The word racism is used as a mind weapon against White people who speak about immigration, racial differences, or persevering their own people. A White person who stands up in protection of their own human rights will be slandered as being a hateful racist.
It has also become a word to falsely project an inner hatred that whites are inflicting on non-white populations. It is a word used to explain why another race in a European homeland may not be prospering like the host population, or why blacks are poor and live in ghettos committing crimes. By understanding the broad spectrum this word is used for truly shows its power and the correct label as a weapon. Originally the word ‘Racist’ meant someone who understood racial differences; no longer so. These words have been carefully created and the connotations they carry have been planned in accordance with the Jewish agenda. The word racism and its connotations, images and emotions it carries was not brought about naturally, but a deliberate deceptive orchestration to be used as a weapon in conjunction with the Jewish plan of replacing the population of European countries with 3rd world immigrants.
Words created to support the Jewish agenda
White Supremacism– White supremacism is used against a white person who stands up for the human rights and preservation of his own people.
Connotations: This word carries connotations such as belittling non-white races and the person being superior over other races.
Anti-Semitism – This word is used against anyone that has something to say about Jews or Israel , i.e Someone questions whether Israel has the right to nuclear weapons.
Connotations: The Holocaust (Holohoax), an irrational hatred of Jews for no other reason than being Jewish.
Homophobic – This word is used to slander, insult anyone who has an opinion on a homosexuality issue. A person that supports the traditional ideal of marriage between a man and a women.
Connotations: Someone who hates homosexuals for the fact they have a different sexual orientation. Carries certain connotations such as: religious, old fashioned, hateful.
Nazi: This word is used as a slander against any White person in the world that stands up for his or her rights as a White person.
Connotations: Slanders the person & casts them in a negative light. Brings thoughts such as the negative Hollywood representation of National Socialist Germany, the so-called Holocaust, false negative representations of Adolf Hitler, movies like Schindler’s list.
These words would not be as powerful and effective against anyone who opposes this cancer sweeping the western world if not for the constant use and illusionary creation of evil associations within them, orchestrated by various elements such as the media, educational system.
Words are a very powerful part of Jewish psychological warfare against Whites. Certain words set off emotional triggers in your brain which bring in images and thoughts associated with the word. By creating the words and using them over and over, along with the images in the media, they have successfully created weapons out of certain words. Jews using their massive influence in the media have set the tone for discussion. What’s OK to talk about and what is not. That’s why we have political correctness which the jews have created in line with their agenda.
Political Correctness also equals “Cultural Marxism”. If you don’t agree with the Jews and their Communist agenda, then the mass-media says that your ideas must be shunned….
Note: This topic needs to be hammered home to all the “anti-Christs” out there! I’ve worked this much out, so if you are truly open minded and want to know 100% of the truth, then you’ll have to agree with this articles general thrust. There’s no two ways about it. Either accept the truth or engage in pointless self-deception. Whatever makes you happy.
“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Judahites, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” (Revelation 2:9)
“Edom is in modern Jewry.” —The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol.5, p.41
*Note: Edom is another name for Esau, the brother of Jacob/Israel
“And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever.” (Malachi 1:3-4)
Yahshua speaking to the Jewish Pharisees:
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” (John 8:44)
“Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33)
The idea that modern-day “Jews” are the descendants of the ancient Israelites is one of the biggest deceptions in all of history — along with the official story on the so-called “Holocaust”, and the ideas that Judaism is the foundation of Christianity, and that Jews are the “friends” of Christians. The true origin of the so-called “Jews” is of critical importance for truth-seekers who want to understand world events — and especially what is happening in the Western/Christian world. The truth of the matter is that the Jews are counterfeits or impostors masquerading as “God’s Chosen People”, when in fact they are the biggest enemies of God and Christians, and working to destroy Western Christian civilization.
As admitted by even Jewish authorities, the Jews are primarily descended from an ancient tribe known as the “Edomites.” It is well documented that approximately 90-95% of modern-day Jews are descended from a tribe known as the “Khazars”, who converted to Judaism in the 8th and 9th centuries A.D. while living in what is now southern Russia around the Caspian Sea. What is less known is that these Khazars were, in fact, descended from the Edomites:
“No one can deny that the Jews are a most unique and unusual people. That uniqueness exists because of their Edomite heritage. You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of Edomitish character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews.”
—Manifesto of the “World Jewish Federation,” January 1, 1935, through its spokesperson, Gerald Soman
“Hasdai ibn Shaprut, who was foreign minister to Abd-al-Rahman, Sultan of Cordova, in his letter to King Joseph of the Chazars (about 960 AD) … speaks of the tradition according to which the Chazars once dwelt near the Seir Mountains [The ‘Seir Mountains’ are none other than the original land of Esau-Edom – ‘Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom’ (Genesis 36:8). Seir was a mountain range sought of the Dead Sea and was also known as the ‘land of Edom’ (Genesis 36:21). The Seir mountains were the home of the Edomites for nearly a millennium (The Edomites arrived in Edom or Seir at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 13th century B.C. Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 6, p. 372) Thus we have it from Jewish sources that the Khazars originally ‘dwell near the Seir Mountains’ so are racially of Edomite stock. But how and when did Edomites get to Khazaria? There is evidence that in the 6th century BC, some of the Edomites fled their homeland of Seir and migrated north, ‘After the fall of Jerusalem, in 586 BC, the Edomites began to press northward (Ezekiel 36:5).”
(The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, ed. by Henry S. Gehman, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1970, p. 418}].” (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IV, (1905), p. 3).
Now, just who are the Edomites? “Edom” is another name for Esau, the brother of the biblical patriarch Jacob (aka “Israel”), the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. Esau rejected God, selling his birthright to his brother Jacob, and defying God and his family by intermarrying with Canaanite women. Esau hated God and his brother Jacob, and vowed revenge against Jacob and his descendants, the Israelites. This is why — throughout history and to this day — Esau/Edom’s descendants have waged war against the true descendants of the Israelites (ie, Christians of white European descent), and have systematically worked to undermine and destroy Western Christian civilization.
Regarding the claim that the Jews are the biological offspring of Satan, Christians should note that the Bible records (in Genesis 6:1-7) that in ancient times pre-dating the flood of Noah, the “Sons of God” (believed to refer to fallen angels) pro-created with the daughters of men to produce a race of “Nephilim” (sometimes translated as “giants”), whom were “heroes of old, men of renown.” The Bible records details of the descendants of these “Nephilim”, among them being the Amalekites, Goliath, and the King of Bashan (whom is recorded in Deuteronomy 3:11 as having a bed 9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide, or 13 1/2 feet long and 6 feet wide).
This hybrid race of Nephilim are believed to be the “giants” that are the source of the legends in many cultures of humanlike beings of enormous strength and stature. And although not widely known (because the information has been suppressed by the establishment), there have been numerous archaeological finds of large humanoid skeletons, some of beings 12-15 feet tall, all over the world. Over time and through inbreeding with humans, the physical characteristics of these hybrids/giants have been nearly bred out of existence.
One final note. What really happened in the Garden of Eden has been misunderstood and hidden, partially via colorful language but mainly by mistranslation and misinterpretation. The real sin was not literally “eating fruit from a tree.” Rather, it was the sexual seduction of Eve by the “Serpent” (ie, Satan). This is why Adam and Eve realized their nakedness after this sin, and Eve was punished with pain in childbirth. As a result of this sin, Cain was conceived. Curiously, Cain is not listed among the descendants of Adam in any of the many geneologies recorded in the Bible. Why? Because he was not Adam’s son. Cain was the literal offspring of Satan.
I John 3:12 “Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his (half) brother..”
Here the word “of” in Greek, when used implying a person, means “a son of or offspring.”
Compare this with other translations:
The New Testament in Modern English: “We are none of us to have the spirit of Cain, who was a son of the devil..”
New English Bible: “..unlike Cain who was a child of the evil one..”
Hmmm… Interesting. Very interesting. Not sure about all the Nephilim giant stories, but I think they nail the fact that these “Jews” are Edomite imposters and therefore not the true Israelites! The only reason I think any of this stuff is worth investigating is because Christianity is a huge part of our history and we are better off if we understand its true origins and how the Jew Edomite fits into the equation.
I certainly don’t know enough about, nor could I endorse all of Christian Identity’s claims. But they certainly have it right regarding how the Jew has infiltrated and subverted Christianity. The argument that Jesus was a Jew, and Jews invented Christianity to control our minds doesn’t hold much water once you disregard all the modern “Jew-altered” versions of the Bible!
I think that Whites created original Christianity as a racial religion. The idea was not one of the Universal God that we see in modern “Jewish Christianity”, but one in which the White Israelites possessed a covenant with their God. This is not in any way the same scenario which we see in Judeo-Christianity where the Jews (Edomites/Canaanites) have inserted themselves in the middle of a new “Universalist Christianity” as these “Chosen people of God”. Anyone who says that the Christian Identists simply want to be the real Jews and act like these hook-nosed bastards is a LIAR! Plain and simple. It is disingenuous to suggest such a thing and these vehement crusaders against Christian Identity are full of shit. They have no idea what they are talking about since they actually believe the Jews claim to be the “Chosen People” in modern Bible translations! Christian Identity certainly has it right when it points out the fact that Christianity was a WHITE RACIAL religion, in it’s original state. None of this universalism existed back then. This all came about as a result of Jew infiltration and subversion. That fact that Christianity was never universal to start with disproves any ridiculous claims of Whites wanting to be the “Chosenites”, I.e. “the real Jews“, and rule over other races. Like I said, that claim is absolute bullshit and I will not tolerate any of that crap on this site!
If you don’t have a big enough brain to analyse this stuff honestly, then don’t bother. You’ll never get it!
Don’t anyone get the wrong idea here, and think that I’ve gone all mad and Christian on everyone. If you hate Christianity, it is most likely that you hate Judeo-Christianity, and are painting all persuasions of Christianity with the same broad brush! BIG MISTAKE, just think about how much any story changes or can be subverted over 2000 years, especially when evil Jews are involved!
Anyway, I HATE modern Judeo-Christianity as much as anyone else. If Renegade Broadcasting applied their hatred of Christianity in a more specific way, I.e. to JUDEO-Christianity, and called out the Jew behind the subversion, then they’d be spot on!! As it is, they are simply wrong to ignore the above historical facts about Christianity’s origins. Oh well…..
This cross on the website background (not always on there) represents an original, positive version of White Racial Christianity. If you can’t handle that, then don’t visit this site!
Here’s a sickening display of Jewishness in the New South Wales parliament. (Showing us all who’s boss.) FromJ-Wire:
Chanukah got off to an early start when Rabbi Pinchus Feldman lit all eight candles at a special ceremony in the NSW Parliament.
A fully lit Menorah by Rabbi Pinchus FeldmanPremier Barry O’Farrell
The event, co-hosted by the Sydney Yeshiva and the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, was attended by many NSW State politicians as well as Federal members Michael Danby and Josh Frydenberg together with NSW Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells.
During his speech preceding the lighting of the candles the Yeshiva’s Rabbi Feldman recited a special prayer for the victims of the Philippine typhoon as well as victims of other disasters around the globe.
Speakers included Premier Barry O’Farrell, Leader of the Opposition John Robertson, President of the NSW Legislative Council Don Harwin, Speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly Shelley Hancock and President of the NSWJBD Yair Miller.
In his address, Premier Barry O’Farrell reaffirmed Don Harwin’s statement that the NSW Parliament was the oldest in Australia and effectively where modern-day Australia began. He said that Chanukah not only represented a story of multiculturalism but also one of multi-faith. He added: “The story of the Jewish people is a story of survival. Your values, the values of Judaism, underpin Western society.”
Rabbi Pinchis Feldman, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and Premier Barry O’Farrell
He told a WWII story from Holland which he described as “a Chanukah miracle”. He said: “A young woman who had survived too many pograms decided to flee and to change her name and pretend she was Christian in order to survive the war.The good news is that she did. The bad news is that she left her home by train with a package packed for her by her sister on the eve of Chanukah with all the usual Chanukah treats including latkes. As she was sitting in the train with part of her luggage a Gestapo officer walked into the carriage and she suddenly realised that within her luggage was something that would disclose her religion…something that could have ultimately have lead to her death. As she worried about this a young girl who was eating an apple, spat the apple out and as luck would have it, like a miracle of Chanukah, the Gestapo officer slipped on the apple and knocked himself out and was carried out of the carriage.”
There just had to be a Holohoax miracle involved somewhere along the line! Hahaha!!
“Your values, the values of Judaism, underpin Western society.” – There you go. Straight from the Premier’s mouth! The modern “West” most certainly is a Jewified culture, that’s for sure.
You own every bank.
You even write our laws.
You choke the flow of money with your greedy claws.
Oy Vey! Must be nice to be so comfortable.
Feeding of the rest of us, parasitic fucking Shlomo.
Mr. Goldstein, you schemin’, thievin’ scum.
You got your sideburns down and your Yarmulke on, baby.
How many times will you cry “muh 6 million?”
After the Goys of Summer have gone.
I wonder how it must have felt
When driven out of every land
That you coveted with cold green eyes
And strangled with your scaly hands.
“Victimized, justified, the Merchant is your friend.”
This, every fool believes then gets a back-stab in the end.
Mr. Goldstein, rubbin’ your hands with delight.
You try to make me feel guilty ’cause I’m white.
I must now call on the help of Ben Garrison
After the Goys of Summer have gone.
Out on the road today I saw a Star of David on a Cadillac.
A little voice inside my head sayin’ “/pol/ was right, you can never look back.”
I didn’t understand ’til I took the Red Pill.
Now I can see all you fucking vampiric shills.
Mr. Goldstein, you schemin’, thievin’ scum.
You got your sideburns down and your Yarmulke on, baby.
How many times will you cry “6 Gorrillion?”
After the Goys of Summer have gone.
Mr. Goldstein, rubbin’ your hands with delight.
You try to make me feel guilty ’cause I’m white.
I must now call on the help of Ben Garrison
After the Goys of Summer have gone.
Some people don’t think it is that important to expose the holocaust fraud. The argument is that it was a long time ago and not relevant to today, also that it can sound extremely callous to those who have yet to discover the deception behind it. For me, it was discovering the truth about ‘the holocaust’ that proved to me that it was not just a few bad Jews that were being dishonest, but the entire tribe that were consciously lying about this event, and punishing an innocent nation for a horrendous crime that they were not guilty of in any way. The punishment for perjury in court is justifiably severe when it is just against one person, but to bear false witness against an entire people is beyond anything a court has ever had to deal with. Hitler’s description of the Jews ‘big lie technique’ and how if the lie is massive enough people will not suspect its veracity, has its perfect fulfilment in ‘the holocaust’. A lie of such massive proportions that it has to be reinforced everyday at least once on every television and radio station.
Once you realise that the whole ethnicity are united in telling such a lie as this, with only the odd exceptional Jewish witness telling the truth about some small part of it, it becomes clear that none of them could ever be trusted. The magnitude of the crime is so hard to imagine, to falsely accuse an innocent nation of the most horrific genocide ever, it is as alien to the Aryan consciousness as it would be for us to even contemplate doing it. It has to be the greatest injustice of all time bar crucifying our Lord.
Exposing the Jews collectively as a people has to start with the holohoax. Investigation of their other crimes all hinges on exposing the one that gives them their false ‘victim’ status. When I hear about miscarriages of justice and about people imprisoned on false evidence, just one person is bad enough, but a whole people are being punished here, for something that never happened and it was not a mistake, but a carefully thought out deception. There isn’t even a word capable of describing just how much of a crime the false accusation of ‘the holocaust’ is. It’s like when an innocent man is accused of rape by a vindictive psycho-femme, but literally millions of times worse. It should make everyone’s blood boil when they realise how their emotions have been manipulated into blaming an innocent party for imaginary gas chamber atrocities, how children have been shocked into being ashamed of their own flesh and blood, and generations have lived with the guilt of being descended from a people capable of such inhuman behaviour.
Once you get over the realisation that an entire nation could be so vindictive and deceitful, you then discover that many of the crimes they levelled at the German people actually had their origin in real crimes committed by the Jewish Communists against the Christian Russians. The alleged holocaust horrors weren’t just from a twisted imagination, but were very often real acts of terror projected onto the German people in order to change the Jews from being the most wicked murderers of the Russians, into the poor, innocent victims of the Germans.
After understanding what they are capable of, you start to see how they have placed the blame on others for many of the tragedies they have engineered in history, famines being just one of them. The Holodomor intentional famine that the Communist Jews inflicted on the Ukraine, was just a repeat of the intentional famine that the Crown Jews inflicted on India, which was a repeat of the intentional famine that the British Jews inflicted on the Irish. Whenever the Jews are involved there will be intentional famines and the blame deflected away from them. It still goes on today through their control of the UN, only now they call it ‘sanctions’ and instead of stealing the food from the targeted gentiles, they prevent food and medicine from being exported to them.
For anyone that thinks that the Jews don’t operate as a group, then the holohoax proves that they do. When Aryan peoples find out that their politicians have lied about other nations for personal gain, there are large movements dedicated to exposing the truth and attempting to have the war mongers tried in court for their deceptions. The demonisation of Gaddafi, Assad, Iran and Iraq come to mind. But where are the Jewish movements defending Hitler and charging their elites with not speaking for them, or for their interests? We continually hear ‘white’ people making excuses for Muslim terrorism as a response to British imperialism, where are the Jews excusing Hitler for his response to Jewish imperialism in Germany? There are large British movements that point out the crimes of the ‘British’ Crown in India, South Africa and Ireland, but where are the Jewish movements pointing out the crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks, the Jewish bankers and all the Jewish false-flags that have been used to start wars?
There was nobody that came out of the second world war better off than the Jews. During the later stages of the war, when the rest of Europe were starving and being bombed, the Jews were fed, clothed, medicated and paid for their work, while they were being housed in the work camps for their own safety. Being in those camps prevented the European people from taking vengeance on them for staring the war in the first place. The rich Jews were even more comfortable, staying in America, Canada and England, spreading their lies in the media about the Third Reich and plotting the Nuremberg trials. They were the only nation in Europe to actually increase in number during the war, according to the Jews own almanac census figures. The whole fraud relies on the people being deceived being such good people, that they are unable to imagine that anyone could lie like that. Our imaginations have become so used to just being used for entertainment, that we have forgotten that it is also there for us to imagine all the ways that somebody else could be different to us. It is no wonder that they are continually promoting the idea that we are all the same, it means good people don’t doubt other peoples intentions.
Once they lose their victim status they stop being given the benefit of doubt and people cease to make excuses for them. There is nothing worse than someone pretending to be a victim in order to gain sympathy, especially when they are blaming the real victim. The fact that they try to hide all the evidence that proves that there were no gas chambers, is proof in itself that it is a lie. Anyone else would be happy to hear that not so many of their people died and that none of them died in such a horrible way.
Investigating the holohoax is the first rung of the ladder that leads up out of the rabbit hole and into the fresh air. The high priests of the half-truth movement know this, and will do all they can to keep people going around in circles and never stumbling across that ladder in the dark. Even though the war happened 70 years ago, it is still vitally important to expose the holohoax, to take their cloak of invisibility away from the Jews, and to expose the hypocrisy and double-standards of half-truth ideology.
‘The Jew ‘cries’ with pain when he attacks you’ – Old Polish Proverb.