I’ve been thinking about the role of White Liberals in this stinking great big Jew run mess known as the Western World. I truly believe that most of these White Liberals are actually well-intentioned people at heart; problem is that they have virtually zero capacity for critical thought, let alone independent thinking. Whenever a person lacks these essential faculties for engaging in political discourse they must be excluded from it. Unfortunately, in the west today it is these types who are the only ones given any real voice. This is a large part of why we are in the mess we are in!

In Australia, White Liberals are also known as ‘do-gooders’. William L Pierce used to refer to them as lemmings. Truth is they will not pay any attention to cold hard FACTS which contradict their Jew programmed Worldview. They have zero interest in gaining any real political knowledge. They only care about appearing popular by agreeing with what all the other White Liberals say and do. They gauge their own sanity on whether other White Liberals agree with them. They feel good about themselves because all the other fucking idiots agree with them! They are far too stupid and naive to ever look outside the box. WE WILL NEVER CHANGE THESE TYPES! They have no real commitment to their political views which are implanted in them by the Jew media. This is why they flim-flam around on issues. They squirm around if someone brings up a topic and they are unsure what the other White Liberals would say!

The White Liberals are the masses essentially. Their minds and actions are bought and paid for by Jew Mass-Media. The reason we won’t ever change these types is because there is ZERO chance of us taking over the Jews Media. If we could take the media then we could alter mainstream opinions pretty quickly, but it’s not going to happen. William L Pierce mentioned these problems quite regularly. Rich & Keith over at Truth Militia are right about White Liberals: forget about saving them, they are gone, and why the fuck would you want to live among them anyway??

We should focus our efforts towards enlightening the 10-15% who are worth saving. Forget the rest of them!

hate Hate2 Hate3 Hate4

The White Liberals are also a big part of why the ‘White Republic’ idea is a pipe-dream in the current world political situation. For a start, the non-whites in our formerly white nations would never leave whites alone anyway, and then we’d have to deal with White Liberal retards……… Fuck that!

The Jew system must lose its strength, only then as shit collapses, can the 10-15% of worthwhile Whites even consider trying to form new homelands. And don’t worry, Natures Law will make the Jew system fall under its own weight. Hopefully the 10-15% can physically get away from the multi-racial areas, and the White Liberals stay there and get what they fucking deserve!! I hate these White Liberals as much as the Jews, probably even more! I sincerely hope the Jews give these idiots what they deserve with compound interest on top! (How Jewy’s that? Hahaha) I’m also sure the darker races won’t let this opportunity for rape, robbery, and murder slip them by!

If you are in the 10-15% and know the truth about Jews and Race etc, then it is your duty to try to enlighten others who should be in the 10-15%. We maximise our numbers that way. And for fucks sake, if you are living in a heavily multi-racial area, remove yourself from it, find some rural place as far away from it as possible, and work on establishing self-sufficiency and independence, as much as your situation allows.

Hell, I live in Australia, have no debt, and I’m saving my shekels to buy a rural property. I’ll eventually stick a house on it and try to make myself as self-sufficient and independent as possible. In the meantime I’m going to try to network with more like-minded people. Other than that I’m going to take a step back and enjoy the chaos!!!!

Check out the WL Pierce Audio’s in the links section. (An old Pierce ADV show on lemmings got me thinking about this topic)

Also listen to the Truth Militia – they nail these White Liberal idiots on a weekly basis!



For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction – Isaac Newtons Third Law of Motion.

Think about the universe; think about how we perceive reality. There are opposing forces throughout the world we know, whether they be simply intentions or real world outcomes.

“Good vs Evil”, “Light vs Dark”, “Constructive vs Destructive”, “Right vs Wrong”…. You get the picture. I would extend Newton’s Third Law to apply to the entire natural universe we know and understand.

Every single thing that exists in this world is born out of some unknown “higher creative force”, and if all the opposing forces in the universe were added together, the net effect would see every force cancelled out leaving a kind of ‘flatline’. A universal point of equilibrium where no force or energy exists in any way above or below the ‘flatline’. This is why I contend that there is an unknown “higher creative force” which for some reason exists; and that this “higher creative force” over the natural universal ‘flatline’ is responsible for polarising the world into “Good vs Evil”, “Constructive vs Destructive”; all the opposing forces and emotions. There cannot be a force in one direction without there being an equal force in the direct opposite. This seems to hold true with the laws of Nature as a whole; not just with mechanical physics!


Above: The left of this diagram represents where the “higher creative force” makes polar-opposite forces exist, the right represents the equalibrium ‘flatline’….

The Jews are the polar opposite to the White Race. It’s like the “higher creative force” made these two opposing forces from the pre-existing ‘flatline’ of the universe. Flatline + Higher Creative Force = White Race (good, constructive) + Jewish Race (evil, destructive). It would seem that Mother Nature has built us a world of competing extremes.

A quote from Adolf Hitler sums up the situation quite nicely:

“He who would live must fight. He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.”

The Jew is thoroughly evil and destructive. It is his nature, his DNA. The White Race is (or has been) a creative, positive force for good in this world. This is our nature, our DNA. The more intelligent the individual Jew, the more evil and destructive he will be. The more intelligent the individual White, the more creative and decent he will likely be. Obviously not all ‘intelligent Whites’ are good people though…. The Jew has bought and co-opted an enormous number of white scumbags along the way with all of his corrupt behaviour!

The interesting question is: are the Jews the necessary evil we have to have? Are the Jews here just to be evil or does their inherent evil help sharpen up the good in us? In nature every creature has its eternal enemy, usually some predator out to kill it. Why is this? Is this how Nature attempts to cull the weak and feeble from any species? To cull the worst of a gene-pool so it may evolve into something superior? That’s what I think anyway.

Maybe the Jews role is to incite as much hatred and fighting amongst the good people in the world as he can, thereby forcing us to ‘wise up’ as a race, and resist our own racial decline as a defence mechanism. That may well be true, but we certainly failed two giant tests that the Jews put us through, namely WW1 and WW2. We killed off the best of our own race in the two ‘brothers wars’ and only strengthened the evil Jew.

Another interesting consideration is this: imagine the world without any Jews. (Pinch me, ha ha!) Being serious again; would our race be able to prevent itself from stagnating and decaying without any evil force present? High living standards and comfort lead to racial stagnation whether we like it or not. The Jew still allows high enough living standards for Whites, and just look at how far our race has fallen the last 60 or 70 years!! I think that without the evil Jews, racial stagnation would still be a problem but nowhere near as bad…

As much as I hate the Jews, it is conceivable that their role is to put the White Race up against the wall and force us to unite for survival, despite their obvious desire to genocide the White Race. White survival might be nature’s reaction against the Jew. After all, no-one has been a bigger parasite than the Jew, who shows his utter contempt for nature by trying to destroy every natural self-sustaining organism or species on the earth. The Talmudic/communistic mindset of the Jew should prove that beyond any doubt!

I think that around 15% of the White Race will survive the huge upheavals in the next few years. The rest will be bred out or killed in wars. The Jews can’t keep their global Ponzi scheme going forever despite what some people think. It has started unravelling in Greece with the Golden Dawn and further fires of White Racial Nationalism will ignite throughout Europe, then hopefully it spreads to Whites in the US, Canada, Australia and so on. After the Jewish system collapses, whites worldwide will have to pick up the pieces and make some new countries to live in (somehow)!

The fight against the evil and destructive Jew will eventually make us stronger as a race. This is Natures Law. But it won’t happen yet because our people are living far too comfortably to risk their necks for anything.

What do you think? Leave thoughts below!
