Hackers Expose U.S. False Flag to Frame Syria


• Mercenary emails indicate U.S. may have proposed “false flag” chemical attack

By Richard Walker

Hacked emails from a British mercenary company were posted online, leading to claims Washington was backing a dirty war against Syria in which a chemical attack on Syria could be blamed on the Syrian regime, thereby strengthening the case for immediate intervention on the part of the United States military.

British mercenary company, Britam Defence, has since admitted it was hacked but claimed the hacker, who posted his online name as “JAsIrX,” had maliciously and cleverly used hacked material to generate forgeries to destroy the company’s reputation and make it look like it was involved in shocking behavior.

According to a spokesman for the company, it was really a “risk management firm” and not a mercenary company like those hired by the U.S. Defense Department to carry out military operations in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, the sheer volume of hacked documents from Britam demonstrates that the UK firm has a hand in more than just paper-pushing. It is clearly a company with tentacles that reach into all parts of the military-industrial complex in the UK and overseas.

One of the hacked emails that has resulted in the most embarrassment for the U.S. government concerned Syria. The email reads as follows:

Phil, we’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved in Washington. We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell [sic] from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record. Frankly, I don’t think it is a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?

Kind regards,


The “Phil” referred to in the email is purported to be Philip Doughy, Britam’s founder. The “David” is the director of development, David Goulding. The “CW” in the email refers to Chemical Weapon and the “g-shell” implies a gas-warfare-type shell.

Read More: http://americanfreepress.net/?p=8544

American Free Press is a great website….. Check it out…. John Friend writes articles for them nowadays too!

– BDL1983

The Game Changer: Syria Will Strike Israel Should U.S. Attack

From: Prothink.org


Syria is guilty of war crimes. According to the U.S., Israel and other Western nations, it was Syrian President Bashar al-Assed who was behind the chemical attack that left hundreds dead last week.

All signs point to armed intervention in Syria this week, even though UN inspectors (who incidentally came under sniper fire today) have yet to conclude their investigation.

No matter, however. The die has been cast. There is a strong possibility that the Allies will respond, in force, in very short order.

The only possibility to avoid conflict at this point is that Russia, which has made its support of Syria’s government known, will somehow convince the west it is not in our interests (perhaps by threatening a full-scale confrontation, otherwise nothing else is going to work).

Thus, let us assume that the United States, Britain, et. al. initiate a missile strike on targets in Syria in coming days.

What will Assad do in response?

According to a report by Steve Watson at Prison Planet, he’ll immediately direct his military to strike targets in Israel, just like Saddam Hussein did in the first Gulf War.

But this time, the Israelis may not show the restraint they did in 1991.

It could be a game changer for the middle east… and the world:

A senior Syrian official has warned that Israel will “come under fire” should the United states pursue any military aggression against the Assad regime.

As reported by the Israeli news site Ynet, Halef al-Muftah, a leading member of the Syrian Ba’ath national council, and a former aide to the Syrian media minister said today that the Syrian government has “strategic weapons aimed at Israel.”

Making the comments on an American Arabic radio station, Muftah added that Damascus views Israel as being “behind the aggression” and therefore will be retaliated against should the US strike Syria.

The official also stated that the Syrian government would not be beholden to threats from the US, and added “If the US or Israel err through aggression and exploit the chemical issue, the region will go up in endless flames, affecting not only the area’s security, but the world’s.

In the last 24 hours President Assad suggested in an interview on Russian televisionthat he will not back down.

“Failure awaits the United States as in all previous wars it has unleashed, starting with Vietnam and up to the present day,” he told the pro-Kremlin Izvestia newspaper in an interview which the Russian daily said was conducted in Damascus.

There is a strong possibility that any military action taken by the U.S. and its allies will be met with a military response. And if this report is accurate, it means that those Russian supplied weapons that have never been seen in the middle east before will likely be used to strike U.S. naval targets, as well as the heart of Israel.

The game changer – the biggest variable in all of this – will be what Israel does in response.

In 1991, the Israelis did not respond to Saddam Hussein’s targeting of Jerusalem with SCUD missiles. By doing so, the alliance against Iraq, which ironically also included Syria, remained in tact.

Had the Israelis engaged Iraqi targets, it would have broken the alliance and possibly led to widespread confrontation in the middle east twenty years ago.

This time, however, is a different story. And Israel, which in May made the unilateral decision to destroy a Syrian weapons facility, may well return fire.

If they do, then the centuries-old conflict between the Arabs and Jews could potentially go into full swing, especially if Syria were to do something crazy like fire chemical or bio weapons, something Israelis now expect as they are distributing gas masks to their populace.

In response, we could well see a nuclear contingency plan initiated by the Israelis.

Folks, this has all the makings of the start of a World War.

One misstep here and this could very quickly spread throughout the middle east and beyond – a warning that Russia gave the U.S. just a few months ago.

There is, according to the Russians, no proof that Syria’s government launched a chemical attack on its own people.

There doesn’t need to be.

Armies are mobilizing, just as they did following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June of 1914.

By December of 1914 over a million people were dead and war lines spanning hundreds of miles were drawn across Europe.

It can happen fast. And this time it just might.

Source: http://www.prothink.org/2013/08/26/the-game-changer-syria-will-strike-israel-should-u-s-attack/

Interesting times we live in ……. The “Chemical weapon attack” is a load of bullshit; I’m about to post another article about that……

– BDL1983

“All that proceeds from weakness we loathe”

From: Aryan Resistance

Nature is our only true guide and only true “god”, and only through its meaningful observation and the application of its laws to human life can we grasp such knowledge that is essential to us in order to live the life we are intended to live. Whether we like it or not, unnatural practices, ways of living, institutions (political as well as socio-religious or quasi-religious etc.) will ultimately have their revenge in us becoming powerless, weak and therefore unfit for life.

Legion Condor1

Join the strong!

Nature desires that only the strong shall survive and only the fittest reproduce the most, thus making it sure that valuable and necessary genetic traits which are needed in an evolutionary struggle, pass on.
There is no pity in the eyes of Mother Nature, only a calm acceptance of the victory of one of the competitors over the other(s). Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf:
“The fight for daily bread makes all those succumb who are weak, sickly and less determined, while the males’ fight for the female gives the right of the propagation, or the possibility of it, only to the most healthy.”
This is a clear statement which forms the basic attitude of National Socialism towards such issues.
National Socialism is inherently Social-Darwinist, because it recognizes the harshness of Nature, and it’s “will” (if we can talk about that on a more poetic level) to create the most resistible, adaptable and the fittest specimen through means of gradual natural selection, that is to say: the weeding out of the weaklings.

One might say that maybe it is true in the animal kingdom, but we are all enlightened human beings with hearts and souls and we shouldn’t let a society be governed among the lines of such cruel, harsh and “unemphatic” laws.
This is a statement which is so typical and revealing to the modern day Humanist, who feels his precious civilization and its obsession with nurturing the sick, the degenerate and the incapable threatened by the application of such “barbaric” laws, but doesn’t have a word of grief for those healthy, willfull and good-minded folks, who have to live in incredibly poor conditions because of the ZOG-government’s impotence to solve the social question. While, on the other hand, the good-for-nothings of society live in huge palaces with young Aryan nurses who consider it their lives’ duty to change the diapers of the disabled and the mentally ill and empty their bedchambers every five minutes.

00058971 6299260802_8917ff5224_z

Who looks more valuable?

Even from the viewpoint of these degenerates and weaklings it is the most rational thing to encourage positive eugenics: if there aren’t any strong people, who will defend the disabled? If everyone became visionless in spirit and scrub in body, who would uphold the self-same civilization which lets the weak live?
And what would happen to everything we call culture? Let us give the word back here to the Führer:
“But the fight is always a mean for the promotion the species’ health and force of resistance, and thus a cause for its development towards a higher level.  If it were different, every development towards higher levels would stop, and rather the contrary would happen. For, since according to numbers, the inferior element always outweighs the superior element, under the same preservation of life and under the same propagating possibilities, the inferior element would increase so much more rapidly that finally the best element would be forced to step into the background, if no correction of this condition were carried out.”   

Our modern civilization carries out a genocidal counter-selection, by favoring the sick over the healthy, the weak over the strong, the coward over the brave, the deserter over the soldier, Christ-like ethics over Pagan ethics – Jewish mind-poisoning over Aryan thought.
One could say more examples: the most eye-cathing for me being the propaganda of materialistic hedonism and on other side: of mindless asceticism, which both serve the aim of delivering the illusion that we are actually doing the right thing for “ourselves” or for “God”, thus filling us with false content while we do not improve –  instead of the anti-Humanist and anti-Christian, Nietzschean Übermensch philosophy, which rejects both the Christian slave-morality and hedonistic carpe diem for bigger strength and broader understanding, and by these: for more fruitful, more lasting and supreme benefits and power.


Klage nicht, kämpfe!

We, National Socialists consider man not as something perfect and done which has to be pampered and satisfied – nor do we consider him as a “sinful” miserable worm being unable to act without the commandments of an imaginary God. We see man, as Nietzsche saw it, something “to be overcome” by means of hard work, sacrifice and eugenics.

If you are a National Socialist, demonstrate that this principle applies in your life. Improve your mind and your body, be ruthless to yourself and to your enemies, too. Don’t eat junk food, don’t listen to shitty music of alien races and embrace health, power and strength in their natural forms, wherever you may find them.
Destroy your pettiness, your hedonism and your tears: these are for the weak.
And for us, weakness is not an option.


Source: http://aryanwehrwolf.blogspot.com.au/2013/08/all-that-proceeds-from-weakness-we.html

This is from a Hungarian NS blog. I like the way this reads in English, although I think it’s been through a translator when we read it….

Check out the Aryan Wehrwolfs blog!

– BDL1983



Aaarrgghhh!……. Fuck it all, it’s morning again and I’ve gotta get up!

This is what I think pretty much every morning as my phone alarm blares the “Horst Wessel Lied” in my ear. It’s supposed to motivate me to get up, but nothing really works when it’s freezing cold! After accidentally pressing snooze a couple of times I eventually stagger out of bed, boil the kettle, and drink a couple boiling hot coffees….

CoffeeMy coffee NEVER looks like this by the way……….

After that I’m warm and “good to go” for the day….. Provided I don’t turn the T.V. on! But you know what? Sometimes I do turn it on! I guess I’m a thrill seeker when it comes to the Televits because the “Morning T.V.” content is atrocious! You need a sense of humour to handle the absolute shit they expect us to view!


If I turn on the T.V. this is what I usually get:

abc_breakfast virginia retardAbove: The wonderful, ever-enlightening ABC Breakfast crew…….

First channel: ABC Jew News, Morning Edition. This channel is usually the home of endless whining about “Asylum Seekers”…. How much of a stupid fucked up name is that?! “Asylum Seekers”….. It’s more like “coloured scumbags, nearly all male, hoping to get to Australia where they’ll be given a free ride at the taxpayers’ expense”! And all this because our Jew-controlled government signed all the UN treaties to accept everyone based on the ridiculous concept of “human rights”…. Another Jew idea to make us accept any featherless biped as “human”…. We’re all the same…. Right…… Anyway, they always have some “heartbreaking” story about a small child who has drowned falling out a rickety boat…. Cry cry sob sob…. and then a few others “lost at sea, feared dead”… More tears….. Fuck this, me too angry, change channels, Flick:

kochie mel-and-kochieAbove: Kochie & Mel…. note how “Jewy” Kochie looks in the top pic……

Next up: Channel 7, Sunrise. Probably even more “pukeable” than ABC News because we have to put up with “Jew pretending to be white”, Kochie. When it’s time for the financial segment he usually stands up, get his pointy finger out, and points at some stupid graph of false statistics showing us how the US recovery is going well, how Europe is “turning around”…….. Blah blah blah…… Then he’ll give us some “wise” advice on how to cope with our ever tightening budgets! He always has a sly “gloating” look as he says his stuff…. Typical sly Jewy crap…. Sometimes he gets really cocky and tells us quite blatantly how the big four banks are making record profits, then in the next mouthful tells us what we need to do during “tough economic times”……. “Hmmmmm, the Goy must be really stupid”….. I’ll bet that’s what he’s thinking! Maybe he’s right! If us Goy can’t figure out that we are being screwed by the banks, then maybe we deserve it!! Bank = Record Profits, People = Tough times; you don’t have to be a genius to see who’s doin’ the fleecing!

racism racist2


Above: The standard “Sunrise” garbage!

Then they’ll get back to the stories. Mel will introduce a story about “Racism” or “Sexism” or “Homophobic remarks” someone made on Twitter, or some bullshit like that…. Kochie usually takes over and explains the Jew PC “mode of behaviour” Channel 7 would like us all to conform to….. Mel and whatever other idiot is sitting on the couch nod as Kochie makes his point; or shake their heads slowly as Kochie explains to us the terrible “racial” slurs uttered on the football field…. This is a truly sickening spectacle, trust me….. Flick:


Above: I hate this Homo so much….. sick bastard!

Channel 9, Today show. Ohhhhh my god, it’s that absolute flaming fucking homo doing the Hollywood Gossip section….. Not bloody likely… Flick:


Totallywildsnakes Quoll

Above: Good-looking “Totally Wild” presenter, snakes, and a Quoll saying “what the hell are you looking at?”

Channel 10, usually some kids show. Actually more educational than most “Adult” news programs, although the “politically correct multikulti bullshit” is always thrown in just for good measure! Totally Wild (the Kids show with animals), sometimes have cool reptiles on there…. At least the presenters can’t tell political lies about the animals….. Well, actually, they can if they say the species is threatened by “Climate Change” or some rubbish like that….. Flick:

DW rep

Last but not least: SBS, German News, in German…  I can usually handle this rather well since it’s easy to block out by not concentrating on understanding the German. But I’ll tell you what, when I do pay attention I can understand enough German to get the gist of what they are talking about… and it’s never good…. Basically DW-TV news goes like this:

Neo-Nazi activity on the rise, danger, danger, panic”

Coloured person success story in Germany”,

Holocaust reminder story”,


“Israel attacks more Palestinians but Germans must keep giving Izzy money because of the previous story”,

“War in Syria, let’s support the Jew-backed Rebels”,

“Protests in Egypt, support the Jew side again (Obama said so……It’d be racist to disagree!)”,


Above: German? Yeah right…..

Negro soccer player kicks a goal (Negro speaks fluent German; ‘see we’re all the same’ says the Jew)”,

And there you go, that’s modern Germany….. Not a single thing about the actual Germans except when they can be blamed for imagined “Nazi” crimes….. Thanks to the Jews! Flick:

dh_broderickAbove: Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick. She’s always on ABC News complaining……..

Aaaaarggghh… ABC again: Now they’re talking to Australia’s “Sex Discrimination Commissioner” complaining about how women apparently aren’t filling enough CEO positions in giant Jew companies… and they’re not getting equal pay…. whine whine whine….. Maybe it’s because women don’t naturally gravitate toward leading huge companies; could that be why they aren’t 50% of the total CEO’s?  And maybe they aren’t earning equal pay because they aren’t filling as many high positions………. Is it really that hard to work out? Women aren’t being oppressed; they just don’t naturally do the same jobs as men! Oh but no, the Marxists have to create a “Sex Discrimination Commissioner” to ENFORCE equality, thereby pushing Men OUT….. It’s the same deal with the “Race” issue they always moan about…. Equal opportunity means enforced equality to the Commies…..


Above: Everything on the Televits leads to this…..

More coloured people in, means YOU ARE FORCED OUT WHITEY! It’s so annoying by now I can hardly stand another minute of T.V. One last Flick:


Above: Typical Sunrise again…. I wish I could have found the “Honey, I’m Gay” headline….. Ah well….

Channel 7, Sunrise again: HEADLINE: “HONEY, I’M GAY”! This is NOT a joke by the way… There was actually a story on there a while back trying to teach Husbands how to tell their wives that they are GAY!…. They just wanna “come out” and be accepted….. Because being a Fag is sooooo normal and fashionable now……. What the fuck is wrong with these people?!

RIGHT, THAT’S IT, I’M AS BAD TEMPERED AS ALL FUCK, where’s that fucking remote!?!?? Found it!




– BDL1983

Compare The Two…. (Part 2)

Aidhan from Nordic Anti-Semite compiled this post as “Part 2” to my earlier post…… Nice one!

Note: I had to gather up the Jew pics….. That was a horrible task….. But I had the stomach for it believe it or not, even after the trauma of gathering the “Jewess pics” a couple days earlier!!!

– BDL1983

Here goes:

Nordics are strong
Jews are weak

Nordic Men are masculine
Jewish ‘males’ are Effeminate

Nordic Men will fight
Jewish ‘males’ will cower

Nordics are committed to the truth
Jews are dependent on lies

Nordics are beautiful
Jews are ugly

Nordics are nice
Jews are evil

Nordics are eugenic
Jews are dysgenic

Nordics are clean
Jews are dirty

Nordics create
Jews destroy

Nordics have culture
Jews have none

Nordics revere nature
Jews fabricate and destroy nature

Nordics are masters
Jews are slaves

Nordics are insightful
Jews are base

The Nordics





















The Jews















I actually had to have a friend gather these jews. It was too sickening (Hahaha!! – BDL1983)

Elvira Bauer, Trau keinem Fuchs auf grüner Heid und keinem Jud auf seinem Eid (Nuremberg: Stürmer Verlag, 1936).

But the Germans — they stand foursquare.
Look, children, and the two compare,
The German and the Jew.
Take a good look at the two
In the picture drawn for you.
A joke — you think it is only that?
Easy to guess which is which, I say:
The German stands up, the Jew gives way.
The German is a proud young man,
Able to work and able to fight.
Because he is a fine big chap,
For danger does not care a rap,
The Jew has always hated him!
Here is the Jew, as all can see,
Biggest ruffian in our country;
He thinks himself the greatest beau
And yet is the ugliest, you know!



This would be a great opportunity for any crypto-jews to come on and write ‘they are not all pure nordics, you know nothing about race’…

Source: https://nordicantisemite.wordpress.com/2013/07/25/compare-the-two/

That says it all.

– Brett