Australia is a sporting country. There is absolutely no doubt about that! Not that there’s anything wrong with that up to a point. The fact is that our sporting culture is so dominant that people neglect caring about anything important. For example, our real political structure, our economic future, the racial problems etc.

The sports obsession is akin to playing cards on the Titanic. The average people who turn on the TV either believe the crap on it or they throw up their hands in hopelessness at how stupid and corrupt our politicians are. This is where sport enters the equation. It is an easy escape from having to think about how shitty our culture has become. It fills the void and most average people are satisfied with that. I know how this works because up until mid 2009 I was one of these sports fanatics!

Titanic Cards

Playing Cards from a certain famous ship….


Eagles fans and fat Collingwood woman in white (note BLACK security guard)…..

I was raised in a family that followed the traditional Australian formula. Football (AFL) in the winter; Cricket in the summer. When I was a kid for some reason I decided I’d support the West Coast Eagles in the Footy. My fanatical support lasted until around 2007 when the game itself turned shitty and I lost interest. I owned (and still do) every fucking scarf, footy guernsey, beanies, hats, every fucking thing you could imagine! I would travel with friends of mine who supported the Crows over to Melbourne for games, and to Perth, spending like all fuck, getting drunk on overpriced beers, buying club merchandise, and paying for plane tickets and accommodation. I was living in blissful but costly ignorance of pretty much everything going on in the world! I look back and I really don’t “get” how I even behaved in such a way….. Summers were the same deal only the weather was fucking boiling and we spent days upon days watching cricket. I still like the game of “cricket” although most of it’s probably rigged beyond anything we’d imagine!


Ashes 2009 Cricket crowd….

This brings me to another point: the rigging of sports!

One would have to be pretty naive to believe that modern professional sports aren’t rigged, at least in some ways! Just take a look at the Lance Armstrong saga late last year. I fucking hate the way the media handled the issue. They pretended that Lance was doing his drug taking from “inside a bubble”. It was as if his so-called cheating was soooooo unique when it wasn’t. The fact is that professional cycling is a big money sport (in the men’s racing circuit) and where there is big money there are people willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead! Lance was not alone. Pretty much every other rider was on the same shit or they’d be at the back of the field or given the arse from the team altogether! So anyone who says Lance Armstrong was a cheat had damn well better condemn all the other cyclists of that era too. Either he was a cheat and one of many or they all get a pass due to the rampant steroids and EPO of the era. Not that EPO and steroids aren’t rampant now though…..


Seven? I say he’s still won them since everyone “cheated”……

Cricket has been through many international match rigging scandals. From Hansie Cronjes’ admitted taking of money from bookies to ‘throw’ games, to shifty looking Pakistanis getting caught for similar things. Even Australian cricketers have been implicated in bookie scandals…. Oh god, not our team too!! And now we’ve got the Essendon football drug scandal rearing its head again. This time captain Jobe Watson has admitted to taking (although innocently apparently) an “anti-obesity” drug. Fuck knows why. How much leaner do these modern footballers need to get? The drug must have some performance enhancing effect obviously! A few years ago we had the Ben Cousins taking “Ice” episode. He certainly wouldn’t have been alone and nothing would be any cleaner now!


Ben Cousins: The man’s an absolute ball of muscle in this picture…

Anyway, it’s clear that professional sport equals “big money”, therefore players doing dodgy things to “get ahead”. It’s not surprising that players use drugs and put bets on to gain the upper hand. Anyone who doesn’t realise that the world of professional sports is highly rigged is kidding themselves. Hell, I never even thought about it years ago. I don’t know why, I must have been having too good a time!

Another absolutely sickening trend which has crept into sports is the Marxist shit. In the AFL we now have “Indigenous Round”, “Women’s Round”, “Multicultural Round”, and warnings at the games about how “racist” or “homophobic” comments will get you kicked out and/or possibly prosecuted! No sign of a “Whitey Round”, but I can see a “Come-out Round” on the horizon for the fags! The players will probably have to wear rainbow jumpers and socks! I’m looking forward to a good laugh! I’m sure it won’t be too long until the next overly precious “Indigenous” player has hurt feelings over a “racist” white saying something they don’t like. Every week or so there’s more of this bullshit all over the media to make whitey feel more guilty. Yawn…….


Marxism in sport… FFFFuuuuccckkkiiiiinnnnggg HHHeeeelll….

Back to the initial point about sporting obsessions equating to playing cards on the Titanic. That really is a perfect metaphor for the situation. People will be rudely awakened at some point in the future when they finally realise that the country is fucked and maybe they should have done something about it rather than wasting all their time watching games!

Having said all that, I don’t have any problem with people watching sports if they enjoy it, but we must bear in mind that it isn’t the most important thing in life! REAL LIFE CONCERNS should rank higher on the list of “things to worry about” than whether our football team is going to make the finals!

Something most “sport fanatics” could do with, rather than just watching it, is to either play the game or sacrifice some of their “watching” time to go and do some real strenuous exercise themselves!! Strenuous exercise is great stress relief (believe it or not) and good for your mind and physical well-being. If people did this, the sport “watching” culture might take more of a backburner position and we’ll be fitter (less OBESITY) and of better mental health!

Imagine that eh!

Listen to this link of Rich and Keith discussing sports fans!

– BDL1983

3 thoughts on “OUR SPORTING CULTURE………..”

  1. Good post man, I totally agree. I was a MAJOR sports fanatic in high school and college. I was a big time athlete in high school (American football and baseball), and could have played at the collegiate level but was just plain burned out. I have basically stopped watching and following sports in the past year or so though… which is good! There are plenty of other things going on, and certainly much more productive things to do!

    The propaganda embedded in professional sports is absurd, especially in America man. The National Anthem (written by a Marxist Jew if I’m not mistaken), military worship, Black/non-White worship, praising the political/”entertainment” establishment, etc. It’s all propaganda really, it’s all a staged production designed to advance the psychological tyranny unfolding in all of our (formerly) White nations.

    We should do a show about this, would you be a guest on my program in the future?

  2. Nothing more disgusting than when you hear gorgeous white girls howl lustfully at the niggers that play in the AFL! At school it was such as this, fucking bestiality! Sports can be propaganda for marxism in Australia, as it is today with each clubs ‘Multicultural task force’, i know Collingwood have this. However sports can be used for us Nationalist/Fascist/Patriotic folk in the same fashion, as it kind of is in Europe with soccer there!

    1. There’s certainly alot of work to be done fixing the AFL! Like I said in the article, I honestly reckon we’ll have “come-out round” in a couple years or so!

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