This video shows what happens when you expose the filthy rotten Jewish lie of the ‘Holocaust’. It shows us exactly how the Jews treat their enemies. Turns out that Jews are not the tolerant lovers of free speech that they pretend to be:
After re-watching that, I honestly don’t know how anyone could believe a word the Jews say about anything!
Hmmmmm……. Soccer leagues, camp money, swimming events, orchestras, comedy shows, work missions (work – that’s a Holocaust; Oy Vey!)………. Yep, all essential features of ‘Extermination Camps’! ANYONE who still believes the bullshit 6 million Jew story after seeing what’s presented in this video alone is a dishonest, stupid, lying sack of crap!
It is against the law to not allow the enemy inside the gates.
UN agency says Australia could be breaking the law after reports of its navy intercepting boats carrying migrants.
Adrian Edwards, a spokesman for the UN high commissioner for refugees says the agency wants an explanation as to why there are reports of the Australian navy stopping Indonesian illegal immigrant boats from crossing into Australia.
“UNHCR would be concerned by any policy or practice that involved pushing asylum-seeker boats back at sea without a proper consideration of individual needs for protection,” Edwards told reporters, saying the agency wanted details from the government.
“Any such approach would raise significant issues and potentially place Australia in breach of its obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention and other international law obligations,” he said.
Meanwhile, Indonesia has put its jet fighters on alert to attack Australian ships if they enter the sea around Indonesia. The Indonesian navy has also been moved closer to Australia.
A nationwide opinion poll conducted by UMR Research, shows that 59% of people think most boat immigrants are not genuine refugees, 30% of Australians think immigrants should not be treated more severely, and 59% oppose immigrants receiving government welfare assistance.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, elected on “stop the boats” slogan, has enacted “Operation Sovereign Borders“, a campaign which is credited with stopping almost 80% of boat illegal immigrants.
When “open borders” are declared (but only for White countries), it is pretty obvious what is going to happen. If you have two buildings; one is full of money, diamonds, gold bullions – and the other building is full of scrap, which building would stand to lose the most if people were invited to take whatever they wanted from either building?
The reason why White countries have so many immigrants is because White people have produced societies that people want to live in.
Meanwhile on planet Earth, rich countries like Japan or China are allowed to patrol their borders to make sure that Japan and China remain countries full of Oriental people. The same is true of ANY non-White country.
Steve Goode over at the White Genocide Project is doing a really good job putting out the right message. Definitely go and check out his site! Keep up the great work Steve!
As usual it’s the wonderful ever-loving Jewnited Nations telling us we can’t patrol our borders. Once you know what’s going in the world (with the Jews controlling everything) you find that no news stories are surprising, at all! Everything fits the Jew agenda for world domination and the genocide of the White Race, therefore we must do our best to oppose them.
Now, if anyone has any questions of whether the Jews are actually a “Satanic Race”, then just look at how ugly these Jews are; especially the one on the left……. The picture says it all:
These Kikes are not human…
How anyone could possibly be this ugly is beyond me…. It is truly horrifying to look at these “people”!
Now get your boxing gloves on and punch the fucking shit out of that bag! (My boxing bag is Jewish by the way – that’s why I have so much motivation to hit it as hard as I fucking can!!!!!)
Anger management Aryan style…. Can’t stop the rage today!!!!
“I shouldn’t even say this but if I see a group of lads with our flag I bet some are racists.”
ARIA-winning rapper 360 is white, wears tattoos thickly distributed and comes from the suburbs of Melbourne. But rather than succumb to the assumptions those elements suggest, ahead of Australia Day he’s taken a bead on racists and misguided nationalism in a pointed and often fiery new song.
The song, On A Planet No One Knows, was in in response to the sloganeering of the “we’re full” anti-immigration lobby and in part prompted by racist comments posted on Facebook after 360 (aka Matthew Colwell) put up photos of himself with some mates “with different shades of skin”.
While the song asks, “how the f— do these parents raise their kids and what books are they educated with?”, it still puts the onus on young men, who might otherwise be like him, to not be “racist c–kheads”. And not just racist either. A voice sample used in the song points out that “we need equality … misogyny that is in every culture is not part of the human condition”.
This fucking ‘anti-racist’ garbage always comes out in the lead up to “Australia Day”. You know what? If these ‘anti-racist’ wankers think that everyone is the same, then why don’t they all go and live in Africa? Go on you fuckheads! We’re all the same after all…. Put your retarded egalitarian bullshit ideas to the test. Let’s separate along racial lines: Whites who want to stay here can, and you multikulti lovers can go somewhere else, seeing you know best! Not only that, you’d be free of us horrible racists if you all moved to multikulti heaven… Go and do it! We racists want you gone from our gene-pool anyway!