Don’t Ignore the Class War!

We all know that Jews are moneyed up creatures. The first image that comes to mind when picturing a typical Jew is the cartoon of him grinning at a thick bundle of cash in his hand. The stereotype is true, and that’s why it exists.

A typical Jew......
A typical Jew……

The famous Jewish ability to ‘get’ money, without ever earning it, is the source of all his power today. This ‘power-of-the-purse’ has enabled the Jewish beast to cement control over pretty much everything in the modern Western world, including all of our political machinery. We understand that the Talmudic mindset of the Jew is what permeates every facet of our society. His slimy tentacles have ensnared everything in the grip of his false, unnatural doctrine of Marxism, which divides every natural process into two opposing halves. He then agitates both sides for war against the other.

The holy Jew book of filth
The holy Jew book of filth

Everyone understands how the Jew does this with the issue of race. Saving our White race is our most important task, but this doesn’t mean we should neglect the fact that the Jews cause countless other wars under the banner of ‘perceived injustice’. This ‘perceived injustice’ is the Marxist way of explaining why inequality exists, and also what they use as their excuse to agitate for war between the two sides. They do the same process with race, gender, class, and anything else you can think of!

In the ‘White Nationalist’ movement, there is a common knee-jerk reaction to label anyone who speaks of worker’s rights and class warfare, as a communist. This is a very naive and stupid mistake. Acknowledging the fact that class warfare does exist, and is a real problem, does not make someone a communist or communist sympathiser!

In the couple of years leading up to my awakening to the Jewish and race problems, I explored communist ideology and class warfare, and found that there were many legitimate concerns and problems that these people complained of. The capitalists’ habit of skimming unearned profits off of the workers production is the main one. I never really believed in their ideological system in its entirety, and I knew they were not whining about nothing, so I figured they were just misled. I didn’t know why or how at the time. I do now.


Class warfare is basically a Jewish game, where they use peoples’ natural status in the societal hierarchy against them. They tell the workers that their management hates them and is oppressing them. They tell the ‘management class’ how lazy the workers are. That leaves all the essential classes of people, who are supposed to be carrying out productive work, at war with each other, for no good reason! It’s the classic Jewish strategy of getting the workforce divided up into the unnecessary ‘capitalism versus communism’ game. Capitalism is made to appeal to the management class, and communism to the working class. That’s the game, and it has real devastating effects when foisted upon any society. And of course, the Jews sit at the top of the power structure, stealing the profits and pulling the strings!

Adolf Hitler understood the realities of Jewish-promoted class warfare, and how destructive it is to any healthy, ordered, working society. He knew the Jews were pulling the strings of both capitalism and communism. He offered a genuine solution which restored the natural order: National Socialism. It worked brilliantly. The point here is that ignoring the reality of class warfare, and labelling anyone who mentions it, as a communist, is simply stupid. Imagine how Hitler would have gone restoring the German nation if he couldn’t deal with the class warfare issue, or set up ‘workers-fronts’ to solve workplace disputes. He would have gotten nowhere! It would be rather stupid to ignore the class-war aspect of the Jewish agenda, since a productive, healthy workforce, is essential to any properly functioning society.

He knew what to do
He knew what to do…..

What does all this mean regarding how we deal with communists and communist sympathisers?

Since I have learnt about communistic thought through my own personal awakening process, I can safely say that there would be many genuine people, who think they have communist leanings, but in reality, just haven’t put together the bigger picture. I was one of these people! My position is that we should take these things on an individual basis where possible. For example, assess the person’s character before condemning them as an incurable communist. If they are reasonable and just need a little coaxing out of it, then we should work on them. The genuinely misled are good people and just need redirecting, over to our side! This is what the National Socialists did.

None-the-less, the Jews and dedicated communists must be dealt with severely because they are our mortal enemies. They will destroy us and stop at nothing to do so. That was the National Socialist method for dealing with the real enemies of the nation.

How the Jew should be dealt with...
How the Jew should be dealt with…

As a movement, I believe we need to better hone our skills at character examination. We must avoid knee-jerk or reactionary behaviour. Labelling someone, without thorough prior thought, or a good reason to do so, is reactionary, and contrary to the uplifting Aryan spirit of National Socialism. We should leave the petty and pathetically weak-minded task of reactionary behaviour to our dedicated enemies: the Jews and committed communist scum!

We are superior to our enemies and we should act accordingly.

She's nice.
She’s nice.

Also posted here:


– Brett

To The Last Drop Of Blood

National Socialist eagle of inspiration!
National Socialist eagle of inspiration!

We truly do live in the most exciting of times. Our White race has never before faced such an enormous challenge in all its history; a fight for our very survival! Being 100% ‘against-the-wall’ and knowing that we must either fight and win……. or be exterminated….

Those are our choices. Win or DIE……. Choose!

For true inspiration we should look to the last days of WW2 when National Socialist Germany under Adolf Hitler threw literally everything at the enemies of our race. They fought until there were virtually no reserves left. It was a fight until the very end; the last drop of blood. They knew that the fight against the Jew-controlled enemy was one that meant death and terror for Germany should they lose. They knew. That’s why they fought like they did.

Now we are a fragmented race under attack in all our homelands throughout the world. We have the same enemy (the Jew) and an even bigger challenge. Subjugation and humiliation were the penalties Germany suffered after losing WW2, along with plenty of death. This time our race is going to have to win on a global scale. If we don’t win this fight, then our mighty White Race WILL DIE! There will be no more chances.

World War 2 and Hitler’s Germany showed us the correct way. NOW WE MUST STAND AND FIGHT!!




– BDL1983

Hitler On The Power Of Mass-Media

Mein Kampf, Ford Translation, from Pages 155 – 158……


I love this accurate description of how the “press” controls most peoples minds. From Mein Kampf, Volume 1 – An Accounting, Chapter 10 – Causes of the Collapse:

………………………………………………………………….. leads in Page 155:

One of the worst signs of this corruption was the growing cowardice. No one wanted to face responsibility for anything and the resulting weakness and indifference in dealing with the problems that resulted only accelerated the downfall.

The source of this epidemic is primarily in the parliamentary institution, where irresponsibility is positively cultivated and nurtured. Unfortunately, the disease slowly spreads to all life outside the Monarchy, especially to governmental life. Everywhere, people started to dodge responsibility. To avoid any responsibility, they resorted to insufficient, ineffective, halfway measures that reduced their personal responsibility to a minimum.

We only have to consider the attitude of the individual governments toward a series of damaging occurrences in our public life, and we will easily recognize the dreadful impact of this universal half-heartedness and fear of responsibility.

I will cite only a few cases from the enormous number of examples known to me: Journalistic circles are particularly fond of describing the press as a “great power” in the State. Indeed, its importance is truly enormous. It simply cannot be overestimated. It continues the education of adults which is important.

Readers can be divided into three groups: Those who believe everything they read; those who no longer believe anything they read; and those minds which critically examine what they read and then form their own judgments about the accuracy of the information.

The first group who believes everything they read is the largest and strongest because they are composed of the broad masses of the population.

These great masses of the people represent the most simple-minded part of the nation. It cannot, however, be divided by occupation, only by general degrees of intelligence. This group includes those who have not been born with the gift of, or trained for independent thinking and who believe anything which is printed in black and white. This is partly because of inability and partly through incompetence. This group also encompasses a class of lazy people who could think for themselves, but who gratefully accept anything someone else has already put any thinking-effort into on the humble assumption that he worked hard for his opinion so it must be right. All these groups represent the great mass of the people and the influence of the press on them will be enormous. Since they are unable or unwilling to weigh what is offered to them and evaluate it for themselves, their approach to every daily problem is totally determined by how they are influenced by others. This may be an advantage if their understanding is fed by serious and truth-loving persons, but it will be disastrous if they are led by scoundrels and liars.

In number, the second group who does not believe anything they read is considerably smaller. It is partially made up of those who once belonged to the first group of total-believers. Then, after continued disappointments, they have switched to the opposite extreme and now believe nothing in print. They hate all newspapers and either do not read them at all, or fly into a rage over the contents which they believe to be nothing but lies and deceptions. These people are very hard to deal with because they will always be suspicious, even of the truth. They are useless when it comes to accomplishing any positive work.

The third group who reads and evaluates for themselves is by far the smallest. It consists of those really fine minds, which have been educated and through training or maybe are naturally capable of independent thinking. They try to form their own judgments on everything and they subject everything they read to a repeated, thorough scrutiny and further develop the implications and meaning for themselves. They never look at a newspaper without mentally taking part in the writing and then Mr. Writer’s task is no easy one. Journalists have a reserved, perhaps limited appreciation for such readers.

To the members of this third group, the nonsense which a newspaper may choose to scribble is not dangerous or even significant. They have usually become accustomed in the course of a lifetime to regard every journalist as a rogue who happens to sometimes tell the truth. Unfortunately, the importance of these splendid figures is only in their intelligence and not in their number. There are too few of them to have a significant impact. It is unfortunate that during this age wisdom means nothing and majority means everything! Today, when the voting ballots of the masses are final, the deciding factor is the highest number——that is the largest group and this is the first group I discussed. This is the crowd of the simple-minded or most gullible citizens.

The State has a prime interest in preventing these people from falling into the hands of bad, ignorant, or evil-intentioned gurus. It is, therefore, the State’s duty to supervise their education and prevent any mischief from being performed. In doing so, the State must keep a particularly sharp eye on the press. The press’ influence on such people is by far the strongest and most penetrating because it is exerted continuously and not just momentarily. It is the continuous, consistent repetition of this educational instruction that makes it enormously important. The State must also remember that all means must point towards the same end. It must not be misled by chatter about so-called “freedom of the press” into neglecting its duty. The State must never deprive or allow others to deprive the nation of the nourishment it needs and can thrive on—the nourishment that is good and can accomplish good. The State must use ruthless determination to keep control of this instrument of popular education and make certain it is placed in the service of the State and the Nation.

What was it that the German press fed people before the war? Wasn’t it the most virulent poison imaginable? Wasn’t the heart of our people injected with acute pacifism at a time when the rest of the world was preparing slowly but surely to pounce on Germany? Even in peace time, didn’t the German press fill the minds of the people with doubts about the just cause of its own State which reduced the choice of weapons the State could select for defense from the very beginning? Wasn’t it the German press which succeeded in offering the nonsense of “Western Democracy” in an appetizing way to our people, until at last, captured by all the enthusiastic fluff, the people believed it could entrust its future to a League of Nations? (The League of Nations resulted from the Treaty of Versailles after the First World War and was meant to maintain peace.) Didn’t it help bring a state of moral degradation upon our people? Didn’t it portray morality and decency as ridiculous, calling them old-fashioned and narrow-minded, until at last our people renounced them to become “modern?” Didn’t the continuous assault by the press undermine the foundations of government authority until one push was enough to collapse the institution? Didn’t the press oppose at every turn the movement to give to the State that authority which is the State’s, and degrade the army by constant criticism, sabotage the universal military draft, and urge the refusal of military funding increases until eventually the campaign of the press was assured to be a success? The liberal press’ activity dug the grave of the German people and the German Empire. This does not even include the small Marxist lie-sheets which were handed out. They cannot live without lying any more than a cat can live without catching mice. Their primary goal is to break the national backbone of the people in order to prepare it for the burden of international financiers and their master, the Jew.

What did the State do against this mass poisoning of the nation? Nothing, nothing at all. A few ridiculous rules, a few sentences about not being too violent, not being too evil, and that was all. They took no serious action because they hoped to win the favor of this pest by flattery, by recognizing the “value” of the press, its “importance”, its “educational mission”, and other such nonsense. All of this the Jews accepted with a sly smile, giving devious thanks in return.

Continues Page 158……………………………………………………………………………………

Hitler certainly was right!!!!


– BDL1983


For me personally, I have absolutely no need for any organised structured religious institution. I do not need anyone to tell me how to behave and especially how to be a ‘good person’. Behaving in a decent manner and respecting others is something that comes naturally to me. I believe it comes naturally to most white people. It fascinates and annoys me to see the constant bickering about religion within this so-called White Nationalist movement. There is no need for it. It serves no purpose. Whatever religious or spiritual beliefs satisfy a person, that’s their thing, it doesn’t matter to me so long as the WHITE RACE and the Laws of Nature sit above the religious dogma.

I would define my religion as being the survival and upward evolution of our race; everything else in the world can be judged by Nature. If something is not natural, then it is against my religion. If the white race were to be wiped out by the current Jewish-led war against us, then that would be nature’s judgement. We are still here, we are white, and we believe in our racial survival! That is the ‘religious’ aspect of my worldly outlook.

Let’s take a look at what everyone seems to enjoy squabbling about:

1.)    Christianity:


Codreanu and the cross…..

The favourite punching bag of many. I don’t believe it has Jewish origins, although it most certainly came from the land now known as Israel and has been corrupted and infiltrated by Jews. I think this is what happens to anything over the course of 2000 years: Jews tinker with it.

Were the original Christians white (Christian Identity)? I think it is possible considering how many different tribes were in the area at the time, but there are numerous disgusting parasitically-natured quotes from the Old Testament which point me away from that idea. Could all these parasitic and therefore ‘Jewy’ quotes be something which the Jews themselves have stuck in the bible over the past couple millennia? I’m really not sure but it might help explain why there seems to be two sources of input in writing the bible.

John 8:44 – You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

This is clearly speaking about the Jews. If Jews created Christianity then why would they expose themselves? That wouldn’t be very cunning or ‘Jewy’.

My point is that the whole question of Christianity is beyond ‘murky’ to say the least, and I’m convinced there are two origins for all the stuff in the bible. It is both pro-Jewish with a few choice parasitic Old Testament quotes AND anti-Jewish with the likes of John 8:44.

I don’t have any use for Christianity personally, but I have no problem if someone else does, that’s up to them to decide. So long as the WHITE RACE and NATURE are above all then they are my ally!

2.)    Paganism/Odinism:


Not that everyone squabbles over Paganism and Odinism all the time, but it is another ‘religious’ avenue people like to explore. I really like the old time ‘fighting spirit’, honour, bravery, and self-sacrifice embodied within Paganism/Odinism.

I see it as vague in a doctrinal sense, but I think it is more-or-less a legitimate expression of the nature of the white race.

3.)    Creativity:


Ben Klassen was a very intelligent man. I think he is too harsh on Christianity in general, but the rest of the Creativity religion makes sense to me. I can see where he was coming from regarding Christianity. He was certainly right about it if he replaced the word ‘Christian’ with ‘Judeo-Christian’ or ‘Christian Zionist’, just to define it more accurately.

Creativity takes the WHITE RACE and NATURE and says ‘here’s your new religion’! Could you or I do any better than that? I couldn’t! That’s why I think Creativity very closely mirrors my own personal belief system.


Like I said before, my religion is the survival and upward evolution of our race combined with the Laws of Nature. So, if you take Creativity minus the Christian bashing, add in the fighting warrior attitude expressed in Odinism, take the positive/anti-Jewish parts of Christianity, and roll them all into one: You have the perfect belief system!!

I don’t know why anyone would need anything more than that! ‘Race and Nature’ is my religion and all else which doesn’t make sense is the result of Jewish infiltration and the subsequent distortion of reality. I classify the ‘Race and Nature’ belief system as National Socialism’s spiritual expression.

– BDL1983

If Hitler Won World War II We’d Have A Better, More Just World Today!!!

SiegHeilAbove: Our Spiritual Guide…….

From James L. Millers Blog:

Legendary U.S. General George S. Patton realized late in the war that the United States fought the wrong country. Patton felt the U.S. should have sided with Germany to destroy Jewish Bolshevik/Communist USSR. This information comes from Patton’s diary entries, letters he wrote to his wife, and comments he made to military officers and staff.

World War II was incredibly complex. However, in the final analysis, WWII was essentially a war between two competing ideologies: Nationalism -vs- Jewish Internationalism/globalism. Adolf Hitler and his allies fought to preserve the concept of Nationalism, not just for Germans but for all peoples the world over. Nationalism really just means the sovereignty of an ethnic people and the right of such ethnic people/nationalists – within their own bordered country – to self-determination.  What is meant by self-determination?  Self-determination just means an ethnic people preserving their unique culture & heritage and pursuing their collective goals as a unique people.  This applies to any ethnic peoples: Nigerians, Germans, Swedes, Vietnamese, Mexicans, Tibetans, etc.

On the other side of WWII was Jewish (Bolshevik) Internationalism (today we simply call this ‘globalism’). In the 1920’s, 1930’s, and of course during WWII, powerful Jewish Internationalists were fervently advancing the Jewish worldview of eventually eliminating all nations… except for a Jewish homeland… (what was later to be – after WWII – the nation of Israel in 1948). Today we see that nothing has changed; Jewish Internationalism/globalism still works toward gradually “merging” all peoples of the world (particularly in the Western World) into one globalist system with a global government, global laws, consistent global culture, global bank, global currency, etc. In short, Jewish globalism (i.e., the weakening and eventual elimination of all nations) is the exact opposite of Nationalism (i.e., a world composed of nations … specifically, ethnically homogenous and bordered nations). The Allied powers of WWII (led by Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, et al) were tools of International Jewry and thus de facto fighting for the Jewish globalist worldview. After the (Jewish run) Allies won WWII in 1945, International Jewish forces were then free to exercise a Jewish ‘Sphere of Influence’ over the greater Western World (and as we see today, increasingly over the rest of the world).

Alternatively, if Hitler had won World War II and then exercised a Nationalist ‘Sphere of Influence’ over the greater Western World, we’d have a more just, fair, and moral Western World today. The rest of the world would have similarly benefited had the Germans been victorious since German influence would have surely spread elsewhere (ideas such as non-usurious banking and strong family oriented culture would likely have spread globally).

Had Hitler won World War II, what would be different in the post war world? Here are a few examples:

1 – No USSR (the Soviet government murdered millions of its own people during its 70 year reign – to study this topic read the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; Hitler would have liberated the USSR, though taking large parts of its Western region for lebensraum, “living space”)

2 – No cold war (because there would be no USSR)

3 – No Communist Eastern Europe/Iron Curtain (when WWII ended, Eastern Europe fell to Communism – this was part of Stalin’s spoils of war)

4 – No Red China and Mao’s subsequent killing of 40 – 60 million Chinese (the USSR created favorable conditions for Mao’s Communists which ultimately led to Mao’s victory over Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists in 1949, thus if no USSR, no Mao victory)

5 – No Communist North Vietnam (both the Soviet Union and Red China aided Ho Chi Minh)

6 – No Communist Cambodia and Pol Pot’s slaughter of 2 million Cambodians (Red China aided Pol Pot)

7 – No dividing Korea into North Korea & South Korea (the Allies split Korea after WWII ended, with North Korea becoming Communist… another of Stalin’s spoils of war)

8 – No Communist Cuba (given the previous, what support would Castro have had in the 1950’s?)

9 – No Communism anywhere (Hitler was the world’s most fervent anti-Communist)

10 – Liberalism & multiculturalism wouldn’t dominate Western ethos (both are Jewish creations and both have always been heavily promoted/advanced by Jews; thus if no Jewish influence, then no liberalism and no multiculturalism… at least certainly nowhere near the degree we see today)

11 – No Cultural Marxism and no political correctness (these are social engineering “tools” which came out of the Jewish think tank known as the Frankfurt School)

12 – No third world immigration into Western nations (Jews wouldn’t be in power positions to craft and force through liberal immigration laws; Jews are responsible for each and every Western nation’s liberal immigration policy/laws, as all were orchestrated by a consortium consisting of the World Jewish Congress, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and B’nai B’rith)

13 – No depraved filth on TV, in movies, etc. (because Jews wouldn’t run Hollywood)

14 – No widespread pornography (Jewish lawyers and Jewish activists were the main challengers of anti-obscenity laws, under the guise of “Freedom of Speech”)

15 – There would still be prayer in public schools (Jewish lawyers were instrumental in banning prayer in public schools under the guise of so-called “separation of church and state,” something that appears nowhere in the U.S. Constitution)

16 – No man-hating radical feminist movement (Jews such as Betty Friedan, Sonia Pressman, and Gloria Steinem, among others, were the key drivers of radical feminism)

17 – No Israel and all the problems it has brought the USA and the immeasurable misery it has wrought on the Palestinians

18 – Jews would be living in Madagascar (perhaps) and would be carefully monitored (Madagascar was one place Hitler considered as a Jewish homeland)

Many reading this will ask, “But what about the Holocaust?” The Holocaust has been grossly exaggerated by organized Jewry in order to create sympathy for Jews worldwide and thus help advance the Jewish agenda (i.e., people seen as victims tend to get their way). It is also used as a political weapon to justify Israeli militarism against the Palestinians. Hitler’s Final Solution (rebranded in the early 1970’s as the “Holocaust”) was a plan to remove Jews from Europe, not to kill them. During WWII, just as the U.S. couldn’t trust Japanese Americans, thus causing FDR to round many of them up and place them in concentration camps, Hitler couldn’t trust Jews since many were partisans sympathetic to the USSR and hence they aided the USSR in various subversive, anti-German activities. Therefore the Nazis rounded up Jews and placed them in concentration camps.

Somewhere around one million Jews died during WWII (not six million) mostly due to disease and starvation in the final months of the war. Heavy Allied bombing of Germany and parts of German occupied Europe destroyed many roads, rail lines, and bridges making it impossible for Germany to adequately supply the camps with food and medicine. The result is that many Jews died of starvation and disease; and of course many non-Jews also died of starvation and disease (again, due to a massive Allied bombing campaign and its destruction of German transportation infrastructure). Lastly, there were no “gas chambers.” Much has been written about this. To study the “gas chamber” subject, read the research papers published by Germar Rudolf & Carlo Mattogno (there are many others as well). To get a broad overview of the Holocaust, read my article, What Was The Holocaust… What Actually Happened?


Read More:

Some very valid points raised here!

Two minor things I disagree with:

1.) The Holocaust is not “grossly exaggerated”. It NEVER happened AT ALL!

2.) Approx. 250,000 Jews died in WW2, judging from my own research….. NOT ‘One million’; that is an absolute maximum figure and probably a very high estimate…..

Great article from a blog well-worth checking out!

– Brett