Athens, Greece: The Alpha and Omega of Western Civilization

Athens, Greece.Above: Andre Anglin in Athens, Greece.

From Total Fascism:

I have been three days in the place where our Western Civilization was birthed, and it is plain that this is where it has finally died.  The traditions that began with Homer and Hesiod, Socrates and Plato, long ago succumbed to utter decay, having been altered so fundamentally that they could no longer be said to contain a remnant of what they once were.  Here, the materialism which had filled the void left in the soul of the Western man has been stripped, and there is nothing left for the people to fall back on.  Athens, Greece, is the end of the line for the Western man.  Three-thousand years of momentum can no longer keep us moving.  The show has ended.

In Weimar Athens, a majority of shops have closed down, people are living on the streets while half of the buildings are empty, everything is covered in graffiti.  Black and brown immigrants line the streets, always screaming and staring menacingly at the White population, if they are not attempting to sell everything from childrens toys to hard drugs; they suck the last life out of the people, vultures picking the bones of a corpse. There is a thick air of defeat and hopelessness, as the entire populace appears to understand that the old world is gone, and it isn’t coming back.  There are no Greek children to be seen.  The dichotomy between the ancient nature of the city and the high scale post-modern death is jarring.

Soon the rest of the West will look like Greece.  The Jew claims that we all owe him, and it is simply a matter of time before he decides to come and collect.  We have sold him our souls for a bag of gold, and the gold is gone.

There is no point at which any of this can possibly be redeemed.  The Jew-created materialist system of decay which began with the Industrial Revolution, and was given immeasurable power after its victory against the German Reich in the last great war, has reached its final and inevitable conclusion: the end of the White Race.

But there is hope.

Where this death has taken hold, there is also a seed of possible rebirth – for the phoenix of the Western Man to rise up from the ashes, to restore the order of nature which has been so brutally defiled by that most devious of aliens.  The Golden Dawn is rising.  Now the third largest political party in Greece, the population appears to be prepared to surrender control of the society to men strong enough to deal with these problems.

Talk of revolution is in the air.

If authoritarian socialism takes Greece, proving that these ideas of ours are absolutely as powerful as we have claimed, it will become the de facto solution for all nations of the Western world.  If as deep as this nation is, they are able to pull it up to a greatness it has not seen since the classical age – which I am certain the Golden Dawn is well capable of doing – the mask will be pulled off, and the Jews and lunatic traitors who control and feed off of us will be seen for what they truly are.  It will truly be a Golden Dawn, as the traditions of our people – those of honor, family, spirituality, high culture, nation and race – will once again assert themselves as our dominant values, the defining marks of our existence.

Victory means that we shall be born again.  The dark races will be shaken off like insects, and we will rise, gloriously.

At this most crucial of points, when our race is on the brink of extinction, it is from the same bloodline that birthed our civilization that the our only possible salvation has manifest itself.  Athens is the ground upon which the final battle for the existence of our race is being waged.  As goes Greece, so shall go Europe, so shall go America.  It is all or nothing.

This is our last stand.  Praise God I am here to witness it.

Hail Victory.


The rest of the pictures.  Because we are running short on resources around here.

(You can view them all on one page here.)

The money to fund this trip is in a continual process of being figured out.  Help out, if you can.  Every little bit helps. There is a button on the right, and my PayPal email is [email protected].

Forgive me for missing the Friday wrap-up.  Had a lot going on, and had quite a bit of internet difficulties.  It will return next week.  Expect more commentary on the Greek situation later this week.



Have a look at the photos Andre has taken around Greece…. It’s fucking horrific. Graffiti everywhere… Just a completely ruined place…. In need of a “Golden Dawn” you might say!!!

– BDL1983


I think it’s long overdue that I explained my own personal “awakening” to the Jewish and Racial problems.


So here goes:

Up until probably late 2008 I had no idea what a Jew even was. Absolutely no real conception of them and the enormous problem they truly are. If you had asked me about Jews I would probably have said that they were Hitler’s unfortunate victims in the Holocaust…… That would have been it. Regarding “Race” I’d say that I have always been “a bit” racially conscious but I never gave it any serious thought…. I’d probably have been turned off by “racism” as I understood it (through the Jew medias portrayal of it)….’


Anyway, my first ever “real” political thinking began in 2007 while I was working a shitty office job. There was fuck all to do except play computer mini-golf or waste the company’s internet time… I chose to waste their internet time! The first thing I was interested in was studying the differences between “Capitalism” and “Communism”. I kept on this topic until I was sick of it…. My conclusion was that communism offered more to the working man and capitalism was a more deregulated system of financial corruption…. I managed to use 18x the internet allowance at work and got myself in a bit of shit for that! All good fun, trust me….


In the first half of 2008 I was listening to The Clash and the Sex Pistols endlessly and this fuelled my “Left-leaning” tendencies to the point of being sympathetic to communism! I admit it. The Sex Pistols made me think more along the lines of Anarchism. For most of 2008 I went between commie left-wing ideas and anarchism…. I never really believed in these “lefty” ideologies. I just felt that they were more in touch with common people than anything “right-wingers” or capitalists did or said…. I was naive and wrong

johnny_rottenAbove: Johnny Rotten

I didn’t get anywhere near the right track until I was lent a copy of Jim Marrs’ book “The Rise of the Fourth Reich” and an Alex Jones DVD called Endgame. I know now that they are ridiculous lying propaganda pieces designed to make you blame “Nazis” and feel sympathy for “the Jews”. Anyway, these two items got me studying this “New World Order” thing. I knew what they were saying was kind-of correct…. It was in the “ball-park” of what I could see going on through the TV, newspapers etc…. After studying the New World Order with a fine tooth comb (albeit only from inside the Alex Jones Infowars sort of mindset) I decided that it was definitely a REAL AGENDA. There was this “NEW WORLD ORDER” AND SOME “HIDDEN FORCE WAS BEHIND IT!


I kept on with ol’ Jonestein for a couple months after I’d finished Marrs’ book and Endgame. After listening to Jones and Marrs bash Hitler constantly I got wondering about how evil this man must have been….. It seemed incredible that he could have been soooo EVIL, so I decided to go and get myself a copy of Mein Kampf to see what a MONSTER he was….. I gifted it to myself as an extra Christmas present for 2008…. I fully expected an orgy of violence and irrational hatred and I was quite disappointed when I first started reading and found no such thing!


So, I kept reading….. I began to like Mein Kampf early on and I thought there must be something wrong with me! I didn’t really say what I was truly thinking about Mein Kampf to anyone while I read it… It took from the start of 2009 until May 2009 to finish it… I went through everything in the book with a fine tooth comb, this time looking at websites outside of Jonesteins circle of disinfo….

As I went through what he said about “Jewry” I simultaneously investigated the Jews and their role in historical events… My jaw dropped when I found out that The Holocaust” was a propaganda LIE! That shattered all my previous belief in anything I’d been told through the mainstream media. I just couldn’t believe it was a hoax….. But there it was. I knew it was a hoax but I doubted and wavered thinking there must be another explanation for this…. That was until I reached the bit in Mein Kampf where Hitler talks about the BIG LIE! Alex Jones told me that Hitler promoted it…. Then I discovered Hitler WARNED US ABOUT “THE BIG LIE” AS A JEWISH LYING TECHNIQUE… He didn’t promote it at all…. He warned that the Jews use it… Case in point: The HOLOCAUST! Hitler was right back then and he’s still being lied about, JUST AS HE PREDICTED….. This was and still is the most amazing prophetic vision I’ve ever heard! My eyes were open. Truly open. I could see and understand what Hitler was on about… He was right... And more amazingly, his worldview from the 1920’s was still correct!


It was May 2009. I knew the deal finally. It was THE JEWS who were the driving force of this NEW WORLD ORDER and I had no doubt about it…..

I’ve continued my study of the Jews and their Jew World Order ever since… So that makes me officially wise to the situation for 4 years and 2 months (July 2013)!

Since May 2009 I’ve uncovered a million and one “agendas” that the Jews are behind. In fact, they are behind pretty much EVERYTHING! “Oh I’m exaggerating, blah blah blah…. No I’m not”! If you look up any number of “unsavoury” agendas being promoted (or promoted in the past), you’ll find Jews behind them all….

For example: Faggot agenda, Egalitarianism (equalitarianism I prefer to call it), Marxism (Bolshevism), Phoney White Guilt, Zionism, Capitalism, 9-11 attacks, 7-7 London Bombings, Pornography, control of governments, foreign policy, MASS-MEDIA, alternative gate-keepers like Alex Jones etc, financial systems and all the banks within, Hollywood, publishing companies, THE LAW, insurance companies, Wall St scams (entirely Jew run), multi-RACIALISM (erroneously called multi-culturalism), extreme taxation, pharmaceutical industry, medicine, vaccines, GM Foods, Global Warming Lies…. and on and on and on…. you get the picture….


As for the question of “Race”? I made my mind up in late 2009 (officially). After careful and logical consideration the options are this: 1.) go with the “Jew World Order” agenda and promote mixing of all races together, except the Jews of course, until we are a “coffee coloured negroid consuming mass of idiots” like the Jews want to turn us all into, or 2.) promote “RACIAL NATIONALISM” or “RACIAL LOYALTY” since these are the ONLY natural defensive ideologies we can use, long term, against the evil Jews…. I chose OPTION 2….


The 9-11 attacks which were perpetrated by the Jews (see Missing Links or Masters of Deception) confirmed the “Jew World Order” agenda, 100%, beyond all doubt, for me personally. I learnt about 9-11 in mid 2010 (or there abouts)….. It’s the “clincher” for a lot of people, myself included obviously!


This is the honest truth of how I woke up to all the SHIT going on around the planet!!! All I can say is that after 4 or so years of knowing “the stuff” you certainly don’t become any less sure of yourself…. I can say with 100% confidence that I am right about the “Jew World Order” being the dominant force for globalisation and destruction of everything natural and good on this planet… I have absolutely no doubt that they are GUILTY OF WHAT I ACCUSE THEM OF! Posterity will be the judge of everyone…. That doesn’t worry me because I’m right!


Above: An unlikely Academy Award winner!

Anyone who honestly studies these questions, like I have, will have to agree… Or just LIE to themselves in a stupid display of self-deception!

I’m honest and true to myself.


– BDL1983

Race Exists……

From Total Fascism:


The idiot politically correct, cultural Marxist gibberish that is drilled into our brains from the time we can understand spoken language tells us that race does not exist, and that what we call race is simply an expression of culture.  The reality, however, is that culture is an expression of race.  This is why African blacks, many of who were totally isolated from one another for thousands of years, lived a very similar lifestyle, had very similar beliefs.  Their race was that which had adapted to the land they lived on, and their culture was a manifestation of this.  They lived in a harsh land, which required much violence, and thus they are a physical people with incredibly high testosterone.  But the Jew, with his cultural Marxist religious dogma, would have us believe that the physique of the black man is some type of cultural phenomena.  This is ridiculous and idiotic on the face of it.

It is not so long ago that whites understood the concept of race.  All of our grandparents surely understood it.  Not because they were “racialists,” sitting around thinking about it, but because it is such an obvious reality that it requires a massive brainwashing program, beginning in very early childhood, to cause a person to deny its existence.  The non-white races of the world are still very familiar with this concept today; all East Asians have a militant racial pride.  Yasuhiro Nakasone, the former Prime Minister of Japan, stated that Japan was a “homogeneous nation” with “one ethnicity, one state and one language.”  This attitude is surely not due to stupidity.

Having spent several years living in various Asian countries, I have had a chance to directly observe the characteristics of different races, being immersed among them.  East Asians have not merely the obvious physical differences – which the Jews will no doubt claim at some point don’t exist either – but an entirely different emotional and psychological framework.  Forgive me for stating the obvious, but regrettably it is necessary: emotional and psychological structure are as biological as physique.  Should we not expect people with an entirely different physical form to also have variant brain patterns?  Is not (what appears to white men as) the cold, detached culture of the East Asian societies a manifestation of these neural structures, which are in turn a manifestation of the genetic heritage of their ancestors, passed down through their DNA in the very same way as their squinted eyes and lack of muscle mass?

Can you imagine what the Jew thinks of you, that they are capable of telling you “race doesn’t exist” with a straight face?  These same people who pass laws about race mixing in their own alleged home country?  Does this not make you angry, to be lied to in such a flagrant and extreme fashion?


Remember your Ancestors

We are, all of us, nothing more or less than the collective genetic heritage of our ancestors.  We know this, somewhere deep in us, and this is what the “white guilt” phenomena plays on – if race doesn’t exist, why are we conditioned that we are supposed to feel guilty for black slavery and the alleged Holocaust of the Jews?

But our ancestors are not what the Jews would have us believe.  The White race has always been a proud and noble people.  Our physical achievements in constructing complex civilizations, which are often cited by White Nationalists as the proof of our greatness, are the least of our achievements; we have a compassion and a morality that goes far and beyond that of most peoples on the planet.  We developed a legal code and political system for the express purpose of providing justice and equality to all men.  We have created the most beautiful art on the planet, an expression of our genetically rooted respect for the beauty of existence.

All of this comes from our ancestors.  Because that is what race is. It is the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual heritage of our forefathers.  To deny the existence of your race is to deny everything you are.

Get up off your knees, white man.


Above: What Rockwell would have shouted!!!! Stand up and FIGHT!!


Nicely said.

– BDL1983


Australia is a sporting country. There is absolutely no doubt about that! Not that there’s anything wrong with that up to a point. The fact is that our sporting culture is so dominant that people neglect caring about anything important. For example, our real political structure, our economic future, the racial problems etc.

The sports obsession is akin to playing cards on the Titanic. The average people who turn on the TV either believe the crap on it or they throw up their hands in hopelessness at how stupid and corrupt our politicians are. This is where sport enters the equation. It is an easy escape from having to think about how shitty our culture has become. It fills the void and most average people are satisfied with that. I know how this works because up until mid 2009 I was one of these sports fanatics!

Titanic Cards

Playing Cards from a certain famous ship….


Eagles fans and fat Collingwood woman in white (note BLACK security guard)…..

I was raised in a family that followed the traditional Australian formula. Football (AFL) in the winter; Cricket in the summer. When I was a kid for some reason I decided I’d support the West Coast Eagles in the Footy. My fanatical support lasted until around 2007 when the game itself turned shitty and I lost interest. I owned (and still do) every fucking scarf, footy guernsey, beanies, hats, every fucking thing you could imagine! I would travel with friends of mine who supported the Crows over to Melbourne for games, and to Perth, spending like all fuck, getting drunk on overpriced beers, buying club merchandise, and paying for plane tickets and accommodation. I was living in blissful but costly ignorance of pretty much everything going on in the world! I look back and I really don’t “get” how I even behaved in such a way….. Summers were the same deal only the weather was fucking boiling and we spent days upon days watching cricket. I still like the game of “cricket” although most of it’s probably rigged beyond anything we’d imagine!


Ashes 2009 Cricket crowd….

This brings me to another point: the rigging of sports!

One would have to be pretty naive to believe that modern professional sports aren’t rigged, at least in some ways! Just take a look at the Lance Armstrong saga late last year. I fucking hate the way the media handled the issue. They pretended that Lance was doing his drug taking from “inside a bubble”. It was as if his so-called cheating was soooooo unique when it wasn’t. The fact is that professional cycling is a big money sport (in the men’s racing circuit) and where there is big money there are people willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead! Lance was not alone. Pretty much every other rider was on the same shit or they’d be at the back of the field or given the arse from the team altogether! So anyone who says Lance Armstrong was a cheat had damn well better condemn all the other cyclists of that era too. Either he was a cheat and one of many or they all get a pass due to the rampant steroids and EPO of the era. Not that EPO and steroids aren’t rampant now though…..


Seven? I say he’s still won them since everyone “cheated”……

Cricket has been through many international match rigging scandals. From Hansie Cronjes’ admitted taking of money from bookies to ‘throw’ games, to shifty looking Pakistanis getting caught for similar things. Even Australian cricketers have been implicated in bookie scandals…. Oh god, not our team too!! And now we’ve got the Essendon football drug scandal rearing its head again. This time captain Jobe Watson has admitted to taking (although innocently apparently) an “anti-obesity” drug. Fuck knows why. How much leaner do these modern footballers need to get? The drug must have some performance enhancing effect obviously! A few years ago we had the Ben Cousins taking “Ice” episode. He certainly wouldn’t have been alone and nothing would be any cleaner now!


Ben Cousins: The man’s an absolute ball of muscle in this picture…

Anyway, it’s clear that professional sport equals “big money”, therefore players doing dodgy things to “get ahead”. It’s not surprising that players use drugs and put bets on to gain the upper hand. Anyone who doesn’t realise that the world of professional sports is highly rigged is kidding themselves. Hell, I never even thought about it years ago. I don’t know why, I must have been having too good a time!

Another absolutely sickening trend which has crept into sports is the Marxist shit. In the AFL we now have “Indigenous Round”, “Women’s Round”, “Multicultural Round”, and warnings at the games about how “racist” or “homophobic” comments will get you kicked out and/or possibly prosecuted! No sign of a “Whitey Round”, but I can see a “Come-out Round” on the horizon for the fags! The players will probably have to wear rainbow jumpers and socks! I’m looking forward to a good laugh! I’m sure it won’t be too long until the next overly precious “Indigenous” player has hurt feelings over a “racist” white saying something they don’t like. Every week or so there’s more of this bullshit all over the media to make whitey feel more guilty. Yawn…….


Marxism in sport… FFFFuuuuccckkkiiiiinnnnggg HHHeeeelll….

Back to the initial point about sporting obsessions equating to playing cards on the Titanic. That really is a perfect metaphor for the situation. People will be rudely awakened at some point in the future when they finally realise that the country is fucked and maybe they should have done something about it rather than wasting all their time watching games!

Having said all that, I don’t have any problem with people watching sports if they enjoy it, but we must bear in mind that it isn’t the most important thing in life! REAL LIFE CONCERNS should rank higher on the list of “things to worry about” than whether our football team is going to make the finals!

Something most “sport fanatics” could do with, rather than just watching it, is to either play the game or sacrifice some of their “watching” time to go and do some real strenuous exercise themselves!! Strenuous exercise is great stress relief (believe it or not) and good for your mind and physical well-being. If people did this, the sport “watching” culture might take more of a backburner position and we’ll be fitter (less OBESITY) and of better mental health!

Imagine that eh!

Listen to this link of Rich and Keith discussing sports fans!

– BDL1983

ALL-WHITE town fights to preserve segregation in S.Africa.


An all-white community less than an hour from South Africa’s capital is fighting to hold on to a segregated life.

By F. Brinley Bruton, Staff Writer, NBC News

(My commentary in bold – BDL1983)

KLEINFONTEIN, South Africa – An all-white enclave less than an hour from South Africa’s capital is fighting to hold on to a segregated life reminiscent of the country before Nelson Mandela toppled the apartheid regime.

“We feel that our culture is being threatened and we want to protect it and we want to nurture it,” said Marisa Haasbroek, a writer and mother who serves as voluntary spokeswoman for a gated community called Kleinfontein.


Marc Shoul / Panos for NBC News

Above: A bust of Henrik Verwoerd, who is credited as the father of apartheid, sits near the entrance to Kleinfontein.

Kleinfontein does not hide its ties to South Africa’s divided past, nor its mistrust of the country’s present: At its entrance stands a bust of Hendrik Verwoerd, who is seen as the father of apartheid.

A fence surrounds its almost 2,000 acres and guards in fatigues police at the entrance of the community condemned as “racist” by some critics. (And just what exactly is wrong with protecting YOUR OWN RACE? If that makes them “racist” then so be it! Who cares what the liberal Jew commie fuckheads think! – BDL1983) Among the reasons that Haasbroek and others in the cooperative town cite for walling themselves off are the country’s high crime rates and institutionalized affirmative action, which they say results in white people being frozen out of jobs and university places. (Fair enough! Why wouldn’t they wall themselves out of that crap? – BDL1983)

Before moving to the town of some 1,000 residents, applicants must embrace the community’s “core values,” which are about being a Protestant Christian, an Afrikaner – the group descended from Dutch settlers – and speaking Dutch-based Afrikaans. No non-whites or Jews live or work within its boundaries. (Screw the fucking Jews. It sounds like a Holycau$t in the making… Poor little innocent loving Jews! – BDL1983)

Less than 25 years after the end of the apartheid regime run by white Afrikaners, Haasbroek said their specific identity was under threat.

“My son is the tenth generation with the Haasbroek name in South Africa,” she said. “We are not colonists. We have been here for generations and generations building up the roads, making the infrastructure.” (Yep, the Whites built everything of value in the place – BDL1983)

“And suddenly we don’t feel welcome anymore,” she added.


Marc Shoul / Panos for NBC News

Above: If Afrikaners’ rights aren’t protected, the children of a community that South African President Jacob Zuma calls Africa’s “only white tribe” will disappear, according to Marisa Haasbroek. (That’s real racism if you ask me – forcing a racial group to integrate and disappear, lose its culture – BDL1983)

So the residents of Kleinfontein have dug in and built a community that they say reflects their heritage. Residents have to be approved by a committee. And all the work is done by Afrikaners. Signs declaring “We are here to stay” in Afrikaans dot the property.

But the issue of who is allowed to live in Kleinfontein — and who is excluded — offends many. (FUCK ‘EM, if they don’t like it why would they want to move there anyway!!!?! – BDL1983) Its residents are from the same white minority that ruled the country for decades, imposing strict racial segregation and oppressing the majority non-white population. (Oppression, fuck off! They really mean the blacks can’t take care of themselves; that’s whitey “oppressing” them apparently -BDL1983)

While the community has been in existence in the outskirts of Pretoria since 1992 – two years after anti-apartheid icon Mandela was released from prison and two years before blacks were allowed to vote – criticism of it has grown recently.

In late May, a black man was blocked from buying a house there. Demonstrators protested outside its gates and local officials launched an investigation of the community, saying discrimination on the basis of language, race and color is illegal. (It may be illegal, I don’t know. But if you’re white and it saves your life then it’s a good idea! – BDL1983)

But along with the criticism, there has been sympathy.

Subscriptions to its “Friends of Kleinfontein” newsletter jumped by around 20 percent in the last three weeks, Haasbroek said.  At least 10 people called the community saying they wanted to move there immediately.

“The impression we got from many Afrikaners is that many of them support our right to live the way we do, even if they themselves don’t want to come in live in our quiet little town,” Haasbroek said.

But it isn’t just any quiet little town.

While residents say they simply want to preserve their culture and language, critics argue that the mere existence of the community is a rejection of Mandela and his vision of a non-racial nation. (Fuck the old terrorist bastard! – BDL1983)

“The fact that there are children growing up there and being indoctrinated with hateful ideology that paints all black people as criminals, that really concerns me,” said Czerina Patel, a South African journalist who is the executive director of Yenza, a charity that works with disadvantaged young people.

“The bottom line is [if a non-white] Afrikaans-speaking person wanted to live there they couldn’t,” she added. (Boo hooo hoooo, bad luck… – BDL1983)

Residents of Kleinfontein respond to criticism by saying it is they who were being squeezed out of Mandela’s “Rainbow Nation.”


Marc Shoul / Panos for NBC News

Above: Johan Foley’s home includes the old South African flag (left) and the old Transvaal province flag (right).

Johan Foley, a former bank manager, did not mince his words about why he moved to Kleinfontein about 20 years ago.

“We are worrying about black people,” said Foley, 76.

“Every time they get their hands on something, it is going bankrupt, there are troubles,” he said. “White people gave them clothes, an education.” (Sounds familiar doesn’t it – BDL1983)

Foley said he moved to Kleinfontein after he built a “pretty house” in Nylstroom – renamed Modimolle by the post-apartheid government.

Read More:

And they hardly ever mention the GENOCIDE of Afrikaners in our Jew media. The count is 70,000 or more whites murdered by savage blacks. Don’t they count? Oh yeah, they are white, therefore evil oppressors……. Fuck the ANC, Jacob Zuma, and Mandela… Scumbags.

I’d welcome the Afrikaners to Australia. We’ll take them and send our blacks back! How’s that for a trade? Nope, can’t do that, it would make sense!

– BDL1983