The JEW is Sulking & A Classic Tale of 25 Mostly Jewish Neo-Conservatives

This is two articles in one. I found this at John Hardon’s Blog:


President Obama with Israeli PM Netanyahu and ADL head Abe Foxman

10.6.13 photo obama_jwww_zps3414d5e7.jpg
The JEW is in its corner, licking its wounds incurred in the lost battle to get its Congressional whores and their WH bitch to bomb the hell out of Syria, which failed…. for now.

But while the JEW sits there, glaring at the world, it sends its minions out in the media to re-infect American minds that have wandered away from the carefully planned script, with plans to get Americans psyched up about being ‘exceptional,’ by doing an exceptional job of killing millions of Muslims and Arabs in the ME, SW Asia and Africa to fulfill the JEW dream of their own version of a Manifest Destiny by enlarging Israel using American blood and money.

In the Sunday papers, there was a story on Afghanistan, “A Sadly Uncertain Future,” that told a sad tale of the six million Afghan orphans that roam the streets, looking for work, a place to sleep and food. And how they’re worried about the future, especially one without a US military presence.

Six million? Where have I heard that number before? Due to the corrupt Afghan government, the rugged terrain and the lack of a functioning society, it’s impossible to know how many hundreds of thousands of Afghans we’ve killed since 9/11, but somehow, they know that there is six million orphans?

Those orphans aren’t the only ones worried about US soldiers pulling out. After all, who will guard those thousands of acres of poppies that the JEW owned ‘Too Big to Fail’ Wall Street banks are using to make billions of dollars each year, shipping the opium to labs in Turkey and Israel, to get refined into heroin, that is then distributed to Asia, Europe and the USA.

The story is written by Malcom Garcia, a beat reporter that gets funding from the JEW owned “Investigative Fund,” edited by Esther Kaplan. Eshter? That’s a fitting name for a Jewess siccing reporters on the USA, courtesy of Israel.

Remember the Bible story of Esther? She’s the one that tricked the King of Persia into slaughtering 75,000 enemies of the Jews.

Which the JEW celebrates like this:

10.6.13 photo children-in-israel-false-flag-911-wtc-twin-towers_zpsc75c8bf2.jpg
Boy, nothing changes much, does it?

In the Sunday rag known as “Parade,” there’s a front page story called, “The Face of Courage,” about that Pakistani girl shot by CIA/MOSSAD ops, but recovered and is now telling the world her story. A story that is supposed to bring tears to the eyes of Americans, and make them think they need to do something ‘exceptional’ again in Pakistan, like killing tens of thousands more to satisfy the blood thirsty JEW.

On JEWvision, AKA as ‘TalmudVision,’ or TV, on the CBS program “60 Minutes,” there’s tall tales about those nasty ‘Muzzies’ in Somalia, the first instance of those ‘heroic, brave, Americans…blah, blah, blah,’ taking on ‘al CIA Duh’ in 1993.

While at CBS, you can also read another holocau$t con tale, told by a JEW grifter looking to pick your pocket.

Not to be outdone, JEW Hollywood is releasing “Captain Phillips,” the heart-tugging story about a ‘brave, heroic American….blah, blah, blah,” taking on Somalia pirates and being rescued by US Navy SEALS, which is supposed to bring a tear to our eyes and firm up our backbones, making us feel exceptional by blasting to hell and gone another nation for the JEW.

The SEALS tried to kick off the movie launch release party this weekend by invading Somalia and shooting the place up, looking for some CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 created Muslim boogieman, but they failed, miserably.

Sorry Israel, we’ve had our fill of being JEW assassins, and our country’s broke and needs repairing, both in the physical and metaphysical realm, so for now, we’ll have to hang up our JEW assassin nameplate.

Don’t fall for the pseudo-patriotism being offered by the JEW. It’s just another attempt to get Americans worked up so we’ll keep fighting these ‘Wars for Wall Street and Israel.’

Let the JEW go back to the greatest con game of the 20the Century and keep, or at least keep trying, to dupe the world with wild tales about the holocau$t, extorting more money out of the gullible and using that pack of lies to make the world feel guilty for something we didn’t do and that NEVER HAPPENED.

But we won’t fall again for the JEW lies that have gotten us into so many wars and cost us dearly, both in blood and treasure.


Check out the Goon Squad Blog……

That last link in the above article is worth a look too:

(From April 3, 2003 – A classic Jewish admission of war guilt regarding Iraq…. Why is it ‘anti-semitic’ when Jew-haters like me point this out? The Jews tell us, in their own words, what the evil anti-semites keep saying……Yawn…)


The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history. Two of them, journalists William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer, say it’s possible. But another journalist, Thomas Friedman (not part of the group), is skeptical.

1. The doctrine

WASHINGTON – At the conclusion of its second week, the war to liberate Iraq wasn’t looking good. Not even in Washington. The assumption of a swift collapse of the Saddam Hussein regime had itself collapsed. The presupposition that the Iraqi dictatorship would crumble as soon as mighty America entered the country proved unfounded. The Shi’ites didn’t rise up, the Sunnis fought fiercely. Iraqi guerrilla warfare found the American generals unprepared and endangered their overextended supply lines. Nevertheless, 70 percent of the American people continued to support the war; 60 percent thought victory was certain; 74 percent expressed confidence in President George W. Bush.

Washington is a small city. It’s a place of human dimensions. A kind of small town that happens to run an empire. A small town of government officials and members of Congress and personnel of research institutes and journalists who pretty well all know one another. Everyone is busy intriguing against everyone else; and everyone gossips about everyone else.

In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history. They believe that the right political idea entails a fusion of morality and force, human rights and grit. The philosophical underpinnings of the Washington neoconservatives are the writings of Machiavelli, Hobbes and Edmund Burke. They also admire Winston Churchill and the policy pursued by Ronald Reagan. They tend to read reality in terms of the failure of the 1930s (Munich) versus the success of the 1980s (the fall of the Berlin Wall).

Are they wrong? Have they committed an act of folly in leading Washington to Baghdad? They don’t think so. They continue to cling to their belief. They are still pretending that everything is more or less fine. That things will work out. Occasionally, though, they seem to break out in a cold sweat. This is no longer an academic exercise, one of them says, we are responsible for what is happening. The ideas we put forward are now affecting the lives of millions of people. So there are moments when you’re scared. You say, Hell, we came to help, but maybe we made a mistake.

2. William Kristol

3. Charles Krauthammer

4. Thomas Friedman

Read More:

– BDL1983


For me personally, I have absolutely no need for any organised structured religious institution. I do not need anyone to tell me how to behave and especially how to be a ‘good person’. Behaving in a decent manner and respecting others is something that comes naturally to me. I believe it comes naturally to most white people. It fascinates and annoys me to see the constant bickering about religion within this so-called White Nationalist movement. There is no need for it. It serves no purpose. Whatever religious or spiritual beliefs satisfy a person, that’s their thing, it doesn’t matter to me so long as the WHITE RACE and the Laws of Nature sit above the religious dogma.

I would define my religion as being the survival and upward evolution of our race; everything else in the world can be judged by Nature. If something is not natural, then it is against my religion. If the white race were to be wiped out by the current Jewish-led war against us, then that would be nature’s judgement. We are still here, we are white, and we believe in our racial survival! That is the ‘religious’ aspect of my worldly outlook.

Let’s take a look at what everyone seems to enjoy squabbling about:

1.)    Christianity:


Codreanu and the cross…..

The favourite punching bag of many. I don’t believe it has Jewish origins, although it most certainly came from the land now known as Israel and has been corrupted and infiltrated by Jews. I think this is what happens to anything over the course of 2000 years: Jews tinker with it.

Were the original Christians white (Christian Identity)? I think it is possible considering how many different tribes were in the area at the time, but there are numerous disgusting parasitically-natured quotes from the Old Testament which point me away from that idea. Could all these parasitic and therefore ‘Jewy’ quotes be something which the Jews themselves have stuck in the bible over the past couple millennia? I’m really not sure but it might help explain why there seems to be two sources of input in writing the bible.

John 8:44 – You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

This is clearly speaking about the Jews. If Jews created Christianity then why would they expose themselves? That wouldn’t be very cunning or ‘Jewy’.

My point is that the whole question of Christianity is beyond ‘murky’ to say the least, and I’m convinced there are two origins for all the stuff in the bible. It is both pro-Jewish with a few choice parasitic Old Testament quotes AND anti-Jewish with the likes of John 8:44.

I don’t have any use for Christianity personally, but I have no problem if someone else does, that’s up to them to decide. So long as the WHITE RACE and NATURE are above all then they are my ally!

2.)    Paganism/Odinism:


Not that everyone squabbles over Paganism and Odinism all the time, but it is another ‘religious’ avenue people like to explore. I really like the old time ‘fighting spirit’, honour, bravery, and self-sacrifice embodied within Paganism/Odinism.

I see it as vague in a doctrinal sense, but I think it is more-or-less a legitimate expression of the nature of the white race.

3.)    Creativity:


Ben Klassen was a very intelligent man. I think he is too harsh on Christianity in general, but the rest of the Creativity religion makes sense to me. I can see where he was coming from regarding Christianity. He was certainly right about it if he replaced the word ‘Christian’ with ‘Judeo-Christian’ or ‘Christian Zionist’, just to define it more accurately.

Creativity takes the WHITE RACE and NATURE and says ‘here’s your new religion’! Could you or I do any better than that? I couldn’t! That’s why I think Creativity very closely mirrors my own personal belief system.


Like I said before, my religion is the survival and upward evolution of our race combined with the Laws of Nature. So, if you take Creativity minus the Christian bashing, add in the fighting warrior attitude expressed in Odinism, take the positive/anti-Jewish parts of Christianity, and roll them all into one: You have the perfect belief system!!

I don’t know why anyone would need anything more than that! ‘Race and Nature’ is my religion and all else which doesn’t make sense is the result of Jewish infiltration and the subsequent distortion of reality. I classify the ‘Race and Nature’ belief system as National Socialism’s spiritual expression.

– BDL1983

Samson Option Looming: Israel has 80 Nukes and the Capacity to Triple That Number

From Total Fascism:

With the Jews in the process of backing themselves into a corner, how can we possibly keep them from activating the Samson Option and nuking the whole world? I have no idea, but somebody better hurry up and figure it out.

And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life. -Judges 16:30
And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life. -Judges 16:30

The state of Israel, which has proven itself, over the last six and a half decades to be the most war-hungry and sadistic world power which has ever existed, now posses 80 nuclear warheads, with the resources to triple that number it in a short period of time if they so desire, a report by U.S. experts has claimed.

From the LA Times:

In the Global Nuclear Weapons Inventories, recently published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, proliferation experts Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris write that Israel stopped production of nuclear warheads in 2004.

But the country has enough fissile material for an additional 115 to 190 warheads, according to the report, meaning it could as much as double its arsenal.

Previous estimates have been higher but the new figures agree with the 2013 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute yearbook on armament and international security. The yearbook estimated 50 of Israel’s nuclear warheads were for medium-range ballistic missiles and 30 were for bombs carried by aircraft, according to a report in the Guardian.

Even after the Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear technician, reported on Israel’s nuclear program in 1986, the Jews continued to vaguely deny its existence, though its existence was assumed.

As the Jews have just lost a serious battle in failing to get the US into a war with Syria, and been forced to show their hand, we might expect that their behavior will continue to become more and more deranged, as they are likely set to lose more of such war-pushes in the future.  Given this, the fact that Israel has managed to secure such a massive stock of WMDs is even more frightening than it was in previous times.

Ultimately, as the Syria failure proved, the Jewish plan for world domination is non-feasible.  They will fail, because they do not know when to stop – they are biologically incapable of knowing when to stop.  Thus, the world’s number one dilemma, as I see it, is figuring out how to get these weapons away from the Jews before they trigger the Samson Option, a plan to nuke the entire planet if they are backed into a corner.


I’ve got one thing to say:


– BDL1983

9-11 Was An Inside-Out Job!!!!

12 years on from the most famous Jewish attack on American (western) soil…… What lessons have we learnt?

(Apart from the fact that Alex Jones tells lies about 9-11!)


Here’s what I make of 9-11:

There are three primary reasons why the Jewish Cabal decided to attack the U.S. on September 11, 2001:

1.)    To put the blame for the attacks on Israel’s enemies; meaning the Arab/Muslim nations surrounding them. The goal was to portray them as “terrorists” and the enemies of “western” civilisation in general…. This objective has clearly been achieved by the Jews. They can then call anyone who opposes the Jewified Western nations a “terrorist” and also bitch and moan about how much “terrorism” the poor innocent persecuted Jews have to put up with in Israel. Basically, they get the “sympathy vote” if we follow their bullshit story of the 19 Arabs wielding box-cutters!

2.)    So the Jewish controlled “west” would willingly fight wars on behalf of Israel…. Now that we have common enemies it’s supposedly in our interest to help the Jews.

3.)    To create hi-tech police-states throughout the West and survey every single action anyone makes… If we “good goyim” oppose them in any way then we must be “siding with the Terrorists”!


We’ve already been through Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and now are about to go into Syria, and after that, Iran. Why is that? All because the Jews have us on a “terrorist witch hunt” for the “bogey man”….. (I thought Osama bin Obama was already dealt with….. Haha….. Nope; the wars still continue, telling us clearly that the “binny” hunt was all bullshit to start with!)

It’s interesting to note that the “Fighting Terrorism” excuse for all these mid-east wars was used most extensively for the Iraq and Afghan wars, but in the more recent Libya and Egypt debacles the media simply shows Arabs/Muslims = Bad, U.S. (west) = Good, peace loving, democratic…. And that’s enough for most to swallow the “Jew Party Line”! The Jew narrative is so entrenched, they only have to show 9-11 footage “every now and then” to illustrate how evil the Muslims are, and everyone believes it…… (Not that I like Muslims btw…)

Whenever the “rat faced Jews” are looking for extra sympathy all they do is throw in the ultimate chutzpah, and mention the Holohoax so we feel even more sorrow and pity for the “poisecuted” Yids!

The latest bit of chutzpah here in Australia has been our U.S. Ambassador, Jeffrey Bleich (Jewish of course), putting up flags of all the “victim” nations at a 9-11 memorial in Canberra… The NERVE of these RAT bastards is unbelievable: They commit the crime, play the victim, get us to fight their illegitimate wars, and then pretend to be “sorry” for the acts of the supposedly evil, plotting, Arabs/Muslims……


Folks, we have one problem in the world today and that is the JEWISH PROBLEM!

Everything else is a symptom of the JEWISH PROBLEM!

12 years after the fact it is high-time “average Joe Schmo” got an IRON FIST of TRUTH in his FACE!!!!


Watch this if you are unsure of whether JEWS did 9-11:


– BDL1983



The situation with Syria and the Jew-controlled West is reaching some sort of boiling point; something has to give eventually….

To summarise in a simple manner: on one side we have all our White western countries playing ball for “Team Jew” (including Israel on “Team Jew” obviously), and on the other side we have Syria and Iran as solid opposition, while Russia and China are potentially big thorns in the Jewish side.

Let’s take a step back from everything and assess how this potential WW3 debacle has come about; who is responsible for it; and why they must be dealt with this time around…… If this giant shit-storm does end up being more than a confined middle-east conflict, like a WW3, then the Jews had better find themselves another planet to live on…. No one will accept them next time round. The Jews cover will be blown forever if they lose this conflict! Make no mistake about it…. If WW3 is around the corner, IT WILL BE FOR KEEPS! Perhaps it will offer the entire world a salvation from the global Jewish Problem!

Who is responsible for creating the problem?

The Jews are of course; with their “Jew World Order” agenda for world domination. Like I said above, they have essentially divided the entire world up into teams: “Team Jew” for all the countries who are on-board with the “Gefilte Fish Express” and “The Axis of Evil” for anyone who is not 100% Kosher approved….. That’s what the Jews have done, but there are many grey areas regarding who and what countries are fully on-board, partially on-board etc… The situation is not all as “black and white” as I illustrated above. That was done for the express purpose of simplicity!

The countries which are clearly marked Kosher with a “capital K” are pretty much all the same “Allies” as in WW2: The White (or formerly white) Nations. Jewish control over the White nations is a done deal as things currently stand. We are their muscle… We are the reliable part of “Team Jew”, as the Jew would see it. All the non-White Jewish controlled nations (e.g. Africa under UN occupation, Saudi Arabia etc) make up the unreliable part of “Team Jew”….. They are just impotent so the Jews don’t really care about using those countries for military conflict; as long as they can rape them for resources and send Africans to White countries; the Jews are happy…..

The solid “Axis of Evil” in this current middle-east debacle is Syria and Iran. It is very safe to say that there is very little “kosher-friendliness” in either of these 2 nations. I judge how “Jew-friendly” a nation is by how much the Jews seem to hate them. In Syria’s case there is absolutely no doubt that the Jews hate Bashar al-Assad and it is fair to say they hate Iran just as much because they are loyal supporters of Syria.

assadAbove: Legitimate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The “fence sitters” in my opinion are Russia and China. They are “fence sitters” in the sense that they don’t want the Jew-controlled West creating too much trouble in the middle-east region; mainly because of how it effects business relations negatively….. They are not “100% Kosher approved” states. They have their own unique nationalistic tendencies and therefore will probably err on the side of common sense; that means allying with Syria and Iran, and rejecting the Jewish-led insanity of the Western world…..


Russia: Vladimir Putin is a “mixed-bag” as far as I can tell. He has done some amazingly “Kosher” things such as wailing at the stinking wall in Israel and wearing Yarmulkes…. But, politics are what they are; you play the game to get along for BUSINESS etc…… The Oil in Syria and Iran are big business….

He doesn’t approve of the US’s behaviour regarding Syria and the chemical weapons allegations, and he seems to support some healthy nationalistic ideas in Russia….. Such as being against the Fags, making speeches like this one against minorities in Russia. It could be “all-for-show” and Russia may be more Kosher than what we think….. I honestly think it’s a “mixed-bag” scenario with Russia and the Jews. Russia does what it can to keep “pro-Russia”, while trying to tread the fine line of not offending the Kosher powers too much

China: China seems to be standing further in the background on the Syria issue, but I think they have a very similar attitude to Russia…… “Pro-China” sentiment; don’t offend the Jew power structure too much; but will act (just the same as Russia will) if their oil business is significantly threatened……. Mind you though, considering how big China is these days, who’d be surprised if they could take an economic hit to “weather the storm” and come out the entire conflict unscathed? Interesting thought…….

WW3: Same old “Allies” or “Team Jew” vs “New Axis Of Evil”? Scary thought, but this thing could get real ugly…… and this is precisely why the Jews must be dealt with as soon as possible; most likely after whatever the upcoming conflict develops into…… and by “dealt with“, I mean herded somewhere where they cannot harm any other human beings on the face of the planet. The Jews are nothing but “a problem” for EVERYONE! We can’t live with them, therefore there’s no other choice…….

The most amazing thing about all this “Syria using chemical weapons against their own people” bullshit is that it would make no sense AT ALL for them to do such a thing!!! What would they stand to gain except the wrath of the “International Community” (code for Jew-powers-that-be) and the JewSA launching military action against them? Bashar al-Assad is not suicidal as far as I know!

What would make sense here is if Israel, through the Mossad, have armed these ‘rebels’ with weapons (maybe chemical weapons, who knows… the UN can’t even tell us for sure….) and got them to unleash massacres on Syrian civilians, thereby providing the Jews with the excuse they need to launch a war against the non-Kosher enemy nation of Syria! That is highly plausible!

Another amazing thing about this Syria debacle is that it’s the same playbook the Jews have used time and time again! Remember Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya….. The enemy is different but the gameplan is always the same! In fact, throughout all of history “false-flag” attacks are the #1 Jewish method of warfare….. Blame the Reichstag fire on the National Socialists, provoke Hitler to send troops to Poland, blame 911 on the Arabs/Muslims, phony Weapons of Mass Destruction…. The reality is that it’s always the Jews behind these sorts of events and false news stories/false propaganda. That is the JEW Modus Operandi – ALWAYS! The TALMUDIC DIALECTIC: create problem; anticipate reaction; offer pre-planned Kosher solution!

Finally, what “moral high ground” can the US take regarding the use of chemical weapons? None whatsoever…. It is an absolute joke that they even have the nerve to….  White phosphorus in Iraq, Nukes on Japan after WW2 was all but finished, Agent Orange in Vietnam, and on and on the list goes……… But, when Jews are running the show, chutzpah is always abundant!!!

‘All this fighting just to protect a shitty little dirtbox called Israel and its “persecuted” residents???’

I suppose it’s time to turn on the TV for another dose of Holocaust propaganda…. Never forget!!!

Oy Vey!!….

– Brett, BDL1983

For truthful info on the Syria situation check out this site: