EU and Israel: German Anti-Israelism and anti-Semitism

Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld
Israel National News
August 21, 2013


The EU boycott should not have been a surprise. Interview with Susanne Urban, a German historian, who elucidates on the situation.

“Anti-Semitism was officially delegitimized in Germany after its surrender in 1945. This happened first in public areas such as politics, economy, culture, art and later on in society at large. Public debates and the social environment show however that since the late 1990s, anti-Semitism is expressed again more openly in manifold variations. Contemporary anti-Semitism has a solid base in the German mainstream.”

Dr. Susanne Urban, a German historian, heads the Historical Research in the International Tracing Service (ITS) Bad Arolsen. Before that, she worked for five years at Yad Vashem. She has also published a number of books.

“Several studies in recent years gave us more insight into levels of German anti-Semitism. In 2008, all parliamentary parties agreed to appoint an expert group. It was charged with obtaining an understanding of how far anti-Semitism had permeated German society and how to combat it more effectively. The ten experts were also asked to present recommendations regarding education and training of educators.

“The assignment stressed that findings concerning levels of anti-Semitism should be connected to questions about Germany’s democratic stability. The experts also focused on post-Holocaust anti-Semitism and Muslim anti-Semitism.

“In August 2011, their report was published and presented. It stressed the importance of confronting ‘secondary anti-Semitism.’ One major aspect of this is that people refuse responsibility for the Holocaust. This reflects a variety of widespread opinions. Included is that Germany is the victim or even hostage of survivors and that Holocaust compensation payments are sometimes denounced as a robbery committed by ‘The Jews.’

“This opinion is fueled further nowadays by those Germans who promote multiple types of self-victimization. This phenomenon expresses itself for instance as: ‘We were victims too but never got compensation.’ Victims and perpetrators are often inverted. In 2008, more than two-thirds of Germany’s population were annoyed to different degrees by recollections of Nazi crimes and their victims.

“The study also found that in 2010, secondary anti-Semitism was shared by 40% of Germany’s population. An identical percentage considered that Israel behaves like Nazi Germany today. Secondary anti-Semitism is not specific to Germany, but is found in high percentages in Poland and Hungary as well. In the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, these figures are much lower.

“Anti-Zionism as one variety of anti-Semitism often manifests itself as ‘criticism of Israeli politics, strategies and actions.’ It is found in all spheres of German society, be it Leftist or Rightist, Muslim or Christian. Anti-Zionism and secondary anti-Semitism often overlap for instance by making comparisons between Nazis and Israeli politics or between Holocaust victims and the Palestinians. This is also used to deny contemporary responsibility for Germany’s history or commemoration of the victims. Anti-Zionist attitudes do not differ if one is ideologically on the left, right, or a liberal.

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These damn Jews are absolutely incredible… The amount of utter BULLSHIT they can dream up to divert attention away from the obvious fact that THEY ARE COMPLETE BASTARDS is truly amazing!!! You really have to read the crap they write to understand ‘how they are’….

The more you analyse the way Jews spin their shite, the more surprising it is that anyone takes them seriously…. Yet WE are the distinct minority of people who ‘GET’ what they are like…. Arrrrrggghhhhh!!!

– BDL1983

Miss ‘Holocaust Survivor” Beauty Pageant Returns to Israel

This is absolutely piss funny!!!! I can hardly type for laughter!!!

Youngest contestant is 70, oldest is 90. Next week 19 women Holocaust survivors will compete in survivor beauty pageant.

Ahiya Raved
August 18, 2013

israel-miss-holocaust-1200Above: wrinkled old Jewess…. yuck!

It has become a tradition, but it is still hard to get used to the sight. Nineteen senior citizen women standing in a row. Pair by pair, they step to the front of the stage, and take a bow, walk the catwalk and return to the line. The youngest is 70-years-old, the oldest is 94, and the common denominator is a haunting past: all of the contestants in the 2013 pageant which will be held in Haifa are Holocaust survivors.

“It’s amazing to find that even at this age there is jealously and rivalry, just as with 18-year-old models,” says Heli Ben David, who was crowned Miss Congeniality in the 1979 Miss Israel Pageant. Today, she guides the older women all the way to the catwalk. This week, she interviewed women who wanted to compete and heard their difficult stories.

“Because character here is no less important, I hear their stories and it is not easy,” explained Ben David. “Everyone has a very hard story, of life in the ghettos and camps, of hunger and the extreme cold. But from every one, I hear the same sentence: I’m here, and I beat the Germans because I am still alive, I started a family, and I am even competing in a beauty pageant.”

The oldest contestant and one of the favorites for winning is Shoshana Colmar, 94. At the time of her release from the Auschwitz death camp, she weighed 25 kg, and when she takes to the stage next Thursday, she will sing the song she would sing to one of the camp guards, so he would give her more soup. “They killed my whole family,” she said. “We were four children, and I remained alone. Dad, Mom, all the brothers of my parents. My mother had ten brothers and one was left; my father had seven brothers and one remained. And also all of their families. So for me, it is certainly a huge victory to be here.”

While waiting for rehearsals, as their friends are being photographed and interviewed, the other competitors spend their time singing and dancing. “We went from darkness to light, we do not want to remember what was bad then, but only what is good now,” one called out at the end of the dance.

Message via participation

Among this year’s competitors is Hannah Liebmann, 80, from Lod. Because Hannah is blind, her daughter Sarah initiated her participation in the competition and brought her to the first day of rehearsals.

“The message I try to convey in my participation,” Hannah said, “is that we are here. We beat Hitler and established families. I got to see great-grandchildren. And also out of my hardship as a woman who can not see, I try to help not only myself, but also other people.”

Competitor Naomi Isaac, 84, said: “I lived through the war in the concentration camps. The message here is that we are still alive. Though we lost our families, we are still alive and from here, I can say to the world: There were concentration camps, there was murder, and everything that mankind can invent.

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Click either link above for a VIDEO aswell…. If you’re keen, hahahha! (I couldn’t get the video to embed for some reason…..)

At least we can have a good laugh sometimes! Otherwise how the fuck would we cope???!

– BDL1983

P.S. I just dunno how they all survived…. and so miraculously too!!! More on that in the future….

Rory the Cat’s Life Saved with a Blood Transfusion from a DOG After Eating Rat Poison

Today, a “feel-good” story:

On screen they are usually portrayed as mortal enemies, but a cat that was dying after eating rat poison was saved thanks to a blood transfusion – from a dog.

The rare operation was carried out by New Zealand vet Kate Heller, who realised that Rory the cat would not survive unless he was given an immediate blood transfusion.

Unfortunately his blood type was not known and to have performed the delicate operation with the wrong type of blood – which for cats falls into categories A, B or AB – could have proved fatal.

Critical: Ginger tabby, Rory, similar to this one pictured here, was saved by a blood transfusion from a dogCritical: Ginger tabby, Rory, similar to this one pictured here, was saved by a blood transfusion from a dog

But decisive action was imperative because without it Rory was in equal danger of using up the last of his nine lives.

Rory’s owner Kim Edwards rushed him to Tauranga Vets after she heard him howling in pain and unable to move.

When she got there she found the blood laboratory was closed and it was not possible to determine Rory’s blood type.

After consulting colleagues, Miss Heller decided to take a chance and perform the operation on the sick feline using dog’s blood.

She said: ‘If we didn’t do it, he would have died, so we had nothing to lose by giving it a go. It was a do or die, but it’s very uncommon.’

Studies have shown that cats might not have such an adverse reaction to it no matter what the type, than they might to the wrong type of cat blood.

Saviour: A black Labrador called Macy, similar to this one here, was responsible for donating the bloodSaviour: A black Labrador called Macy, similar to this one here, was responsible for donating the blood

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This comment on the Daily Stormer article is great:

“This is clearly proof, since they both bleed and the blood works interchangeably, that there is no difference between dogs and cats. Dog and cat are social constructs. Dogs hate cats for the color of their fur. Why can’t they just get along?”Brandon Edward….

Nice work there Brandon! You’ve settled the issue for me!! Hahaha. Thanks for the laugh man!

Rory looks like a “cool” cat!!! At least he’s alive, thanks to the “caring donor” labrador!

– BDL1983

Aryan Goddess Sets The Record Straight:



Skip to the 92 minute mark of the above Truth Militia show when Janet (Aryan Goddess) calls in. Listen to what she says about Mike Delaney and his family. I think you’ll find she is spot on, as usual!

I’ve talked to Mike on Skype a couple times, and he’s a genuine person, honest, and open about things. Not many people are like that. So when you talk to people who are, you tend to get along great!

I hate to bring this up again BUT just in case anyone wants to comment about ZCF or Spingola and how horrible big bad Mike is, consider these points:

1.) ZCF bit the hand that was feeding him…. You don’t do that. Mike could have fired ZCF for ANY reason if he wanted to. Mike fired him because he was being an arrogant disrespectful shithead, WHICH IS FAIR ENOUGH! Mike owned (and still does own) the zioncrimefactory website, so ZCF should shut-the-fuck-up and get on with his life.

2.) Deanna Spingola had Mike labelled as a “deranged psychopath” on her website (still does I think). She had never bothered to contact Mike to get his side of the story regarding the ZCF drama. To label someone you DON’T KNOW as a psychopath IS NOT A VERY NICE THING TO DO! That’s why Mike called her show and called her a “Yenta Whore!” Not what I’d have done personally, but still, IT’S FAIR ENOUGH!

3.) Look at Mikes record of activism and staying true to his race. He has a beautiful wife and four nice, well-mannered, polite white children. That says a hell of a lot about his character! Listen to what Janet says in that clip. She confirms what I suspected! Good on ya Janet; well said!

Visit ProTHINK and TruTube.

– Brett (BDL1983)

Christopher Lane, Australian baseball player shot dead in US, in “drive by” by Black Thugs

From Unity Of Nobility:

The three teenagers accused of the random drive-by shooting murder of Australian baseballer Chris Lane in Oklahoma were on a ‘‘killing spree’’ after leaving a chilling message on Facebook, US authorities believe.

Danny Ford, the chief of Oklahoma’s Duncan Police Department, said the accused killers – aged 15, 16 and 17 – drove to another house to murder a second unrelated victim just hours after shooting Lane in the back and leaving him to die on the side of a road.

I think they were on a killing spree. We would have had more bodies that night if we didn’t get them.

‘‘They wanted to be Billy Bob Badasses,’’ Chief Ford said.

Christopher Lane with his girlfriend Sarah Harper

Christopher Lane with his girlfriend Sarah Harper (RIP Brother your death will not go unpunished times are changing.)

‘‘I think they were on a killing spree.

‘‘We would have had more bodies that night if we didn’t get them.’’

On one of the alleged killer’s Facebook pages investigators said they found the message: ‘‘Bang. Two drops in two hours’’.

Lane’s murder has shocked the residents of Duncan, a quiet city of 25,000 people in
southern Oklahoma, and his team-mates at East Central University (ECU), where Lane, 22,
won a scholarship to be the team’s catcher.The town has had only one other murder in the
past five years.Chief Ford said Lane, who grew up in Melbourne north’s Oak Park, was murdered on Friday afternoon when he left the Duncan home of his girlfriend, Sarah Harper, and went for a jog along Country Club Road, an upper-class area.Christopher LaneChristopher Lane

He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The three boys, in a black car, randomly spotted Lane, police allege.

‘‘They followed him,’’ Chief Ford said. ‘‘They came up from behind, shot him in the back with a small calibre hand gun and sped off.’’

Witnesses saw Lane stumble across the road and then get down on his knees before struggling to a drainage area on the side of the road.

A woman who came from a nearby house tried CPR while another woman who was in a car stopped and called 911.

Despite paramedics and police being at the scene within minutes and transporting Lane to a nearby hospital, he was pronounced dead about an hour later.

Chief Ford said the only information investigators had at the scene was the killers were in a black car that had a white sticker on the front left hand side of the driver’s windscreen.

Their big break came about four hours later when a concerned parent called police with the message: ‘‘Several juveniles are coming over to kill their son’’.

Police scrambled to the address and found a black car with a white sticker containing the three teenagers in an adjacent church car park.

‘‘Luckily we had officers there really quick,’’ Detective John Byers said.

The boys were arrested, with one allegedly confessing they murdered Lane.

‘‘Two of them did not want to talk,’’ Chief Ford said.

‘‘One of them gave the information they did do the shooting.’’

A search of the car found a shotgun, but the handgun was yet to be found, Chief Ford said.

However, ammunition for the handgun was found hidden in a fuse box under the bonnet of the car and Chief Ford said surveillance footage showed, minutes after Lane was shot, the boys hiding a weapon in the air box breather in the car’s engine.

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Apparently one of the alleged killers is white and the other two are black, according to the newpaper reports I’ve looked through….

I knew straight away that blacks were behind it, most likely the ringleaders of course, because our Australian Kosher media hasn’t been mentioning RACE. Typical….. Just remember poor little innocent unarmed skittle buying St. Trayvon and that “White” Mestizo (what a fucking joke) who shot him!!!

UPDATE: Can you pick the white one? Turns out the news reports I flicked through naming one killer as caucasian were BULLSHIT!!

The middle one is probably classified as “White”……… Gotta be joking.


– BDL1983