Opposition Leader Tony Abbott joining his colleagues in signing the London Declaration on Combatting Anti-Semitism. (Fucking wingnut weasel bastard! -BDL1983)
AN attack on a landmark declaration against anti-Semitism appears to have backfired, with more than 50 Coalition MPs signing the historic document this week.
The London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism, signed by Prime Minister Julia Gillard on April 23, the first Australian parliamentarian to do so, was blasted this week by Sydney academic Professor Stuart Rees. Rees is a council member of the University of Sydney’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, which supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The centre last year tried to stop the university’s Israel Research Forum, which brought together Israeli and Australian academics to share research.
The academic’s tirade came after senior Liberal frontbencher Christopher Pyne signed the declaration, already signed by 125 parliamentarians globally.
“Recently, the University of Sydney was plagued by anti-Israel activists promoting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel,” said Pyne as he signed the declaration.
“Activism, boycotts and sometimes sanctions campaigns aren’t always anti-Semitic, but when you target individual businesses because they are Jewish, it is clearly anti-Semitic.
“And it is sad that 70 years after the Second World War and the discovery of the Holocaust, we are still having to defend the right of Jewish people to live in their Jewish homeland in Israel free from this kind of anti-Semitic campaign. It is vitally important that Jewish Australians know that their parliamentarians won’t acquiesce to a campaign that is designed to break the relationships between Israelis and Palestinians, whether they are academic, business-related or community-related.”
In an email obtained by The Australian, Rees slammed Pyne’s comments as “the usual childish, thoughtless but easily populist response”.
Asked if his comments also applied to the Prime Minister, he replied: “Of course”.
“The resort to charges of anti-Semitism regarding the worldwide criticisms of the internationally illegal policies of the government of Israel is an age-old technique to stifle any criticism of blatant human rights abuses,” Rees said.
Liberal MP Josh Frydenberg (this ones a Jew by the way… BDL1983) responded by asking a group of Coalition MPs to sign the declaration. After Question Time on Tuesday, dozens of MPs, including Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, followed Pyne’s example. Key Coalition senators were also set to sign it this week.
Describing the wave of support for the declaration as “fantastic”, Frydenberg told The AJN: “The declaration is an important document which shines a light on the resurgence of anti-Semitism worldwide while outlining a series of practical measures to counter this scourge. Only with the efforts of free thinking, community-minded individuals and governments representing both sides of the political divide can we take the united action necessary to build tolerance and understanding in our society.”
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, who was among a number of Labor MPs who also signed the declaration, said the PM was acting in the interests of the country. “The Prime Minister represented our nation, our government and the parliamentary Labor Party when she signed the London Declaration Combating Anti-Semitism,” he said.
Read More: http://www.jewishnews.net.au/pledge-to-fight-anti-semitism-sweeps-federal-parliament/30819
Can you believe this shit!!!!????? I took about 30 seconds to find this article and within it there is ample proof of the fucking Jews controlling our country!!!! Let us go through the best bits just for fun:
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott joining his colleagues in signing the London Declaration on Combatting Anti-Semitism. – (That’s one side of Australian Politics stamped Kosher – BDL1983)
London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism, signed by Prime Minister Julia Gillard on April 23 – (That makes 2. BOTH SIDES ARE AS KOSHER AS SHIT – BDL1983)
“And it is sad that 70 years after the Second World War and the discovery of the Holocaust, we are still having to defend the right of Jewish people to live in their Jewish homeland in Israel free from this kind of anti-Semitic campaign. It is vitally important that Jewish Australians know that their parliamentarians won’t acquiesce to a campaign that is designed to break the relationships between Israelis and Palestinians, whether they are academic, business-related or community-related.” (The obligatory whining about the Holocaust which never even happened but nevertheless is the excuse for Jews to have a SPECIAL Jewish home, fucking unbelievable. It’s also funny how they word this: “the Holocaust was ‘discovered'”. What the fuck, NO-ONE knew it was happening until the Jews invented it! What about the “right of White people to live in their White homelands” you hypocritical Jew arseholes – BDL1983)
“The resort to charges of anti-Semitism regarding the worldwide criticisms of the internationally illegal policies of the government of Israel is an age-old technique to stifle any criticism of blatant human rights abuses,” Rees said. (Mr Rees actually makes a valid point regarding the anti-shitmite slur – BDL1983)
Describing the wave of support for the declaration as “fantastic”, Frydenberg told The AJN: “The declaration is an important document which shines a light on the resurgence of anti-Semitism worldwide while outlining a series of practical measures to counter this scourge. Only with the efforts of free thinking, community-minded individuals and governments representing both sides of the political divide can we take the united action necessary to build tolerance and understanding in our society.” (I hope he’s right about anti-semitism resurging! The sentence in italics sums up how Jews word their bullshit – BDL1983)
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, who was among a number of Labor MPs who also signed the declaration, said the PM was acting in the interests of the country. “The Prime Minister represented our nation, our government and the parliamentary Labor Party when she signed the London Declaration Combating Anti-Semitism,” he said. (Which country was she acting in the interest of??? Israel or to be more specific, International Jewry. – BDL1983)
Now, I’d like someone who doesn’t believe that JEWS CONTROL EVERYTHING to explain these rather Kosher events described above!?!?!?! And this shit is from THE AUSTRALIAN JEWISH NEWS…. They tell us EXACTLY what we evil anti-shitmites keep saying!!!
I’ll leave you with an appropriate cartoon. Jews make me feel fucking sick.

Bloody Bastards.
Brett, BDL1983