9-11 Was An Inside-Out Job!!!!

12 years on from the most famous Jewish attack on American (western) soil…… What lessons have we learnt?

(Apart from the fact that Alex Jones tells lies about 9-11!)


Here’s what I make of 9-11:

There are three primary reasons why the Jewish Cabal decided to attack the U.S. on September 11, 2001:

1.)    To put the blame for the attacks on Israel’s enemies; meaning the Arab/Muslim nations surrounding them. The goal was to portray them as “terrorists” and the enemies of “western” civilisation in general…. This objective has clearly been achieved by the Jews. They can then call anyone who opposes the Jewified Western nations a “terrorist” and also bitch and moan about how much “terrorism” the poor innocent persecuted Jews have to put up with in Israel. Basically, they get the “sympathy vote” if we follow their bullshit story of the 19 Arabs wielding box-cutters!

2.)    So the Jewish controlled “west” would willingly fight wars on behalf of Israel…. Now that we have common enemies it’s supposedly in our interest to help the Jews.

3.)    To create hi-tech police-states throughout the West and survey every single action anyone makes… If we “good goyim” oppose them in any way then we must be “siding with the Terrorists”!


We’ve already been through Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and now are about to go into Syria, and after that, Iran. Why is that? All because the Jews have us on a “terrorist witch hunt” for the “bogey man”….. (I thought Osama bin Obama was already dealt with….. Haha….. Nope; the wars still continue, telling us clearly that the “binny” hunt was all bullshit to start with!)

It’s interesting to note that the “Fighting Terrorism” excuse for all these mid-east wars was used most extensively for the Iraq and Afghan wars, but in the more recent Libya and Egypt debacles the media simply shows Arabs/Muslims = Bad, U.S. (west) = Good, peace loving, democratic…. And that’s enough for most to swallow the “Jew Party Line”! The Jew narrative is so entrenched, they only have to show 9-11 footage “every now and then” to illustrate how evil the Muslims are, and everyone believes it…… (Not that I like Muslims btw…)

Whenever the “rat faced Jews” are looking for extra sympathy all they do is throw in the ultimate chutzpah, and mention the Holohoax so we feel even more sorrow and pity for the “poisecuted” Yids!

The latest bit of chutzpah here in Australia has been our U.S. Ambassador, Jeffrey Bleich (Jewish of course), putting up flags of all the “victim” nations at a 9-11 memorial in Canberra… The NERVE of these RAT bastards is unbelievable: They commit the crime, play the victim, get us to fight their illegitimate wars, and then pretend to be “sorry” for the acts of the supposedly evil, plotting, Arabs/Muslims……


Folks, we have one problem in the world today and that is the JEWISH PROBLEM!

Everything else is a symptom of the JEWISH PROBLEM!

12 years after the fact it is high-time “average Joe Schmo” got an IRON FIST of TRUTH in his FACE!!!!


Watch this if you are unsure of whether JEWS did 9-11:


– BDL1983

Why don’t these ‘chosen’ bastards take the hint?

kicked out

From: James Mac’s Blog.

James writes from the “Creativity” perspective as you’ll see….. The Jew expulsion list is HUGE!

They’re a popular group; those rat Jews – BDL1983………….

HERE is a most interesting and comprehensive list detailing Jewish expulsions, massacres and pogroms throughout world history, or at least in what is known as the Common Era. We know by their own dubious testimony that they have been ‘persecuted’ and basically kicked out of many other countries in antiquity also. As we can see here, this is especially so in (former) White countries. Here we see example after example of nations getting fed up of the perfidious nature and chicanery of these self-appointed ‘chosen’ minions of Yahweh.

However, as I take a cursory scroll through this catalog, I cannot help but have this deep feeling of anger and frustration about a few things. Firstly, of course, the fact that our forefathers ever allowed these *bastards* not only into our midst, but permitted them to infect the minds of our people with their poisonous desert dogma, Christianity.

Secondly, that no matter how much *Justice* (and in most, if not all cases, it was most definitely Justice) was directed against these *scum* – no matter how many times they were slaughtered, dispossessed, beaten and humiliated – they always seem to bounce back and prosper (through duplicitous means, as usual).

Thirdly, no matter what ‘outrage’ (again, Justice) was committed against these most ‘blessed’ darlings – this *scourge* of the world – they *never* seem to get the friggin’ hint. That message is simple and it is plain: *YOU. ARE. NOT. WELCOME!* How many times did we (or do we) have to make this abundantly clear to these parasites?

“Jews blamed for spreading plague are burned alive in a pit” 
– Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493

Honestly now. Can you imagine you and your family being treated this way in a land not of your own? Beaten, spat upon, publicly humiliated and generally made to feel like an undesirable maggot. There is no way you would be hanging around too much longer if, for example, the owner of a house, or the populace of a town, made you feel this unwelcome.

Fourthly, why the *hell* haven’t we had the dogged determination and resolute fanaticism to ensure that these bastards are kept as *FAR AWAY* from us as humanly possible, and keep them out? Why the hell did our ancestors ever tolerate this tribe of congenital miscreants? Why the hell didn’t we write into our laws and constitutions – in blood, preferably, to emphasis our resolve  – that the ‘chosen’ should be strictly prohibited from entering our lands, *for all eternity.* And any traitor amongst our own that even attempts to undermine this rule should possibly face the death penalty. (Yes, I am that serious.)

Well, dear friend, it all goes back to the same old brain pollution – that poisonous mental fungus for the White man, Christianity – that we have allowed these vermin to foist upon our minds. We simply did not have the mental safeguards, be it through our pagan religions or philosophies, to cope with such a poisonous brew.

However, we must be of good cheer. Now that we have the religion of Creativity and other White Loyalist ideologies, I think it safe to say that *NOW WE HAVE IT!* Now we have the mental safeguards in place and the Final Solution to this dastardly plague in our midst.

Dear fellow White Racial Loyalist, once we have straightened out the thinking of our people and take hold of the reigns of power – which we must do – this cancerous blight that we describe here will be finished once and for all. In the meantime, we must fanatically spread the holy message of White Racial Loyalty and relentlessly expose these treacherous aliens in our midst, and their despicable lackeys. Delenda est Judaica.

All things are ready, if our minds be so. 

Perish the man whose mind is backward now.

James Mac.

Source: http://jamesmacblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/why-dont-these-chosen-bastards-take-hint.html




250 C.E.



224 C.E.


Forced Conversion

325 C.E.



351 C.E


Book Burning

357 C.E.


Property Confiscation

379 C.E.


Synagogue Burning

415 C.E.



418 C.E.


Forced Conversion

469 C.E.



489 C.E.


Synagogue Burning

506 C.E.


Synagogue Burning

519 C.E.


Synagogue Burning

554 C.E.

Diocese of Clement (France)


561 C.E.

Diocese of Uzes (France)


582 C.E


Forced Conversion

612 C.E.

Visigoth Spain


628 C.E.


Forced Conversion

629 C.E.


Forced Conversion

633 C.E.


Forced Conversion

638 C.E.


Stake Burnings

642 C.E.

Visigothic Empire


653 C.E.



681 C.E.


Forced Conversion

693 C.E.


Jews Enslaved

722 C.E.


Judaism Outlawed

855 C.E.



876 C.E.



897 C.E.


Land Confiscation

945 C.E.


Ban on Sea Travel

1009 C.E.



1012 C.E.

Rouen, Limoges & Rome


1012 C.E.



1021 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1063 C.E.



1095 C.E.



1096 C.E.

Northern France & Germany

1/3 of Jewish Population Massacred

1096 C.E.



1096 C.E.



1099 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1100 C.E.



1140 C.E.



1146 C.E.

Rhine Valley


1147 C.E.



1147 C.E.

Belitz (Germany)

Jews Burned Alive

1147 C.E.

Carenton, Ramenu & Sully (France)


1171 C.E.


Stake Burnings

1181 C.E.



1181 C.E.


Property Confiscation

1188 C.E.

London & York

Mob Attacks

1190 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1191 C.E.

Bray (France)

Jews Burned Alive

1195 C.E.


Property Confiscation

1209 C.E.



1212 C.E.


Rioting and blood bath against the Jews of Toledo.

1215 C.E.


Lateran Council of Rome decrees that Jews must wear the “badge of shame” in all Christian countries. Jews are denied all public sector employment, and are burdened with extra taxes.

1215 C.E.

Toulouse (France)

Mass Arrests

1218 C.E.


Jews Forced to Wear Badges

1231 C.E.


Inquisition Established

1236 C.E.


Forced Conversion/Massacre

1239 C.E.


Massacre & Property Confiscation

1240 C.E.


Property confiscation. Jews either imprisoned, converted, expelled, or burned.

1240 C.E.


Talmud Confiscated

1240 C.E.


Book Burning

1240 C.E.


Forced Conversion

1242 C.E.


Talmud Burned

1244 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1255 C.E.


Jewish ritual murder in Lincoln results in the burning / torture of many Jews & public hangings.

1261 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1262 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1264 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1264 C.E.


Council of Vienna declares that all Jews must wear a “pointed dunce cap.” Thousands murdered.

1267 C.E.


Jews Forced to Wear Horned Hats

1270 C.E.

Weissenberg, Magdeburg, Arnstadt, Coblenz, Singzig, and Erfurt

Jews Burned Alive

1270 C.E.


Jews engaged in coin counterfeiting – all Jewish men, women and children in England imprisoned. Hundreds are hung.

1276 C.E.



1278 C.E.

Genoa (Spain)

Mob Attacks

1279 C.E.

Hungary & Poland

The Council of Offon denies Jews the right to all civic positions. The Jews of Hungary & Poland are forced to wear the “red badge of shame.”

1283 C.E.

Mayence & Bacharach

Mob Attacks

1285 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1290 C.E.


King Edward I issues an edict banishing all Jews from England. Many drowned.

1291 C.E.


The Jewish refugees from England are promptly expelled from France.

1292 C.E.


Forced conversions & expulsion of the Italian Jewish community.

1298 C.E.


Jewish host desecration. Approximately 150 Jewish communities undergo forced conversion.

1298 C.E.

Franconia, Bavaria & Austria

Reindfel’s Decree is propagated against the Jews of Franconia and Bavarai. Riots against these Jewish communities, as well as those in Austria, result in the massacre of 100,000 Jews over a six-month period.

1306 C.E.



1308 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1320 C.E.

Toulouse & Perpigon

120 Communities Massacred & Talmud Burned

1321 C.E.


Public Executions

1328 C.E.


5,000 Jews Slaughtered

1348 C.E.

France & Spain

Jews Burned Alive

1348 C.E.



1349 C.E.

Worms, Strasbourg, Oppenheim, Mayence, Erfurt, Bavaria & Swabia

Jews Burned Alive

1349 C.E.

Heilbronn (Germany)


1349 C.E.



1354 C.E.

Castile (Spain)

12,000 Jews Slaughtered

1368 C.E.


8,000 Jews Slaughtered

1370 C.E.

Majorca., Penignon & Barcelona

Mob Attack

1377 C.E.

Huesca (Spain)

Jews Burned Alive

1380 C.E.


Mob Attack

1384 C.E.


Mass Murder

1388 C.E.



1389 C.E.


Mass Slaughter & Book Burning

1391 C.E.

Castille, Toledo, Madrid, Seville, Cordova, Cuenca & Barcelona

Forced Conversions & Mass Murder

1394 C.E.



1394 C.E.



1399 C.E.

Posen (Poland)

Jews Burned Alive

1400 C.E.


Stake Burnings

1407 C.E.


Mob Attack

1415 C.E.


Talmud Confiscated

1422 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1422 C.E.



1424 C.E.

Fribourg & Zurich


1426 C.E.



1431 C.E.

Southern Germany

Jews Burned Alive

1432 C.E.



1438 C.E.



1439 C.E.



1449 C.E.


Public Torture &. Burnings

1456 C.E.



1453 C.E.



1453 C.E.



1454 C.E.



1463 C.E.


Mob Attack

1473 C.E.


Mob Attack

1480 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1481 C.E.


Stake Burnings

1484 C.E.

Cuidad Real, Guadalupe, Saragossa & Teruel

Jews Burned Alive

1485 C.E.

Vincenza (Italy)


1486 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1488 C.E.


Stake Burnings

1490 C.E.


Public Executions

1491 C.E.


Public Torture & Execution

1492 C.E.



1495 C.E.



1497 C.E.



1499 C.E.



1506 C.E.


Mob Attack

1510 C.E.


Public Torture & Execution

1514 C.E.



1519 C.E.



1539 C.E.

Cracow & Portugal

Stake Burnings

1540 C.E.



1542 C.E.



1550 C.E.



1551 C.E.



1555 C.E.



1556 C.E.

Sokhachev (Poland)

Public Torture & Execution

1559 C.E.



1561 C.E.



1567 C.E.



1569 C.E.

Papal States


1571 C.E.



1582 C.E.



1593 C.E.



1597 C.E.

Cremona, Pavia & Lodi


1614 C.E.



1615 C.E.



1619 C.E.



1635 C.E.


Mob Attack

1637 C.E.


Public Torture & Execution

1647 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1648 C.E.


1/3 of Jewry Slaughtered

1649 C.E.



1649 C.E.



1652 C.E.


Stake Burnings

1654 C.E.

Little Russia


1656 C.E.



1660 C.E.


Jews Burned Alive

1663 C.E


Public Torture &. Execution

1664 C.E.


Mob Attack

1669 C.E.

Oran (North Africa)


1670 C.E.



1671 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1681 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1682 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1687 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1712 C.E.



1727 C.E.



1738 C.E.



1740 C.E.

Liule Russia


1744 C.E



1744 C.E.



1745 C.E.



1753 C.E.

Kovad (Lithuania)


1757 C.E.


Talmud Burning

1761 C.E.



1768 C.E.


3,000 Jews Slaughtered

1772 C.E.



1775 C.E.



1789 C.E.



1801 C.E.


Mob Attack

1804 C.E.

Russian Villages


1808 C.E.

Russian Countryside


1815 C.E.

Lubeck & Bremen


1820 C.E.



1843 C.E.

Austria & Prussia


1850 C.E.

New York City

500 People, Led by Police, Attacked & Wrecked Jewish Synagogue

1862 C.E.

Area under General Grant’s Jurisdiction in the United States


1866 C.E

Galatz (Romania)


1871 C.E.


Mob Attack

1887 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1897 C.E.

Kantakuzenka (Russia)

Mob Attacks

1898 C.E.

Rennes (France)

Mob Attack

1899 C.E.


Mob Attack

1900 C.E.

Konitz (Prussia)

Mob Attack

1902 C.E.


Widespread Pogroms

1904 C.E.

Manchuria, Kiev & Volhynia

Widespread Pogroms

1905 C.E.

Zhitomir (Yolhynia)

Mob Attacks

1919 C.E



1915 C.E.

Georgia (U.S.A.)

Leo Frank Lynched

1919 C.E.


Wide Spread Pogroms

1920 C.E.

Munich & Breslau

Mob Attacks

1922 C.E.

Boston, MA

Lawrence Lowell, President of Harvard, calls for Quota Restrictions on Jewish Admission

1926 C.E.



1928 C.E.


Widespread Anti-Semitic Riots on University Campuses

1929 C.E.

Lemberg (Poland)

Mob Attacks

1930 C.E.


Mob Attack

1933 C.E.


Mob Attacks

1938-45 C.E.


Jews put to work in concentration camps and ghettos



The situation with Syria and the Jew-controlled West is reaching some sort of boiling point; something has to give eventually….

To summarise in a simple manner: on one side we have all our White western countries playing ball for “Team Jew” (including Israel on “Team Jew” obviously), and on the other side we have Syria and Iran as solid opposition, while Russia and China are potentially big thorns in the Jewish side.

Let’s take a step back from everything and assess how this potential WW3 debacle has come about; who is responsible for it; and why they must be dealt with this time around…… If this giant shit-storm does end up being more than a confined middle-east conflict, like a WW3, then the Jews had better find themselves another planet to live on…. No one will accept them next time round. The Jews cover will be blown forever if they lose this conflict! Make no mistake about it…. If WW3 is around the corner, IT WILL BE FOR KEEPS! Perhaps it will offer the entire world a salvation from the global Jewish Problem!

Who is responsible for creating the problem?

The Jews are of course; with their “Jew World Order” agenda for world domination. Like I said above, they have essentially divided the entire world up into teams: “Team Jew” for all the countries who are on-board with the “Gefilte Fish Express” and “The Axis of Evil” for anyone who is not 100% Kosher approved….. That’s what the Jews have done, but there are many grey areas regarding who and what countries are fully on-board, partially on-board etc… The situation is not all as “black and white” as I illustrated above. That was done for the express purpose of simplicity!

The countries which are clearly marked Kosher with a “capital K” are pretty much all the same “Allies” as in WW2: The White (or formerly white) Nations. Jewish control over the White nations is a done deal as things currently stand. We are their muscle… We are the reliable part of “Team Jew”, as the Jew would see it. All the non-White Jewish controlled nations (e.g. Africa under UN occupation, Saudi Arabia etc) make up the unreliable part of “Team Jew”….. They are just impotent so the Jews don’t really care about using those countries for military conflict; as long as they can rape them for resources and send Africans to White countries; the Jews are happy…..

The solid “Axis of Evil” in this current middle-east debacle is Syria and Iran. It is very safe to say that there is very little “kosher-friendliness” in either of these 2 nations. I judge how “Jew-friendly” a nation is by how much the Jews seem to hate them. In Syria’s case there is absolutely no doubt that the Jews hate Bashar al-Assad and it is fair to say they hate Iran just as much because they are loyal supporters of Syria.

assadAbove: Legitimate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The “fence sitters” in my opinion are Russia and China. They are “fence sitters” in the sense that they don’t want the Jew-controlled West creating too much trouble in the middle-east region; mainly because of how it effects business relations negatively….. They are not “100% Kosher approved” states. They have their own unique nationalistic tendencies and therefore will probably err on the side of common sense; that means allying with Syria and Iran, and rejecting the Jewish-led insanity of the Western world…..


Russia: Vladimir Putin is a “mixed-bag” as far as I can tell. He has done some amazingly “Kosher” things such as wailing at the stinking wall in Israel and wearing Yarmulkes…. But, politics are what they are; you play the game to get along for BUSINESS etc…… The Oil in Syria and Iran are big business….

He doesn’t approve of the US’s behaviour regarding Syria and the chemical weapons allegations, and he seems to support some healthy nationalistic ideas in Russia….. Such as being against the Fags, making speeches like this one against minorities in Russia. It could be “all-for-show” and Russia may be more Kosher than what we think….. I honestly think it’s a “mixed-bag” scenario with Russia and the Jews. Russia does what it can to keep “pro-Russia”, while trying to tread the fine line of not offending the Kosher powers too much

China: China seems to be standing further in the background on the Syria issue, but I think they have a very similar attitude to Russia…… “Pro-China” sentiment; don’t offend the Jew power structure too much; but will act (just the same as Russia will) if their oil business is significantly threatened……. Mind you though, considering how big China is these days, who’d be surprised if they could take an economic hit to “weather the storm” and come out the entire conflict unscathed? Interesting thought…….

WW3: Same old “Allies” or “Team Jew” vs “New Axis Of Evil”? Scary thought, but this thing could get real ugly…… and this is precisely why the Jews must be dealt with as soon as possible; most likely after whatever the upcoming conflict develops into…… and by “dealt with“, I mean herded somewhere where they cannot harm any other human beings on the face of the planet. The Jews are nothing but “a problem” for EVERYONE! We can’t live with them, therefore there’s no other choice…….

The most amazing thing about all this “Syria using chemical weapons against their own people” bullshit is that it would make no sense AT ALL for them to do such a thing!!! What would they stand to gain except the wrath of the “International Community” (code for Jew-powers-that-be) and the JewSA launching military action against them? Bashar al-Assad is not suicidal as far as I know!

What would make sense here is if Israel, through the Mossad, have armed these ‘rebels’ with weapons (maybe chemical weapons, who knows… the UN can’t even tell us for sure….) and got them to unleash massacres on Syrian civilians, thereby providing the Jews with the excuse they need to launch a war against the non-Kosher enemy nation of Syria! That is highly plausible!

Another amazing thing about this Syria debacle is that it’s the same playbook the Jews have used time and time again! Remember Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya….. The enemy is different but the gameplan is always the same! In fact, throughout all of history “false-flag” attacks are the #1 Jewish method of warfare….. Blame the Reichstag fire on the National Socialists, provoke Hitler to send troops to Poland, blame 911 on the Arabs/Muslims, phony Weapons of Mass Destruction…. The reality is that it’s always the Jews behind these sorts of events and false news stories/false propaganda. That is the JEW Modus Operandi – ALWAYS! The TALMUDIC DIALECTIC: create problem; anticipate reaction; offer pre-planned Kosher solution!

Finally, what “moral high ground” can the US take regarding the use of chemical weapons? None whatsoever…. It is an absolute joke that they even have the nerve to….  White phosphorus in Iraq, Nukes on Japan after WW2 was all but finished, Agent Orange in Vietnam, and on and on the list goes……… But, when Jews are running the show, chutzpah is always abundant!!!

‘All this fighting just to protect a shitty little dirtbox called Israel and its “persecuted” residents???’

I suppose it’s time to turn on the TV for another dose of Holocaust propaganda…. Never forget!!!

Oy Vey!!….

– Brett, BDL1983

For truthful info on the Syria situation check out this site:


Syria: A catastrophe in the making, by Lasha Darkmoon

Syria lies waiting, exposed and vulnerable.
When will the vultures move in for kill?


The Syrian situation changes by the hour. Writing about it can be a frustrating task, for almost everything one says about it has to be modified later as new events occur. This is where we stand right now:

The UK and France have backed out of joining the US in its plan to attack Syria. They say they want to wait for more evidence of Syrian “wrongdoing”. They point out that they will feel happier about attacking Syria if and when the UN chemical inspectors in Syria have completed their report. The US, which has already made up its mind that the Assad government is guilty, is apparently not interested in “evidence of guilt”. It is now determined to “go it alone.”

A barrage of missiles fired at regime targets from the sea appears to be the most likely option. These include the Presidential palace, Military intelligence, the National Security HQ, the Ministry of Defense, Parliament, and the Central bank. The regime’s greatest strength, its elite forces, foremost among which is the 4th armored division, will have to be taken out. Syria’s substantial air defenses, which include multiple arrays of Russian-made missiles, will also have to be destroyed.

If stockpiles of chemical weapons are hit in the punitive process, deadly neurotoxins will be released over a wide region, causing huge numbers of deaths among civilians. Far more innocent people are likely to die at America’s hands than were killed in recent chemical attacks laid to Assad’s account.

Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, warned the West of “extremely dangerous consequences”, and went on to add that “using force without the approval of the UN Security Council is a very grave violation of international law.”

Russia does not wish to get involved in any future conflict, Lavrov hinted, but the implication was that Russia might have to get involved if Mad Dog America went too far—for example, by killing Russian advisers, many of whom are to be found in Syria right now. Any attack on Russian ships in the region, moreover, could lead to only one outcome: World War III.

The Obama administration has rejected seeking Congressional approval for its planned attack on Syria, doubtless afraid that the US Congress will strongly disapprove of its headlong rush into “a totally unapproved, extralegal war.”

For the same reason, the US government has ordered the UN inspectors to leave Syria at once, without completing their report, “apparently hoping to avoid the report proving them wrong and throwing a monkey wrench into the war scheme.”

The UN inspectors will be forced to leave Syria today (Saturday, August 31) before completing their investigation satisfactorily.

The UN inspectors’ report is in any case a red herring.

All the participants know very well that the inspectors’ mandate is simply to ascertain if a chemical attack actually took place, not to point the finger of blame at any particular party.

The chemical attack in Syria, which has reportedly claimed the lives of 322 civilians, has been described by US secretary of state John Kerry as a “moral obscenity”.

The American-backed military dictatorship in Egypt, however, killed 1,295 innocent civilians in a two-day period. Did America protest? On the contrary, they backed the carnage there. And Kerry even went so far as to make the fatuous comment that the military dictatorship, which had just ousted a democratically elected government, was doing its best to “restore democracy.” (Seumas Milne, The Guardian, 28 August, “An attack on Syria will only spread the war and killing”).

To paraphrase an excellent point made by Paul Craig Roberts here: one reason for the rush to war is to prevent the UN inspectors coming up with a contradictory report, thus disproving Washington’s unsubstantiated claim that Assad was responsible for killing his own people with nerve gas. This would only serve to underline the fact that Washington was itself responsible for a false flag attack against Syria, carried out by its own hired terrorists known as “the Syrian rebels.”

This disreputable bunch of jihadis, including remnants of Al Qaeda, are arguably the ones responsible for herding a large number of children into one place and then gassing them to death—the blame then being pinned on the Syrian government by Washington.


Syrian children probably killed by the Syrian “rebels” with chemical weapons given to them by Israel. So think many respected commentators like George Galloway. (See here). Others believe that the chemical weapons came from the Saudis, but then who gave the Saudis the chemical weapons? No gold stars for guessing that.

The planned attack on Syria will be America’s ninth military intervention in a Muslim country in 15 years. These are eight other Muslim countries America has attacked under the pretence that it wants peace with the world: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Mali, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan. After it has attacked Syria, at the bidding of its Zionist master, America then intends to round off its  “peace mission” by destroying Iran.

America is one of those countries constantly looking for pretexts to attack other sovereign states, usually democratic ones, in the interests of its Zionist master; and if there are no pretexts for war, it will invent pretexts—and then fabricate the evidence to justify its belligerence. It did this in Vietnam with the Gulf of Tonkin incident; and it did so again to spectacular effect in Iraq, inventing imaginary weapons of mass destruction which could apparently reach London in 45 minutes.

In retaliation for an alleged Al Qaeda attack, America bombed a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan, killing and wounding scores of innocent Sudanese civilians. America doesn’t seem to care who it kills. Its latest “hate affair” with Syria is a case in point. Should America wait for the UN inspectors to gather their evidence and present a full report? Good heavens, no! Why bother?  Bomb first, ask questions later!

The use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime is, according to US Secretary of State John Kerry, a “moral obscenity“, but the infinitely more lethal deployment of nuclear weapons by America and Israel is evidently not.

While we don’t know for sure that Assad has used chemical weapons—and the likelihood is that he has not—we do know for sure that America used atom bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Quite needlessly, as it turns out. Since the war was effectively over and Japan was only too anxious to surrender.

We also know for a fact that America has used vast quantities of depleted uranium in Iraq, causing monstrous birth deformities there, and that it has used white phosphorus and Agent Orange both in the Middle East and beyond.

It smacks of hypocrisy for America to scold Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons. This is one pot that certainly can’t afford to call the kettle black.

Paul Craig Roberts again:

The corrupt British government has declared that Syria can be attacked without UN authorization, just as Serbia and Libya were militarily attacked without UN authorization. In other words, the Western democracies have already established precedents for violating international law. “International law? We don’t need no stinking international law!” The West knows only one rule: Might is Right. As long as the West has the Might, the West has the Right.


This is what the US does almost every day of the week in “Afpak” (the region between Afghanistan and Pakistan) to Afghan and Pakistani civilians, mostly women and children, with its killer drones. It’s what the Israelis have been doing in Israel to the Palestinians for the last 65 years. These two nations that openly flout international law, America and Israel, have killed between them a thousand times—perhaps ten thousand times—more innocent civilians than Assad is alleged to have killed in recent chemical attacks.

Read More: http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/syria-a-catastrophe-in-the-making-by-lasha-darkmoon/

More: http://www.dailystormer.com/syria-a-catastrophe-in-the-making/

Good article from Lasha Darkmoon.

– BDL1983

The Jews & Their Push For WAR With Syria….

All-Out War? Iran Vows ‘Immediate Destruction’ of Israel if Syria Attack

Source: http://www.dailystormer.com/all-out-war-iran-vows-immediate-destruction-of-israel-if-syria-attack/

Congress not authorised to allow Syria strikes: Iran

TEHRAN: The US Congress is not authorised to green-light American military strikes against Syria as any such action would be in violation of international law, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Sunday.

The News
September 1, 2013


Iran’s reaction came a day after US President Barack Obama said he was seeking congressional approval for punitive military action against the Syrian regime over its suspected use of chemical weapons against civilians, which Washington says killed more than 1,400 people.

“Mr Obama cannot interpret and construe international law for his own (benefit),” Zarif told reporters after a late afternoon cabinet meeting, the ISNA news agency reported.

Read More: http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-116295-Congress-not-authorised-to-allow-Syria-strikes:-Iran–

More: http://www.dailystormer.com/iran-congress-not-authorised-to-allow-syria-strikes/

Putin Urges U.S. to Hold Off on Military Action Against Syria and Says It Would be ‘Utter Nonsense’ for Assad to Use Chemical Weapons

Daily Mail
August 31, 2013

This is the face Putin makes when Obama and his Jew masters fake an atrocity to start yet another massive insane invasion.

This is the face Putin makes when Obama and his Jew masters fake an atrocity to start yet another massive insane invasion.

This is the other face he makes when that happens.

This is the other face he makes when that happens.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that it would be ‘utter nonsense’ for the Syrian government to use chemical weapons and urged the U.S. to hold off on any punitive military action against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

‘While the Syrian army is on the offensive, saying that it is the Syrian government that used chemical weapons is utter nonsense,’ he said. ‘I would like to address Obama as a Nobel Peace Prize laureate: before using force in Syria, it would be good to think about future casualties.’

He challenged the U.S. to provide any evidence tying Assad’s forces to the attack and suggested that top leaders discuss the issue next week at the G20 summit.

‘If they say that the [Syrian] governmental forces used weapons of mass destruction… and that they have proof of it, let them present it to the UN inspectors and the [UN] Security Council,’ Putin said. ‘Claims that the proof exists, but is classified and cannot be presented to anybody are below criticism. This is plain disrespect for their partners.’

The Obama administration released a four-page intelligence report Friday that said at least 1,429 people, including more than 400 children, were killed by a chemical weapons attack on August 21.

Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks on Syria at the State Department in Washington on FridaySecretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks on Syria at the State Department in Washington on Friday
Shortly after Kerry's remarks, President Obama said he is considering a 'limited, narrow act' against Syria. Shortly after Kerry’s remarks, President Obama said he is considering a ‘limited, narrow act’ against Syria
Military intervention: A US Air Force plane lands at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey yesterday. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said the inspection team in Syria is expected to complete its work by todayMilitary intervention: A US Air Force plane lands at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey yesterday. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said the inspection team in Syria is expected to complete its work by today
The White House released this map detailing its understanding of the areas where chemical weapons were usedThe White House released this map detailing its understanding of the areas where chemical weapons were used….

Read More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2407847/Syria-crisis-Russian-President-Putin-urges-US-hold-military-action.html#ixzz2dYYavYyl

More: http://www.dailystormer.com/putin-urges-u-s-to-hold-off-on-military-action-against-syria-and-says-it-would-be-utter-nonsense-for-assad-to-use-chemical-weapons/

Vladimir Putin Video:

George Galloway’s Speech to the British Parliament: The People Say NO to War in Syria


George Galloway British member of parliament speaks the truth about the events in Syria, “A little knowledge can be very dangerous.”

Source: http://www.dailystormer.com/george-galloways-fiery-speech-to-the-british-parliament-the-people-say-no-to-war-in-syria/


– BDL1983