Pink Floyd’s Nazi: Roger Waters Troubled by “Jewish Power” in America

This post is from a Jewess called Debbie Schlussel:

Roger Waters of Pink Floyd thinks Jews have too much power in America. If you are still a Pink Floyd fan–even after his anti-Israel activism and pro-Palestinian, pro-Islamic terrorism diatribes, as detailed on this site–then his new bigotry, not just against Israel, but specifically against Jews, might not bother you since we know that most Israel-haters are really just Jew-haters with a more “high-brow” pretense. Likewise, it’s no surprise that this aging friend of the jihad is now an admitted Jew-hater.

Jew-hater Roger Waters @ the Fence that Keeps (Some) Islamic Terrorists Out of Israel

Flier for Mock Trial Against Israel, Featuring Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Roger Waters & Palestinian Terrorist Huwaida Arraf

Sohrab Ahmari, an Iranian-American, pro-Israel, conservative assistant editor for the Wall Street Journal (he does excellent work, except for his support of the Arab Spring BS) attended a mock trial against Israel (the “Russell Tribunal on Palestine”–the first Russell Tribunal was an anti-American tirade on the Vietnam War) put on by a motley gang of irrelevant, far left whack jobs, including Waters, Alice Walker (whose anti-Israel, pro-Muslim crap I’ve detailed on this site), crazy Cynthia McKinney a/k/a Jihad Cindy (more about her here), nutjob Noam Chomsky, and murderous Marxist Angela Davis. Ahmari attended the event and wrote about it in yesterday’s Journal in an excellent op-ed piece. Here are a few excerpts, including the anti-Semitic “gem” from Waters:

Mr. Waters of Pink Floyd fame spoke up. “Sitting here as we are New York City,” he said, “it’s hard to ignore the elephant in the room—this elephant being the unfathomable influence in the corridors of power of the Israeli and Jewish lobbies.”

Catching up with Mr. Waters later, I asked why the tribunal wasn’t hearing an Israeli perspective. “That’s not what it’s for,” he said. . . .

I asked Mr. Waters if he thought perhaps there ought to be a Russell Tribunal on Syria to hold the Assad regime to account for killing some 30,000 Syrian citizens? “I’m not part of the hierarchy of the Russell Tribunal,” Mr. Waters said, sounding annoyed at the question. “I’ve been invited to take part in the Russell Tribunal on Palestine as a juror, so there’s no way I can answer that question because I just do not know.”

That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .


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Jews get rather hysterical when someone of “high-profile” even hints at the truth!

This statement by Roger Waters is clearly spot on:

“Sitting here as we are New York City,” he said, “it’s hard to ignore the elephant in the room—this elephant being the unfathomable influence in the corridors of power of the Israeli and Jewish lobbies.”

Roger Waters is obviously coming at the Israel/Jew thing from a “leftie-commie-anti-racist” angle, BUT he is aware of Jewish power and that alone is enough for this vicious Jewess to spit her poisonous vitriol all over him!!! These Jews are enough to make anyone feel sick. The “Roger Waters equals Nazi” pictorial bit at the end is absolutely ridiculous. It just shows how Jews react when someone doesn’t play 110% Kosher!

Just for a laugh, go to the Jewess’s bio…. In there it says:

The granddaughter of immigrant Holocaust survivors, Schlussel’s mother was born in the former Nazi concentration of Bergen Belsen in Germany, and her father is a Vietnam-era Army Veteran. A frequent speaker at conservative, pro-Israel, and Jewish conferences, gatherings, college campuses, and events around the U.S. Schlussel was a featured speaker at the 2004 National Board Meeting of JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), 2004 National Conference of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA),………………..

Oy Vey!!! More Holohoax survivors……….. There’s seemingly an endless supply of these miraculous Jews! I don’t know how they all escaped the “super-efficient” Nazi killing machine!!!

– Brett

Australia’s Labor PM Rankles Jews With Tough Policy on Asylum Seekers

Dan Goldberg
August 12, 2013

798758535Above: Fucking “do-gooder” idiots….

The Labor government’s new policy of banishing asylum seekers who arrive here by sea has left some Jews fuming, many of them survivors of the Holocaust and their descendants who also arrived here as boat people.

Like Israel, Australia holds asylum seekers, most of them from the Middle East, in detention centers. Australia’s centers are on the Pacific islands of Papua New Guinea and Nauru to the north and northeast.

Both countries’ leaders have pledged to “stop the infiltration problem,” as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put it recently. Both have been criticized by human rights groups for violations of the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, of which they are both signatories.

In 2011, MK Danny Danon (Likud) wrote to Jewish lawmaker Michael Danby, asking if Australia could accept African refugees who had sought asylum in Israel. Danby responded that Danon’s proposal was “quite unrealistic.”

“Asylum seekers who come here by boat without a visa will never be settled in Australia,” Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said on July 19 when he announced the policy ¬ which is rankling some prominent Jewish voters ahead of the upcoming federal election.

“I understand that this is a very hardline decision,” Rudd said. “But our responsibility as a government is to ensure that we have a robust system of border security and orderly migration, on the one hand, as well as fulfilling our legal and compassionate obligations under the refugees convention on the other.”

The new policy prompted Josh Bornstein, a prominent Jewish lawyer, to declare that he was abandoning his lifelong support for the Labor Party.

“I cannot stomach voting for a government that treats other human beings in this way,” Bornstein wrote in Melbourne’s The Age newspaper. “A line has been crossed.”

Bornstein, whose grandparents fled Poland in 1938, told Haaretz: “Rudd’s policy, like that of [Tony] Abbott’s, is brutal. It relies on abusing the human rights of one group of refugees to deter another group.”

Tony Abbott, the leader of the opposition Liberal Party, has campaigned on a similarly hard line, pledging to appoint a senior military commander to lead a task force to help the navy intercept boats and tighten border security.

To the polls next month

Rudd recently declared that the election would be held on September 7, sparing the nation’s 110,000-plus Jews a clash with Yom Kippur by changing the schedule set by Julia Gillard before she was dramatically deposed from the top job six week ago.

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More Important Link From A Great New White News Service:

Sometimes…… I dunno…. What is the matter with our race of people? Are we 100% racially suicidal? Fucking insane maybe….

Vote #1 – “AUSTRALIAN EXPEL-THE-PARASITE PARTY” on September 7!!!!! Just write the number 88 in the box on your voting slip!


Above: The party insignia

Note: The “Expel-The-Parasite” Party does have a SLIGHTLY tougher policy regarding immigration and RACE!………. We will give you “Hard-line”!

– Brett or BDL1983

Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic


Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.

At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.

“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”

Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. “No-one is born gay,” he notes. “The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.”

Dr. Whitehead believes same-sex attraction (SSA) is caused by “non-shared factors,” things happening to one twin but not the other, or a personal response to an event by one of the twins and not the other.

For example, one twin might have exposure to pornography or sexual abuse, but not the other. One twin may interpret and respond to their family or classroom environment differently than the other. “These individual and idiosyncratic responses to random events and to common environmental factors predominate,” he says.

The first very large, reliable study of identical twins was conducted in Australia in 1991, followed by a large U.S. study about 1997. Then Australia and the U.S. conducted more twin studies in 2000, followed by several studies in Scandinavia, according to Dr. Whitehead.

“Twin registers are the foundation of modern twin studies. They are now very large, and exist in many countries. A gigantic European twin register with a projected 600,000 members is being organized, but one of the largest in use is in Australia, with more than 25,000 twins on the books.”

A significant twin study among adolescents shows an even weaker genetic correlation. In 2002 Bearman and Brueckner studied tens of thousands of adolescent students in the U.S. The same-sex attraction concordance between identical twins was only 7.7% for males and 5.3% for females—lower than the 11% and 14% in the Australian study by Bailey et al conducted in 2000.

In the identical twin studies, Dr. Whitehead has been struck by how fluid and changeable sexual identity can be.

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Just for the record:

If you think this post is somehow contradictory to what I think re Jewish Genetics, then you obviously misinterpreted my stance….. I have never denied that environment and nurture play huge parts in shaping all life forms into what they are…

Environment can encourage or hinder or even prevent NATURAL GENETIC TENDENCIES, depending on how extreme the environmental conditions are….. Regarding the Fags, it obviously takes some sort of disgusting abuse or perversion to turn them into Fags…. That’s environment or nurture for ya!

If all Jews were raised away from us and kept out of our societies, then their genetics wouldn’t be relevent…… It would be our ideal healthy environment to neutralise them!

Genetics are #1 with me: Whites create, Blacks rape and murder, Jews rob, lie and murder, Cats meow, and Dogs bark….. That is basic genetic behaviour…. Environment, nurture etc are all secondary factors in the overall scheme of things…

One important thing I should clarify: The homos are not a “racially or ethnically” quantifiable group and they’re not a distinct species either…. (as much as I’d like to think so….) The fact that homos exist in all races/ethnicities and even some other species, shows that homosexuality occurs mainly as a result of environment/nurture, and therefore genetics must have little to do with it……(although, NOT NOTHING to do with it!)

If anything here doesn’t make sense then ask in the comments……

– BDL1983

Your VOTE is Precious!!! (don’t laugh….)

I’ve highlighted the funny bits & made a few comments:

Mark Aldridge is an Independent candidate for the Federal Senate in South Australia and has been a long-time campaigner for electoral reform. He asks for people to treat their vote with the value it deserves.

AFTER A DECADE of putting forward my candidacy at state and federal level and taking up the fight for honest democracy and electoral reform, I have watched matters move from bad to even worse.

The two party system is so entrenched in our political lives, the idea of a free and informed vote has become a thing of the past. Sadly, while we continue to let those that benefit most from structural biases write the electoral laws, any hope of reform in favor of honest democracy remains in the realms of fairy tale fiction. (Forget it mate; so-called “honest democracy” is a JOKE! – BDL1983)

Names are deliberately left off ballot papers; major media outlets enforce black bans of certain candidates; dodgy postal voting applications run rife; how to vote information is absent; identities are being stolen; there is mass misrepresentation in political advertising; and candidates make false promise with utter impunity. And those are just the issues that are “out in the open”; undoubtedly, there are other dodgy practices going on in the background that never see the light of day. (He’s not wrong here & that’s only just scratching the surface! I wonder if I could run under the banner of “The Australian ‘Expel The Parasite’ Party”? Or would I get the medias “black ban” for my controversial views….. – BDL1983)

Despite public awareness of these sorts of practices in Australian elections, we continue to reward the perpetrators with our precious votes.

Dishonest how to vote information, manipulated electoral rolls, the supply of pencils to fill in our ballots and the lack of equity within the two-party counting system are some of the issues that attract little or no attention in the media. (pencil supplies are a critical part of the “democratic” process! You’ve gotta laugh – BDL1983)

Even the court of disputed returns, which is meant to enforce democratic process in elections, ensures that any petition to declare the result of an election void, regardless of the conduct it complains about, is always unsuccessful.

The media sell the party leaders, yet the parties can remove them at will. This means that in an educated and fair system electoral system, we would scrutinize the candidates we do personally vote for − the ones in the upper house and in our electorate − but who are they?

Manipulation of information has become a massive business. Manipulation of the two parties even more so. This allows those in big business who donate to the big parties and the media unbridled control over the outcomes of elections and the future of our country. (Sounds like Mr. Aldridge is on our side here….. He doesn’t like Democracy after all! Why bother standing for it then? – BDL1983)

The most important issues facing our future, such as adequate water, power, food production, health, education, civil rights and liberties, community safety, population growth, the economy and environmental issues all receive headlines but very little productive action. It seems as if inaction itself is part of a grand plan, or offers some financial benefit. (Can’t expect productivity with Dr. Do-littles sitting in parliament… – BDL1983)

The people of this fine country are so busy trying to make ends meet, and so sick of the political spin, a large majority have all but given up on the idea of change. And considering the information we are being given by the media, who only flog the two horse race of Abbot or Gillard, apathy becomes understandable. (He still doesn’t like democracy…. – BDL1983)

Read More:

Alright, enough of that crap. I just wanted to highlight how average people think about the “Democratic process”….

Actually, Mr. Aldridge is probably a lot more aware AND better informed than the average voter, and he still knows virtually nothing about REAL political power in this country!

Mick sent me the following video on what to do when voting on September 7… By the way, we have COMPULSORY voting in this “free and democratic” country…. A Jew comes round your place demanding shekels if you DON’T VOTE!

This video shows us something we can do with our voting slips, rather than just drawing swastikas, or putting a box with the name A. Hitler and ticking it, or writing 88 on it…. I’m going to do what the video says just for the hell of it….. 99.999% chance it’s a complete waste of time…….. But……. What the hell!!! My vote is PRECIOUS after all.

This is a laugh:

Your right to vote is…

The sword of your power and the shield of your freedom.
 SandS1  SandS2
Sword against bad Government. A shield against dictators.

– BDL1983

Are You a National Socialist? You are but You Just Don’t Know it Yet.

From Hardon’s Blog:

Green Arrow at the British Resistance site made a flippant comment a while back, I don’t think he knew at the time just how true this observation was, he said:

“Most [White] People are National Socialists they just don’t realize it.”

He actually hit the nail on the head we are intrinsically National Socialists, We look around and think, ‘What the fuck, this is not how it’s meant to be’. But we are too programmed, dumbed down and too cowardly to do anything about it. We sit there in front of the ‘Jew Box’  that is not only in everyone’s living room but in their bedrooms and kitchen’s too. Absorbing the disinformation like sponges. Like this Halifax advert, how come I’m the only one that finds this offensive?

I happened to walk past a Halifax Bankster PLC outlet in my town the other day and they had a huge poster in the widow showing the Negro with his WHITE pregnant wife, it made me feel sick to the stomach (is it only me that feels this way?). I was going to post the image but after spending nearly an hour on Google I cannot find it. But after all the video says it all.

You dumbed down idiot Whites out there better wake up, don’t look towards the BNP or the EDL or you will just be going around in circles like you have for the last 50 years. I know I’m becoming repetitive and boring now but the only answer is National Socialism. Look at my previous post, Hitler was no bogeyman he did his best to avert war, he wanted the best for the German people and the White race. It is a sad fact that we on behalf of the enemy Jew would not allow National Socialism to gain popular support throughout Europe, which of course it would have done.

You sit there like Zombies (which is what the enemy Jew wants) watching your ‘program’ on TV, do you realise that it is called a ‘Program’ for a reason? Whether it be a popular Soap or the News it is all part of the ‘Program’ to dumb you down and make you submissive to what is about to come, you ain’t seen nothing yet baby.

Everyday is becoming a horror video in reality, you don’t want to think about it so you brush it aside, the sick perversion, homosexuality, bestiality (White women sleeping with Niggers), Paedophilia, Necrophilia these are all straight from the Babylon of old, see my earlier post: Babylon Reborn  

Is this what you want for your children? Do you really want to live in this Jewish cess pit of perversion? This is not in the future, this is happening now. You have been too trusting and naive and now you have consigned yourselves to serfdom under the brutal iron fist of Jewish supremacy. The old Soviet Union has nothing on what you and your children are about to endure and you can call me a loony, a racist, a Nazi, a Fascist but you are wrong. All I care about is you, fuck knows why. Yes you, you suicide merchants who are willing to give up your children’s future just as you gave up your own to the Jewish ‘Usury system’ . 

Will you ever fucking learn? I doubt it, you are too busy watching ‘Eastenders’ and ‘Corrie’ in the UK and in America the Jewish control is even worse, ‘Desperate Housewives’, the ‘Kardashians’ and the never ending Jew Hollywood bullshit.


This man was your last chance white folks and you crucified him
just like you did Jesus Christ.

Get this into your heads White people you are being systematicly Destroyed, this didn’t just happen, it was planned. I can only do so much and other people that I respect are not getting any younger, so it’s up to you now.



Further Link:

I like this mans attitude!

Visit Hardon’s Blog for a UK perspective.

– BDL1983