This is the swarthy Jew Konrad Heiden, who invented the term ‘Nazi’. Precisely the reason we shouldn’t use the term ‘Nazi’, if we can help it!
Nazi (also the cognates Nazism and Neo-Nazism) is a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden✡ (7 August 1901 – 18 June 1966) during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism.[1] Heiden was a journalist and member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, whose mother was a Jewess. The term is both an imitation of the nickname given to Marxists of the SDP at the time, Sozi, and a political pun similar to the Austro-Bavarian word for “simpleton”, derived from the fairly common name Ignatz (German language form of Ignatius). It was then popularised abroad by various Judaics and other subversives, including Heiden himself, who fled the country after the NSDAP were elected to government.
The term was regarded as a derogatory epithet by National Socialists and was used almost exclusively by Marxist agitators. Typically the use of Nazi Germany, and Nazi regime, was popularized by Jewish émigrés from Germany after 1933, especially in English-speaking countries. From them, it spread into other languages.
A rare example of its usage by a NSDAP member can be taken from a 1931 work by Joseph Goebbels called The Nazi-Sozi: Questions and Answers for National Socialists. Since the rise of Cultural Marxism the term has been used as a broad Europhobic epithet, eminating from the same quarters, to demonise European people in general and attack leaders who advocate their socio-economic and cultural interests, far beyond the bounds of actual National Socialists. Some have ironically turned the phrase back on its inventors, through the use of “Nazi” as an abbreviation for National Zionism.
The word itself derives from a slang from German, nationalsozialismus. It coined for its negative sound and connection, as sozi had previously been used to refer to Marxists in Germany, particularly those of the Social Democratic Party of Germany- Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands.
Media manipulators consisting of journalists, Europhobic historians and degenerate entertainment elites routinely use the term creating subliminal reflexive associations within the host population. For examples of popular political correctness and political bias compare the usage of the term “Soviet Union” with “Commie Russia”.
Needless to say, I don’t give a shit if someone calls me a ‘Nazi’. I’ll accept that term because I know what the person is alluding to, but as for using it myself when referring to other like-minded people – I won’t be doing that. National Socialist is the right term to use!
What is it that determines whether or not someone is capable of understanding how political power works? What are the factors involved?
The main factors in my mind are intelligence, perception, mental courage, and critical thought. Varying degrees of natural ability exist in each person for using these faculties. For some reason, humans, as a species, are dangerously deficient when it comes to recognising and understanding how power works. As a life-long independent thinker, I’ve always found the ‘sheepish’ nature of people, or the ‘herd mentality’, to be immensely frustrating to deal with. It gets very irritating to see how the majority of people around you can live quite happily, completely oblivious to the ‘world political nightmare’ we are facing. If you are reading this, you probably already know that the ‘Jewish Agenda for World Domination’ is the only real problem facing the world, and that everything else is merely symptomatic.
The American Empire is simply the main engine, or ‘Jew HQ’ for World Domination.
Here’s how I analyse the situation:
A power structure always works in a ‘top-down’ fashion. This is just a basic fact of nature. Every species lives among its own kind, and among all the individuals who all have different traits, a pecking order will develop. This forms a hierarchical pyramid-shaped structure, and when the species is living exclusively (not including foreign invaders), it will be a natural, agreeable type of structure. When parasites, like Jews, are included in the structure, you get problems.
The eye at the top represents the Jew controlling everything
At this current juncture in history, we have a power structure of unprecedented size, operating and ruling over the entire ‘western world’. To identify the ‘hidden force’ behind things, I’ve always pictured the pyramid. The pyramid tells you that there must be a ‘Mr. Big’, who represents the force responsible for holding the power structure together. All you have to do, is work out who Mr. Big is! He must exist, or the power structure would fall apart, like a match-stick castle without glue.
As it turns out, Mr. Big is a collaborative effort of a certain (alleged) 2%, to rule everything. They are called Jews. The question remains; how do I know I am right? How can I be so certain?
This is the answer, and something I’ve always understood intuitively:
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize.”
This quote has been attributed to Voltaire, but there’s some conjecture about whether it’s one of his. Either way, it always holds true!
To find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize, you must identify ‘taboo’ issues, forbidden topics, and anyone who is ‘holier than thou’. It’s pretty easy, when you put your mind to it. The Jews, Race, and the Holocaust, are never talked about in an open fashion in modern society. The Jews are ‘holier than thou’, while Race and the Holocaust are off the discussion table! Those facts alone, made me want to know why, and urgently! Once you crack the ‘Jews, Race, Holocaust’ trio, everything starts making sense. You also know for sure that you have hit the ‘nerve centre’ of the power structure! The ‘holy ones’ are not to be spoken badly of; therefore, we have identified Mr. Big of the pyramid!
The real sign in Hollywood
Jews are the rulers of the modern western world, and once you know that, it becomes child’s-play to tie every taboo issue back to them. Why can’t we discuss Race? Well, that’s because the Jews are out to destroy every race except theirs. Why can’t we discuss the Holocaust? It’s because if people understood that it’s a hoax, then the Jews could no longer hide behind their veil of persecution, and everyone would see the vampire for who he is! You can just keep on going down the line, exposing all the Marxist crap for what it is. Every taboo issue, where certain opinions are deemed unacceptable, will lead you back to the Jewish poison in our modern society. For example: equality, feminism, the fags, 9-11, global warming, wars in the middle east (for Israel), race, the Holocaust, etc. It’s always the Jews behind the poison, and you are not allowed to point the fact out (in public discourse anyway)!
It’s everyone except the Jews
Why is it hard for some people to identify the real ruling power? It obviously isdifficult for a lot of people. Forget the masses and consider how many people are out there chasing ghosts, goblins, and Trilateral Commissions. Alex Jones ranks 1,030 on the Alexa Rankings, so clearly there are tons of people who know something’s wrong, but have absolutely no idea how to work out where the power is actually emanating from. I was fooled by Jonestein for a couple of months during the awakening process, but I smelled a rat (faced-Jew) pretty quickly!
Those at the ‘top of the pyramid’ tend to look like this
I know that I’m an intelligent person, much smarter than the average in regards to IQ, but I’m not some super-smart genius or anything. Why is it that I can figure the entire world political situation out, while much more intelligent people, like physics professors and mathematicians, often don’t seem to be able to? (Obviously, William L Pierce is excluded from the list of physics professors who can’t figure it out!) This is where I believe perception comes into the equation.
Intelligent thought is one thing, but being perceptive and able to see the bigger picture is a different sort of skill. Either you are born with it, or you’re not. This is why I think geniuses are often compartmentalised in their brilliance. They can only use their intellect in certain fields, and the rest of the world is lost on them. Only a naturally perceptive mind has any hope of reaching the point where they can see past all the crap, and work out how the world really works.
I think that most people stuck on the ‘Alex Jones- Infowars’ level are intelligent, but sorely lacking in the skill of perceiving how power operates. As we know, all Alex Jones does, is point (with his fat fingers) at every conceivable Goyim group, real or fictitious, and says,
“Well, we know it’s the Germanic Death Cult, since Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was a Nazi, and he was in the Bilderberg Group, they’re planning to use Nazi Eugenics on us all to reduce the population, and we should never forget that Hitler holocausted 6 million Jews”.
The guy talks utter crap, and whenever he points at a ‘Shabbos Goy’ (Jew collaborator), these people are fooled into believing that the Jews aren’t the force at the top of the pyramid. How many giant criminal networks don’t have willing sell-out collaborators assisting them? Could the Jews do all this on their own? Of course not! But it doesn’t mean that they aren’t the controllers and string-pullers behind the agenda. The fact that big fat Alex Jones broadcasts from a Jewish owned radio network, with nearly all Jewish sponsors, should arouse suspicion amongst his followers! The strange thing is that it doesn’t seem to. It illustrates how gullible people can be, and these people are at least somewhat intelligent.
Alex Jones: The fat lunatic is constantly lying to his gullible followers
The faculty of critical thought is an extension of general intelligence, or IQ of a person. It can be taught to people who are intelligent enough to use it, but it’s more a question of whether the individual is mentally active, or mentally lazy.
If I were a betting man, I’d say that most people lack a virtue which is very tempting for the average coward to ignore: Mental Courage! Take a certain portion within the Alex Jonestein camp, and I bet they know the real deal, but simply do not have the guts to admit it. They are truly pathetic, and in fact, are far worse than the genuinely gullible person.
A person must possess all four skills/abilities if they are ever going to work things out.
Sufficient levels of intellect and perceptivity are something that an individual either has, or doesn’t have. These two factors depend entirely on the innate qualities within an individual, and cannot be learned.
Without it, you can never hope to correctly diagnose what’s causing all the problems!
Whether someone has the mental courage to face the truth depends upon their innate nature mainly, but environmental factors may also come into play, either enhancing or hindering the individual’s level of mental courage.
Everyone is born with a certain ‘level of inclination’ toward critical thought. Some have no inclination, while others are very critical thinkers. With a bit of training and effort, the mentally lazy person can be taught to think critically!
That is my basic summary of how I view the concept and reality of power in this world. Just in case anyone reading this doesn’t know that it’s the Jews at the top of the pyramid; please return to this fundamental truism:
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize.”
Can’t get enough of Jews whining about everything? Then have a read through this NBC News article:
A leading Nazi-hunter at a Jewish rights group said on Tuesday that the body of an ex-SS captain at the center of a diplomatic wrangle should be cremated.
Efraim Zuroff, chief Nazi-hunter at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel, said the body of Erich Priebke should “share the fate of millions of the Nazis’ victims, who have no grave to cry to.”
Classic line: “…. no grave to cry to“. They actually have no grave to cry to because the Holocaust never happened in the first place.
RIP. Erich Priebke
Priebke died at age 100 in Rome last Friday while serving a life sentence under house arrest. His body has become something of a diplomatic problem.
His birthplace in Germany became on Tuesday the third place, after Rome and Argentina, to reject the idea that he could be buried there, fearful it would energize neo-Nazi sentiment.
“The last thing anyone wants is for his grave to turn into a shrine for the neo-Nazis, and we have to remember he was a totally unsympathetic Nazi who showed no remorse for the murders he committed.
“Why shouldn’t he share the share the fate of millions of the Nazis’ victims, who have no grave to cry to and no place to grieve?”
Priebke was serving a life sentence under house arrest for his part in the killing of 335 civilians in 1944 near Rome. He admitted his role in what was Italy’s worst wartime massacre and never apologized.
He also claimed the Holocaust was an invention by Western powers to cover up their own human rights atrocities.
The Holocaust most certainly is an invention, and the Jews are fast running out of so-called “Nazi war criminals” to continually “witch-hunt”. Things will only get crazier when there’s no-one left to hunt. They’ll start going after their descendants for ‘mental trauma’, and whatever else these Jews can dream up!
White women are being raped and terrorised throughout Europe by Blacks and Arabs as a result of Jewish-led Communist ‘Multikulti’ policies and we are supposed to sit here, watch our Race be destroyed, AND feel sorry for some scumbag Antifa Rapper who probably deserved to be stabbed anyway!!!!……….
What?…… Fuck that!
………. and not because a party member allegedly stabbed this Antifa arsehole to death, but because the Golden Dawn stands for what is right!
Thousands of people took to the streets in dozens of cities across Greece yesterday evening, in protest at the fatal stabbing the previous night of a well-known anti-fascist hip-hop artist by a member of a neo-Nazi party. The incident sparked condemnation across the country’s fractured political spectrum.
Police fired tear gas and deployed water canon after some protesters set dumpsters on fire and started hurling things at police lines, in angry scenes reminiscent of the rioting after the police shooting of a teenager in 2008. Police said they made 23 arrests and detained 42.
Pavlos Fyssas (34) suffered two fatal knife wounds to the chest as he was being chased, around midnight, by a large group of men, many wearing black sweatshirts and camouflage combats, in a working-class district of Piraeus.
Police said Fyssas managed to identify his attacker as he was being taken to hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.
Fyssas’s alleged assailant (45) was arrested by police, who said that during questioning he confessed to the stabbing and confirmed he was a member of Golden Dawn, a fascist party that last year won 18 seats in the 300-member parliament.
Blaming the death on “fascists”, Panagiotis Papanikolaou, the head of neurosurgery at the hospital, said that “for three years, they have trained on the bodies of migrants, who were bought here wounded and blaming the attacks on that group”.
Escalation of attacks However, recently Golden Dawn stepped up its rhetorical and physical attacks. Last week, a large group of Golden Dawn members attacked and hospitalised nine members of the Communist Party in another Athens working-class district as they erected posters for a youth festival.
ATHENS — The police raided the offices of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn Party on Wednesday, and government officials scrambled for ways to clamp down on the group after thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in several Greek cities to protest the killing of an antifascist activist that the police attributed to a Golden Dawn sympathizer.
In the most serious violence attributed to Golden Dawn since it gained power in Greece’s Parliament last year, a man who the police said admitted to being in the party was arrested after the fatal stabbing in an Athens suburb early on Wednesday of Pavlos Fyssas, 34, a leftist hip-hop singer who spoke out against the group.
Mr. Fyssas, who used the stage name Killah P., was stabbed early Wednesday, just after midnight, as he left a cafe after watching a soccer match on television with friends. The police told the Greek news media that they received a phone call reporting that around 50 people with clubs were headed toward the cafe, and that officers who arrived on the scene saw two men fighting. The police said the suspect, identified as a 45-year old man, confessed to the killing. Mr. Fyssas’s funeral is scheduled for Thursday.
A spokesman for Golden Dawn, Ilias Kasidiaris, told Parliament on Wednesday that the group was not involved. But leaders in Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’s fragile government coalition signaled that they would tighten legal restrictions in an effort to curb the party.
Golden Dawn’s popularity has climbed in political polls especially among a growing number of Greeks who are increasingly angered by record joblessness, a steady flow of immigrants into the country and the less-than-successful struggle by mainstream parties to mend the effects of a devastating recession. But backlashes have also been mounting against Golden Dawn in recent months. Last week, thousands of Greeks protested in Athens after about 50 Golden Dawn members, wielding bats and crowbars, attacked members of the Communist Party as they hung posters for a youth festival in an Athens suburb, leaving nine people hospitalized with serious injuries. On Wednesday, those protesting Mr. Fyssas’s killing joined thousands of other Greeks who had already been marching to protest a restructuring of Greece’s education system.
Roger Waters of Pink Floyd thinks Jews have too much power in America. If you are still a Pink Floyd fan–even after his anti-Israel activism and pro-Palestinian, pro-Islamic terrorism diatribes, as detailed on this site–then his new bigotry, not just against Israel, but specifically against Jews, might not bother you since we know that most Israel-haters are really just Jew-haters with a more “high-brow” pretense. Likewise, it’s no surprise that this aging friend of the jihad is now an admitted Jew-hater.
Jew-hater Roger Waters @ the Fence that Keeps (Some) Islamic Terrorists Out of Israel
Flier for Mock Trial Against Israel, Featuring Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Roger Waters & Palestinian Terrorist Huwaida Arraf
Sohrab Ahmari, an Iranian-American, pro-Israel, conservative assistant editor for the Wall Street Journal (he does excellent work, except for his support of the Arab Spring BS) attended a mock trial against Israel (the “Russell Tribunal on Palestine”–the first Russell Tribunal was an anti-American tirade on the Vietnam War) put on by a motley gang of irrelevant, far left whack jobs, including Waters, Alice Walker (whose anti-Israel, pro-Muslim crap I’ve detailed on this site), crazy Cynthia McKinney a/k/a Jihad Cindy (more about her here), nutjob Noam Chomsky, and murderous Marxist Angela Davis. Ahmari attended the event and wrote about it in yesterday’s Journal in an excellent op-ed piece. Here are a few excerpts, including the anti-Semitic “gem” from Waters:
Mr. Waters of Pink Floyd fame spoke up. “Sitting here as we are New York City,” he said, “it’s hard to ignore the elephant in the room—this elephant being the unfathomable influence in the corridors of power of the Israeli and Jewish lobbies.”
Catching up with Mr. Waters later, I asked why the tribunal wasn’t hearing an Israeli perspective. “That’s not what it’s for,” he said. . . .
I asked Mr. Waters if he thought perhaps there ought to be a Russell Tribunal on Syria to hold the Assad regime to account for killing some 30,000 Syrian citizens? “I’m not part of the hierarchy of the Russell Tribunal,” Mr. Waters said, sounding annoyed at the question. “I’ve been invited to take part in the Russell Tribunal on Palestine as a juror, so there’s no way I can answer that question because I just do not know.”
Jews get rather hysterical when someone of “high-profile” even hints at the truth!
This statement by Roger Waters is clearly spot on:
“Sitting here as we are New York City,” he said, “it’s hard to ignore the elephant in the room—this elephant being the unfathomable influence in the corridors of power of the Israeli and Jewish lobbies.”
Roger Waters is obviously coming at the Israel/Jew thing from a “leftie-commie-anti-racist” angle, BUT he is aware of Jewish power and that alone is enough for this vicious Jewess to spit her poisonous vitriol all over him!!! These Jews are enough to make anyone feel sick. The “Roger Waters equals Nazi” pictorial bit at the end is absolutely ridiculous. It just shows how Jews react when someone doesn’t play 110% Kosher!
Just for a laugh, go to the Jewess’s bio…. In there it says:
The granddaughter of immigrant Holocaust survivors, Schlussel’s mother was born in the former Nazi concentration of Bergen Belsen in Germany, and her father is a Vietnam-era Army Veteran. A frequent speaker at conservative, pro-Israel, and Jewish conferences, gatherings, college campuses, and events around the U.S. Schlussel was a featured speaker at the 2004 National Board Meeting of JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), 2004 National Conference of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA),………………..
Oy Vey!!! More Holohoax survivors……….. There’s seemingly an endless supply of these miraculous Jews! I don’t know how they all escaped the “super-efficient” Nazi killing machine!!!