From Truth – Noble1blog:

Adolf Hitler was the greatest White man of all-time, beside Jesus Christ himself. A man of true selflessness and love for his own people. A man truly motivated by an unconditional love of his German people. No leader of any country was loved as much by his fellow country men as Adolf Hitler was. During 1920′s the great depression in Germany left the entire country in a state of decay. Mothers walked around the streets with weary eyes begging for bread to feed their children. Alot of them could not bear seeing their little children being starved to death, which resulted in alot of suicides. Grown men were shattered and the overall spirit of the country had been destroyed by the International Jewish bankers. Women became prostitutes, filth ensued, which led to the degradation of the German people.
Along came a man by the name of Adolf Hitler, who was extremely confident that he would revive his people. This confidence and sheer determination made the Germans feel hopeful. They were lost, they were defeated, Adolf Hitler arose like a God, speaking with the utmost compassion to his fellow people. The Germans saw no other way than Adolf Hitler!
Exactly & SIEG HEIL!!
And before anyone says a word: Jesus Christ was NOT A JEW and Christianity was NOT A JEWISH INVENTION! It most certainly has been HIJACKED BY JEWS, to use against our race, but in it’s original form it WASN’T JEWISH!! (I’ll be writing something about this topic soon because I feel like it….)
– BDL1983