home country?  Does this not make you angry, to be lied to in such a flagrant and extreme fashion?


Remember your Ancestors

We are, all of us, nothing more or less than the collective genetic heritage of our ancestors.  We know this, somewhere deep in us, and this is what the “white guilt” phenomena plays on – if race doesn’t exist, why are we conditioned that we are supposed to feel guilty for black slavery and the alleged Holocaust of the Jews?

But our ancestors are not what the Jews would have us believe.  The White race has always been a proud and noble people.  Our physical achievements in constructing complex civilizations, which are often cited by White Nationalists as the proof of our greatness, are the least of our achievements; we have a compassion and a morality that goes far and beyond that of most peoples on the planet.  We developed a legal code and political system for the express purpose of providing justice and equality to all men.  We have created the most beautiful art on the planet, an expression of our genetically rooted respect for the beauty of existence.

All of this comes from our ancestors.  Because that is what race is. It is the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual heritage of our forefathers.  To deny the existence of your race is to deny everything you are.

Get up off your knees, white man.


Above: What Rockwell would have shouted!!!! Stand up and FIGHT!!


Nicely said.

– BDL1983

A Few Definitions…..

Affirmative action – Blacks stealing our jobs.

Anti-Semitism – The belief by gentiles that Jews may be criticized like any other group.

Civil rights – Untermenschen have more rights than Übermenschen in the New World Order.

Diversified workforce – Much fewer white males are to be hired or promoted.

Disadvantaged – Unqualified and can’t speak English or French, so give them money.

Equal treatment and opportunity – Fewer opportunities for white people.

Historic grievances – Bad white people ended slavery, human sacrifice throughout the American subcontinent and cannibalism in tribal societies.

Human Rights Commissions – Inquisitions denying free speech. Thought Police that enforces liberal political doctrine.

Immigration – Race replacement. Genocidal levels of immigration. Massive invasion by foreigners and their cultures, New World Order.

Interracial relationship – White women having non-white babies. Also called racial engineering or soft genocide of white people.

Misogynist – Anyone who disagrees with the racially suicidal empowerment of feminists.

Multicultural enhancement – Destroy all European cultures.

Politically correct – Fines and/or jail for anybody not liberal and following the New World Order.

Respect and tolerance – Surrender.

Woman’s choice – Abortion and genocide of millions of white babies.



Just in case anyone is confused about the “political semantics” of things; I’d like to clarify EXACTLY what my position is regarding White Nationalism, National Socialism etc:

Here’s my take:

I’ve called myself anything from an Australian Nationalist, to an Australian White Nationalist, to a National Socialist.... I’ve never really put too much weight on what term I used because I figured everyone understood them how I do….. Maybe they don’t; I’ll define it just for the hell of it!

When I use the word “Australian”, I use it because that is where I am geographically located. When I use the term “White Nationalist“, I mean it to imply loyalty to “White Europeans” all over the world. Not just Australia. I’ve heard Kyle Hunt refer to Imperium Europa and I’ve got to say that is probably the best term I’ve heard used to describe “White racial loyalty” on a global level! This grand idea of a united “White European Imperium”, regardless of where we are located in the world, is what I support. It is also referred to as “Pan-European White Nationalism” or “Pan-Aryanism” by some people. I think that clarifies my position!

Now that’s clear; I support a grand white “Imperium Europa” where whites support fellow whites wherever we are on the planet. It’s impossible to say exactly how scattered this “Imperium Europa” will be…. My guess is that the “home base” will be Europe obviously; how many other outposts around the world, who the fuck knows!?!?!!

On an ideological and political level I support the National Socialist system being implemented within “Imperium Europa”. This means:

1.) Preservation of the White Race and even sub-groups within it where applicable.

2.) JEWS must be removed from “Imperium Europa”; that means their power and mind-set must be destroyed!

3.) Debt based money and interest slavery must be replaced with the National Socialist monetary ideals; money issued in the correct proportion to keep the economy stable (see Gottfried Feder’s ideas). I’m not elaborating any further…

4.) Elimination of the Marxist welfare state propping up the “Unter Menschen” (under men). Nature will take care of the worst elements of our race. Through National Socialist Eugenic policies, the best elements among us must be given the most incentive to breed.

5.) The Laws of Nature must be adhered to. They must dictate all political thought. This should really go without saying, considering National Socialism IS THE EXPRESSION OF NATURES WILL, but I felt like mentioning it as well….

I’m sure I could write a million things more but I only wanted to do a “basic” clarification of my personal political stance.

My Final Word: I support a great united white “Imperium Europa”; (obviously there will be white “outposts” around the world); politically and ideologically I support a National Socialist Regime to run the Imperium!


Above: My appreciation goes to whoever put the great quote on the great picture!
