Compare The Two…. (Part 2)

Aidhan from Nordic Anti-Semite compiled this post as “Part 2” to my earlier post…… Nice one!

Note: I had to gather up the Jew pics….. That was a horrible task….. But I had the stomach for it believe it or not, even after the trauma of gathering the “Jewess pics” a couple days earlier!!!

– BDL1983

Here goes:

Nordics are strong
Jews are weak

Nordic Men are masculine
Jewish ‘males’ are Effeminate

Nordic Men will fight
Jewish ‘males’ will cower

Nordics are committed to the truth
Jews are dependent on lies

Nordics are beautiful
Jews are ugly

Nordics are nice
Jews are evil

Nordics are eugenic
Jews are dysgenic

Nordics are clean
Jews are dirty

Nordics create
Jews destroy

Nordics have culture
Jews have none

Nordics revere nature
Jews fabricate and destroy nature

Nordics are masters
Jews are slaves

Nordics are insightful
Jews are base

The Nordics





















The Jews















I actually had to have a friend gather these jews. It was too sickening (Hahaha!! – BDL1983)

Elvira Bauer, Trau keinem Fuchs auf grüner Heid und keinem Jud auf seinem Eid (Nuremberg: Stürmer Verlag, 1936).

But the Germans — they stand foursquare.
Look, children, and the two compare,
The German and the Jew.
Take a good look at the two
In the picture drawn for you.
A joke — you think it is only that?
Easy to guess which is which, I say:
The German stands up, the Jew gives way.
The German is a proud young man,
Able to work and able to fight.
Because he is a fine big chap,
For danger does not care a rap,
The Jew has always hated him!
Here is the Jew, as all can see,
Biggest ruffian in our country;
He thinks himself the greatest beau
And yet is the ugliest, you know!



This would be a great opportunity for any crypto-jews to come on and write ‘they are not all pure nordics, you know nothing about race’…


That says it all.

– Brett

Compare The Two……



white nordic woman





Above: She’s my sort!!









JEWISH WOMEN (Brace yourself………….they are creepy…..)


71652-barbra-streisand-637x0-1 barbara_streisand_bra

Above: This Barbara Streisand picture displays the ultimate “hook” in all its glory….. yuck.

amy-winehouse1 amy-winehouse2

Amy Winehouse…..scary.

SarahJessicaParker2 SarahJessicaParkerYoung

Sarah Jessica Parker… what a nose!

Heidi Fleiss-SPX-033680 DrRuth2 JFActoBernhardSandra01 JFInteSandbergSheryl JFInteSilberJane1 Judy_Sheindlin silveman_06_a ugly OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Race: A social construct?

The Jewess Noses are lovely aren’t they? It was horrible work selecting the Jewess pics……

The Nordic/White women are stunning; that’s why the 14 words are so important!!!

Next installment: White/Nordic Men vs Hook-nose Jew “Men”!! That’ll be good. There are infinite giant hook-noses to pick from (pun intended) haha!!

Visit for more sickening Jewish faces…….


– Brett, BDL1983


When you go “surfing” through comment sections of “Jew-wise” and “Race-wise” sites you will notice people endlessly misunderstanding each other. I don’t really know why, but I’m going to show how you can be “Racist” and “Anti-Racist” at the same time……. “Nationalist” and “Anti-Nationalist” also!

Here we go:

I am a Racist: My definition of a “Racist” is a person who believes there are obvious differences between the human races. Therefore I am! It’s that simple, if that is your definition of who is a “Racist”…..

I am an Anti-Racist: My definition of a “Racist” is someone who doesn’t believe there is any such thing as “Race”, and would seek to integrate the “Races” together. Since I believe in preserving the “Races” and they believe in destroying the “Races”, then I am a true “Anti-Racist”!

The “Anti-Racist” label above is what I’d prefer to go by…. But it isn’t going to happen! So whatever, I can live with the “Racist” label…. Labels don’t bother me….



I can use a similar argument for myself being a “Nationalist” or an “Anti-Nationalist”…

I am a Nationalist in the sense that my Race is my Nation, and therefore I am a Nationalist. Nationalism implies racial loyalty and solidarity, so why wouldn’t I be a Nationalist?

I can also argue that I am against Nationalism. If I view all the so-called “White Nations” and their inherent nationalistic tendencies as artificial barriers between members of our race, then I could logically say that I oppose Nationalism and Nation-states… And that I’d prefer no “Nation-states” but one large White racial conglomerate. That also makes sense…. So now I’m “Anti-Nationalist”!

The point of this little exercise is that I don’t really care what label I’m given, so long as we all understand what side of the fence we are on! Definitions of words are not really that important. It is the underlying intentions that matter…. We should always do our best to understand the “vibe” of what someone is saying before condemning them if they say they are a certain label; like a “Racist” or a “Nationalist” and so on….. You might be against artificial Nationalist barriers and then condemn someone for saying they are a “Nationalist”, when they mean that their “Race is their Nation”…… I think I’ve made my point.

People do the same sort of thing regarding Christianity. Some in the “pro-white” and “anti-Jew” crowd love and promote Christianity; some hate it and attack it endlessly…. Usually it’s the CI crowd promoting their version of Christianity, while the other side attacks Judeo-Christianity (whatever the hell that is…. modern Jew run Christianity). The disagreement is usually over two different versions of Christianity going under one broad banner – “Christianity”! The CI crowd hate Jew-run modern Christianity, and the “Anti-Christs” attack CI based on mostly Judeo-Christian dogma…… You can see how it’s mainly “semantics” which cause all the problems!  I don’t care if someone believes in Christ, Odin, the Lepricorn, or the Tooth Fairy. If they are “pro-white” and “anti-Jew”, ABOVE ALL THE RELIGIOUS DOGMA, then that person is alright by me!

CelticCross odinsrune.jpg

Take your pick, I don’t care! As long as you are pro-white and against the Jews!

Anyway, enough said. The point of this post was just to show how easy it is to argue that you are two contradictory things at the same time….. It’s obviously just a stupid little play on words, but people love beating each other over the head by twisting words and their meanings…… People do it constantly and it’s a waste of time…

Hitler2Above: My “vibe”!!!!

It’s the “vibe” and the underlying thrust of what someone says that matters to me.

Fuck all the petty arguments!!!



Obama: U.S. Needs More Taxpayers; Calls for Fewer Babies But ‘More Immigrants’


Obongo: “I get more peanuts and an extra bunch of bananas if I do what the Jews tell me!”

800px-ARS_peanuts banana1

( – President Barack Obama said today America needs “more immigrants” to increase the number of people who pay taxes to the federal government and to populate the national workforce.

That contrasts with the arguments he made at a recent Planned Parenthood conference, where he ridiculed efforts to limit abortion and called on the conferees to help make sure that all American women knew that a regulation his administration has issued under Obamacare requires that insurance companies provide them with free contraceptives.

The number of abortions that has taken place in the United States over the past 40 years is about five times as great as the population of illegal aliens the president would like to legalize.

In his weekly address on Saturday, Obama called on the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to pass the immigration bill recently passed by the Senate. “It would offer a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million people who are in this country illegally” and “would also provide a big boost to our recovery,” Obama said.

Unless America legalizes illegal immigrants, Obama argued, the nation’s workforce will “shrink.”

“If we don’t do anything to fix our broken system, our workforce will continue to shrink as baby boomers retire,” he said.

“And without more immigrants and businesses paying their fair share in taxes, our deficit will be higher and programs like Social Security will be under more strain,” said Obama.

When he spoke at the Planned Parenthood conference on April 26, Obama took a different approach to the question of whether America needs more human beings.

“There’s still those who want to turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century,” Obama told the Planned Parenthood conferees.

Read More:

Further related (and more important) links:


I’ve heard from numerous truthful (anti-Jewish) radio shows that there are probably 50 million illegals in the JewSA…. Bloody hell; good luck “improving” the economy with a few low-skill workers and a majority of welfare “bums”! Weren’t the immigrant welfare class the core of the problem in the first place!?!? And this nigger wants to help “abort” as many Whites as possible at the behest of the Jews!! Real smart…….

We know what the damn Jews are up to; It’s simply ‘OUT’ with Whitey and ‘IN’ with a dumber coloured class of unthinking scudbuckets…… And most Whites DESERVE what’s coming to them…. Though, obviously not you, the intelligent few who know the deal!


– Brett