Jews concerned about Free Speech on the Internet


Surprise, surprise!!

In this article found on J-Wire, a Sydney-based Jew named David Singer, presents the Jewish community’s ‘concern‘ over people’s ability to express themselves freely on the internet. Freedom to say whatever you want, must be limited, because 5 poor innocent loving Jews were beaten up last week in Bondi. How dare anyone say anything that paints the Jewish community is a less-than-favourable light? Why, that is called ‘Hate‘, and according to the Jews we shouldn’t be allowed to express hatred. To tell the truth about this charming group is simply labelled ‘Hate’.

Just a little reminder to any Jews reading this: Article 19 of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Just as a side-note: I am aware that all documentation and spoken word from any U.N. body referring to ‘human rights’, is actually referring only to Jews as humans, since according to the Talmud, we (the non-Jews) are beasts:

“The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.”
Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b

Let’s see what the Jews are whining about:

The Internet has become one of the major contributors to the growing spread of Jew-hatred and assaults on Jews world wide.

The senseless attack by a group of hooligans in Bondi, Sydney last week bashing five Jewish people – one a 62 years old woman – as they were walking home after enjoying a Sabbath meal with friends – has resulted in an outpouring of world-wide condemnation by politicians, the media, the public and other religious groups.

Yet it is only one of an increasing number of such similar assaults on Jews world-wide.

Jewish communities have for decades been required to place their synagogues, communal schools and organizations under 24 hour security surveillance.

The propensity of the Internet to become an uncontrolled vehicle for racial incitement has been allowed to escape under the radar. It is time that its capacity to so influence the minds of its readers was diminished.

What has become particularly disturbing is the ability of people to make whatever comments they like on the Internet without disclosing their full names and addresses to web editors when submitting their comments.

Newspapers require such details to be supplied – and only in exceptional circumstances will anonymous letters be published.

Why do Internet sites not demand the same standard of compliance?

Failure to do so has seen the publication of anonymous comments such as the following:

“The Jews will still occupy the West Bank and blockade Gaza and continue with their brutal, genocidal occupation. If the world were to be rid of the U.S. and Israel, there would be a chance of peace in our chaotic, conflicted world. Surely, anyone with half a brain can see that! 

Freedom of speech should not mean that people should enjoy freedom from prosecution or legal action for comments they make that defame people or groups of people or incite or are capable of inciting violence.

This would be a clear violation of Article 19, if the term ‘human rights‘ included the Goyim. It doesn’t, and it is only speaking of Jews as ‘human’. Back to the whining article:

Should the following comment have been allowed to be anonymously posted?

“Racist Israel is more than an abomination in the Middle East, it is a threat to the 7bn people it considers not to be racially “special”. Us.  All the more reason to stop keeping it alive, and to target it with overwhelming nuclear might if it retaliates against civilisation for refusing to back its play. The Zionists may be blinded by their belief that God will protect them. Nobody and nothing will.”

No doubt apologists will argue that objections can be lodged to delete offending comments – but its implementation inevitably leads to strident cries claiming censorship.

Securing the deletion of an objectionable comment also ignores the damage caused during the time that such comment has remained online before its removal.

These vile viewpoints – if authoritatively sourced – should be exposed to public gaze so that readers can understand the level and intensity of the hatred that exists – as exemplified in the following comment:

“Why should we [love Jews] given what they do to the Palestinians and have done since 1948? I don’t think that Jews are capable of love. Their religion gets in the road. Their god is loveless and punitive and so are they!”

Jews are not on their own in being singled out for such incessant abuse and vilification on the Internet………..

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As you can see, the criticism of Jews and Israel (expressed in the example comments) is very tame, and essentially truthful. That’s what they’re worried about of course! They just keep on whining about it.

Here’s another related post from Destroy Zionism:

According to an article by the New York Post, the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), an anti-European Jewish organization, has found that more and more people criticize international Jewry online.

“There’s everything from mocking the legacy of Anne Frank [who died of typhus but has been expoited as a ‘Holocaust victim’ by Jews ever since], to getting young people to try to join in with a racist, extreme far-right [sic] group in the United States,” says Rabbi Abraham Cooper at the SWC.

Twitter generally avoids political censorship. Recently however, a Jewish student organization in France pressured Twitter into releasing personal details of thought criminals in France.

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– BDL1983

Israel Doesn’t Care that the US is Spying on Them

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2013

The NSA is a Jew operation.
The NSA is a Jew operation.

Unsurprisingly, while the world is outraged that the US is recording all of the communications of their citizens and their leaders, Israel is not a bit bothered. This is – obviously – because Jews run the US government, and they can’t be upset that they are spying on themselves.

From the LA Times:

The U.S. also listens in on Israel, former Mossad chief Danny Yatom recently told Israeli media, and columnist Amir Oren wrote that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been a “U.S. intelligence target since the 1980s.” Some Israeli observers saw the indignation as naive.According to excerpts (Hebrew website, video includes some English) from an interview with Israeli Channel 10, Wendy Sherman, under secretary for Political Affairs, avoided directly answering the question whether the U.S. was “spying on Israeli political figures.”

Welcoming reliance on Israel’s “vaunted capabilities in terms of intelligence,” Sherman said, “we will have to talk about these things together” to ensure partnerships and relationships are respected (The full interview will be broadcast Sunday evening).

A detailed report in the New York Times revealed the National Security Agency also tracked “high priority Israeli military targets,” including Israel’s Sparrow missile system, a recent testing of which touched frayed nerves in the region in September.

This report met with a mellow shrug, too. “This doesn’t surprise me,” energy minister Silvan Shalom told local media Sunday. Shalom, a former foreign minister, said that upon taking public office, he was advised to assume “the whole world was listening” and that his phone was monitored constantly. “This was the basic working assumption,” Shalom said.

“Everyone listens to everyone else all the time,” Dov Weissglass, an adviser to former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, told Israel Radio. Anyone in relevant circles knows that “sensitive issues are not to be communicated by electronic means,” he said.

Of course, they are recording the Israelis because they record everything.

There are also occasionally some differences between Israeli Jews and American Jews, which have led to at least minor conflicts in the past, though they make sure to keep such things very quiet.

It appears also that not simply the American Jews running he NSA, but the Israeli Mossad also has full access to all of the NSA databases.

On top of this, the man playing the middle-man in revealing all of this, Glenn Greenwald, is himself a Jew – I’m still not sure what exactly that means, but I can assure you it means something.  It may be that he is just in there, harnessing the power as Jews always do, or it may be something more devious.

Source Article

I found this article rather amusing. Remember how (just a few days ago) Angela Merkel was so surprised that the U.S. was tapping her phone, as if Jews would ever do anything like that!! Hahaha!!

– Brett

“Holocaust denial” now officially defined

Talk about ‘Orwellian Thought Crime‘ Laws. This is a must read.

From John Friends Blog:

The Jewish Press is reporting that “Holocaust denial” has now been officially defined:

The International Alliance for Holocaust remembrance (IHRA), comprised of 31 member states, the UN and UNESCO have accepted a universal definition of holocaust denial. (Editor: You can see real, live examples of holocaust denial and antisemitism in the comments below).

According to Gideon Bachar, the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry department for the fight against antisemitism, who represented Israel in the discussions, the newly accepted definition of a holocaust denier is anyone who doubts the number of Jews killed, who denies the existence of the gas chambers, as well as anyone who claims the Jews have brought on the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel, and also anyone who includes the 1939-1945 holocaust among other great tragedies in human history. […]

Bachar told Israel Radio that the new universal definition does not have a legal validity, but it may help in the fight against holocaust denial and antisemitism. […]

Let me state for the record that:

  1. Six million Jews were not murdered during WWII, and the Germans did not have a plan to systematically exterminate European Jewry – they simply wanted the Jews out of Germany and, eventually, all of Europe;
  2. There were no gas chambers used to murder Jews or anyone else in the various work camps administered by the National Socialists in Germany and other parts of Europe during WWII;
  3. The Jews and their allies did indeed bring on “the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel” – and by “bring on intentionally” I simply mean they manufactured this fake historical narrative over time using their control of the media and Western governments, psychological warfare, scripted actors playing “Holocaust survivors”, and other forms of deceitful propaganda, such as “Holocaust” museums and Hollywood movies reinforcing their fake narrative of WWII;
  4. While some Jews did in fact die during WWII, millions of non-Jews were slaughtered before and after WWII at the hands of the Jewish-led Allied powers, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union.

The official narrative of WWII, especially as it concerns the fake Jewish “Holocaust” story, is literally the exact opposite of what really happened: the Jews were not subjected to a systematic campaign of extermination, the Germans were. Aryeh Leon Kubovy of the Israeli Center for Jewish Documentation has even admitted that, “There exists no document signed by Hitler, Himmler, or Heydrich speaking of exterminating Jews… and, the word ‘extermination’ does not appear in the letter from Herman Goering to Heydrich concerning the Final Solution of the Jewish question.”

On the other hand, Jewish writers and propagandists were in fact openly lobbying for the total destruction and annihilation of the German people before and during WWII. Jewish writer Theodore Kaufman wrote a pamphlet in 1941 entitled Germany Must Perish, calling for the genocide of the German people:

This time Germany has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world. As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY. And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty: Germany must perish forever! In fact – not in fancy! […]

The goal of world-domination must be removed from the reach of the German and the only way to accomplish that is to remove the German from the world. […]

There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forever of Germanism – and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind.

Perhaps even more brazenly, the Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg, a radical Jewish Bolshevik, openly encouraged the Red Army to murder Germans – soldiers and civilians:

The Germans are not human beings… If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day… If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet… [T]here is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days… Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German – that is your grandmother’s request. Kill the German – that is your child’s prayer. Kill the German – that is your motherland’s loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill… Kill, Red Army men, kill! No fascist is innocent, be he alive, be he as yet unborn.

The real Holocausts of WWII were committed against the German peoples and their allies who were standing up to and fighting against the forces of the Talmudic “New World Order” agenda.

So yes, I am a “Holocaust denier”, at least according to the Jews and those they have brainwashed with their fake narrative of WWII. The Jewish “New World Order” agenda largely rests upon the fake “Holocaust” narrative of WWII, and all of the lies associated with WWII and Adolf Hitler generally, and it is time we recognize this and reject their false history and deceitful, arrogant propaganda.


Very good summary. This article is too important not to spread.

“Truth does not need the law to uphold it, only a lie does” – Don’t know who said that, but it’s spot on!

– BDL1983

What We can Learn from Our Grandparents’ Diet

From The Daily Stormer:

THEY put butter on their fried scones and sugar on their rolled oats and – shock horror – at 80 they’re still skinny!

Our grandparents also used to make their own butter, cook with lard, drink full cream milk and put away plenty of potatoes.

Meanwhile we – who cut carbs, remove fat, cook less, eat more and spend most of our time sitting – are fatter than ever.

So how do our grandparents remain so healthy while living so heartily?

For starters, they ate less.

Grandfather-of-12 John Golding, who runs a family farm outside Grafton in northern New South Wales, says food was scarce when he was growing up.

“We ate less for sure because the food had to go around a big family. There were seven or nine kids in every family so you didn’t eat much at all. There were no ‘seconds’,” he said.

“We didn’t overeat and you’d restrict your bread intake because otherwise you’d run out.

“It was all healthy food. We always had a huge vegetable garden so we had cauliflowers growing in the winter time. We ate a lot of cabbage but only boiled cabbage.”

In Unhappy Meals, a piece for The New York Times Magazine, best-selling author Michael Pollan says we can all cut back.

“The scientific case for eating a lot less than we currently do is compelling. ‘Calorie restriction’ has repeatedly been shown to slow ageing in animals, and many researchers (including Walter Willett, the Harvard epidemiologist) believe it offers the single strongest link between diet and cancer prevention,” he said.

“Once one of the longest-lived people on earth, the Okinawans practised a principle they called ‘Hara Hachi Bu’: eat until you are 80 per cent full.”

John says they only ate actual foods.

“Boiled potatoes or fried eggs were what we’d have for breakfast when mum was rearing us on the farm,” he said.

“We did have a bit of steak and onion gravy – just a little bit of that now and again and I still love that for breakfast. Now I have toast with vegemite and avocado.

“I also eat a lot of bananas. I average five or six a day. When [my wife] Ollie’s dad was growing them I’d eat five or six before breakfast and could eat up to a dozen a day.

“Don’t forget I also have a watermelon every day, all year round.”

John says he and his wife Ollie, who does most of the cooking, rarely ate processed food.

“We didn’t have any packaged stuff at all,” he said. “When Dad bought this farm after the war, we’d milk two or three cows so you’d make your butter and custards.

“We were reared also on fried scones. We loved fried scones. Instead of baking the scones, we’d fry ‘em. They were beautiful just with butter.

“The leftover corn beef would be minced up with a hand mincer and we’d make a potato pie. You’d put potatoes over the top and bake it like a cottage pie.

“With all the old meat you made curries. I also love honey carrots. There wasn’t one thing wasted.”

In Six Rules For Eating Wisely, a piece for TIME magazine, Pollan says we shouldn’t eat anything our great-great-great grandmother wouldn’t recognise as food.

“Imagine how baffled your ancestors would be in a modern supermarket … (most items) aren’t foods – quite – they’re food products,” he said.

“History suggests you might want to wait a few decades or so before adding such novelties to your diet, the substitution of margarine for butter being the classic case in point.

“My mother used to predict ‘they’ would eventually discover that butter was better for you. She was right: the trans-fatty margarine is killing us. Eat food, not food products.”

John, 79, eats everything but grew up on staples of rice, rolled oats and potatoes.

“When mum was rearing the five of us while dad was at the war she fed us on a lot of rice because that was cheap. I loved boiled rice with a bit of sugar on it, but now I don’t have sugar,” he said.

“We always had corned beef and spuds. They always boiled it and left it in the big pot until it got cold. It was pretty salty.

“I was reared on rolled oats. I love rolled oats made on full cream milk with a bit of salt and honey in it. You’d put a little bit of salt in it but that was just to cook things.”

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It’s just common sense isn’t it? Basically, don’t eat too much crap, don’t be a lazy fat bastard, and you should be alright!

– BDL1983

Daily Stormer Hacked!

From The Daily Stormer:

The site was compromised yesterday, and I have been trying my best to get things back working again.

Besides redirecting to Wikipedia, over 700 posts were deleted from the site.  It appears they were playing some kind of game.  In particular, original posts which I and other Daily Stormer writers put up were deleted.

We will continue to make updates during this period, but they will likely be slower, as I am attempting to figure out how to restore the deleted posts.

If it turns out they cannot be restored, that is just the way it is, and we will continue to move forward.

Please continue to support us in any way you can.

Hail Victory

Andrew Anglin, Publisher
October 31, 2013


My take:

I woke up the other morning, logged on to upload a new article, and noticed how the post counter had gone down significantly. I immediately knew something was wrong, so naturally I told Andre about the problem.

As any regular reader of the Daily Stormer knows, Andre’s site has been doing really well lately. It ranks 122,753 on the Alexa rankings. Obviously it has been reaching a fairly large audience and gaining some loyal readers. Well, this is just unacceptable if you happen to be a dirty stinking hook-nosed, rat-faced kike!

Somehow, Schlomo Goldbergwitzstein from Tel Aviv must have hacked in and fucked around with the page directory thing, and wiped a heap of posts. I have no fucking idea how these arseholes do it, but it is a testament to the fact that Andre’s site is clearly making some ‘shekel-loving-Yids‘ shit themselves. I’m proud to say that I’m a contributer to the Daily Stormer with a few articles and a few reposts, here and there. At least half of the stuff I posted was wiped clean. Maybe its a small badge of honour? I don’t know. What I do know is that Andre and Ben do most of the work at the Daily Stormer, and I do my (much smaller) bit. If anyone has any spare time and wants to help out, then contact Andre at [email protected]. It helps hurt the Jews, so support Andre’s efforts on this great news site.

A commenter on The Daily Stormer summed up what I was thinking perfectly. (I just couldn’t find the quote instantly)

“Anyone who picks up a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not see himself slandered in it has not made profitable use of the previous day; for if he had, he would be persecuted, reviled, slandered, abused, befouled.” – Adolf Hitler

Their attacks are proof that they are scared.

So true. You don’t get attacked if your work doesn’t threaten the hook-nosed enemy!

– Brett