Anyone up for a Game of ‘Knockout the Jew’?

This sounds like fun. At least the Blacks are good for some action…. Finally, someone is giving the Jews a dose of “multiculturalism”!

From The Jewish Press:

Take that Jew boy!

Black teenagers have been playing “knockout the Jew” in the streets of Brooklyn and in New Jersey. Beware the sucker punch.

Multiple attacks on Jews in Brooklyn by teens playing a game called “knockout,” have finally led police to consider that they might just be part of ongoing, serial hate crimes.

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters that there have been at least seven attacks on Jews in Crown Heights recently, including two misdemeanor assaults.

Asked if there was a pattern, Kelly said “It is difficult to tell at this time,” and pointed out that the Hate Crimes Task Force was now investigating the possibility. “Obviously, some of it is based on descriptions. The crowds change in size, so it’s hard to tell if it is a clear pattern.”

Whine you friggin’ crybaby bastards! You invited them in; what did you expect? It’s called ‘Poetic Justice’!

Here’s the best bit:

“The two attackers ran back to the group screaming, ‘We got him’ and received a roaring cheer,” Rabbi Behrman told the Daily News. “They’re playing a game: ‘knockout.’ ‘Knock out the Jew,’ maybe. And they’re going around the neighborhood punching Jews.”

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Ah yeah… It’s good to have a laugh on a Friday night!

– BDL1983

Legally Brown Australia?

Listen up White Australians, and every other member of the White Race around the world. This is no fucking joke. The future of our race, and our very genetic existence is at stake.

Take a look at this short trailer clip for a new show called ‘Legally Brown‘ on SBS TV, Australia:


Not included in this clip, but in the SBS advert for the show, is a bit where the ‘coloured‘ host says something along the lines of:

“I can’t wait until Australia’s national pastime is making fun of White people”

And while poking at the eyes of a white doll, he says to a White person on the street, something like:

“Just look at him. Does he represent the typical Australian, with his beady, racist, blue eyes?”

It goes something like that anyway (I’m only going from the top of my head here). It’s a situation where if the races were switched, there would be a national, no, international outrage overnight, about the evil White racists on TV.

So Whitey, do you really feel like being the butt of the joke in the country your ancestors built? Should you stand for that? National humiliation from a bunch of mud parasites sent here by the JEW to destroy your genetic right to exist? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill? Nope. I’m highlighting the sort of stuff which will continue to flood the mainstream Jew TV propaganda machine, until we virtually cease to exist. It’s not a joke. This is why they are allowing the muds to swarm in, RIGHT NOW! It’s to get rid of you, Whitey, from existing in any place on the face of the earth. We have nowhere left to turn because all our countries are being flooded with coloured invaders. No-ones flooding all the coloured shithole nations. Nope. It’s only our White nations which are being systematically destroyed by the Jewish Multiculti machine.

Regarding the TV show: What a fucking load of shit! This is what we are supposed to uphold as ‘Australian culture’? Fuck off! I’m fucking angry, and I’ve had enough of all this bullshit that people watch on TV. It is all fucking crap, and a complete waste of time. You may as well be dead if all you plan on doing is watching the fucking TV while your race DIES!

Fuck the Jews, and all the coloured swarms who wish to deny our White Race the right to survive and live freely in our own territories, that WE CONQUERED! As for the ‘Multiculti Do-Gooder Whites’, I hope the Jews DESTROY you too, because YOU deserve it!

To deny our right to existence, AS A RACE, is GENOCIDE by definition, according to the United Nations. (The UN’s run by Jews, so forget that, I was only illustrating the point)

My RIGHT to pen these thoughts are also protected under Article 19 of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So FUCK YOU if you are offended!

Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.



He certainly was right.


Young Muslim and Eastern European recruits joining criminal bikie gangs….

Bandidos Brisbane Centro president George Bejat - Embracing multicultural crime...
Bandidos Brisbane Centro president George Bejat.

GOLD Coast bikie gangs are actively targeting hot-blooded young Muslim and Eastern European men as they seek to beef up their ranks with aggressive ethnic recruits.

Sources say gangs such as the Bandidos are embracing multiculturalism, signing up Lebanese, Turkish and Balkan members, many from Sydney and Melbourne.

The trend mirrors the early stages of the rise of crime gangs in southern states who recruited from ethnic groups, sources say.

Pacific Islanders such as violent Bandido and Muslim convert Leonard Toalei are also being targeted.

Toalei – who is behind bars on remand over a wild rampage on the Gold Coast two months ago in which police claim a taxi was shot up, a milk truck hijacked and a cabbie and bus driver assaulted – has been embraced by a new Logan-based Muslim ‘brotherhood’ called Ummah United.

Ummah, whose members wear black hoodies and t-shirts with a crossed dagger logo, describes itself as a community group set up to help keep Muslim youth on the straight and narrow.

Toalei is pictured on the Ummah United Facebook site being welcomed back into the fold after being released from jail over a violent siege in Surfers Paradise in which he shot up a woman’s unit, bashed her and bit her on the face.

Within weeks of being released from jail, Toalei allegedly went on another rampage through Southport.

Toalei was arrested during what police claim was a violent struggle in the Southport CBD in which he was bitten by a police dog and tasered. He is back behind bars awaiting his next court appearance on multiple serious charges including serious assault, robbery and weapons offences.

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Well, isn’t this another heart-warming multicultural success story?! It’s good to see the multicultural way being embraced by criminal elements……

At least the bikies give our Jew news programs something to ‘whine-on’ endlessly about!

– BDL1983

A Few Random Bits and Pieces…..










dollys for internet


This is all that needs to be said to any Alex Jones follower:


Look at what these filthy Jews have to say:


Here’s the video of Barb saying the above (ugly old whore):


Rabbi Baruch Efrati

This sums it up:


I found a few of these in my random internet travels and others at O’Cathasaigh; The Vigilant One. They’re funny and true, except for the Barbara Spectre one and the Rabbi Baruch Efrati one…. They aren’t funny. They will make your blood boil!

In the same bundle of Jewish destroyers we can also add Jewess Anetta Kahane:


They are so ugly.

– BDL1983


The concept of infinity is one of the most baffling concepts ever conceived in human thought. The idea that something can continue ‘infinitely’, without any starting point or ending point is beyond the capacity of human comprehension. No-one can explain it because the infinity concept destroys our entire understanding of what we perceive as reality…. None of even the most incredible minds in all of history have come up with adequate explanations of ‘infinity’ and why it contradicts our perceived reality!! This is because we do not understand the true nature of our existence, what put us here, and why we exist….. Why does the world exist as it does, or the universe for that matter? What is the true nature of our reality? Can our minds even fathom it? Or can we only establish for certain that we don’t understand absolute reality?


These questions are fascinating to think about when you’re in the right mood. I believe that humans in their current state cannot ever fathom the true nature of reality and existence. It is beyond our comprehension. I believe we CAN establish that we don’t understand the true nature of reality; but that is where it ends…… Here’s how I see things:

The perceivable reality in front of us is a 3D world. We perceive distance, direction, force, speed, sound, time (I know; this is the 4th dimension…), weight, hot, cold and on and on…… For the purpose of this argument I’m going to use distance and time as my measurable mediums. Distance is a finite and numerically definable quantity in our everyday world. If something is 4 kilometres down the road or 35 millimetres away, we can establish a relative sense of how far away the object in question is….. This is simple logic. The same idea applies when analysing how we think of time intervals. It is all relative in a finite sense. As long as we keep our thought processes within our everyday finite reality; distance and time make sense to us!

Now take distance and time, and apply ‘infinity’ to them.


For ‘distance’, picture yourself on a dark starry night pointing directly upwards. If our perceived 3D reality was the absolute truth, then we could in theory travel an infinite distance in that direction and NEVER stop or reach an end point; effectively heading for infinity. But where is infinity? Our minds cannot properly fathom this concept. If you went the longest distance into the universe it still wouldn’t matter because according to our finite understanding of reality, you could always travel one millimetre further! This is where I think various scientists like to promote the idea of the universe having a non-linear shape, thereby “explaining” away the ‘infinite universe’ concept. What they can NEVER explain is the fact that if the universe has a non-linear shape (curved) and ‘point to point’ distance (a straight line) is a finite concept and true throughout the universe (as we understand it here on earth), then what’s to stop something heading DIRECTLY STRAIGHT until it leaves THIS universe? I don’t think there is any way humans can ever really understand infinite space….

Our ‘universal’ understanding of reality tells us that there cannot be an end-point in outer space; therefore it MUST continue infinitely; while our earthly perception (being finite) tells us there MUST be an end-point somewhere in space; ENTER THE INFINITY PARADOX!


If humans could comprehend infinity, then we could answer the following:

Q. What is the smallest/longest possible distance? A. Neither question can be answered finitely…. How long is a piece of string?…… It could be infinitely short (tending to zero length), or infinitely long. Both are outside our realm of real understanding…. This is where calculus enters the equation; to mathematically express the infinity concept so it can be applied to various engineering and scientific problems.

It’s the same deal with the concept of time. When did time begin? HOW could time have a beginning point? It is a finite relative concept as we perceive it. If you could go back to a theoretical beginning point for ‘time’, what would prevent you from going back before this point, if our current perception of ‘time’ is absolute truth?

I think I’ve made my point here…… The fact that a concept such as infinity exists and is beyond our comprehension proves that we do not understand the absolute true nature of reality! If we did understand absolute reality, then everyday quantities like distance and time would make perfect sense in a UNIVERSAL way, not just as we use them in their finite sense……

Another concept which is mind-boggling is that of our individual consciousness. What is it that creates our individual conscious awareness? Religious people say it’s God and that they know all about this ‘God’ character, therefore we should all listen to them…. I say we don’t know what this creative force is and that our current level of understanding is not high enough for us to be able to define it. But I do believe there IS some ‘higher creative force’ of the universe that somehow and for some reason put things how they are……. We just don’t know what it is! When we hear stories of reincarnation and out-of-body-experiences/near-death-experiences; maybe these phenomena are related to the person’s conscious perception entering another realm of reality? I really don’t know but this sort of stuff is interesting to think about!


Q. Where is humanity at when it comes to raising its level of consciousness and striving for a higher understanding of reality?

A. Almost all of humanity has been on a downward path lately…. The coloured races have never really been in the game to start with. Most of the White race has degenerated, but within it there still lies that all-important seed of creative thought and upward thinking which only the best still have…. If you agree with the spirit of intellectual inquiry and idealism, then you are among the most worthwhile people of our race! If you are non-white, try supporting these ideals for your own race too……

– Brett