
This is the attitude whites need; one of unity and vision for the great WHITE RACE!

If you are Christian or Odinist or whatever.… They are your own beliefs & if you put the WHITE RACE above all else; then welcome to the FIGHT! If not; go AWAY!!!!!

As a test of whether you are genuine or not, Christians must watch the following video and not get upset:


Listen up here, I’ll make it quite clear
I’m gonna put some boogie in your ear
Shake and bop, don’t you stop
Cance like a maniak until you drop

I don’t mind, I don’t mind
I can tun a razor right up your spine
What are you waiting for
What do you think you were created for

Show us, you care, show us you dare
You don’t know what happened, not if you weren’t there

Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
We know how to do it and we do it real well
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Voodoo medicine cast my spell
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Play that guitar just like ringing a bell
Take it or leave it

Going for broke, rock ’til you choke
It don’t matter if you drink or smoke
Speak through the beat, get up on your feet
Sweating like a hpund dog, white as a sheet

Don’t you be scared, don’t you be scared
Everybody terrified, it don’t seem fair
What are you waiting for
What do you think you were created for

Out of your seat, blind in the heat
Do the nasty boogie mama, stomp your feet
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell

We know how to do it and we do it real well
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
We know how to do it and we do it real well
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Go back to zero take a pill and get well
Be a good soldier and die where you fell

Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
We know how to do it and we do it real well
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Go on out and boogie ‘cos you never can tell
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Be a good soldier and die where you fell
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
We know how to do it and we do it real well

And Odinists (pagans in general) must watch this and not get upset:


Like a full force gale
I was lifted up again
I was lifted up again by the Lord

And no matter where I roam
I will find my way back home
I will always return to the Lord

In the gentle evening breeze
By the whispering shady trees
I will find my sanctuary in the Lord

I was headed for a fall
The I looked up and saw the writing on the wall

Like a full force gale
I was lifted up again
I was lifted up again by the Lord

I was headed for a fall
The I looked up and saw the writing on the wall

In the gentle evening breeze
By the whispering shady trees
I will find my sanctuary in the Lord

And no matter where I roam
I will find my way back home
I will always return to the Lord

Like a full force gale
I was lifted up again
I was lifted up again by the Lord

They are both great songs. Enjoy them. Allow the spirit of our great cause to help you see past all the petty religious arguments; it’s the 14 and the 88 that count!!!

Click here to see Andre’s “always great” Fascist Friday Wrap!


– Brett

Hackers Expose U.S. False Flag to Frame Syria


• Mercenary emails indicate U.S. may have proposed “false flag” chemical attack

By Richard Walker

Hacked emails from a British mercenary company were posted online, leading to claims Washington was backing a dirty war against Syria in which a chemical attack on Syria could be blamed on the Syrian regime, thereby strengthening the case for immediate intervention on the part of the United States military.

British mercenary company, Britam Defence, has since admitted it was hacked but claimed the hacker, who posted his online name as “JAsIrX,” had maliciously and cleverly used hacked material to generate forgeries to destroy the company’s reputation and make it look like it was involved in shocking behavior.

According to a spokesman for the company, it was really a “risk management firm” and not a mercenary company like those hired by the U.S. Defense Department to carry out military operations in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, the sheer volume of hacked documents from Britam demonstrates that the UK firm has a hand in more than just paper-pushing. It is clearly a company with tentacles that reach into all parts of the military-industrial complex in the UK and overseas.

One of the hacked emails that has resulted in the most embarrassment for the U.S. government concerned Syria. The email reads as follows:

Phil, we’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved in Washington. We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell [sic] from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record. Frankly, I don’t think it is a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?

Kind regards,


The “Phil” referred to in the email is purported to be Philip Doughy, Britam’s founder. The “David” is the director of development, David Goulding. The “CW” in the email refers to Chemical Weapon and the “g-shell” implies a gas-warfare-type shell.

Read More:

American Free Press is a great website….. Check it out…. John Friend writes articles for them nowadays too!

– BDL1983

The Game Changer: Syria Will Strike Israel Should U.S. Attack



Syria is guilty of war crimes. According to the U.S., Israel and other Western nations, it was Syrian President Bashar al-Assed who was behind the chemical attack that left hundreds dead last week.

All signs point to armed intervention in Syria this week, even though UN inspectors (who incidentally came under sniper fire today) have yet to conclude their investigation.

No matter, however. The die has been cast. There is a strong possibility that the Allies will respond, in force, in very short order.

The only possibility to avoid conflict at this point is that Russia, which has made its support of Syria’s government known, will somehow convince the west it is not in our interests (perhaps by threatening a full-scale confrontation, otherwise nothing else is going to work).

Thus, let us assume that the United States, Britain, et. al. initiate a missile strike on targets in Syria in coming days.

What will Assad do in response?

According to a report by Steve Watson at Prison Planet, he’ll immediately direct his military to strike targets in Israel, just like Saddam Hussein did in the first Gulf War.

But this time, the Israelis may not show the restraint they did in 1991.

It could be a game changer for the middle east… and the world:

A senior Syrian official has warned that Israel will “come under fire” should the United states pursue any military aggression against the Assad regime.

As reported by the Israeli news site Ynet, Halef al-Muftah, a leading member of the Syrian Ba’ath national council, and a former aide to the Syrian media minister said today that the Syrian government has “strategic weapons aimed at Israel.”

Making the comments on an American Arabic radio station, Muftah added that Damascus views Israel as being “behind the aggression” and therefore will be retaliated against should the US strike Syria.

The official also stated that the Syrian government would not be beholden to threats from the US, and added “If the US or Israel err through aggression and exploit the chemical issue, the region will go up in endless flames, affecting not only the area’s security, but the world’s.

In the last 24 hours President Assad suggested in an interview on Russian televisionthat he will not back down.

“Failure awaits the United States as in all previous wars it has unleashed, starting with Vietnam and up to the present day,” he told the pro-Kremlin Izvestia newspaper in an interview which the Russian daily said was conducted in Damascus.

There is a strong possibility that any military action taken by the U.S. and its allies will be met with a military response. And if this report is accurate, it means that those Russian supplied weapons that have never been seen in the middle east before will likely be used to strike U.S. naval targets, as well as the heart of Israel.

The game changer – the biggest variable in all of this – will be what Israel does in response.

In 1991, the Israelis did not respond to Saddam Hussein’s targeting of Jerusalem with SCUD missiles. By doing so, the alliance against Iraq, which ironically also included Syria, remained in tact.

Had the Israelis engaged Iraqi targets, it would have broken the alliance and possibly led to widespread confrontation in the middle east twenty years ago.

This time, however, is a different story. And Israel, which in May made the unilateral decision to destroy a Syrian weapons facility, may well return fire.

If they do, then the centuries-old conflict between the Arabs and Jews could potentially go into full swing, especially if Syria were to do something crazy like fire chemical or bio weapons, something Israelis now expect as they are distributing gas masks to their populace.

In response, we could well see a nuclear contingency plan initiated by the Israelis.

Folks, this has all the makings of the start of a World War.

One misstep here and this could very quickly spread throughout the middle east and beyond – a warning that Russia gave the U.S. just a few months ago.

There is, according to the Russians, no proof that Syria’s government launched a chemical attack on its own people.

There doesn’t need to be.

Armies are mobilizing, just as they did following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June of 1914.

By December of 1914 over a million people were dead and war lines spanning hundreds of miles were drawn across Europe.

It can happen fast. And this time it just might.


Interesting times we live in ……. The “Chemical weapon attack” is a load of bullshit; I’m about to post another article about that……

– BDL1983

You’ve Figured It Out……. NOW WHAT???

OK. You’ve learnt the truth about the Jews and their Jew World Order agenda. You understand the racial question. You view the world clearly along the correct ideological lines: racial separatism equals racial preservation; the opposite equals racial and cultural destruction. You know that the Jews are the destructive force behind the agenda of racial integration; therefore they must be opposed and excluded from our society. You know and understand the ways of nature and how National Socialism is the direct expression of natures will. You know that Jewish Communism is 100% anti-nature and is the enemy of everything good and beautiful in the world…..

The situation is pretty simple.

swatikanazi jewslose

Above: Good and Evil.

You must be Pro-White, Anti-Jewish and Pro-Nature. That’s essentially it! Now what? What do you do?

This is when things get frustrating. To know the “real deal” about world politics and then take a good hard look around at how completely inert the average persons mind is; well, to put it mildly, it doesn’t fill you with much hope……. It reinforces the fact that we are suffering from MAJOR POLITICAL IMPOTENCE! I believe that most people who know the stuff we know probably feel the same way. They look around at the unthinking masses and just wonder, “What the hell are we going to do about our state of affairs?” It makes you feel like a genius stuck in an absolute swarm of idiots. I don’t know how else to put it. I really don’t like bragging but we must admit it: we, the people in ‘the know’, are like a more advanced life-form than the average unthinking people….. That may sound as if I’m suffering from delusions of superiority, but am I really? WE ARE RIGHT. WE KNOW IT. Therefore all else follows. If 99.9% of other people can’t figure out how things work around them, then why should we pretend as if we are on their level (for any reason other than spreading the word), when we are above them? If in doubt, turn on the T.V. and see what level of political thought the average people are occupied with…. It’s so dumb and meaningless it’s beyond description!

So, we are pretty much ‘lone people’ with far superior knowledge and understanding, surrounded by giant swarms of mindless idiots. That’s how I feel most of the time, except when I’m talking to like-minded intelligent beings…. I’m lucky enough to know a few of these splendid people among family, friends, and internationally. But, apart from that, the whole world is a bunch of idiots!

What do you do? Time is ticking, the world’s problems are getting worse thanks to the Jews, and we have absolutely no political organisation, and no real way of fighting these filthy rat-faced Jews…. This is the political impotence I mentioned earlier! There is basically nothing of any substance we can look to to fix things…… You feel like just throwing your hands in the air and saying, “to hell with it all”, and completely ignoring all this stuff. But you know deep down that you simply can’t ignore it! That’s because as righteous individuals we feel a responsibility toward our race and providing it with a decent future. This is a natural instinct and it cannot be done away with. Maybe it can be suppressed, but not extinguished. So, once again: What do you do?

Here’s how I view our situation and ‘options for action’:

Are we ever going to magically ‘wake-up’ the great masses of people? No, that will never happen.

Is there probably 10-15% of our race that is worth saving? Yes there is, and this should be our TARGET AUDIENCE when spreading our message.

Can we ever negotiate or compromise with the Jews? Absolutely not under any circumstances whatsoever! (That would be like a mouse pleading with a cat not to eat it!)

OK, so we have a target audience for our message; the 10-15%. Remember we are the 0.1% of this 10-15%, if that! We know the deal and it’s our job to somehow plant the right ideas and seeds of thought into this worthwhile 10-15%…… The million dollar question is: HOW?

I believe that since this whole ‘Anti-Jew, Pro-White’ movement is virtually non-existent in the real world; our job at this stage is to simply do what we can to fight the ‘infowar’. As much as I hate to steal a term from big fat Jew shill Alex Jones, it is the best term for the stage things are at…. The ‘Infowar’ stage. Can we really kid ourselves into believing we are any more politically advanced in this fight than that? Not in my opinion.

How do we conduct ourselves and what techniques should we use to spread our message?

Activism such as handing out fliers or DVD’s or plastering noticeboards etc, are always good things to do. It’s probably not very effective on most people because most common idiots struggle to digest any real information that’s not in the mainstream media. But, forget them; they’re a lost cause anyway. Noticeboard fliers (if they look good) may tweak the interest of someone in the 10-15%, who knows? It may lead that person over to our side…. That’s our aim of course! This sort of activism is not for everyone obviously. Personally, I like to do the noticeboard thing every now and then. It’s easy to do if you’re out and about the place, and it might get through to someone someday…. Another idea is to stick a couple bumper stickers on your car… Not with swastikas or anything likely to get your vehicle vandalised though….. Stickers like this:




Maybe VoR isn’t the best example as they are seemingly defunct…. or Truth Militia either since they’re on ‘extended holidays‘…. but you get the idea. Just make sure it LOOKS GOOD. Nothing boring or shitty looking…

My favourite technique to spread the message is through the spoken word (one-on-one style). The main thing to take into consideration when speaking to people you don’t really know is whether they are susceptible to reason. If they’re not, then don’t bother. If they seem decent, intelligent and interested in the subject matter, then ask them some thought provoking questions. Be smart and try to get them thinking! Behave in a decent polite manner, show respect, and never come across as if you are insulting their intelligence. I’ve done that before in the past, and people think you’re a fucking crackpot lunatic, tipping a bucket of water on their head, and expecting them to drink it all!! DON’T DO THAT, trust me! Success comes when you can put ‘our message’ on THEIR level. They are not on your level, so you must alter your conduct accordingly. The idea is to lift them to a higher level of knowledge, so play it cool and smart! If you’re out somewhere and alcohol is involved, be extra careful!

Another method is through the internet. Start up a blog and put your thoughts on there! Who knows, YOU may have a great writing style and a ‘knack’ for getting through to people! It’s worth trying. What have you got to lose? Obviously this site is aimed mainly at the already converted, and I’m probably just preaching to the choir most of the time… But who cares? I feel better for doing it and it means there’s one more site opposing the rotten Jew bastards! Internet media is the media of the future. More and more people are going to get sick of the Jew newspapers and look for alternative news and truth on the net…….. Then they stumble upon our plethora of sites? More sites expressing our message can only help things reach a ‘critical mass’ in the future….. I hope!

Still within the internet realm; you could go around to mainstream news sites and other blogs that disagree with us, and leave comments directing readers our way…..

This is honestly where I believe we are at in this ‘movement’ (if we can call it that)….

Outside of the ‘world political nightmare’ you have yourself to worry about. What are you going to do with your life? No matter what dreams you may have of living 100% independent of the Jew, it aint going to happen, not at this point in time anyway….. But, you can minimise your involvement and dependency on his rotten system!

I have a theory that enclaves of decent White people will emerge in the future as a result of how the Jew system pushes things about….. The top 10-15% of Whites will probably be forced back into self-sufficiency, meaning living off the land once again, as our Jew-run countries balkanise along racial lines…… This is why I promote the idea of ‘Whites who know the deal’ going back to the land to run their own affairs as independently of the Jew as they can! This is my personal aim in life, outside of all the political concerns….. Take it for what you reckon its worth.

The biggest hurdle in the future will be how we handle the non-white hordes in all the cities when their welfare funds dry up…… They will move outwards looking for more stuff to pinch off Whitey… What will we do then? I think this is the point when political organisation will ‘all-of-a-sudden’ become a lot easier for Whites to do along racial lines…. ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ and the worthwhile Whites will eventually organise properly out of necessity!!

I may be wrong about how I think things will unfold in the future. I’m only speculating here…..

The bottom-line is:

Take care of yourself and your own affairs first. Look for a way to minimise participation in the Jew system and simultaneously do your bit to inform other receptive minds of what’s going on!

That’s really all we can do at the moment until the Jews exhaust themselves, which they will, because their systems are parasitic and therefore self-destructive! At the critical juncture when the Jews’ power has weakened: We will strike the beast and finish him off for good! Until then, everyone is far too comfortable to organise politically, therefore NOTHING will happen at this point in time……

Be positive and spread the word of TRUTH…. EVERY effort helps!


– Brett

Saturday Night Whiskeybox – 24/8/13

Short Whisky History:

The Gaelic “usquebaugh”, meaning “Water of Life”, phonetically became “usky” and then “whisky” in English. However it is known, Scotch Whisky, Scotch or Whisky (as opposed to whiskey), it has captivated a global market.

Scotland has internationally protected the term “Scotch”. For a whisky to be labelled Scotch it has to be produced in Scotland. If it is to be called Scotch, it cannot be produced in England, Wales, Ireland, America or anywhere else. Excellent whiskies are made by similar methods in other countries, notably Japan, but they cannot be called Scotches. They are most often referred to as “whiskey”. While they might be splendid whiskies, they do not captivate the tastes of Scotland.

“Eight bolls of malt to Friar John Cor wherewith to make aqua vitae”

The entry above appeared in the Exchequer Rolls as long ago as 1494 and appears to be the earliest documented record of distilling in Scotland. This was sufficient to produce almost 1500 bottles, and it becomes clear that distilling was already a well-established practice.

Legend would have it that St Patrick introduced distilling to Ireland in the fifth century AD and that the secrets traveled with the Dalriadic Scots when they arrived in Kintyre around AD500. St Patrick acquired the knowledge in Spain and France, countries that might have known the art of distilling at that time.

The distilling process was originally applied to perfume, then to wine, and finally adapted to fermented mashes of cereals in countries where grapes were not plentiful. The spirit was universally termed aqua vitae (‘water of life’) and was commonly made in monasteries, and chiefly used for medicinal purposes, being prescribed for the preservation of health, the prolongation of life, and for the relief of colic, palsy and even smallpox. There were monastic distilleries in Ireland in the late-12th century.


Scotland’s great Renaissance king, James IV (1488-1513) was fond of ‘ardent spirits’. When the king visited Dundee in 1506, the treasury accounts record a payment to the local barber for a supply of aqua vitae for the king’s pleasure. The reference to the barber is not surprising. In 1505, the Guild of Surgeon Barbers in Edinburgh was granted a monopoly over the manufacture of aqua vitae – a fact that reflects the spirits perceived medicinal properties as well as the medicinal talents of the barbers.

The primitive equipment used at the time and the lack of scientific expertise meant that the spirit produced in those days was probably potent, and occasionally even harmful. During the course of the 15th century, along with better still design, the dissolution of the monasteries contributed to an improvement in the quality of the spirits produced. Many of the monks, driven from their sanctuaries, had no choice but to put their distilling skills to use. The knowledge of distilling then quickly spread to others.

The increasing popularity eventually attracted the attention of the Scottish parliament, which introduced the first taxes on malt and the end product in the latter part of the 17th century. Ever increasing rates of taxation were applied following The Act of Union with England in 1707, when England set out to tame the rebellious clans of Scotland. The distillers were driven underground.

A long and often bloody battle arose between the excisemen, or gaugers, as they were known, and the illicit distillers, for whom the excise laws were alien in both their language and their inhibiting intent. Smuggling became standard practice for some 150 years and there was no moral stigma attached to it. Ministers of the Kirk made storage space available under the pulpit, and the illicit spirit was, on occasion, transported by coffin – any effective means was used to escape the watchful eyes of the Excise men.

Clandestine stills were cleverly organised and hidden in nooks and crannies of the heather-clad hills, and smugglers organised signaling systems from one hilltop to another whenever excise officers were seen to arrive in the vicinity. By the 1820s, despite the fact that as many as 14,000 illicit stills were being confiscated every year, more than half the whisky consumed in Scotland was being swallowed painlessly and with pleasure, without contributing a penny in duty.

This flouting of the law eventually prompted the Duke of Gordon, on whose extensive acres some of the finest illicit whisky in Scotland was being produced, to propose in the House of Lords that the Government should make it profitable to produce whisky legally.


In 1823 the Excise Act was passed, which sanctioned the distilling of whisky in return for a license fee of £10, and a set payment per gallon of proof spirit. Smuggling died out almost completely over the next ten years and, in fact, a great many of the present day distilleries stand on sites used by smugglers of old.

The Excise Act laid the foundations for the Scotch Whisky industry, as we know it today. However, two further developments put Scotch Whisky on firmly on the world map.

Until now, we have been talking about what we now know as Malt Whisky. But, in 1831 Aeneas Coffey invented the Coffey or Patent Still, which enabled a continuous process of distillation to take place. This led to the production of Grain Whisky, a different, less intense spirit than the Malt Whisky produced in the distinctive copper pot stills. The lighter flavored Grain Whisky, when blended with the more fiery malts, extended the appeal of Scotch Whisky to a considerably wider market.

The second major helping hand came unwittingly from France. By the 1880s, the phylloxera beetle had devastated the vineyards of France, and within a few years, wine and brandy had virtually disappeared from cellars everywhere. The Scots were quick to take advantage of the calamity, and by the time the French industry recovered, Scotch Whisky had replaced brandy as the preferred spirit of choice.

Since then Scotch Whisky has survived. It has survived Prohibition, wars and revolutions, economic depressions and recessions, to maintain its position today as the international spirit of choice, extending to more than 200 countries throughout the world.



That’s an interesting wee lil’ read. Get some whisky in ya gut!!

– BDL1983