First Green to sign London Declaration


Kikes: NSW Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham with NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff.

NSW Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham is among around 70 state parliamentarians who have added their signature to the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism in the last two weeks.

Buckingham, who is a member of the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Israel, is the only NSW Greens MP to have signed the declaration.

“There’s a symbolic importance to sign this very important document that condemns anti-Semitism and reaffirms our commitment to stamp out anti-Semitism,” he told The AJN. (Isn’t that nice? Anti-Semitism meaning any oppostition to what the kikes want!)

“It’s important that all political parties recognise the dangers of anti-Semitism, recognise how disastrous it was in the 20th century, and we have to be mindful to stamp it out wherever it rears its ugly head – in any way, shape or form – in our modern society.” (Ha ha ha… Sure, I don’t know how any Gentiles would cope without Jews ruling over them! We might actually live freely without all the Jewish bullshit… Kind-of like the Germans back in the ’30s)

In contrast with many of his Greens Upper House colleagues who have been critical of Israel, Buckingham said he supported the clause in the declaration condemning the singling out of Israel for discriminatory treatment in the international arena.

“I recognise the State of Israel. I want to see self-determination for the people of Palestine as well, so I think it’s a very fair document,” he said.

Around 50 Coalition MPs and 20 members of the Labor caucus have now signed the declaration.

Meanwhile, on the federal political scene, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus sent an open letter to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott on Monday requesting the Coalition reverse its stance on repealing Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, in light of the Coalition’s 105 parliamentarians all having signed the London Declaration.

In his letter, Dreyfus drew parallels between two clauses in the London Declaration and Section 18C, which makes it unlawful to publish material which offends or insults a person or group because “of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the ­person or of some or all of the people in the group”. (Jews are intent on GENOCIDING the entire White Race and WE are supposed to care about their feelings? Fuck that. They spend most of their time banging on about the Holocaust (which never even happened), thereby FALSELY DEMONISING the GERMANS as a GROUP, and more broadly the whole WHITE RACE!!!! Dreyfus and all the parliamentarians should be tried and found guilty under Section 18C themselves!!! The case is EASY to make….)

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Oy Vey, it’s my writing in brackets obviously!

– BDL1983