Vlad’s Russia – The Last Hope for the White Race

The Flag of Vlad's Russia
The Flag of Vlad’s Russia

I am now pretty much convinced that Vladimir Putin’s Russia is the last hope for the White race. If Russia is defeated (or officially kosherised) by the Jewish forces known as the “international community“, then it is all over for the White race. We need someone to get the ball rolling in the right direction. Without some sort of catalyst we will just continue to degenerate as a race until we are no longer. There was seemingly nothing happening whatsoever to get the ball rolling until this ‘Ukrainian crisis’ popped up. It still seems a little surreal, but we shouldn’t underestimate the true scope of possibilities provided for us with the actions of Vlad’s Russia. Russia seems to be providing real opposition to the kosher EU powers even though they may not be explicitly anti-Jewish. Whether they are explicitly anti-Jewish or not doesn’t matter at the moment – what matters is that the Jews really hate this situation where they are being forced to tangle with a country of 145 million people. They cannot complete their ‘Jew World Order’ plan to rule the world if rogue nations the size of Russia exist.

Map of Ukraine – Crimea’s the little bit there at the bottom (in case it’s hard to see)

These are a few of my thoughts regarding the Ukrainian situation and how it relates to the worldwide struggle of the White race for existence and a future:

For a start, I must say that I am very upbeat about what we see happening in the Ukraine. Although the Jews through their EU have implemented a new ‘government’ headed by a Jew called Arseniy Yatsenyuk, this is nothing like one of those middle east ‘revolutions’ where the kosher overlords can simply remove the existing regime through bombing and terrorising, then continue along their merry way. No, this time it is different. Russia has a lot of popular support in the Ukraine due to the fact that there are heaps of Russian speaking people living there and these people don’t have any desire to be ‘westernised’ by the Jews controlling the EU. What the Russians have done by seizing and occupying Crimea is essentially what the popular will of the people is – I.e. fulfilling their right of self-determination. The Russians are a welcome, liberating force for these Ukrainians, in the true sense of the word, not like how the Jews talk of liberation!

What makes this situation good reason for hope is that Russia is not some dishevelled, uncoordinated Arab Nationalist group engaged in guerrilla warfare against Jewish-controlled and funded ‘revolutionary’ terrorists. Russia is a huge country with a large army and a president who doesn’t seem very keen on playing kosher (even though he has done this in the past, I believe it was simply Vlad playing politics)! Those who say that Vladimir Putin is completely kosher must be able to answer this simple question: why are the Jews bothering to organise against him (installing a Jew EU government in the Ukraine) if he is one of their ‘boys’ anyway? It doesn’t make a lot of sense – it’s a bit like the argument that Hitler was a Jew puppet; if that were true there would have been no need for World War Two in the first place!! I get the feeling that Vladimir Putin’s general sentiments are on our side of the political fence, but he’s not explicit with an official-type stance on the issues we talk about. This is because in politics sometimes you have to keep your cards close to your chest if you hope to play the game right. It’s a tactical game – a bit like how you don’t go telling the common lemmings about the Holocaust hoax as soon as you meet them. You use tactics like planting the seeds of thought in their minds otherwise they’ll think you’re a nut; even though you’re not! Regarding Vlad wearing a yarmulke and affirming the Holocaust – well, this is what he chose to do in order to play ‘Jew politics’. He wouldn’t have gotten far if he came out with the ultimate truth in front of the “international community”, now would he? None of what is now happening in the Ukraine would be happening if Vlad chose not to play at the very least – “a bit kosher“! Think what you like about his ‘kosher’ actions, but at least he’s doing something to upset the international Jews!

Now, before anyone assumes that I’m completely full of praise and love for our new ‘saviour’ ol’ Vlad – let me tell you that I think he’s more of a ‘mixed bag’ type of character. I can’t say with any degree of certainly what his exact political motivations are, but he seems to be doing a certain amount of good for Russia, and the Jews would much prefer to be rid of him. How do we know the Jews aren’t happy with him? Simple: the Jews would not be bothering with their constant mass-media propaganda to demonise him if they were!

Another angle presented by those who insist Vladimir Putin is a Jew puppet is that the Jews never really lost any control of Russia after the fall of communism. We know that the big Jewish oligarchs never left Russia, so therefore it is hard to imagine that they aren’t still pulling the strings behind the scenes. This line of thought is hard to argue with, I admit, but it doesn’t explain why the Jews wouldn’t have installed a more ‘Jew-friendly’ leader in the first place. So, is the whole Vladimir Putin thing just a phoney display of controlled opposition? Possibly, but I think the best explanation is that he has been playing the global Jew politics game as well as he can so as to implement a kind of “generic Russian Nationalism”. By “generic Russian Nationalism”, I don’t mean we can say his views are the same as ours, but some of his actions suggest that his views are compatible with ours. Basically, Vlad seems to be a bit ‘hit and miss’, although he does have the potential to be a thorn in the Jews side which is what our race definitely needs regardless of whether the guy is 100% with us!

I titled this article “Vlad’s Russia – The Last Hope for the White Race”, because that’s what Russia represents in the grand scheme of things. If a country the size of Russia doesn’t act as a catalyst to wake up the other nations of Europe, and hopefully the entire White world, then we may as well forget about it right now. I’m certainly not saying Vlad or Russia are perfect or anything – they certainly aren’t, but without some organisation against the Jew World Order forces, we’re screwed.

Finally – no, Vladimir Putin is not another Hitler! If he is, then he’s doing a very good job hiding it so far! I hope he is, but I strongly doubt it!

Here's to hoping for the best!!! I sure hope Uncle Vlad is sincere and plans to continue fucking with the Jews, in the very least!
I sure hope Uncle Vlad is sincere and plans to continue fucking with the Jew EU!

Please leave comments on this topic if you agree, disagree, or whatever. I’m not claiming to be an expert with special know-it-all powers about Vladimir Putin by the way! I can see the subject of Vlad and Russia from both sides – I.e. those who say he’s completely kosher and the opposite opinion. Neither side is 100% correct as far as I can tell. There are conflicting messages floating around in internet-land and I think it shows that people don’t really know the full deal with Russia – it’s a bit of a ‘mixed bag’ like I said before, but none-the-less everyone likes to pick one side and run with it, never considering that the truth probably sits somewhere in the middle!

If Russia doesn’t make any stand against the Jew, I don’t know who will.

– BDL1983

The Jews & Their Push For WAR With Syria….

All-Out War? Iran Vows ‘Immediate Destruction’ of Israel if Syria Attack

Source: http://www.dailystormer.com/all-out-war-iran-vows-immediate-destruction-of-israel-if-syria-attack/

Congress not authorised to allow Syria strikes: Iran

TEHRAN: The US Congress is not authorised to green-light American military strikes against Syria as any such action would be in violation of international law, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Sunday.

The News
September 1, 2013


Iran’s reaction came a day after US President Barack Obama said he was seeking congressional approval for punitive military action against the Syrian regime over its suspected use of chemical weapons against civilians, which Washington says killed more than 1,400 people.

“Mr Obama cannot interpret and construe international law for his own (benefit),” Zarif told reporters after a late afternoon cabinet meeting, the ISNA news agency reported.

Read More: http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-116295-Congress-not-authorised-to-allow-Syria-strikes:-Iran–

More: http://www.dailystormer.com/iran-congress-not-authorised-to-allow-syria-strikes/

Putin Urges U.S. to Hold Off on Military Action Against Syria and Says It Would be ‘Utter Nonsense’ for Assad to Use Chemical Weapons

Daily Mail
August 31, 2013

This is the face Putin makes when Obama and his Jew masters fake an atrocity to start yet another massive insane invasion.

This is the face Putin makes when Obama and his Jew masters fake an atrocity to start yet another massive insane invasion.

This is the other face he makes when that happens.

This is the other face he makes when that happens.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that it would be ‘utter nonsense’ for the Syrian government to use chemical weapons and urged the U.S. to hold off on any punitive military action against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

‘While the Syrian army is on the offensive, saying that it is the Syrian government that used chemical weapons is utter nonsense,’ he said. ‘I would like to address Obama as a Nobel Peace Prize laureate: before using force in Syria, it would be good to think about future casualties.’

He challenged the U.S. to provide any evidence tying Assad’s forces to the attack and suggested that top leaders discuss the issue next week at the G20 summit.

‘If they say that the [Syrian] governmental forces used weapons of mass destruction… and that they have proof of it, let them present it to the UN inspectors and the [UN] Security Council,’ Putin said. ‘Claims that the proof exists, but is classified and cannot be presented to anybody are below criticism. This is plain disrespect for their partners.’

The Obama administration released a four-page intelligence report Friday that said at least 1,429 people, including more than 400 children, were killed by a chemical weapons attack on August 21.

Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks on Syria at the State Department in Washington on FridaySecretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks on Syria at the State Department in Washington on Friday
Shortly after Kerry's remarks, President Obama said he is considering a 'limited, narrow act' against Syria. Shortly after Kerry’s remarks, President Obama said he is considering a ‘limited, narrow act’ against Syria
Military intervention: A US Air Force plane lands at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey yesterday. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said the inspection team in Syria is expected to complete its work by todayMilitary intervention: A US Air Force plane lands at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey yesterday. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said the inspection team in Syria is expected to complete its work by today
The White House released this map detailing its understanding of the areas where chemical weapons were usedThe White House released this map detailing its understanding of the areas where chemical weapons were used….

Read More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2407847/Syria-crisis-Russian-President-Putin-urges-US-hold-military-action.html#ixzz2dYYavYyl

More: http://www.dailystormer.com/putin-urges-u-s-to-hold-off-on-military-action-against-syria-and-says-it-would-be-utter-nonsense-for-assad-to-use-chemical-weapons/

Vladimir Putin Video:

George Galloway’s Speech to the British Parliament: The People Say NO to War in Syria


George Galloway British member of parliament speaks the truth about the events in Syria, “A little knowledge can be very dangerous.”

Source: http://www.dailystormer.com/george-galloways-fiery-speech-to-the-british-parliament-the-people-say-no-to-war-in-syria/


– BDL1983