The Cause of Our Economic Woes: Free Trade, the United Nations, Fractional Reserve Debt-Based Money, Usury, and Jews

The Jews are behind it all....
The Jews are behind it all….

“If you own something, you will fight to protect it. If not, someone will come along and take it”.

The above statement holds true, whether you are talking about your own personal property, your family’s property, or your country’s resources and assets. The scale doesn’t matter – the principle remains the same.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have noticed that the economies of our formerly White ‘Nations’ (for want of a better word) are not what they used to be. Manufacturing and Agriculture have steadily declined since the 1970’s, and now we’ve reached the point where we hardly do either of these things at all. When a country no longer does any productive work, it tends to struggle to convince the rest of the world that its currency is worth anything. But don’t despair, for it is easy to identify the forces at work systematically gutting Western economies – namely the World Trade Organisation with its ‘Free Trade Agreements’, the U.N with its I.P.C.C. Global Warming hoax, the International Monetary Fund & World Bank which works extremely closely with the WTO, and then finally the international force which created the U.N/WTO/World Bank/IMF power structure – The Jew! Let us never forget that it is the Jew who drives this push for world domination!

In the real world you’ll find that economies are not anywhere near as complicated as the TV (electric Jew) pretends. The animal world lives and deals with its own economic systems, but the key point is that their economic systems, whilst simple, are in tune with and deal only with natural, real quantities. The real purpose of money is to facilitate an easier and more efficient exchange of goods, as opposed to bartering, which would be very tiresome! There is no other legitimate purpose or use for money, none! Where did humans go wrong? The answer is that we are living under the unnatural, parasitic rule of a ‘financial system’ which is at odds with every naturally developed real economy. If ‘finance’ is not in tune with the same principles which uphold economic reality, then eventual failure is the only possible outcome.

And Free Trade Agreements are just one more thing we want you to accept!!
And Free Trade Agreements are just one more thing we want you to accept!!

This is why we are in the mess that we are in:

Free Trade Agreements

Free Trade translates in simple terms to ‘no National borders’. When you have no National borders, you have no protection, no way of guarding anything from International Communist thieves. Immediately there is a huge problem. What usually happens to unguarded assets? Answer – they disappear! This is precisely what has happened, and continues to happen in the Western world. National Economic Protectionism was the only way of stopping this from happening, but slowly the ‘pro-Jew’ forces dismantled the tariff system and chipped away at our national economic barriers, leading to the grave problems we see now.

The question of ‘Free Trade’ or a robust National Economy is one of either/or. If you accept Free Trade, then you will just be integrated into the global economic melting pot, and you should expect a living standard no better than the average Asiatic peasant. That’s the reality of the situation. On the other hand, if you support (and are willing to fight for) a robust National Economy where assets and resources are protected, then you can expect your standard of living to also be protected. It’s that simple. We Whites have a higher standard of living for the most obvious of reasons – we are simply more capable of producing a well functioning society than others. It’s none of that crap about privilege!  We are more adept at creating and running healthy societies, so why shouldn’t we protect our living standards? There is no logical reason why we shouldn’t!

As we know, the Free Trade Agreements are reached every time one of our gutless Jew-controlled politicians goes on a holiday to New York to meet with the Jews at the U.N. As they create more and more Free Trade Agreements, it stands to reason that the new FTA’s are going to knock down bigger ‘barriers’ every time. They all started off small – just knocking down National Trade barriers to consolidate into regional blocks. Now things are really accelerating since the Jew Fractional Reserve Debt-based money system is forcing their hand (Ponzi Scheme out of control). Regional blocks are now being integrated just to keep the money system going – all at the expense of our way of life!


Another powerful weapon in the propaganda armoury of the Communist Jews at the U.N. is the Global Warming or ‘Climate Change’ hoax. This hoax is the key to successfully guilt-tripping all the White Nations into allowing their industries to be shut down. You are supposed to feel guilty about all that horrible polluting the evil White man has done over the last hundred years, and from there you are supposed to turn a blind eye to your country being shut down. “After all, it’ll help stop Climate Change if we de-industrialise – let’s set an example for the rest of the world”, says the ‘do-gooder’ White, all the while ignoring the fact that China and India and every other third-world cesspit nation will just carry on polluting (and they do real polluting, not the harmless CO2 style ‘polluting’ these idiots are going on about). Since Free Trade Agreements have led to western de-industrialisation, you can see how handy this Global Warming hoax is in getting White western populations to accept their own economic demise. These Communist Jews are experts at disguising their true motives – most think Global Warming/Climate Change is about the environment, when in reality it is about dissolving the White western economies so we are even more subservient to World Jewry!

One side of the Jewish coin......
One side of the Jewish coin……
and this is the other side.....
and the other…..

The Fractional Reserve Debt-based Money & Usury System

The money system we live under in the western world is nothing more than a giant Ponzi Scheme run by the ‘you-know-who’s’. The basic principle underlying the system is that of Debt-based money. Every single dollar which is circulated via government is done so under the condition that it must be paid back to the bank at a later date. Even if there were no interest (usury) to be paid back, the net result of paying off the ‘national debt’ would mean that no money would be in circulation (and the debt would be settled when no-one has a single cent left! Haha)!

Anyway, as if the Jews needed to make matters worse, they decided to also charge interest for the ‘privilege’ of using their debt money, of which most has no reserve sitting behind it backing it up! Fractional Reserve means exactly that. The bank is supposed to issue money as a receipt for the deposits we make (usually in gold or silver). The catch is that no-one outside the banks high level management has any idea how much the bank really has in deposits. This is why the cunning Jew thought, “Oh well, what the hell? I could just print off more receipts (money) than I have in real reserves (gold/silver), and no-one would be any the wiser!” Turns out the evil bastard Jew was right. No-one caught onto his sly little trick (well, not in modern times anyway)! So essentially, the bank lends out roughly ten times more money than it actually has in reserves, then charges us interest for the privilege! Therefore the Jew banker also makes ten times more interest than what you would think! I don’t believe that any of the big Jew banks would keep anywhere near the 10:1 or 9:1 ratio that they claim they do. We know what Jews are like – rather greedy from my observations.

This video explains everything without naming the Jew. It’s child’s play to connect the dots:


The simple principle to remember with Jew Fractional Reserve Debt Money is this: every dollar that goes into circulation has to be paid back to the Jew, plus interest. So, to keep it simple, 10% interest on $1 into the system means $1.10 must eventually come out, right? You can see how this creates problems for governments trying to pay their debts to Mr. Jew! If the system only received $1 then it’s literally impossible to get $1.10 out of it without asking for new ‘loans’ to cover the extra 10%. So when payment of the old loan is due, all they (government) do is take out a new one to cover the unpaid principal and interest on the old one. A Ponzi Scheme by definition! Because of the impossible nature of sustaining this system forever as things inevitably worsen financially, the only other way to get money to pay off old debts is to start selling all the nations assets and resources. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? This generates the much needed cash flow to keep the dying system afloat, but it’s a bit like trying to stop someone from bleeding to death by wrapping a bandage on their wound, even though they are going to bleed out regardless (like sticking a band-aid on a severed leg).

The principles behind the Fractional Reserve Jew Debt system explain why they absolutely must keep expanding and merging things together. This Fractional Reserve Capitalist Jew Ponzi Scheme makes it necessary for us to enter into the Communist Jew United Nations Free Trade Agreements. Without all the Free Trade Agreements, our western nations wouldn’t have been able to tap into the slave labour markets in Asia, and the Ponzi scheme which is reliant upon continual growth would have ran out of steam a while back. That’s the real reason for Free Trade and its ever expanding nature. The Capitalist Jew Debt Money system on one hand, then the Communist U.N. apparatus to compliment it on the other, and there you go: two sides of the one Jewish coin! Neither is correct, moral nor sound-economic-thinking in any sense, but the Fractional Reserve Debt system forces things to work like this. Only when you know that it is the Jew behind both the Capitalistic and Communistic financial scheming, can you see how and why things are set up like they are. The Jew always portrays himself as if other Jews are working against him. That is enough to fool most intelligent people, but when you know that these ‘opposing’ forces are actually working together, like in this case; it isn’t too hard to identify the unified group pulling all the strings! When you understand that the Jews control ‘International Finance’, it isn’t exactly a giant leap-of-faith to believe that they control everything else too. In fact, it would be a giant leap-of-faith to believe that they didn’t control everything else!

He knew the deal
He knew the deal

Adolf Hitler understood exactly how the ‘two sides of the one Jewish coin’ worked together. He knew that the Debt and Usury Jew Capitalist system was set up and designed to fail in such a way that served Jewry, like in Weimar Germany. When it failed the International Jew speculators were waiting eagerly to pounce and buy up all Germany’s assets for virtually nothing while the German people starved and lost all their savings. Although it is true that these international Jew speculators were indeed Capitalists on one hand, they would later create the United Nations as a Communistic Internationalist organisation. Seemingly strange behaviour for committed Capitalists, but a Jew will become whatever best serves his tribes interests at the drop of a hat! The U.N. through their ‘loving & caring’ sounding communist terminology could then manipulate public minds world-wide and deliver the rotting economic bodies of the west (under the Jew Debt/Usury system) into the hands of even more powerful international Jew Capitalist banks. This was always the plan and Adolf Hitler knew what the Jews were up to:

“I began to study again, and now for the first time really achieved an understanding of the content of the Jew Karl Marx’s life effort. Only now did his ‘Das Kapital’ become really intelligible to me, and also the struggle of the Social Democracy against the national economy, which aims only to prepare the ground for the domination of truly international finance and stock exchange capital.”

(The way I translate this quote in my head is like this: International Jew Karl Marx = Social Democracy = Communism = natural inclination to destroy national economy = same function the U.N. provides in the modern scenario = eventual deliverance to International Jewish Capitalism)

Finally, I have two telling quotes: the Jewish Rothschild family’s attitude to money, then the aim of World Jewry explained by a Rothschild agent:

“Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws”

– Amschel Rothschild, International Jew-banker-extraordinaire.

“We shall have world government whether or not you like it… the only question is whether or not it be by conquest or consent.”

– James Warburg, Jew Rothschild Banking Agent, 1950

– BDL1983

What’s the Deal with Bitcoins?

I’ve never really given this ‘Bitcoin’ thing much thought, but I’d like to know what people think the deal is with them?

Based on simple logic I can see no way that they can be anything other than a scam. A Bitcoin is apparently backed by nothing other than a bunch of computer algorithms. So there’s no precious metal or substance backing them, and also no output of any real service or product. That should raise a few red flags, to put it mildly…..

When you have something that does nothing useful, like a Bitcoin seems to, then what do you really have? A bullshit scam as far as I can see. Apparently it started off with a really low value in exchange for real currency, then it went up dramatically, but it still does nothing. There’s nothing useful to it. It would be the same if I started printing money and said to people, “well, here you go, just believe it’s worth something and trade with it”. People would look at me as if I had four heads! That is, unless I was a really professional conman, which is what I suspect is going on with these Bitcoins. It appears to be an alternative scam to the mainstream Jew money scam. Whatever…….

It appears to be a load of bullshit to me....
It appears to be a load of bullshit to me….

This small article seemed about right to me:

Bitcoin: The Ultimate Scam

Here is a little brief introduction into Bitcoin. It has been around for roughly 3 years. The individuals who own it are unknown, it uses a peer to peer link to make sure there is always a database in existence.


This is mind blowing (or as they say it in Blades of Glory, “MIND BOTTLING”) to anyone who lives in the real world. You simply download a bitcoin wallet software, download a “MINING” program onto your computer (MAC,PC,LINUX). This “MINING” program then runs algorithms using your CPU and Graphics card to solve a them. Depending on the specifications of your computer you are “mining” for bitcoins at a rate (faster the computer the more the bitcoins you earn). Seems easy? It is, it will simply cost you a lot on your electrical bill. Now note as the number of BITCOINS rises, it becomes hard to get them, so the longer you will have to run these programs on your computer to get 1 BITCOIN.

Here is my problem with “HOW TO GET BITCOINS”. They treat it like you are mining for gold? Really it is solving a bunch of useless algorithms that go NO WHERE! So imagine this, your light bulb breaks, you stand up and turn the switch on and off infinite times to get light. Get the point? No matter how many times you do this, no light comes on. This useless “MINING” program rewards you in this virtual currency called bitcoin when you run this program.

Hopefully those less computer savvy are still following around. In simple terms you doing a pointless thing to get some fake virtual coins that will exist in this fake virtual wallet. That’s right virtual. Like Barney and friends used to say. Use your imagination.


Well, really to be honest, I have no clue. It makes no sense, either all these individuals own stocks in their utility companies or they spite their parents so they run up the electric bill. No one good reason comes to mind to run your computer at full capacity to do pointless algorithms. NOT ONE REASON TO GO FLICKER ON AND OFF A LIGHT BULB THAT HAS BURNT OUT.

Source Article

Anyway, I could be wrong about these Bitcoins, but it does smell a bit fishy, does it not?

Please, do leave comments. I want to know what people think about this topic!

– BDL1983



It’s clear to me that modern China with its giant manufacturing industry, cheap labour, and slave-like mentality is a product of the Jews. Cheap labour and willing slaves are the Jewish dream and the Chinese fit the bill perfectly….. The only reason the manufacturing industry is thriving (slowing now) in China is because the Jews who control all our White Western nations shipped all our manufacturing jobs over there… With all the jobs going to one spot (China) and leaving our shores, it doesn’t take a genius to foresee problems a-brewin’!

If you take a quick look at the world economic situation, what you’ll find is that China is basically making everyone else’s stuff and we are fast running out of things to offer them in return! The Jews, with their control over the west, have created an absolute shit-storm on the horizon because China needs other countries to buy all their manufactured goods. Without any other countries rich enough to buy all the Chinese crap, the Chinese will soon find themselves with little to do. You don’t sell goods to someone if they have nothing real to offer you in return. That’s Chinas predicament. The West has almost reached the point of having nothing to offer. Think about how much more we import from China than we export. The Jews are having a hard time finding ways to keep pretending that the west is still productive… This is why we have all these stimulus programs…. When all else fails the Jews print up astronomical sums of money to keep the failing economy floating (actually they don’t print much of it physically, they create credit by pumping money into whatever their latest scam happens to be)…. This never works of course because printing money does nothing in any real terms to the real economy! It only leads to huge inflation in the future, which means our ‘funny money’ is devalued, and the Jews wind up at the point where the only thing they could use to control inflation, namely raising interest rates, is economic suicide….

Watch the “Money Masters” for a complete overview of how our Jew money system works…. It’s over 3 hours and it’s honest about everything except actually naming the Jew. That said; it’s still a “who’s who” of a Jewish wedding!!

China is slowing”. This is what you constantly hear on the TV… The reason for this is that the rest of the world’s economies are in shutdown mode and when people are being screwed over financially they tend not to buy as much stuff…. Therefore China “slows”. It’s that simple…..

The Jews and their mad drive for world domination is a genetically innate thing in them. Being a parasite means enslaving and destroying the host eventually. That’s the point we are at in the west today. As host nations, the Jews are just about done with us… They always destroy nations then look for new hosts….. I think its unlikely China will be a welcoming host. Certainly not when they realise that all their buyers have nothing to offer them in return. That’s when things will get tricky for these Jews!

The Jews don’t own China (that’s my opinion anyway; some may beg to differ). They have a lot of financial interests over there but it doesn’t amount to them “owning” China. Although, it is fair to say that the Jews “hold sway” over the Chinese, since the Chinese exist in their current state only as long as the Jews can keep the West spluttering along…

The interesting part of this Jewish created global debacle is that the Jews have created a situation which is suicidal for themselves. If they pull the pin on the west (fast collapse), or it just collapses as it inevitably will (slow lingering death); either way the Jews are fucked and so are we (like the tree and the mistletoe)… It really is an insane situation they have gotten the entire world into, and there is no easy solution to the upcoming global financial shit-storm either! This shows how the Jews are not that smart but in fact of bunch of genetically driven lunatics…. They can’t resist destroying everything, and in the end themselves also… It shows the inborn genetic group behaviour of these “people”. They can only conspire so much before they crap in their own nests…

If they were the financial geniuses they pretend to be (and that most think they are), then the global economic situation wouldn’t look like it does. They would have kept a workable balance in Western national economies, since manufacturing, agriculture, and service (less so) industries are all essential if you want to keep them propped up…. You would think the Jews would have decided to use the western nations for 2 or 3 decades longer, keep us going until their “loose-ends” are tied up, and then destroy us after they’d used that time to seize “concrete” control over the entire world…. If the Jewish conspiracy was airtight, that’s what they would have done… When the point of “concrete” global control is reached, and no-one can rise against them, they are free to do whatever they want to the Goyim. This is the proverbial “HELL ON EARTH”!

More on Jews (not China):

People who are wise to the Jew seem to have a habit of assuming that the Jew is a sane creature; that he makes all his decisions based on well thought out careful plans. Nothing could be further from the truth! He is actually an alien creature, unlike ALL other humans of any race, and he is definitely not sane. Rather, he is INSANE! He acts based on his insane genetic inclinations and they are destructive, parasitic, and funnily enough, suicidal….. The Jew would have committed suicide a hundred or more times over IF he didn’t have other host nations to run to throughout history! Funny thought!

All parasites are suicidal. They kill the host then die themselves. Jews are parasites and they are not capable of the 100% rational planning required to rule the world. Parasites cannot plan to survive; they just can’t. If there were no more trees, mistletoe couldn’t “magically” develop the capacity to survive without a host tree…..The Jewish parasite seeks to enslave, kill, and exterminate everyone and everything they get their hands on! The Jew couldn’t survive without other people to bleed dry…

Jewish behaviour is always the same and predictable to anyone who studies them. They repeat the same patterns and mistakes over and over and over… All we have to do is KNOW THEIR HISTORY to see what stage they’re at in their cycle…….

Their behaviour is genetically driven above all, and it is their genetics that make them conspire!!

– BDL1983