First Green to sign London Declaration


Kikes: NSW Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham with NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff.

NSW Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham is among around 70 state parliamentarians who have added their signature to the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism in the last two weeks.

Buckingham, who is a member of the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Israel, is the only NSW Greens MP to have signed the declaration.

“There’s a symbolic importance to sign this very important document that condemns anti-Semitism and reaffirms our commitment to stamp out anti-Semitism,” he told The AJN. (Isn’t that nice? Anti-Semitism meaning any oppostition to what the kikes want!)

“It’s important that all political parties recognise the dangers of anti-Semitism, recognise how disastrous it was in the 20th century, and we have to be mindful to stamp it out wherever it rears its ugly head – in any way, shape or form – in our modern society.” (Ha ha ha… Sure, I don’t know how any Gentiles would cope without Jews ruling over them! We might actually live freely without all the Jewish bullshit… Kind-of like the Germans back in the ’30s)

In contrast with many of his Greens Upper House colleagues who have been critical of Israel, Buckingham said he supported the clause in the declaration condemning the singling out of Israel for discriminatory treatment in the international arena.

“I recognise the State of Israel. I want to see self-determination for the people of Palestine as well, so I think it’s a very fair document,” he said.

Around 50 Coalition MPs and 20 members of the Labor caucus have now signed the declaration.

Meanwhile, on the federal political scene, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus sent an open letter to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott on Monday requesting the Coalition reverse its stance on repealing Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, in light of the Coalition’s 105 parliamentarians all having signed the London Declaration.

In his letter, Dreyfus drew parallels between two clauses in the London Declaration and Section 18C, which makes it unlawful to publish material which offends or insults a person or group because “of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the ­person or of some or all of the people in the group”. (Jews are intent on GENOCIDING the entire White Race and WE are supposed to care about their feelings? Fuck that. They spend most of their time banging on about the Holocaust (which never even happened), thereby FALSELY DEMONISING the GERMANS as a GROUP, and more broadly the whole WHITE RACE!!!! Dreyfus and all the parliamentarians should be tried and found guilty under Section 18C themselves!!! The case is EASY to make….)

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Oy Vey, it’s my writing in brackets obviously!

– BDL1983

It’s The Jews, Stupid!

I don’t know why I’m writing this today. I must have got out the wrong side of bed this morning because I’m so fucking angry!!

I’ve been going over and over in my head about how stupid the general public is…. Can’t they see what’s going in the world? Is it really that fucking difficult to figure out?? I just don’t know anymore…. What do we do with all the dumb-arse lemmings? I feel like grabbing some random idiot off the street, holding ’em by the scruff of the neck and forcing them to digest reality! It’s not that hard to figure out all this shit about the ‘New World Order’ and the damn Jews….. All you have to do is use common sense and logic…..

I would like to make this ‘random idiot’ off the street sit down, read a few things, watch a few videos, and think about it.

The first thing I’d put the idiot through would be one of those videos about the Holocaust hoax. Once you have seen through this idiotic hoax, which even a fucking 5-year-old could figure out, your world view changes forever. You learn that people get sent to prison for questioning the grand hoax… This tells us two things: 1.) The people promoting this Holohoax story have something to hide and 2.) that they have the power to send people to prison for questioning it.

The next logical step is to ask “who are these people?” Obviously, it is the Jews whining endlessly about this thing that never even happened…… So you go and investigate the apparatus used to uphold this power structure and what do you find? You find Jews running all the big banks, the UN, the Western worlds mass-media and on and on…. It’s not complicated to understand… All you have to do is view the Jews as a distinct tribe and then you’ll see how they network; how they operate this ‘New World Order’ thing….

The New World Order Alex Jones bangs on incessantly about is clearly a Jewish construct. The UN is a kind-of structural framework for the Jews to establish world domination. They run this ‘Kosher-as-all-fuck’ operation out of Jew York City itself and the UN’s basic job is to get all the governments of the world to sign on to various treaties promising to be Kosher! The UN, the IMF, World Bank, all the big banks in the U.S. for that matter, work as one big kosher unit to dominate all nations.. There is nothing tricky at all about this!!

To add extra proof for this common idiot to digest, I’d make him watch 9-11 Missing Links which definitively proves that the Jewish Crime Network did 9-11….. The logical question after learning that the Jews did 9-11, is how the fuck did they pull that off and not get caught? And then pass it off as an Islamic act of terrorism? The answer is obvious.. The Jews wrote the official narrative and promoted the fuck out of it through their total control of the mass-media! There is no other possible answer….They did it; got away with it; therefore they must control the media!!! And of course any simple investigation of media big-wigs will confirm this…

The other thing the idiot doesn’t get is why we are fighting endless wars in the middle-east…. It’s not hard to understand: The Jews run the show and are using our western military might to fight Israels enemies!!! It’s that simple. Muslim Terrorism is just the fake pretext to get us to do the Jews bidding… 9-11 was ‘kick-off’ for the final kosher push to dominate the world.. It’s no coincidence that we are militarily ‘kosherising’ ONLY those countries Israel doesn’t like!

The Holocaust being the hoax that it is and Jews being the doers of 9-11 prove that IT IS THE JEWS behind this New World Order thing!!! Once you know that; it is childs’ play to figure out the rest… Jews clearly own everything of any importance in the global power structure and they just so happen to be the most tribal group of people on the face of the fucking planet! We know there is an agenda for ‘world domination’ or ‘global governance’… Anyone can work that out… Now we know exactly what the coordinating force is behind this agenda: THE JEWS!!!


Another issue for the common person to investigate is the Climate Change/ Global Warming hoax. This is a complete load of kosher bullshit designed and promoted by the UN’s “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”. Note that it is a UN agenda; therefore a Jewish agenda. It is simply a wealth re-distribution scheme aimed at guilt tripping White Nations for using ‘fossil fuels’. And how do we fix this Climate Change problem? Pay ridiculous Taxes to our Jew controlled Governments? Don’t make me laugh!! It is all bullshit to get more taxes out of us and they’ll be simply offset against our international Jew debts……. Fucking Great!!

Can someone please tell Alex Jones about the Jews? The poor man is struggling poking his fat fingers at Goblins, Bilder-ham-bergers, Trilaterals, the UN, Nazis, and various other stupid groups all controlled by Jewry!

One final thing for the common person to ponder: The Holocaust is a hoax; so that means we have to re-evaluate what we think of National Socialist Germany and Hitler. Obviously Hitler was not the monster we have been told he was, because he didn’t mass murder Jews or anyone else for that matter… We now understand that it is the Jews who wrote the history books and LIED about Hitler, and therefore Hitler was right (and still is)!


Read this; Everything will make sense afterwards!! Trust me……..

I feel better for getting that rant off my chest….

Fourteen Hundred and Eighty Eight.

– BDL1983

Lemmy’s Third Reich Stuff….

As you may have figured, I love Motorhead! They’re one of the loudest, fastest metal bands in the world!

Anyway, there is an interesting fascination Lemmy has; namely the Third Reich and collecting “Axis” memorabilia! The pictures below are from Lemmy’s apartment….. There’s some pretty cool GENUINE articles there:

Lemmyspadresized1 Lemmyspadresized2 wall o knives Lemmysapartment Lemmy11

The following 5 links are worth a look:

Crypt Magazine Interview

Lemmy’s Interview with David Lee ’98

Stormfront thread – “Heavy Metal v Holocaust denial”

Motorhead Forum – Holocaust comments

Lemmy on Metapedia

I’m quite sure Lemmy knows a lot more detail about WW2, Germany, the Jews etc. than he lets on…… Of course though, when you are the lead singer of one of the worlds biggest and best metal bands and you have a “career” to keep, you instinctively know when you’ve got to keep your mouth shut!

The fact that Lemmy’s career would be ruined if he ever told us what he REALLY thought is a testament to the power of the Jews….


– BDL1983

NSW leaders unite against hate

Oy Vey! They’re at it again! This time it’s the NSW State political “Leaders” they’re “Koshering” up; just a little bit more!!! It’s nice isn’t it? Exactly like in this article: “Australia – We have a Jewish Problem!”

Here we go:


PREMIER Barry O’Farrell and Opposition Leader John Robertson have cast party politics to the side, when they signed the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism.

The historic ceremony took place on Tuesday at Parliament House, with NSW Jewish Board of Deputies (JBOD) president Yair Miller and CEO Vic Alhadeff in attendance.

O’Farrell said it was up to political leaders “to do everything they can” to stamp out anti-Semitism.

“It worries me that decades have passed since the end of World War II and yet there is still a need to speak out about abhorrent anti-Semitic activity,” he said.

“This is an issue above politics – which is why I am delighted it has bipartisan support.”

Robertson said it was an honour to sign the declaration “in a spirit of bipartisanship”.

Leaders of political parties have a duty to speak out against anti-Semitism – and we speak stronger when it is with one voice,” he said.

“The horror of the Holocaust teaches us that evil and bigotry can take hold unless they are vigorously opposed and challenged.

“Hatred will always be defeated by reason, enlightenment – and the hearts of decent people.”

In Canberra, all 105 federal Coalition parliamentarians have now signed the declaration, with both sides of politics in Victoria also set to commit to the global initiative in the coming days.

Read More:

Now that is a fucking sickening display of JEWISHNESS……!!

That was so sickening it was hard to work out which bits to highlight…


– BDL1983

Classic V.o.R Radio – 2008

This is an old classic from the formerly functioning WN network – Voice Of Reason (VoR).



It’s from October 2008, so nearly 5 years old now, but its still a very interesting and entertaining broadcast! I only “woke up” to this Jew thing in early 2009 and this was one of the first WN radio shows I ever listened to. Rabbi Mishko and Grand Rabbi Faust, along with James Hawthorne from the UK, ‘star’ in this broadcast.

The following is a great quote from James Hawthorne about 182 – 185 Minutes in:

“You can always look to history to see how things happened in the past. So let’s look to 1929 in Germany. What happened there? The German economy was goin’ down because of the huge depression that happened in Wall Street. In 1929 the German people were using wooden wheelbarrows full of money to buy a loaf of bread. OK. This went on until 1933, until a political party called the National Socialist German Workers Party got elected to power and looked at the financial situation and said “no more usury, no more Jewish finance, the economy will be based on labour. Everything is based on labour. We need to reinvest in our manufacturing industry and start building stuff that says ‘made in Germany’”. Labour trumps international Jewish finance usury and that’s what their afraid of, of nationalist organisations coming back to power in Europe because we believe in economic nationalism, and economic nationalism means revitalising our manufacturing industries, because the Jews have turned America and Britain and most of Europe into a service industry. We don’t manufacture stuff that we used to, we import this crap from China, we import our cars from Japan. You know, Germany can build BMW’s as well as Japan can build Toyotas. We’ve gotta get back economic nationalism and building and putting our people back to work, building stuff that says made in the USA, made in Great Britain, made in Germany, made in France, and tell these Jews to take a flying leap with their usury and their financial institutions because when we come to power once again, economic nationalism should rule and labour should trump everything else.”


– BDL1983