We, (insert western country’s name here), are officially a joke. The alleged leadership of this country is clinically insane. All they do nowadays is sit around trying to figure out novel ways of turning the entire population into pincushions – their only concern is injecting everyone with a poisonous concoction against a virus/disease that doesn’t exist and which everyone who get’s it doesn’t die from. They clearly have nothing better to do, and due to the fact that everything else in the country is fucked, the only thing left to do is turn a blind eye to any real concerns and focus on forcing the population into accepting a dystopian technocratic police state as the only possible future imaginable because a few people had the sniffles.
Get out of the system as much as is practical. Get out of the cities. Be useful and proactive – if you can look after yourself then you are on the right track. We are entering the “weathering the storm” phase of this Jew World Order agenda, and there will be no negotiating or bargaining with this ‘beast’.
Take a look at this CBS video.I know what you’re all thinking – that I only linked up this video so I had an excuse to post a picture of Emma Rosenblum’s lovely Jewish nose. But no, that’s not the real story!
The real reason for this post is to illustrate, once again, how whenever you find the feminist agenda being promoted to detach women from any idea of motherhood, you always find Jews behind it. There are hardly ever any exceptions.
There comes a point in every childless woman’s life, usually around 35, when the larger world becomes very interested in her womb. Friends and family inquire about its health, asking why it’s not being utilized, when it will be, and then: Will it even work? For those who do want children, the pressure can be crushing and counterproductive. “I found myself going on dates thinking, is this marriage material? Is this? Is he? It was exhausting,” says Dr. Suzanne LaJoie, an ob-gyn in Manhattan. “When I was in med school and residency, all my friends were having babies.” She went through a breakup in her mid-30s and started to worry she wouldn’t be able to have a child of her own. So in 2007, at age 37, she paid $10,000 for a round of oocyte cryopreservation, more commonly known as egg freezing. “I just wanted to take the pressure off,” LaJoie says. “Men don’t have a biological clock, and I felt like it leveled the playing field a bit.”
LaJoie fits the typical profile of an egg freezer: They’re great at their jobs, they make a ton of money, and they’ve followed all of Sheryl Sandberg’s advice. But the husband and baby haven’t materialized, and they can recite the stats about their rapidly decreasing fertility as a depressing party trick. For LaJoie, now 45, it was demoralizing to see friend after friend get married and have kids, while she was stuck at the hospital without romantic prospects.
“You feel bad about yourself, like you’re the odd man out, and somehow you’ve messed up on your path,” says Sarah Elizabeth Richards, who spent $50,000 freezing several rounds of eggs in 2006 to 2008 and wrote a book about the experience, Motherhood, Rescheduled: The New Frontier of Egg Freezing and the Women Who Tried It. “By freezing, you’ve done something about it. You’re walking taller; your head is held higher. And that can pay off in both your work and romantic lives.” Richards, now 43, is dating someone promising and says she’d like to thaw her eggs in the next year or so. She’s also at work on a new book and plans on finishing it before she tries to get pregnant. “Egg freezing gives you the gift of time to start a family, but it’s also, like, here’s how many years I actually have left for my other goals—what can I do with them?”
In 2003 two professors at Columbia Business School and New York University gave their students a case study to test attitudes about gender in the workplace. Half the students got the real-life story of Heidi Roizen, who became a successful venture capitalist by using “her outgoing personality and … vast personal and professional network.” The other half received exactly the same study, but with one vital difference: The name Heidi was changed to Howard.
Both groups of students decided that Heidi and Howard were equally competent, but it turned out they liked Howard a whole lot better. Even though Heidi and Howard were the same person acting in the same way and getting the same results, Heidi was perceived as selfish and “not the type of person you would want to hire or work for.”
Poor Heidi. Smart, superdiligent, and go-getting, the gal’s got just one problem she can’t overcome: She has ovaries. If a man is successful, both genders tend to like him. High-achieving women, not so much.
What is it about females and power? To be specific, why are our highflying girls still falling like Icarus when they get too close to the sun? This is the fiendish dilemma that Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook (FB), addresses in her book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. A forthright, if often confused, meditation on sexism, the book has attracted more than its share of prepublication hostility from people resentful that a Silicon Valley überfemale worth $500 million would dare to address the problems of Everywoman. I don’t think anyone actually used the words “back to your palace, bitch,” but that’s been the tenor of the criticism, which has often come from women who had not done Sandberg the elementary courtesy of reading the book they claimed to hate.
That’s a pity because, frankly, women are desperately lacking savvy guides to the higher echelons of corporate life. Most of us have more of an idea about social grooming habits among primates than what goes on in the boardroom of a multibillion-dollar company, although some would claim those two male-bonding sessions are not so very different. Sandberg isn’t the first writer to observe that brainy girls believe that, if they work insanely hard, virtue will have its own reward and promotion is guaranteed. (It won’t, and it isn’t.) What’s new is her insistence that women are up against gender stereotypes so powerfully ingrained that we should work with and not against them.
Here’s the catch: To be successful, a woman has to act like a man; but if she acts like a man instead of a nurturing people-pleaser, she’ll be disliked and won’t succeed. “We sense this punishment for success,” says Sandberg, who believes it causes women to “put ourselves down before others can.”
“To be successful, a woman has to act like a man”.
Can everyone see the problem here? It simply is not natural for women to act like men! Why any woman would want a so-called “career” slaving away, even in “CEO” type positions, for some stupid company (probably Jew-run) , when they could raise a healthy 4 or 5 child family is beyond me! Nurturing and raising healthy children is what women were created for. Isn’t that what any normal man wants his female counterpart to care about most? I certainly don’t want some stroppy, pissed-off, suit-wearing, pain-in-the-arse for a future wife, that’s for sure!
Jewish Feminism is pushed for one main reason – to destroy the healthy functioning family unit.
Women are not liberated by detaching themselves from motherhood, and men are not relevant or needed in the lives of these suit-wearing “careerist” women.
Men NEED TO BE WANTED as bread-winners and protectors of their family. That’s the mans job, not the woman’s.
If women can now live independently of men, then what the hell do us men do? Sit around and find pointless, childish ways of amusing ourselves? Actually, we’re pretty much there regarding the mentality of modern ‘men’, sadly. I’ve got a mental image of an adult man playing endless computer games, and when he’s not doing that, he’s a professional sports fan who spends every other spare moment glued to the T.V. watching all the games like a child.
Men’s problems aside, if things just continue down this feminist path, then those men with healthy instincts will struggle to find any decent women to raise a family with! (Trust me, finding decent women is not an easy task these days). Basically, both genders lose and families die out, like I said before.
I’ll be writing a proper article on this topic in the future, when I get time….
NOTE: I’m not really posting this. I’m still on blogging holidays! Just think of this post like the Holocaust – it never happened……
Fun times: Julia and Bob enjoy selling our country up shit creek! (I can see right up your nose Julia hahaha)
Anyway, this critique of our Jewish lobby here in Australia just has to be mentioned because of who’s doing the critiquing. It’s our former Foreign Minister Bob Carr, for fucks sake! I think that when a person like this comes out and ‘spills the beans’ about the Jewish pressure groups surrounding our political parties, then it’s worth mentioning. He would know who’s boss, just like all of the other treacherous arseholes in parliament. They all know, but they won’t say anything. Bob Carr towed the Kosher political-line during his career as Foreign Minister and only now that he has retired as Foreign Minister does he have the balls to utter some words of truth!! Ah well, better late than never I suppose.
The most frustrating thing about the whole scenario is that when some prick like Bob Carr says something about Israel or the Jews, someone might listen and take note, but when the common man says the same thing no-one listens or cares. I can say “it’s those fucking rat-faced Jews” till I’m blue in the face; no-one listens. Well now that our former Foreign Minister is saying it too, are any of you fucking cowards who are too scared to criticize the Jews going to pay attention? If not, I sincerely hope the evil Jews give you everything you deserve – which is to live a life as a lowly, constantly fucked-over slave to the rat-faced master!!
Have a read through these articles to get the gist:
Former foreign minister Bob Carr has criticised what he has described as the “very unhealthy level” of influence the Israeli lobby had on Australia’s international policy.
Mr Carr has expressed concern in particular to the role of the conservative pro-Israel lobby from Melbourne, which he says affected then-Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s office to – what he called – an unhealthy level.
Mr Carr says while he was in agreement with all other aspects of Ms Gillard’s agenda, this was one area he vehemently opposed.
“I found it very frustrating that we couldn’t issue, for example, a routine expression of concern about the spread of Israeli settlements on the West Bank. Great blocks of housing for Israeli citizens going up on land that everyone regards as part of a future Palestinian state, if there is to be a two-state solution resolving the standoff between Palestinians and Israelis in the Middle East.”
But the National Chairman of the Australia-Israel and Jewish Affairs Council, Mark Leibler, has dismissed Mr Carr’s accusations.
“I mean, give me a break. Would anyone sort of seriously accept that? As flattered as I am, this is really a figment of his imagination. I mean, Julia Gillard is an independent-thinking woman. She can come to her own conclusions without being influenced by the Jewish lobby.” (What the hell are you lobbying for, if not for influence? – BDL1983)
NewSouth Publishing describes the book – due to hit the shelves at the end of April – as the “best picture ever published of a politician on the world stage and Australia’s changing place in the world and in our region”.
But it is also expected to reveal Mr Carr’s multi-faceted personality – eccentric, obsessive, passionate and self-deprecating.
Former foreign minister Bob Carr has published private text messages between himself and Julia Gillard to reveal the “extraordinary” level of influence the pro-Israel lobby had on the former prime minister’s office.
In a remarkable disclosure of private conversations, Mr Carr said he chose to publish the text messages in his book – Diary of a Foreign Minister – without getting Ms Gillard’s permission, because to do so was in the national interest.
He also describes Israel’s former ambassador as “cunning” (like a rat – BDL1983) and reveals his fights with the self-described pro-Israel “falafel faction” in Labor’s caucus that includes Jewish MPs Mark Dreyfus and Michael Danby.
Jew rat Michael Danby
Jew Rat Mark Dreyfus
“The book would not have been truthful with this disagreement between a prime minister and her foreign minister edited out,” Mr Carr told Fairfax Media, explaining his decision to publish Ms Gillard’s private text messages without consent, despite asking other officials for permission to publish correspondence.
“The public should know how foreign policy gets made, especially when it appears the prime minister is being heavily lobbied by one interest group with a stake in Middle East policy.”
Mr Danby has hit back at Mr Carr, accusing him of bigotry over his claims of the influence of a pro-Israel lobby. (Have a fucking cry you whining sack of shit – BDL1983)
“No lobby in Australia, I understand, has that kind of influence. It’s laughable,” he told ABC radio on Thursday.
“But I suppose, in the current climate, as [Attorney-General] George Brandis says, it’s OK to be a bigot.”
The Jewish MP, who is chairman of the Friends of Israel, also accused Mr Carr, a former premier of NSW, of showing ingratitude to the Labor Party.
Bob Carr decries ‘unhealthy’ influence over Canberra’s foreign policy, which has been ‘subcontracted’ to Jewish donors
Australia’s former foreign minister has lashed out at the country’s “Israel lobby,” lamenting that during his time in office it reached “extraordinary” and “unhealthy” levels of influence over Canberra’s foreign policy — mainly because of campaign contributions by Jewish donors. (Take note – this is exactly how politics is controlled by Jews. The hand that takes is subservient to the hand that ‘gives’ – BDL1983)
In his new political memoir and in interviews he is giving to promote the book, Bob Carr (Labor) talks frankly about his term as Australia’s chief diplomat, which lasted from March 2012 until September 2013. In the book, he also recounts discussions and arguments over many foreign policy issues, and even details his dietary habits and complains about lack of comforts on the job. However, “the strongest criticism of all” in the 500-page book is reserved for Melbourne’s Israeli lobby, an Australian journalist said.
Australian foreign policy had been “subcontracted” to Jewish donors, Carr writes in the book, according to the Guardian.
One of key passages in “Bob Carr: Diary of a Foreign Minister” details a disagreements he had with then-prime minister Julia Gillard over Canberra’s stance vis-à-vis the Palestinians’ admission to the United Nations General Assembly as a nonmember state.
“What I’ve done is to spell out how the extremely conservative instincts of the pro-Israel lobby in Melbourne was exercised through the then-Prime Minister’s Office,” Carr said Wednesday in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
“I found it very frustrating that we couldn’t issue, for example, a routine expression of concern about the spread of Israeli settlements on the West Bank — great blocks of housing for Israeli citizens going up on land that everyone regards as part of the future Palestinian state if there is to be a two-state solution.”
Carr said that “party donations” and programs targeting journalists were the reason why the numerically small pro-Israel lobby wields so much political influence. These were legitimate measures, he continued, as other interest groups do the same. “But it needs to be highlighted, because I think it reached a very unhealthy level,” he said, regarding pro-Israel forces in Australia.
Here’s a link to an interview he did on ABC’s 7:30 program, and here’s the links to the posts I made on this site last year highlighting the death-grip these filthy Jews have on our country:
I could go on…….. and on…… but really, I can’t be fucked repeating myself anymore! Does it have to be any more obvious who is “top dog” of the Australian political structure? You can criticize any other group (within reason), but the slightest mention of Schlomo Bagelbaum and his cronies, and it’s “Oy Vey” OUTRAGE! That’s how we know that the Jews are running the show. It’s a simple test, then we find that all the hard facts bear out the obvious truth.
The rat bastards in their preferred ‘mode of dress’…… Yuck
Like I said at the top – I’m still on hiatus from blogging, technically speaking. So this post never happened!
This has to be the most romantic spot in Germany. That was my first thought on seeing Schwanenwerder Island, a tiny peninsula on the edge of Berlin’s Grunewald, so named after the swans that swim on its sparklingly clear lake.
But wandering past handsome houses with large gardens and high walls, I found something decidedly less romantic at its heart.
The stately white mansion at No 28 Inselstrasse, with lush lawns rolling down to the water’s edge, once housed the first Nazi bride school, an institution established by the regime to train young women in obedience, housekeeping, child-raising and – most importantly – loving the Führer.
Standartenfuehrer Richard Fiedler during his wedding ceremony with Ursula Flamm in 1936, was attended by Joseph Goebbels, pictured behind the happy couple
The schools, called Reichsbräuteschulen, were all but forgotten until recently, a quirk of Third Reich history that had somehow been overlooked. But last year a manual unearthed in Germany’s Federal Archive in the city of Koblenz gave a rare glimpse into their strict routine and the sinister vows sworn by women who attended them.
The schools were the brainchild of Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, Hitler’s own paramilitary defence force. Himmler was obsessed with ensuring that women marrying into the SS were suitable consorts, so in 1935 he established the schools to train girls to become perfect wives.
But it wasn’t easy to qualify. Himmler wanted to keep his elite force ‘racially pure’, so if a woman became engaged to an SS officer, she first had to have her pedigree assessed by the SS Race and Settlement Office to be certain she had no Jewish or mixed blood.
Women had to be able to determine their Aryan ancestry with birth and marriage certificates dating back to 1800, which sometimes involved them visiting all the churches where their ancestors married to find the proof. If a woman discovered her great-grandmother, for example, had some Jewish blood, the wedding would not be authorised and the SS officer would have to choose between his job and his fiancee.
Brides also had to undergo the humiliation of having their nose and upper lip measured to ensure their features conformed to the correct Aryan type, and complete forms detailing any family history of conditions such as tuberculosis.
Becoming SS wives: A group of women at are taught how to properly wash their ‘genetically desirable’ children at Heinrich Himmler’s Reichsbräuteschulen – bridal school
Practice makes ‘perfect’: The days at the bridal school started early with outdoor exercise, before moving on to lessons in healthy eating, sewing, childcare, interior decor and above all how to teach children to worship Hitler
Only when a certificate was issued permitting the wedding to go ahead could women enter the bridal bootcamp and plan their big day. Residential courses began two months before the wedding and cost 135 Reichmarks – the equivalent of £500 today. The daily routine was vigorous, starting early with outdoor gymnastics and sometimes an open-air bath before breakfast. This was followed by a long day covering topics such as healthy eating, sewing, childcare and interior decor (with an emphasis on using Germanic materials). Lessons on household budgeting might be followed by instruction on how to iron an SS dress uniform.
There were sessions too on how to polish your future husband’s boots and dagger, fatten geese, arrange flowers, make conversation at dinner parties, change linen, polish a floor and, above all, how to exhibit proper obedience to a husband. Every bride learned the ‘Ten Commandments for the German Woman’, which included ‘Keep your body pure’ and ‘Hope for as many children as possible’.
Yet these bride schools had far more sinister ambitions than turning out women who could sew the hems of curtains or stuff a herring. Hitler saw mothers as the ‘culture bearers’ to the next generation and he believed a woman’s most essential task was to indoctrinate her children with the Nazi ideology.
Despite warnings of rainstorms for the fourth year in a row, revellers refused to have their spirits dampened at the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade in Sydney.
Parade goers gathered from across Australia, as the 114 floats of the gay and lesbian parade made their way through the city.
This year, the parade reprised its past as a protest march with several of the floats making fun of Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s conservative views on sexuality, and the so-called ‘anti-gay’ sentiment in his administration.
Many of the city’s public officials and political hopefuls turned out to show their support, with many of the participants having a deeply personal relationship to the protest parades.
The police in Sydney also made an increased effort this year, eager to not repeat the mistakes that happened at last year’s celebrations, when the peaceful demonstration turned to brutality with the arrest of Jamie Jackson Reed.
Director of the Hollywood picture ‘The Great Gatsby’ Baz Luhrmann designed the final float, which was strictly ballroom-themed, and both he and singer Ricky Martin watched from the stands.
Parade goers gather ahead of the start of the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade in Sydney, Australia. Sydney’s gay and lesbian parade reprised its past as a protest march Saturday with several of the 144 floats making fun of Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s conservative views on sexuality
A parade goer poses prior to the 2014 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade. The Sydney Mardi Gras parade began in 1978 as a march and commemoration of the 1969 Stonewall Riots of New York
Parade goers dressed as characters from the movie Avatar pose prior to the 2014 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Parade
The gay pride event is an annual event promoting awareness of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues and themes
Parade goers prepare for the start of the 2014 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade. The participants all dress differently, but their costumes all follow a similar theme of extreme colour
While the weather was not quite bikini-hot, it didn’t stop the most flamboyant crowd of Sydney from adorning themselves with sequins and g-strings in their scantily clad attire for the entire day
The parade also served as a great opportunity for a sounding board for those opposing the anti-gay policies put in place in Putin’s Russia. These objections were clearly demonstrated by the giant Putin figures that were led through the streets during the parade
So just how fucked up and Jewish is our society? Answer – very! All I know is that when you take a look at these two articles it is perfectly clear which society is the healthy one…. The article about the Third Reich comes across awkward because there’s absolutely nothing bad about how Hitler’s regime treated women, yet the writer feels a need to insert the word ‘sinister’ here and there. Overall, it is a very poor attempt to portray the Third Reich in a negative way (once again…. yawn…. anyone else sick of Jews?)!
Many thanks to “Melbourne Girl” for sending me these two articles. I have bugger-all time to go searching the news by the way, so I appreciate being sent articles!
Anyway, slightly off topic, but sticking to my recent theme of hating anonymous trolls and Jews and only liking real people: I can say that I had a very refreshing phone conversation on Saturday night with “Melbourne Girl” (this is her comment name). After emailing back and forth for a week or so we decided to have a chat about all of this stuff. Turned out that we got along extremely well and talked for about 2 hours – a real conversation with a real person – I like that sort of thing! “Melbourne Girl” has been studying the Hitler/Jew thing for a while now and has come to the right conclusions and says that she has still got a lot more to learn. Fair enough. She’s got the right attitude, she’s honest about what she thinks, and is an absolute gemto talk to! I think a lot of men in this so-called White Nationalist movement need to drop the attitude of contempt for women. Jewish Feminism is to blame for screwing up modern women. Don’t blame women. Try to help them get away from all their feminist indoctrination rather than bitching about them all the time! This is why our so-called movement is 95% men. No normal woman wants to be treated with contempt! Only an arsehole idiot would do that! I’m not saying women should be involved in political leadership, but one thing that’s for sure is that without them the ‘movement’ goes nowhere.
You’re great “Melbourne Girl”! We need more people with your attitude – you’ve helped re-inspire me!
This picture was sent to the communist youth organization “Die Josefjugend (JJ)” together with the following message: “Can we count on all members? Let’s go forward with the genocide – NOW!”
The picture was originally published on the Facebook page of the “Die Antifa e.V.”, and it was deleted shortly after. It was thanks to attentive net users that this filth could be secured.
The piece of news has “mysteriously” disappeared from the website, so here is a snapshot of it:
How much more shit can we put up with from our enemies? I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of them all and I fucking hate every last of them! Let’s show them some hate!!