Jews DO control the media

I’m sure the well-informed among us already know this obvious fact…. but, we may as well emphasise it with an article FROM THE JEWS THEMSELVES!

– BDL1983


Oy vey gefilte fish dot com itself!

We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll.

We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which  was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do.

But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”

Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else!

Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this?

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good. (photo credit: CC BY-SA Angela George/Wikimedia Commons)

But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.

And let’s not forget AIPAC, every anti-Semite’s favorite punching bag. We’re talking an organization that’s practically the equivalent of the Elders of Zion. I’ll never forget when I was involved in Israeli advocacy in college and being at one of the many AIPAC conventions. A man literally stood in front of us and told us that their whole goal was to only work with top-50 school graduate students because they would eventually be the people making changes in the government. Here I am, an idealistic little kid that goes to a bottom 50 school (ASU) who wants to do some grassroots advocacy, and these guys are literally talking about infiltrating the government. Intense.

Now, I know what everyone will say. That everyone tries to lobby. Every minority group and every majority group. That every group has some successful actors and directors. But that’s a far call from saying that we run Hollywood and Madison Avenue. That the Mel Gibsons of the world are right in saying we’re deliberately using our power to take over the world. That we’ve got some crazy conspiracy going down.

Okay. Fine. So some of that is kooky talk.

But let’s look at it a bit deeper.

Maybe it’s true: everyone lobbies. Maybe it’s true there are actors of every ethnicity out there. But come on. We’re the ones who are bragging about this stuff all the time. Can’t we admit that we’re incredibly successful? Can’t we say it to the world?

I’ll give my theory for why Jews don’t want to talk about their control of the media.

First of all, as much as Jews like to admit that so many of them are successful, and that so many of them have accomplished so much, they hate to admit that it has to do with they’re being Jewish. Maybe they’ll admit that it has something to do with the Jewish experience. But how many Jews will admit that there is something inherently a part of every single one of them that helps them to accomplish amazing things?

The ADL chairman, Abe Foxman, was interviewed in a great article about the subject and he said that he “would prefer people say that many executives in the industry ‘happen to be Jewish.’” This just about sums up the party line.

The truth is, the anti-Semites got it right. We Jews have something planted in each one of us that makes us completely different from every group in the world. We’re talking about a group of people that just got put in death camps, endured pogroms, their whole families decimated. And then they came to America, the one place that ever really let them have as much power as they wanted, and suddenly they’re taking over. Please don’t tell me that any other group in the world has ever done that. Only the Jews. And we’ve done it before. That’s why the Jews were enslaved in Egypt. We were too successful. Go look at the Torah — it’s right there. And we did it in Germany too.

This ability to succeed, this inner drive, comes not from the years of education or any other sort of conditional factors, but because of the inner spark within each Jew.

Now, the reason groups like the ADL and AIPAC hate admitting this is because, first of all, they are secular organizations. Their whole agenda is to prove that every Jew is the same as every other person in the world. I cannot imagine a more outlandish agenda. No, we’re different. We’re special.

And clearly, that whole thing about big Jewish noses was totally blown out of proportion. (illustrative photo: Abir Sultan/Flash 90)

Of course, people hate when anyone says this. They assume that if you’re saying that Jews are special, it somehow implies that they’re better.

Read More:

They are sickening when gloating, but it’s worth reading just to “get to know the Jew”……

– BDL1983

Race Exists……

From Total Fascism:


The idiot politically correct, cultural Marxist gibberish that is drilled into our brains from the time we can understand spoken language tells us that race does not exist, and that what we call race is simply an expression of culture.  The reality, however, is that culture is an expression of race.  This is why African blacks, many of who were totally isolated from one another for thousands of years, lived a very similar lifestyle, had very similar beliefs.  Their race was that which had adapted to the land they lived on, and their culture was a manifestation of this.  They lived in a harsh land, which required much violence, and thus they are a physical people with incredibly high testosterone.  But the Jew, with his cultural Marxist religious dogma, would have us believe that the physique of the black man is some type of cultural phenomena.  This is ridiculous and idiotic on the face of it.

It is not so long ago that whites understood the concept of race.  All of our grandparents surely understood it.  Not because they were “racialists,” sitting around thinking about it, but because it is such an obvious reality that it requires a massive brainwashing program, beginning in very early childhood, to cause a person to deny its existence.  The non-white races of the world are still very familiar with this concept today; all East Asians have a militant racial pride.  Yasuhiro Nakasone, the former Prime Minister of Japan, stated that Japan was a “homogeneous nation” with “one ethnicity, one state and one language.”  This attitude is surely not due to stupidity.

Having spent several years living in various Asian countries, I have had a chance to directly observe the characteristics of different races, being immersed among them.  East Asians have not merely the obvious physical differences – which the Jews will no doubt claim at some point don’t exist either – but an entirely different emotional and psychological framework.  Forgive me for stating the obvious, but regrettably it is necessary: emotional and psychological structure are as biological as physique.  Should we not expect people with an entirely different physical form to also have variant brain patterns?  Is not (what appears to white men as) the cold, detached culture of the East Asian societies a manifestation of these neural structures, which are in turn a manifestation of the genetic heritage of their ancestors, passed down through their DNA in the very same way as their squinted eyes and lack of muscle mass?

Can you imagine what the Jew thinks of you, that they are capable of telling you “race doesn’t exist” with a straight face?  These same people who pass laws about race mixing in their own alleged home country?  Does this not make you angry, to be lied to in such a flagrant and extreme fashion?


Remember your Ancestors

We are, all of us, nothing more or less than the collective genetic heritage of our ancestors.  We know this, somewhere deep in us, and this is what the “white guilt” phenomena plays on – if race doesn’t exist, why are we conditioned that we are supposed to feel guilty for black slavery and the alleged Holocaust of the Jews?

But our ancestors are not what the Jews would have us believe.  The White race has always been a proud and noble people.  Our physical achievements in constructing complex civilizations, which are often cited by White Nationalists as the proof of our greatness, are the least of our achievements; we have a compassion and a morality that goes far and beyond that of most peoples on the planet.  We developed a legal code and political system for the express purpose of providing justice and equality to all men.  We have created the most beautiful art on the planet, an expression of our genetically rooted respect for the beauty of existence.

All of this comes from our ancestors.  Because that is what race is. It is the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual heritage of our forefathers.  To deny the existence of your race is to deny everything you are.

Get up off your knees, white man.


Above: What Rockwell would have shouted!!!! Stand up and FIGHT!!


Nicely said.

– BDL1983

The Last Holocaust Survivors are Dying, But the Laughter Never Will!

Critics are hailing the new Holocaust book "The Irreversable" as the funniest example of Jewish comedy since Nuremberg.

Critics are hailing the new Holocaust book “The Irreversible” as “the funniest original collection of Jewish comedy since the Nuremberg transcripts.”


Since the Jews first introduced their zany Holocaust comedy routine at the Nuremberg trials nearly 70 years ago, the world has not stopped laughing.  Holocaust movies, such as Schindler’s List, have entertained millions, and as it was decided that all children of the world had a right to partake in the joys of the Holocaust, a Jewish “survivor” has attended nearly every elementary school in the world over the last decades to tell jokes about lampshades made of human skin, people being tickled to death and Jews being forced to climb trees while the Nazis chopped them down.

However, with the last of the survivors kicking the bucket, the world has been left wondering: will the joyous laughter brought to the world by the stories of the Jewish Holocaust die with them?

Slate Magazine, which is edited by the Jew David Plotz (who took over from the Jew Jacob Weisberg), and owned by the Washington Post Company, which is run by the Jew Donald E. Graham, recently published an article, The Last Holocuast Survivors, by the Jew David Rosenberg regarding a new photography book by the Jew Maciek Nabrdalik entitled The Irreversible, which features portraits of some of the last living survivors, accompanied by a transcript of a comedy routine, featuring new material from these nigh-dead entertainers, much of which was made up on the spot.

Based on this short review, it is clear the book is pure comedy gold, and I think we can take it as a confirmation that although the last survivors are dying, the world will continue to laugh about the Holocaust for centuries to come.

Sickening Jew David Plotz, editor of Slate Magazine.

Jew David Plotz, editor of Slate Magazine.  Plotz is married to Christ-hating Israeli kike journalist Hanna Rosin, who gave a TED talk called “The End of Men” calling for men to be removed from the workplace, wrote an article attacking women for breastfeeding their children, and has promoted transgenederism and circumcision.

In 2009, Nabrdalik, being concerned about the fact that the last of the millions upon millions of Jewish Holocaust survivors were going to pass away in the near future, went around and took weird pictures of these Jews.  He also pressured them to produce new comedy material, which is transcribed in the book.

The Slate article featured several one-liners from the survivors, but you’ll have to pay $60 (+$15 for s&h) for this Jew’s book to read the entire bits.

The pictures in the book apparently all look like this.  Is it pretentiously ironic or ironically pretentious?  Either way, it is hilarious.

The pictures in the book apparently all look like this.

Here’s a sampling.

Jew ash making plants grow taller and prettier:

“One day I noticed a plant you could eat growing close to the barrack. I picked it up and I ate it, and later I found out that this plant grew so tall and pretty because in this very spot the ashes of burnt Jews had been scattered.” -Jerzy Ulatowski, KL Auschwitz-Birkenau survivor

Making funny faces and pretending to be handicapped to avoid rape:

“Ukrainian troops picked the prettiest girls out of the crowd and raped them. My mother had told me to make the ugliest face, frown, and pretend I was handicapped. It worked for me, but my friend didn’t receive such smart advice.” -Irena Ekert, KL Ravensbruck survivor

Patented Nazi hair removal cream cruelly administered:

“After he smeared something all over my head, only bare skin was left and all my hair fell out.  I started crying because I thought that it wouldn’t grow again.” –Danuta Bogdaniuk, KL Auschwitz – Birkenau and KL Ravensbruck survivor

Eating the boiled ass of a human corpse:

“Boys were boiling a piece of meat. I didn’t like it, but I did swallow a piece. They told me later where they had found it. It was a piece of a dead body. They cut out a piece from the buttocks.” -Tadeusz Sobolewicz, KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, KL Buchenwald, KL Flossenburg and KL Regensburg survivor

Murdered with farm tool for refusing to get wet:

“We worked by the fish ponds. When my friend refused to get into the water, our supervisor pushed her to the ground, put the spade on her neck, stepped on it, and strangled her.” -Sabina Nawara, KL Auschwitz, KL Ravensbruck and KL Buchenwald survivor

These are true entertainers, through and through.  Even at the end of their lives, the only thing they care about is bringing the joys of comedy to the world.  With their keen sense of humor, we can be certain that these Holocaust survivors are going to die laughing.


That’s a pretty funny write-up by Andre! Check out Total Fascism NOW if you haven’t already……..

– BDL1983

Support Michael Weaver!

Michael Weaver, victim of an anti-White hate crime perpetrated by the state of Georgia.

Michael Weaver, victim of an anti-White hate crime perpetrated by the state of Georgia.

From Total Fascism….

It is the sacred duty of every White man involved in the struggle for the preservation of our race to stand up for his brothers-in-arms, whenever they are in need.  If we take a look at history, we see that the power of the Jew is contingent on us being divided, not being there to support our racial brethren.

When last week I heard the story of Michael Weaver, a White liberation activist from Columbus, Georgia, who was railroaded and locked up for nearly 21 months for purely political reasons, losing his fiance, his home and his job, I was discouraged I hadn’t heard about it sooner, disappointed that others in the struggle, who knew about Michael’s situation, had not done a better job of bringing attention to it.  It was clear that it was the duty of all of us in the White Nationalist community to be there for him, to rally around and support him in whatever way we can.  Because what happened to him could happen to any one of us.

The Jew has brought all Hell against our people, and our only strength is in solidarity.  It is both a duty and an honor for me to bring attention to this situation of Michael Weaver, that his brothers might come to his aid, and that we may all be stronger for it.

Michael’s Story

Many years ago, Michael Weaver (also referred to as ‘Michael Carothers’ in the media) devoted his life to the struggle of our people.  In high school, he began distributing pro-White literature to his classmates.  Upon turning 18, he joined the National Alliance, of which he was a member for ten years.  He once met William Pierce at a NA meeting in Dahlonega, Georgia, and worked closely with David Duke.  Along with exposing the larger agenda of the Jews against our people, he was also exposing the corruption of local politicians, and standing up to local Jews.

Michael Weaver pamphleteering. (pic from a 2008 NA bulletin).

Michael Weaver pamphleteering. (pic from a 2008 NA bulletin).

The National Alliance gave Michael their “Activist of the Year” award in 2008 for his tireless street activism in Georgia, handing out pamphlets and speaking to real people.  The NA called Weaver and his supporters in Columbus the “Weaver Army” and would regularly cite him as the ideal model of street activism.  He put himself out there completely, being interviewed by the local news on more than one occasion, knowing that they would defame him.

White Genocide Flier Distributed by Michael Weaver

One of the fliers Michael would distribute in Columbus (click to enlarge).

The local cops were often actively working against him, going so far as to go around and pick up the fliers he would distribute off of car windshields.  They would routinely accuse him of nonsensical things, such as having bombs and machine guns in his house.

Even dealing with all of this, Michael was able to have a successful and productive professional life.  After being kicked out of high school for his activism, Michael got his GED and ended up tutoring others preparing to take the GED test.  He is a health and fitness expert and has worked as a personal trainer at Gold’s Gym, where he trained athletes, body builders and professional models.  He has also worked in construction and landscaping, as an electrician’s apprentice and in the food industry.

Michael is the embodiment of the truest spirit of the White race, tirelessly fighting for his people, while also functioning as a creative, productive member of his community.  In other words, he is exactly the type of guy that the Jews target – and that’s just what they did.

The Incident

On December 4, 2010, Michael maced a drunken black male, Travis Parson, in the back of the neck.  The official story, as told by Parson and his black friend who was with him at the time, Frank Bellamy, and echoed by the cops, prosecution and mainstream media, is that Michael drove his car slowly alongside the two blacks, before jumping out and and assaulting one of them with a can of mace for no reason (the duo would repeatedly change this story throughout the ordeal, attempting to make it seem more logical, but the court appears to have stuck with this version).

Michael’s telling of the story, however, goes differently.

According to him, he was leaving a friend’s house, walking to his car and noticed two black males walking down the middle of the street, carrying beer bottles.  After Michael got into his car, the two men approached from behind, with Parson on the driver’s side and Bellamy on the passenger side.  Both were reaching for the car door handles.  As the driver’s side widow was down, Michael maced only Parson, who turned his head and was only sprayed in the back of the neck, before he quickly drove away.

Frank Bellamy, one of the blacks involved with the incident, is a multiple felon, convicted of robbery.

Frank Bellamy, one of the blacks involved with the incident, is a multiple felon, convicted of robbery and more.  What would you do if this guy tried to get in your car?

Whoever you decide to believe, it is agreed upon that Parson went home after the incident, seeking neither medical assistance nor police help, until his mother insisted upon it and called the police for him.

At this point, Michael, shook-up over the incident, had returned to his friend’s home outside of which the incident had occurred.  Two officers, a black male and a white female, came to the home, the location of which was given to them by the blacks, to arrest Michael.  Though the police would surely tell a different story, Michael contends (and this writer has no trouble believing) that he went to the doorway to talk to the officer through a screen door, saying that he would have no problem answering questions, but would not go outside, that the police would need a warrant to get him out of the house.  The black officer then, according to Michael, opened the door without a warrant, pulled him outside and arrested him.

Michael was charged with misdemeanor battery, and was released on $60 bail a few hours later.

Worthy of note here is that both of the blacks involved with the incident were convicted felons.  Parson had been convicted for felony possession of cocaine(a warrant is out for his arrest as I type this), and Bellamy has been convicted of robbery, possession of firearms, obstruction of a police officer and drug possession.

When Michael went to court the first time, on December 4, 2010, the “victim” was unable to attend, as he was in jail for a probation violation.  On the second scheduled court date, the arresting officer failed to attend.

Then, over eight months after having been charged initially on battery, on August 23, 2011, Michael was stopped while driving with his father, by an unmarked car, and two large black men pulled guns on him and his dad, rearresting Michael for the same alleged crime.  Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit D.A. Julia Slater had convened a grand jury and decided to indict Michael for aggravated assault, a felony charge.  This moved the case from State Court to Superior Court.

With the clearly incompetent public defender, Robin King (who’s assistant, Ray Lakes, was black), as his only legal aid, the Jewish-run anti-White legal system proceeded to railroad Michael Weaver.  He was told that Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit Judge Bobby Peters – a White man who brags on his website that when he was running for mayor he won every black district – was going to allow Assistant D.A. Michael Craig to introduce his pro-Whtie activism – which was being portrayed as “hate-mongering” by the prosecution – to be used to poison the jury against him in court.

The court told Michael that he would do twenty years if he didn’t plead guilty to a felony assault charge.  On November 15, 2011, seeing no other option available to him, Michael accepted a plea-bargain, and was sentenced to ten years – one year in state, nine years on probation.

Continue Reading at Total Fascism…..

Support Michael Weaver (I sent twenty bucks)…….

Here’s the link to the show on ProThink Radio with Mike and Andre interviewing Michael Weaver. It’s a very good show; worth a listen!

– BDL1983

The Jew “Fag” Promoters…..

This post can be found at:

Rodney Martin, Director
World View Foundations

The following is an extensive exhaustive list of JEWS which clearly demonstrates that the radical and aggressive homosexual movement in the United States is a Jewish movement.

Jews created it and operate it from top to bottom and from within many facets of our Society and Institutions. Jews have been advocating homosexuality, since they arrived in the United States from Weimar Germany in the 1930’s.

The Jewish Homosexual Agenda is one of perversion and degeneracy that has spread like a wildfire through every facet of American Culture. The list below should be read very closely as many of these Jew activists, such as Dr. Donald I. Abrams, also advocated for other “causes”, such as “medical marijuana” which have led to the destruction of our moral foundation.
A close read of the names, occupations, and professions reveals, Jews infiltrate every aspect of American life, as they did in Weimar Germany in order to subvert once proud and clean Institutions, Culture and Social Norms. Jews and homosexuals use deceptive organizational names, such as “The Human Rights Campaign”, and others.

Just as Jews did in Weimar Germany, they have done in the United States, they first made perversion into a “persecuted class”, and now “mainstream” by twisted and distorted use of the media, the subversion of our political and legal systems and then extreme political and legal pressure on medical sciences and educations systems via Marxist political correctness enforced by state-sponsored coercion.
In Germany, it required a strong Nationalist response to save and restore German Culture, we should expect nothing different in the United States.


The List is all Jews:

Larry Kramer, Co-founder of “Act Up,” a homosexual/AIDS activist organization; co-founder of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis

Alan Klein, Co-founder of group ACT UP, co-founder of group Queer Nation, National Communications Director and chief spokesperson for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD. Klein also co-founded the successful multimedia campaign STOPDRLAURA.COM

Arnie Kantrowitz, Co-founder of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation AKA: GLAAD.

Jonathan D. Katz, founded and chairs the Harvey Milk Institute, the largest queer studies institute in the world and a long time homosexual political activist, was a co-founder of “Queer Nation” in San Francisco.

Harvey Fierstein, film actor and well-known homosexual activist.

Moisés Kaufman, playwright and film director, member of the homosexual Laramie Project.

Israel Fishman, founder of the Gay Liberation Caucus in 1970, today- the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table of the American Library Association, the world’s first gay professional organization.

Bella Abzug and Edward Koch, both New York Jews, were the first members of the U.S. House of Representatives to introduce legislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation in 1974.

Winnie Stachelberg, political director, Human Rights Campaign.

Michael S. Aronowitz, Member, The Log Cabin Republicans.

Tony Kushner, gay activist; Tony and 1993 Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright.

Len Hirsch, president of the GLBT federal government employees group, GLOBE.

Barbara Raab , an NBC-TV producer; a “Jewish lesbian feminist journalist, writer.”

Charles Kaiser, author & founding member of “National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association”, NLGJA.

David Goodstein, owner/publisher of the major homosexual magazine “The Advocate” from 1975 to1985 and co-founder of the “National Gay Rights Lobby”.

Judy Wieder, Editor-in-chief, The Advocate homosexual magazine.

Alison Bechdel, Cartoonist creator and author of the bi-weekly comic strip “Dykes to Watch Out For.”

Kevin Koffler, Editor-in-chief, Genre homosexual magazine.

Garrett Glaser ,National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, NLGJA, National Board Member.

Ronald Gold, reporter for Variety; a leader in the fight to overturn the American Psychiatric Association’s policy that homosexuality is an illness.

Magnus Hirschfeld, early gay rights activist in Germany; founded one of the first gay rights organizations and the Scientific Humanitarian Committee; coined the term “transvestism”; fled National Socialist Germany.

“Human Rights Campaign” Board of Directors

Fred Hochberg, Deputy Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration; co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign
Michael Berman, Mitchell Gold ,Marty Lieberman, Andy Linsky, Dana Perlman, Abby Rubenfeld, Andrew Tobias, Lara Schwartz
Human Rights Campaign Staff
Senior Counsel, Heather Wellman, Field Coordinator Dan Furmansky, Senior Field Organizer, West
Sally Green, Associate Field Director

Rick Rosendall , President, Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC.

Barney Frank, Former U.S. Congressman, D-Ma, helped create non-discriminatory, homosexual protection, employment policies in all U.S. federal agencies. Frank was disciplined by Congress for allowing homosexual prostitution activities to be conducted out of his official Congressional office.

Kerry Lobel, Executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

Robin Margolis, American coordinator of the Bi Women’s Cultural Alliance and author of “Bisexuality: A Practical Guide”.

Evan Wolfson, Senior Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund as well as he the Executive Director of Freedom to Marry.

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation: GLAAD

GLAAD: Board & Staff

Jennifer Einhorn, Communications Director, Nancy Alpert, Treasurer, Judy Gluckster, David Huebne, Counsel, Scott Seomin, Entertainment & Media Coordinator
Meg Moritz, Ph.D. , Director and member of the Executive Committee

GLAAD: Board of Directors
Gene Falk, Chair of the Board of Directors, and business executive; Senior Vice President of the Showtime Digital Media Group; part of the team that launched and marketed the U.S. TV series Queer as Folk.
Board Members – Stephen M. Jacoby, Matt Riklin, Judy Gluckster, Carol Rosenfeld, William Weinberger, Tanya Wexler,

Richard Goldstein, Village Voice writer on gay culture and politics

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays , PFLAG.

Ron Schlittler, Director of Field & Policy, Craig Ziskin, Deputy Director of Development, Debra Weill, Senior Field & Policy Coordinator,

PFLAG Board of Direcors
Leon Weinstein – Chair, Nominating Committee,
Dody Goldstein, David Horowitz, Shawn Frank
Paulette Goodman, founder of Washington D.C. chapter of PFLAG and served as President of the National PFLAG organization from 1988-1992.

Kate Kendell, National Center for Lesbian Rights.

Gayle Rubin, lesbian author/activist.

Hilary Rosen, founding member of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund; former board co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign.

Roz Richter, attorney and homosexual activist.

Bob Kuns, long-time activist in homosexual and Jewish causes.

National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, NGLTF

Board co-chairs: Rachel Rosen and Dave Fleischer, Members – Beth Zemsky, Marsha C. Botzer, Jeff Levi

Craig Hoffman Director of Training/political training
Bill Rubenstein, ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project

Martin Duberman, author/historian; founded the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York.

Ben Schatz, Executive Director of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Foundation.

Kevin Schaub; Executive Director and Dean of the Harvey Milk Institute in San Francisco, the world’s largest center for homosexual studies.

Sarah Schulman, playwright, novelist, and activist, one of the founders of the Lesbian Avengers, a direct-action lesbian rights organization.
Susan Spielman, principal/head of Common Ground, an education/consulting firm specializing in workplace sexual orientation education; her company has worked with hundreds of U.S. organizations, helping them to implement domestic partner benefits plans; co-author of the book Straight Talk About Gays in the Workplace.

Gertrude Stein, wrote the first openly lesbian novel, “Q.E.D.,” in 1903, but it was only published posthumously in 1950.

Rikki Streicher, (1925-1994), Jew activist and businesswoman.

Michael Goff, founded Out magazine in 1992.

Jeffrey Newman, President and COO of the Gay Financial Network; president and CEO of

Jim Levin, New York homosexual historian.

Barrett Brick, GLAA ,Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance, Treasurer.

Robin Tyler, comedian, born Arlene Chernick, who was the first openly homosexual comic in North America; Tyler is also an activist who was the stage producer for the first three homosexual marches on Washington and the national protest coordinator for the “Stop Dr. Laura” campaign; she produces women’s comedy and music festivals, and operates a lesbian travel-tour company.

Dr. Bruce Voeller, 1935-1994, homosexual rights activist, molecular biologist, physiologist, and AIDS researcher, pioneer in the use of nonoxynol-9 as a spermicide; cofounder and first executive director of the National Gay Task Force; creator of the Mariposa Foundation,an AIDS prevention research organization.

Mark Elderkin, co-founded

Leroy Aarons, American professor, journalist, and founder of the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association .

Dr. Donald I. Abrams, American physician, HIV expert, medical marijuana researcher, and past president of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association.

Johnny Abush, (1952-2000), a Canadian archivist of the International Jewish GBLT Archives.

Roberta Achtenberg, civil rights lawyer and federal official; appointed as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

Miriam Ben-Shalom, former Army Reserves drill sergeant and gay activist; in 1986 she won a ten-year legal battle with the Reserves when a court ordered her reinstatement; founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Veterans Association, GLBVA, in 1990, serving as its first president.

Larry Brinkin, American gay activist who brought the first domestic partnership lawsuit in 1982 against Southern Pacific Railroad.

Rob Eichberg, American psychologist, co-creator of National Coming Out Day.

Scott Evertz, President George W. Bush appointed him to serve as the Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, ONAP in 2001.

Surina Kahn, lesbian activist

Larry Kessler, founding director in 1983 of the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, the largest AIDS support organization in New England.

Kathy Levinson, American investor and philanthropist; serves on the board of Planet-Out; also served on NGLTF Board of Directors.

Judith Light, actress, activist for homosexual causes.

David Mixner, gay activist, political consultant; co-founder of the Municipal Elections Committee of Los Angeles [MECLA], a group of wealthy gays and lesbians who became influential in local politics; president Bill Clinton’s Special Liaison to the “Homosexual Community”.

Dan Savage, author of gay-themed books, “The Kid: What Happened After My Boyfriend” and “I Decided to Go Get Pregnant”; “Skipping Towards Gomorrah: The Seven Deadly Sins” and “the Pursuit of Happiness in America” and the homosexual themed sex-advice columnist “Savage Love”.

Susan Schuman, executive vice-president and general manager of the Planet Out gay and lesbian online service.

Jason Serinus AKA, Jay Guy Nassberg, founder and coordinator of the Lavender Healing Network; a former gay activist with the Gay Liberation Front in New York.

David Sine, CEO of C1TV, the first U.S. gay and lesbian cable TV network.

Rex Wockner, longtime homosexual journalist who has reported news for the homosexual press since 1985.

Jack Fritscher, Editor in Chief of Drummer homosexual magazine.

Leslie Feinberg, trade unionist, transgender activist and author of, “Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to RuPaul”.

Allan Ginsburg, dead Jewish poet and leading member of North American Man Boy Love Association, a male homosexual organization that advances sex between adult males and underage boys.

Absolutely disgusting! – BDL1983