Miss ‘Holocaust Survivor” Beauty Pageant Returns to Israel

This is absolutely piss funny!!!! I can hardly type for laughter!!!

Youngest contestant is 70, oldest is 90. Next week 19 women Holocaust survivors will compete in survivor beauty pageant.

Ahiya Raved
August 18, 2013

israel-miss-holocaust-1200Above: wrinkled old Jewess…. yuck!

It has become a tradition, but it is still hard to get used to the sight. Nineteen senior citizen women standing in a row. Pair by pair, they step to the front of the stage, and take a bow, walk the catwalk and return to the line. The youngest is 70-years-old, the oldest is 94, and the common denominator is a haunting past: all of the contestants in the 2013 pageant which will be held in Haifa are Holocaust survivors.

“It’s amazing to find that even at this age there is jealously and rivalry, just as with 18-year-old models,” says Heli Ben David, who was crowned Miss Congeniality in the 1979 Miss Israel Pageant. Today, she guides the older women all the way to the catwalk. This week, she interviewed women who wanted to compete and heard their difficult stories.

“Because character here is no less important, I hear their stories and it is not easy,” explained Ben David. “Everyone has a very hard story, of life in the ghettos and camps, of hunger and the extreme cold. But from every one, I hear the same sentence: I’m here, and I beat the Germans because I am still alive, I started a family, and I am even competing in a beauty pageant.”

The oldest contestant and one of the favorites for winning is Shoshana Colmar, 94. At the time of her release from the Auschwitz death camp, she weighed 25 kg, and when she takes to the stage next Thursday, she will sing the song she would sing to one of the camp guards, so he would give her more soup. “They killed my whole family,” she said. “We were four children, and I remained alone. Dad, Mom, all the brothers of my parents. My mother had ten brothers and one was left; my father had seven brothers and one remained. And also all of their families. So for me, it is certainly a huge victory to be here.”

While waiting for rehearsals, as their friends are being photographed and interviewed, the other competitors spend their time singing and dancing. “We went from darkness to light, we do not want to remember what was bad then, but only what is good now,” one called out at the end of the dance.

Message via participation

Among this year’s competitors is Hannah Liebmann, 80, from Lod. Because Hannah is blind, her daughter Sarah initiated her participation in the competition and brought her to the first day of rehearsals.

“The message I try to convey in my participation,” Hannah said, “is that we are here. We beat Hitler and established families. I got to see great-grandchildren. And also out of my hardship as a woman who can not see, I try to help not only myself, but also other people.”

Competitor Naomi Isaac, 84, said: “I lived through the war in the concentration camps. The message here is that we are still alive. Though we lost our families, we are still alive and from here, I can say to the world: There were concentration camps, there was murder, and everything that mankind can invent.

Read More: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4418241,00.html

Further Link: http://www.dailystormer.com/miss-holocaust-survivor-beauty-pageant-returns-to-israel/

Click either link above for a VIDEO aswell…. If you’re keen, hahahha! (I couldn’t get the video to embed for some reason…..)

At least we can have a good laugh sometimes! Otherwise how the fuck would we cope???!

– BDL1983

P.S. I just dunno how they all survived…. and so miraculously too!!! More on that in the future….


I’ve just added this as a text article without pictures….

Over the last week or so there has been a bit of talk about why the Jews behave the way they do. This is always an enthralling topic which gets me thinking rather in-depth about these creatures

Well, why is it Jews act the way they do? Is it just their genetic make-up which is solely responsible? Or is it mainly the way they are nurtured/the environmental theory? Is it their Religion? Or is it only a Conspiracy of a ‘few top Jews’?

It is interesting indeed. Here’s how I view the Jews, their behaviour, and what makes them what they are:

The first ‘port-of-call’ for me is to think about Nature and all of the life in it. Every single living organism on this earth has a distinct genetic code. Its DNA. From the most primitive animal or plant, to the most advanced. Every single organism is distinct from all others; be it the smallest of differences, or something astronomically large. All organisms are different. There is absolutely no equality in Nature.

DNAAbove: DNA…..

Nature’s diversity gives us an abundance of animal and plant life. Every different species can be divided up into sub-species, genders, and individual organisms. Generally speaking, we can make statements about the behaviour and characteristics and any particular group, and the chances are that the generalisation will hold true. Sometimes the generalisation holds true so often that it should be considered a fact.

MistletoeAbove: Parasitic Mistletoe growing on a Gum-Tree…..

This article is about the Jews so let’s take an example from the plant world: Mistletoe. This plant behaves in exactly the same way Jews do: parasitically! Mistletoe must attach itself to the branches of a host tree in order to live, and from there it proceeds to gain all its sustenance, sucking up all the nutrients in the branch, until the branch dies. The host tree can survive a little bit of Mistletoe, but if it infects enough branches the whole tree dies, and with it the Mistletoe. Both Tree and Mistletoe die as a result of Mistletoes behaviour!

Everyone knows that. Plants can be parasitic…..

Well, why can’t certain breeds of ‘human’ be parasitic by Nature?

Truth be known: there is a parasitic breed of human: The Jew!


The Jew is a parasitic creature as his GENETIC make-up dictates. He cannot help but be a parasite. It is his mode of existence. This is why he has developed a whole bunch of different peculiar behavioural traits; all of which are fundamentally unlikeable and undesirable for non-Jewish humans. His parasitism means he also has to be a predator to survive. The pray he seeks is always another human host population, and preferably one which is productive so he can feed comfortably. To be a successful parasite he must do his best to blend in with his hosts; at least initially. The Jew then attacks his hosts with all of his assorted weapons: multi-racialism (racially dissolving the host and making it hard to spot the Jew behind all the trouble….), egalitarianism, the fag agenda, financial control and swindling, mass-media control…… and on and on…. (I’m not going to list all the things Jews do here)…… The point is that all of his behaviour is a direct result of his GENETICS.


Above: Jews do love money! It’s a stereotype and also a FACT….

To answer the question of “Why do Jews act the way they do?” –

Ultimately it ALL comes back to their GENETIC MAKE-UP, their DNA!

Mind you though, this is not to say that nurture (environment), their so-called “Religion”, or their conspiratorially-minded organisational structure has no effect on how Jews act! These factors obviously do have a large impact on Jewish actions, BUT they are not independent of their genetic nature…. No, no…. The religious and conspiratorial aspects help ‘speed-up’ what JEWISH GENETICS naturally seek to do! Environment either enhances or hinders them…. Here’s why:

1.)    The Environmental argument (or Nurture): this is the favourite argument used by so-called Anti-Racists. “Oh, every difference you observe between the races is all a result of their different environmental upbringing”…… “Ignore race, it doesn’t exist, it’s only environment that makes the races what they are”…. etc …. That’s all crap obviously.

If two groups of Jews were put in vastly different environments, then clearly they’d develop different strategies for being successful parasites depending on their situations… That much is true, but just because they are in different environments, does that mean that their behaviour is really different? I argue that their behaviour is still THE SAME, but depending on how favourable their environmental conditions are, one group will be more successful than the other, allowing their Jewish GENETICS to ‘speed-up’ their otherwise natural behaviour. They progress toward their goal of enslaving the host quicker!

And as for Nurture; once again it obviously would affect how an individual Jew acts but I only see it as an arbitrary factor either encouraging the Jew’s natural behaviour or preventing his natural behaviour… No matter what way I dice it, I just can’t see how Nurture could ever supersede Genetics! It can’t!! A Jew is still a Jew genetically, no matter what…. and all creatures can only act on what lies within their genetic structure….

Slightly off topic here; but the most sickening argument Jews make to rationalize their parasitic nature is the argument that “Anti-Semitism” forced them to become merchant parasites….. So, it is really the Goyims fault that Jews live how they do:

“We were being persecuted by the evil Goy, so we had to become bankers and merchants… Oy vey”, says the Rabbi!!!

It’s a completely Jewish way of thinking…… so unbelievably JEWY!


2.)    The Religious argument: the so-called Jewish “Religion” is a product of what? Answer: the Jewish people and therefore Jewish GENETICS once again. This is really obvious because since when has any religion created a group of people? Never. Religion is always created by ‘peoples’ and never the other way around! A religion springs from “whatever group of people invent it”

When non-Jews read the Talmud they are naturally sickened by the content, which reflects exactly, the Jewish mind and soul…. The religion is a reflection of the Jewish GENETIC NATURE and when it is placed in the environment or in the ‘nurturing process’ for Jews it enhances or snowballs their sick Jewish tendencies which already lie naturally inside them waiting to be awoken… The Talmud, and their interpretation of the Old Testament, encourages the disgusting Jewish genetic beast inside them.


Above: The Jewish Conspiracy boardgame for all the family to play!

3.)    The Conspiracy argument: it has been said numerous times throughout history that the Jews are “conspiratorial by nature”. I whole-heartedly agree with this assessment. Being a parasite, they are forced into being sneaky predators, which naturally leads to them forming “conspiratorial” types of organisations…. Organisations which seek to subvert and cover-up the truth about what they are up to. Conspiring under the cover of darkness.

The Jewish Conspiracy to rule the entire world is the natural genetic compulsion of the human parasite… Could there really be any other desire for a human parasite? If he does not enslave, control and rule all of his hosts and potential hosts, then his very existence is in grave danger… If he doesn’t seek world domination then he’s likely to be killed or expelled (history has taught him that!):

JewExpulsionsAnd there’s many more expulsions not on the map!

The Jews have experienced over a hundred expulsions throughout their ‘colourful’ history and many violent massacres. What most average people are unaware of is the fact that the Jews provoked and tortured their hosts once-too-often, and as a result their hosts gave them the boot! So it was off to the next poor unfortunate host country…. and the process kept repeating itself….. Ad nauseum….

Left on his own after an expulsion, he would soon die out unless he found a new host…..

Put simply, Jewish GENETICS make them conspire for world domination! And of course, there is a pecking-order of “top Jews” who rule the roost, just like any other hierarchical structure. It’s just like a pyramid with the Jews too…… There are many more numerically as you get to lower and lower levels within the structure. The key point to understand is that no matter where an individual Jew fits into the pyramid structure, he is still genetically Jewish and will naturally act like a Jew to fulfil his role, whether consciously knowing the agenda or not!

More to consider:

If Jewish genetics were not the cause of Jewish behaviour, then why do we see the same historical pattern of Jewish behaviour from different groups of Jews in different countries throughout the world? They were not technologically linked together back then, which would have allowed them to conspire……They were geographically separated. They were only linked by blood, and what do we observe? The same behaviour by independent groups of Jews…… That proves the genetic argument in my mind.

Furthermore, it wasn’t the fact that they all followed the Jewish religion which could explain the same behaviour despite geographic separation…. Nope. As I mentioned before, Judaism is a direct reflection of their genetics, and the proof of this lies in the fact that ‘Atheistic’ Jews also exhibit the same behavioural tendencies without the need for guidance by Judaic religious teachings!

The Jews love to push the ‘Environmental Theory’ when teaching the Goyim about RACE in schools and universities. They outright deny what is blatantly obvious: that the races of humans have different genetics, and therefore different behavioural, mental, and physical characteristics…. Every common person will tell you straight out about differences between breeds of animals or types of plants, but for some reason with humans we are supposed to pretend there are no different breeds (or races)…….? What?

Race is a social-construct, says the Jew. “Difference in achievement from one race to another is ONLY due to environmental factors. If you think otherwise then you’re a racist anti-Semite, and that leads to 6 million dead Jews in a Holocaust…….”


Ignore RACE? Oh really?

Or is that just something Jews tell the Goyim?

Here’s a couple Jews who disagree with the Environmental Theory:

“All is race; there is no other truth, and every race must fall which carelessly suffers its blood to become mixed.”

– Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish Prime Minister of Great Britain, in Tancred, by Frederick Warne, London, 1868, p. 106.

Our race (speaking of the Jews) is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best.
Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.

– Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983.

There it is in their OWN WORDS. Jews acknowledge and uphold THEIR racial uniqueness as something good, whilst they teach the Goyim the opposite! I wonder why? Could it be that they want the Goyim races destroyed so they have one giant culture-free, racially-mixed, consuming mass of idiots with no history or identity, who are therefore easy to rule over?

That is the answer (of course)….

And the Jews especially hate the race that has troubled them the most in the past by catching on to ‘what Jews do’: Namely THE GREAT WHITE RACE! That is why the White Race MUST SURVIVE!


Or the Jews will create a literal “Hell on Earth”……..


Final Thoughts:

A brief note on what Jews actually are, racially:

They are a ‘mixed Turko-Mongolian Race’ of a ‘parasitic nature’, who have long practiced the ‘fine-art’ of mixing with other racial gene-pools to steal better genes for themselves…..

Environment & Nurture only affect Jewish behaviour on superficial levels. It either enhances or hinders their genetic drives…. It speeds ‘em up or slows ‘em down essentially…

Their ‘Religion’ is a result of their genetic nature. It serves to enhance or ‘speed-up’ their genetic drives…… (Horrible thought eh…)

They are ‘Conspiratorial by Nature’. In other words, their genetic nature as a parasitic predator drives them to conspire and form organisations to rule everything; like what we see in today’s modern ‘Kosher’ Western world!

The Jews do what they do ENTIRELY because their GENETICS make them behave that way.

Jew-TVSwitch off your Jew TV and THINK!

That’s all….

– Brett, BDL1983

Related Article: The Eternal Jew – The Necessary Evil?

Race Quote Sources:



Steaming Pile of Shit (Part 2)

Kike-Jewess Deborah Lipstadt….

AUDIENCES in Sydney and Melbourne will have the chance to hear from one of world Jewry’s foremost defenders next month – US-based academic Professor Deborah Lipstadt (pictured), who famously defeated Holocaust denier David Irving in a British court when he sued her for libel in 1996.

Her book, History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier, will form the basis of the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission’s (ADC) Gandel Oration, which she will deliver in Melbourne on August 15.

Describing her as “a scholar of great moral strength and courage”, ADC chairman Dvir Abramovich said, “Lipstadt’s bravery showed the world that those who dare to deny the Holocaust will be exposed, and we are truly honoured that she accepted our invitation.” (Bullshit you Kike-Jew….. We are the truth because we tell it! And we will never stop! THE TRUTH DOESN’T NEED LAWS TO PROTECT IT; CASE IN POINT, YOUR PHONEY HOLOCAUST RUBBISH – BDL1983)

Lipstadt will also be delivering the Ervin Graf Memorial Oration, in support of the Shalom Institute, at the Sofitel Sydney Wentworth on August 14. (Ben Bernankes middle name is Shalom… Just in case anyone doesn’t know that one, hahhaa – BDL1983)


Read More: http://www.jewishnews.net.au/hear-from-denier-defeater/31807

What a bunch of arrogant arseholes…

– BDL1983



Aaarrgghhh!……. Fuck it all, it’s morning again and I’ve gotta get up!

This is what I think pretty much every morning as my phone alarm blares the “Horst Wessel Lied” in my ear. It’s supposed to motivate me to get up, but nothing really works when it’s freezing cold! After accidentally pressing snooze a couple of times I eventually stagger out of bed, boil the kettle, and drink a couple boiling hot coffees….

CoffeeMy coffee NEVER looks like this by the way……….

After that I’m warm and “good to go” for the day….. Provided I don’t turn the T.V. on! But you know what? Sometimes I do turn it on! I guess I’m a thrill seeker when it comes to the Televits because the “Morning T.V.” content is atrocious! You need a sense of humour to handle the absolute shit they expect us to view!


If I turn on the T.V. this is what I usually get:

abc_breakfast virginia retardAbove: The wonderful, ever-enlightening ABC Breakfast crew…….

First channel: ABC Jew News, Morning Edition. This channel is usually the home of endless whining about “Asylum Seekers”…. How much of a stupid fucked up name is that?! “Asylum Seekers”….. It’s more like “coloured scumbags, nearly all male, hoping to get to Australia where they’ll be given a free ride at the taxpayers’ expense”! And all this because our Jew-controlled government signed all the UN treaties to accept everyone based on the ridiculous concept of “human rights”…. Another Jew idea to make us accept any featherless biped as “human”…. We’re all the same…. Right…… Anyway, they always have some “heartbreaking” story about a small child who has drowned falling out a rickety boat…. Cry cry sob sob…. and then a few others “lost at sea, feared dead”… More tears….. Fuck this, me too angry, change channels, Flick:

kochie mel-and-kochieAbove: Kochie & Mel…. note how “Jewy” Kochie looks in the top pic……

Next up: Channel 7, Sunrise. Probably even more “pukeable” than ABC News because we have to put up with “Jew pretending to be white”, Kochie. When it’s time for the financial segment he usually stands up, get his pointy finger out, and points at some stupid graph of false statistics showing us how the US recovery is going well, how Europe is “turning around”…….. Blah blah blah…… Then he’ll give us some “wise” advice on how to cope with our ever tightening budgets! He always has a sly “gloating” look as he says his stuff…. Typical sly Jewy crap…. Sometimes he gets really cocky and tells us quite blatantly how the big four banks are making record profits, then in the next mouthful tells us what we need to do during “tough economic times”……. “Hmmmmm, the Goy must be really stupid”….. I’ll bet that’s what he’s thinking! Maybe he’s right! If us Goy can’t figure out that we are being screwed by the banks, then maybe we deserve it!! Bank = Record Profits, People = Tough times; you don’t have to be a genius to see who’s doin’ the fleecing!

racism racist2


Above: The standard “Sunrise” garbage!

Then they’ll get back to the stories. Mel will introduce a story about “Racism” or “Sexism” or “Homophobic remarks” someone made on Twitter, or some bullshit like that…. Kochie usually takes over and explains the Jew PC “mode of behaviour” Channel 7 would like us all to conform to….. Mel and whatever other idiot is sitting on the couch nod as Kochie makes his point; or shake their heads slowly as Kochie explains to us the terrible “racial” slurs uttered on the football field…. This is a truly sickening spectacle, trust me….. Flick:


Above: I hate this Homo so much….. sick bastard!

Channel 9, Today show. Ohhhhh my god, it’s that absolute flaming fucking homo doing the Hollywood Gossip section….. Not bloody likely… Flick:


Totallywildsnakes Quoll

Above: Good-looking “Totally Wild” presenter, snakes, and a Quoll saying “what the hell are you looking at?”

Channel 10, usually some kids show. Actually more educational than most “Adult” news programs, although the “politically correct multikulti bullshit” is always thrown in just for good measure! Totally Wild (the Kids show with animals), sometimes have cool reptiles on there…. At least the presenters can’t tell political lies about the animals….. Well, actually, they can if they say the species is threatened by “Climate Change” or some rubbish like that….. Flick:

DW rep

Last but not least: SBS, German News, in German…  I can usually handle this rather well since it’s easy to block out by not concentrating on understanding the German. But I’ll tell you what, when I do pay attention I can understand enough German to get the gist of what they are talking about… and it’s never good…. Basically DW-TV news goes like this:

Neo-Nazi activity on the rise, danger, danger, panic”

Coloured person success story in Germany”,

Holocaust reminder story”,


“Israel attacks more Palestinians but Germans must keep giving Izzy money because of the previous story”,

“War in Syria, let’s support the Jew-backed Rebels”,

“Protests in Egypt, support the Jew side again (Obama said so……It’d be racist to disagree!)”,


Above: German? Yeah right…..

Negro soccer player kicks a goal (Negro speaks fluent German; ‘see we’re all the same’ says the Jew)”,

And there you go, that’s modern Germany….. Not a single thing about the actual Germans except when they can be blamed for imagined “Nazi” crimes….. Thanks to the Jews! Flick:

dh_broderickAbove: Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick. She’s always on ABC News complaining……..

Aaaaarggghh… ABC again: Now they’re talking to Australia’s “Sex Discrimination Commissioner” complaining about how women apparently aren’t filling enough CEO positions in giant Jew companies… and they’re not getting equal pay…. whine whine whine….. Maybe it’s because women don’t naturally gravitate toward leading huge companies; could that be why they aren’t 50% of the total CEO’s?  And maybe they aren’t earning equal pay because they aren’t filling as many high positions………. Is it really that hard to work out? Women aren’t being oppressed; they just don’t naturally do the same jobs as men! Oh but no, the Marxists have to create a “Sex Discrimination Commissioner” to ENFORCE equality, thereby pushing Men OUT….. It’s the same deal with the “Race” issue they always moan about…. Equal opportunity means enforced equality to the Commies…..


Above: Everything on the Televits leads to this…..

More coloured people in, means YOU ARE FORCED OUT WHITEY! It’s so annoying by now I can hardly stand another minute of T.V. One last Flick:


Above: Typical Sunrise again…. I wish I could have found the “Honey, I’m Gay” headline….. Ah well….

Channel 7, Sunrise again: HEADLINE: “HONEY, I’M GAY”! This is NOT a joke by the way… There was actually a story on there a while back trying to teach Husbands how to tell their wives that they are GAY!…. They just wanna “come out” and be accepted….. Because being a Fag is sooooo normal and fashionable now……. What the fuck is wrong with these people?!

RIGHT, THAT’S IT, I’M AS BAD TEMPERED AS ALL FUCK, where’s that fucking remote!?!?? Found it!




– BDL1983


I think it’s long overdue that I explained my own personal “awakening” to the Jewish and Racial problems.


So here goes:

Up until probably late 2008 I had no idea what a Jew even was. Absolutely no real conception of them and the enormous problem they truly are. If you had asked me about Jews I would probably have said that they were Hitler’s unfortunate victims in the Holocaust…… That would have been it. Regarding “Race” I’d say that I have always been “a bit” racially conscious but I never gave it any serious thought…. I’d probably have been turned off by “racism” as I understood it (through the Jew medias portrayal of it)….’


Anyway, my first ever “real” political thinking began in 2007 while I was working a shitty office job. There was fuck all to do except play computer mini-golf or waste the company’s internet time… I chose to waste their internet time! The first thing I was interested in was studying the differences between “Capitalism” and “Communism”. I kept on this topic until I was sick of it…. My conclusion was that communism offered more to the working man and capitalism was a more deregulated system of financial corruption…. I managed to use 18x the internet allowance at work and got myself in a bit of shit for that! All good fun, trust me….


In the first half of 2008 I was listening to The Clash and the Sex Pistols endlessly and this fuelled my “Left-leaning” tendencies to the point of being sympathetic to communism! I admit it. The Sex Pistols made me think more along the lines of Anarchism. For most of 2008 I went between commie left-wing ideas and anarchism…. I never really believed in these “lefty” ideologies. I just felt that they were more in touch with common people than anything “right-wingers” or capitalists did or said…. I was naive and wrong

johnny_rottenAbove: Johnny Rotten

I didn’t get anywhere near the right track until I was lent a copy of Jim Marrs’ book “The Rise of the Fourth Reich” and an Alex Jones DVD called Endgame. I know now that they are ridiculous lying propaganda pieces designed to make you blame “Nazis” and feel sympathy for “the Jews”. Anyway, these two items got me studying this “New World Order” thing. I knew what they were saying was kind-of correct…. It was in the “ball-park” of what I could see going on through the TV, newspapers etc…. After studying the New World Order with a fine tooth comb (albeit only from inside the Alex Jones Infowars sort of mindset) I decided that it was definitely a REAL AGENDA. There was this “NEW WORLD ORDER” AND SOME “HIDDEN FORCE WAS BEHIND IT!


I kept on with ol’ Jonestein for a couple months after I’d finished Marrs’ book and Endgame. After listening to Jones and Marrs bash Hitler constantly I got wondering about how evil this man must have been….. It seemed incredible that he could have been soooo EVIL, so I decided to go and get myself a copy of Mein Kampf to see what a MONSTER he was….. I gifted it to myself as an extra Christmas present for 2008…. I fully expected an orgy of violence and irrational hatred and I was quite disappointed when I first started reading and found no such thing!


So, I kept reading….. I began to like Mein Kampf early on and I thought there must be something wrong with me! I didn’t really say what I was truly thinking about Mein Kampf to anyone while I read it… It took from the start of 2009 until May 2009 to finish it… I went through everything in the book with a fine tooth comb, this time looking at websites outside of Jonesteins circle of disinfo….

As I went through what he said about “Jewry” I simultaneously investigated the Jews and their role in historical events… My jaw dropped when I found out that The Holocaust” was a propaganda LIE! That shattered all my previous belief in anything I’d been told through the mainstream media. I just couldn’t believe it was a hoax….. But there it was. I knew it was a hoax but I doubted and wavered thinking there must be another explanation for this…. That was until I reached the bit in Mein Kampf where Hitler talks about the BIG LIE! Alex Jones told me that Hitler promoted it…. Then I discovered Hitler WARNED US ABOUT “THE BIG LIE” AS A JEWISH LYING TECHNIQUE… He didn’t promote it at all…. He warned that the Jews use it… Case in point: The HOLOCAUST! Hitler was right back then and he’s still being lied about, JUST AS HE PREDICTED….. This was and still is the most amazing prophetic vision I’ve ever heard! My eyes were open. Truly open. I could see and understand what Hitler was on about… He was right... And more amazingly, his worldview from the 1920’s was still correct!


It was May 2009. I knew the deal finally. It was THE JEWS who were the driving force of this NEW WORLD ORDER and I had no doubt about it…..

I’ve continued my study of the Jews and their Jew World Order ever since… So that makes me officially wise to the situation for 4 years and 2 months (July 2013)!

Since May 2009 I’ve uncovered a million and one “agendas” that the Jews are behind. In fact, they are behind pretty much EVERYTHING! “Oh I’m exaggerating, blah blah blah…. No I’m not”! If you look up any number of “unsavoury” agendas being promoted (or promoted in the past), you’ll find Jews behind them all….

For example: Faggot agenda, Egalitarianism (equalitarianism I prefer to call it), Marxism (Bolshevism), Phoney White Guilt, Zionism, Capitalism, 9-11 attacks, 7-7 London Bombings, Pornography, control of governments, foreign policy, MASS-MEDIA, alternative gate-keepers like Alex Jones etc, financial systems and all the banks within, Hollywood, publishing companies, THE LAW, insurance companies, Wall St scams (entirely Jew run), multi-RACIALISM (erroneously called multi-culturalism), extreme taxation, pharmaceutical industry, medicine, vaccines, GM Foods, Global Warming Lies…. and on and on and on…. you get the picture….


As for the question of “Race”? I made my mind up in late 2009 (officially). After careful and logical consideration the options are this: 1.) go with the “Jew World Order” agenda and promote mixing of all races together, except the Jews of course, until we are a “coffee coloured negroid consuming mass of idiots” like the Jews want to turn us all into, or 2.) promote “RACIAL NATIONALISM” or “RACIAL LOYALTY” since these are the ONLY natural defensive ideologies we can use, long term, against the evil Jews…. I chose OPTION 2….


The 9-11 attacks which were perpetrated by the Jews (see Missing Links or Masters of Deception) confirmed the “Jew World Order” agenda, 100%, beyond all doubt, for me personally. I learnt about 9-11 in mid 2010 (or there abouts)….. It’s the “clincher” for a lot of people, myself included obviously!


This is the honest truth of how I woke up to all the SHIT going on around the planet!!! All I can say is that after 4 or so years of knowing “the stuff” you certainly don’t become any less sure of yourself…. I can say with 100% confidence that I am right about the “Jew World Order” being the dominant force for globalisation and destruction of everything natural and good on this planet… I have absolutely no doubt that they are GUILTY OF WHAT I ACCUSE THEM OF! Posterity will be the judge of everyone…. That doesn’t worry me because I’m right!


Above: An unlikely Academy Award winner!

Anyone who honestly studies these questions, like I have, will have to agree… Or just LIE to themselves in a stupid display of self-deception!

I’m honest and true to myself.


– BDL1983