John Hardon’s Radio Show

For a UK perspective, tune in to John Hardon’s show!

Maybe this is how the English Flag would look if they weren’t misled by the Jews into destroying Hitler!
Maybe this is how the English Flag would look if they weren’t misled by the Jews into destroying Hitler!

Main Topics: The Jewish Problem, Immigration, the future of the White race, UK politics & more!

Fridays at 11:00 pm, BST (British Summer Time).

Links to the Radio Show also found at John Hardon’s Blog.

– BDL1983

Dead SS captain should be cremated to ‘share the fate of millions of Nazi victims’

Can’t get enough of Jews whining about everything? Then have a read through this NBC News article:

A leading Nazi-hunter at a Jewish rights group said on Tuesday that the body of an ex-SS captain at the center of a diplomatic wrangle should be cremated.

Efraim Zuroff, chief Nazi-hunter at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel, said the body of Erich Priebke should “share the fate of millions of the Nazis’ victims, who have no grave to cry to.

Classic line: “…. no grave to cry to“. They actually have no grave to cry to because the Holocaust never happened in the first place.

RIP. Erich Priebke
RIP. Erich Priebke

Priebke died at age 100 in Rome last Friday while serving a life sentence under house arrest. His body has become something of a diplomatic problem.

His birthplace in Germany became on Tuesday the third place, after Rome and Argentina, to reject the idea that he could be buried there, fearful it would energize neo-Nazi sentiment.

But Zuroff — who compiles a yearly list of the “most wanted” living Nazis and attempts to bring them to justice — said the solution is simple.

“Burn the body and scatter the ashes,” he said.

“The last thing anyone wants is for his grave to turn into a shrine for the neo-Nazis, and we have to remember he was a totally unsympathetic Nazi who showed no remorse for the murders he committed.

“Why shouldn’t he share the share the fate of millions of the Nazis’ victims, who have no grave to cry to and no place to grieve?”

Priebke was serving a life sentence under house arrest for his part in the killing of 335 civilians in 1944 near Rome. He admitted his role in what was Italy’s worst wartime massacre and never apologized.

He also claimed the Holocaust was an invention by Western powers to cover up their own human rights atrocities.

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The Holocaust most certainly is an invention, and the Jews are fast running out of so-called “Nazi war criminals” to continually “witch-hunt”. Things will only get crazier when there’s no-one left to hunt. They’ll start going after their descendants for ‘mental trauma’, and whatever else these Jews can dream up!

RIP – Erich Priebke

– Brett

A Couple of Radio Shows Well-Worth the Listen:

First up, John Friend’s interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom. This man knows his stuff regarding the whole issue of ‘Global Warming‘, or ‘Climate Change‘ (Climate Change is what the so-called experts label it, when unsure if temperatures are going up or down).


The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), is a branch of the United Nations, and therefore a political organisation. The UN and the Oil companies are controlled by Jews. Since Kikes are pushing BOTH sides of this agenda, then obviously one side must be wrong. The way you tell is by the evidence and the labelling of the nay-sayers. On the Al Gore, TV, UN side, there is no evidence other than fearmongering propaganda. On the other side, there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that the man-made CO2, ‘Global Warming’ theory is a load of bullshit, and the epithet of ‘Climate Change DENIER‘ being thrown at those who doubt the UN’s bogus claims!

Holocaust = Hoax, therefore ‘Holocaust Denier’ is the smear term used against those who question.

Climate Change = Hoax, therefore ‘Climate Change Denier’ is the smear term used against those who question.

You do the mathematics.

It’s purpose is to sell the idea that humans are destroying the planet by pumping too much life-giving CO2 into the atmosphere, and catastrophically warming things up. It is just a guilt-trip used on ‘White’ countries to con us into paying ‘carbon’ taxes, where they can go, “Look, too much of a carbon footprint here, let’s cut back on resource use in the WHITE countries, because Whitey ‘pollutes’ too much, then pretend to use our carbon offsets to help starving Africans”. All the while, Mr. Jew just pockets the money anyway, because all the ‘developing’ countries are already in huge debt! Mr. Jew only wants to use this issue to lower our White living standards, as he simultaneously ‘multiculturalises’ us!

White Nationalists: Pay Attention, this is the TRUTH!

Older article about Jew Climate scam

Also, listen to this show with Kyle Hunt interviewing Thomas Goodrich. It’s all about the disgusting Jew-led WAR CRIMES against Germany; mass rape, murder, torture etc….. Truly horrible stuff that SHOULD BE COMMON KNOWLEDGE AMONGST EVERYONE! It is a very significant event in our history, illustrating what these filthy, disgusting, fucking kikes have done to our race….. (and are perfectly capable of repeating, if given the chance)

Older article about what the filthy Jews did to the Germans

That’s all.

– Brett

Jewish Chutzpah in Australia

Today I’ve been ‘on a roll’ finding stories of Jewish Chutzpah. First, it was the Federal Reserve Jews in the U.S. choosing their new Chairman (or woman), and now these three fantastic stories of Chutzpah from the Australian Jewish News. One is an oldie, but still very relevant, and the other two are new articles.

The ‘oldie’ I found whilst visiting Dallas Clarke’s Jewish News site, Jewish Terrorism, and the others, directly from the Australian Jew News. It took about 30 seconds to find all three!

Chutzpah‘ is what someone has, when being extremely audacious. Jews are very audacious when whining amongst themselves. I’d even go so far as to say that ‘news’ translates directly into ‘chutzpah’, when talking about Jews.

Let’s see how audacious these Yids are in Australia:

Australian Jewish News, March 16, 2012

Abbott: We are all Israeli

Abbott Central web

FEDERAL Opposition Leader Tony Abbott gave a strong endorsement of Israel’s right to defend itself during a speech at the Central Synagogue last Friday night.

Appearing as a special guest as part of Central’s ongoing “Studio Central” youth program, Abbott spoke about the contribution Jewish Australians have made to our nation, before noting the similarities between Australia and Israel.

“In so many ways, [Israel is] a country so much like Australia, a liberal, pluralist democracy,” he said, “A beacon of freedom and hope in a part of the world which has so little freedom and hope.”

He added that Australians “can hardly begin to comprehend” the existential threat Israelis live under. “It is so easy for us in Australia to get moral qualms, if you like, when we read about Israeli actions in – on the West Bank for instance – or Israeli involvement in Lebanon.”

“And yet, we are not threatened in the way Israel was and is, and if we were threatened in the way Israel was and is, I am sure that we would take actions just as strong in our own defence.

“When Israel is fighting for its very life, well, as far as I’m concerned, Australians are Israelis. We are all Israelis in those circumstances.”

On a more local front, Abbott noted that Australia was the only the country in the world after Israel to have had a Jewish head of state, a Jewish Chief Justice and a Jewish Commander of the Armed Forces.

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Next up, we have our grovelling, pathetic, ABC T.V. Network (government-owned) apologising to the Jews for allowing people to express themselves on one of their facebook pages:

Peter Wertheim (left), Stephen Lewis. Photo: Nadine Saacks
ECAJ executive director Peter Wertheim.

THE ABC has apologised for allowing anti-Semitic comments to remain on the Facebook page of one of its TV channels after the broadcast of a documentary about life in the West Bank.

The mea culpa came after the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) complained about the posts on the ABC2 page, which included a comparison of Israel with Nazis.

Slurs such as “the violence of the Israeli state”, the “facist [sic] Israeli government and their nazi-ish army” and “ethnic cleansing of Palestine” were posted after the documentary Five Broken Cameras was broadcast by ABC2 in August, and viewers were encouraged to air their opinions online.

One post exclaimed: “I was once puzzled as to why the Jews were disliked so much, but am now beginning to understand. They’re behaving like the Gestapo.”

Introducing the documentary, host Kristy Best openly admitted “it doesn’t attempt to tell both sides of the story”.

In a letter to ABC managing director Mark Scott, the ECAJ emphasised its complaint was not about the showing of Five Broken Cameras, “even though we strongly disagree with the bias, lack of context and balance in the documentary”.

Instead ECAJ reiterated a complaint from May, “about bias and imbalance in the ABC’s coverage of Israel over time”, and complained about its online hosting of anti-Semitic comments after the screening of the documentary.

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Last of all, Julia Gillard receives a post ‘Prime-Ministerial’ award for serving Jewry with 100% unwavering loyalty. If you haven’t caught ‘anti-semitism’ yet (the Jews actually think the goyim catch it like a disease), then this should do the trick:


FORMER Prime Minister Julia Gillard will be awarded the 2013 Jerusalem Prize, in recognition of her outstanding contribution to strengthening Australia’s connection with Israel.

The Jerusalem Prize is awarded annually by the Zionist Council of Victoria (ZCV), the Zionist Federation of Australia and the World Zionist Federation, to an outstanding individual who supports Israel and the Zionist movement.

As a member of the Australian Parliament and Australia’s first female prime minister, the ZCV says it feels that Gillard demonstrated unwavering commitment to democratic values, as well as ongoing support of the aspirations of Israel’s people for peace and security.

According to ZCV president Sam Tatarka, Gillard “has demonstrated over her entire political career that she identifies and empathises with the Jewish people and our connection with the land of Israel”.

“The Zionist Council of Victoria and the Zionist movement of Australia are honoured to be able to demonstrate our gratitude and respect for Ms Gillard’s many years as an unstinting supporter of the Jewish and Zionist cause,” he said.

Gillard will be presented with the award at the ZCV’s 75th annual assembly on Tuesday, November 26, where she will also deliver the keynote address. The community is invited to attend.

“It is a most special honour to receive the Jerusalem Prize, which I am pleased to accept in tribute to the unshakable commitment of Australia to Israel, the enduring friendship between our two countries, and in furtherance of the democratic values we share,” Gillard said.

In December 2011, Gillard emphasised Israel’s independence and sovereignty as being of central importance to Jewish people ­worldwide.

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There you have it. The Jews are clearly, loudly, and proudly showing their power over both sides of our political process, and their ability to make our mass-media grovel at their feet!!! (Just in case you are a new comer to the Jewish Question)

How could anyone seriously doubt Jewish power and influence after reading through that?

– BDL1983