Hitler’s Mein Kampf is #3 and #4 on iTunes Political books List
From Time: The infamous manifesto Adolf Hitler wrote while in prison after a failed coup in 1923, Mein Kampf or My Struggle, in which the dictator outlined his idea of a global Jewish conspiracy, is a surprise hit on the ebook market. While the book’s print copy sales remain stagnant, the ebook is in the top 20 on iTunes’s Politics & Events chart, next to books by Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, the number one Propaganda & Political Psychology book on Amazon, and the 17th bestseller in the company’s Nationalism list. How could that be?
Chris Faraone explains why in a fascinating essay that argues ebooks provide the perfect format for reading controversial material. “Mein Kampf could be following a similar trend to that of smut and romance novels,” Faraone writes. Customers may have not wanted to be seen reading the book or having it on their shelf at home, but the cheap digital copies “can be quietly perused then dropped into a folder or deleted.”
Ebook reviewers’ comments support the 50 Shades of Grey theory. “I think I waited 45 years to read Hitler’s words… I wish I had read it sooner,” wrote Steven Wagg. “Curiosity killed me to get this book,” said another reviewer. The document also functions as a warning: “People need to understand that if we do not learn from people like this, then we will fall into their traps again,” Ray D’Aguanno wrote on Amazon.
The word racism is used as a mind weapon against White people who speak about immigration, racial differences, or persevering their own people. A White person who stands up in protection of their own human rights will be slandered as being a hateful racist.
It has also become a word to falsely project an inner hatred that whites are inflicting on non-white populations. It is a word used to explain why another race in a European homeland may not be prospering like the host population, or why blacks are poor and live in ghettos committing crimes. By understanding the broad spectrum this word is used for truly shows its power and the correct label as a weapon. Originally the word ‘Racist’ meant someone who understood racial differences; no longer so. These words have been carefully created and the connotations they carry have been planned in accordance with the Jewish agenda. The word racism and its connotations, images and emotions it carries was not brought about naturally, but a deliberate deceptive orchestration to be used as a weapon in conjunction with the Jewish plan of replacing the population of European countries with 3rd world immigrants.
Words created to support the Jewish agenda
White Supremacism– White supremacism is used against a white person who stands up for the human rights and preservation of his own people.
Connotations: This word carries connotations such as belittling non-white races and the person being superior over other races.
Anti-Semitism – This word is used against anyone that has something to say about Jews or Israel , i.e Someone questions whether Israel has the right to nuclear weapons.
Connotations: The Holocaust (Holohoax), an irrational hatred of Jews for no other reason than being Jewish.
Homophobic – This word is used to slander, insult anyone who has an opinion on a homosexuality issue. A person that supports the traditional ideal of marriage between a man and a women.
Connotations: Someone who hates homosexuals for the fact they have a different sexual orientation. Carries certain connotations such as: religious, old fashioned, hateful.
Nazi: This word is used as a slander against any White person in the world that stands up for his or her rights as a White person.
Connotations: Slanders the person & casts them in a negative light. Brings thoughts such as the negative Hollywood representation of National Socialist Germany, the so-called Holocaust, false negative representations of Adolf Hitler, movies like Schindler’s list.
These words would not be as powerful and effective against anyone who opposes this cancer sweeping the western world if not for the constant use and illusionary creation of evil associations within them, orchestrated by various elements such as the media, educational system.
Words are a very powerful part of Jewish psychological warfare against Whites. Certain words set off emotional triggers in your brain which bring in images and thoughts associated with the word. By creating the words and using them over and over, along with the images in the media, they have successfully created weapons out of certain words. Jews using their massive influence in the media have set the tone for discussion. What’s OK to talk about and what is not. That’s why we have political correctness which the jews have created in line with their agenda.
Political Correctness also equals “Cultural Marxism”. If you don’t agree with the Jews and their Communist agenda, then the mass-media says that your ideas must be shunned….
I agree with everything said in this video. I also think we need to be more brutally honest about things. No longer am I going to accept the phoney, meaningless label of “White Nationalist”. No, I am not one of them. I am a National Socialist because it is the only true expression of our Aryan spirit. It is also the only system of REAL RACIAL FREEDOM, and the ONLY ANSWER to our problems. Anything that does not adhere to the principles of National Socialism (Nature) is doomed to failure.
This is the holy symbol we will one day carry to victory!
Adolf Hitler was the greatest White man of all-time, beside Jesus Christ himself. A man of true selflessness and love for his own people. A man truly motivated by an unconditional love of his German people. No leader of any country was loved as much by his fellow country men as Adolf Hitler was. During 1920′s the great depression in Germany left the entire country in a state of decay. Mothers walked around the streets with weary eyes begging for bread to feed their children. Alot of them could not bear seeing their little children being starved to death, which resulted in alot of suicides. Grown men were shattered and the overall spirit of the country had been destroyed by the International Jewish bankers. Women became prostitutes, filth ensued, which led to the degradation of the German people.
Along came a man by the name of Adolf Hitler, who was extremely confident that he would revive his people. This confidence and sheer determination made the Germans feel hopeful. They were lost, they were defeated, Adolf Hitler arose like a God, speaking with the utmost compassion to his fellow people. The Germans saw no other way than Adolf Hitler!
And before anyone says a word: Jesus Christ was NOT A JEW and Christianity was NOT A JEWISH INVENTION! It most certainly has been HIJACKED BY JEWS, to use against our race, but in it’s original form it WASN’T JEWISH!!(I’ll be writing something about this topic soon because I feel like it….)
Thanks to John Hardonfor alerting me to this article. It is a must read:
(Originally from “Das Schwarze Korps” on Hitler’s birthday, April 20, 1944. “Das Schwarze Korps” was a weekly journal published by the SS.)
Sometimes one says that a person is the soul of a battle or of resistance. The Führer proves that this is more than a nice phrase. It applies to him so well that one would have had to invent the phrase if it had not already existed in the German language. Many a man has had power. Many can give orders. And some have the inner greatness that justifies their power and gives their orders power.
The Führer, however, lives in his grenadiers, who are doing more than soldiers have ever done before them. He lives in the men and women of his people, who with stubborn loyalty and confidence do the impossible. They do not obey his power and follow his orders, but rather they obey and follow an inner voice named Adolf Hitler. He is the conscience of the German nation. All our virtue, bravery, good will, intelligence and sense of duty follow his example. He is the voice within us that accompanies our deeds and helps us overcome all obstacles.
What would we be without him? Spiritual movements and historical developments follow their own laws. Wars come and go like vast natural catastrophes. But it is not natural that a whole people rises to meet its great test, bringing forth miracles of bravery and confidence to a degree that no one could foresee, not even the best student of its nature. This goes beyond the natural course of things. Here we see spiritual forces that have neither historical nor biological foundations. The equation is simple: if one removes Adolf Hitler’s spiritual powers, if one cuts the bands of faith that bind each of us to him, what is left? Only people who can do what is humanly possible, who can only bear what humans can bear, and who one day will succumb. It is not natural that after five years of such a war, after such sacrifices and burdens, we still believe blindly in victory and fight and work more fanatically and bitterly than we did on its first day.
The Führer does not speak to us often. It is too seldom for us to attribute his power over our hearts to his direct personal impact. But he is there, he thinks and works for us, it is as if we feel the presence of an omnipresent will. The soldier in a difficult position who feels he can no longer master the situation with his own strength finds comfort in thinking of the man struggling with fate at his headquarters. He knows that everything humanly possible will be done to help him. And he knows that even a sacrifice, if it must be brought, is a meaningful sacrifice, part of his great plan. He never feels alone. Nor are the people at home alone who suffer the heavy burdens of air terror. They know that someone is there who knows their needs. He does not only cover their needs with the cloak of his sympathy; he is the one who is coining victory from their suffering.
Such blind trust places an enormous burden on him! His omnipresent will that we believe we feel assumes that with superhuman watchfulness he sees all, hears all, knows all that concerns Germany’s fate. Here we see the incomprehension of the world that speaks of deification and tries to keep him in human bounds.
The poor fools! How can they know how happy we are that he is the person he is! The simplest and most faithful among our people worry about him. Is he sleeping? Is he healthy? What about his cares and burdens? We know well enough that his day, too, has only 24 hours, and that he is human. We realize that he does not know what grenadier Schultze and worker Müller are thinking at the moment. No, he cannot read their minds. But he knows his people and their souls out of deep, almost prophetic knowledge. He knows what he can ask of them and what they can give, and that explains what the grenadier Schultze and the worker Müller think. He feels their will and their faith, just as we feel his. He needs no divine powers, for he feels in himself the strengths of his great, brave people. It is a wonderful sense of connectedness. And is not that enough?
He believes no less in us than we believe in him. If someone claims that we deify him, they must also claim that he deifies his people, that he trusts us more than is humanly possible. But he has always been right in the past.
He seems to know us better than we know ourselves. He certainly knows our shortcomings better than we do. They often seem big to us, particularly those that affect our neighbors instead of ourselves. Then we say: “If the Führer only knew, he would…” But the Führer probably does know. He just does not think it very important. No, he does not deify us, but he knows who we are. He knows all the characteristics of his people and can play on us like a musical instrument. He does not use force, but rather the fine sense of a gifted master.
Were this not the case, how could he bear the seemingly unlimited burdens of responsibility he carries! Back during what seemed to us happier days, we got used to calling him the greatest military commander in history. Should we change our minds now that he has not recently given us any great victories? Are we not thereby seeing the concept of military commander in all too narrow terms that do not fit his titanic tasks?
The goal of a military commander is victory on the battlefield, that and only that. We had great military commanders during the First World War. They won many victories. They often had good reason for blaming the victories they could not win on people and things outside their area of authority.
Kluck did not lose the Battle of the Marne, but rather the inadequate General Staff whose orders he had to follow. Hindenburg and Ludendorff did not lose the great battle in France, but rather those responsible at home. They weakened the army by allowing strikes and domestic decay. The responsibility for losing the First World War did not rest with the military commanders. They could wash their hands in innocence. They had done their limited duty. The Führer’s task, however, is not to win splendid victories on the battlefield, but rather in every area, in every realm, winning the final victory by every possible means. He cannot say I am winning in the East; what happens in the West does not concern me. He cannot say I am winning on the battlefields, what happens at home does not concern me. He is certainly a military commander, and nothing that happens there casts any shadow over his greatness. But beyond all his characteristics and significance, he is one thing even greater — the Führer.
History will not ask if the commander Adolf Hitler fought on the Volga or in the Carpathians, but rather if he gave his people the victory of life, the Reich greatness, and its children a happy future. The joy of a victor on the battlefield is a high point of human experience. Even greater, however, is the ability to fight against human pride by giving up outward successes, to wear out the enemy here or there by retreats, to give up hard-won ground to gain time, to amass reserve armies instead of laurel wreaths.
Imagine how many times during the great defensive battles an army corps that seemed to be doing nothing could have been moved elsewhere. What brilliant victories, what prestige they could have won, what jubilation they could have given the nation, what happy moments they could have given the commander and his soldiers. But the Führer resisted all the temptations of the moment, conscious of his larger responsibility to the near and distant future. He saves every man and every weapon he foresees he will need for the great battle that is coming. He has factories working for the future, even if it makes life hard for soldiers at the moment. He is holding back the use of new weapons for the right moment, even though the troops and the homeland would find the use of them encouraging today.
He could not do that if he did not feel the heartbeat of the people, if he did not know what he could expect of his people. He has more cares, greater responsibilities, and harder decisions than anyone before him. If any of us had even a hundredth of his burdens, he would say he could not carry them. Any of us would prefer to be a common soldier who faces death, but only death, or a city-dweller who lives his hard life between air raid alerts, or the housewife with her shopping difficulties.
But there is one man who cannot lay down his burden, who carries a hundred times more than anyone else, who does not weaken or falter, who does not confuse the forest with the trees. He is a granite wall we need not worry about, who is everything that is good and brave and true in us, who warms us with the glow of his great soul: the Führer!