The Great Global Warming Swindle (It’s a hoax!)


The video above should demolish any belief anyone may have in the man-made, CO2, Global Warming/Climate Change hoax. The lies of the IPCC (branch of the U.N.) are clearly exposed. Basically, the IPCC’s job is to get sell-out ‘scientists‘ to find any variance in temperature, anywhere in the world, and then blame it on CO2 emissions. As you’ll see, the IPCC and the U.N. are completely full of shit!

The video below takes bits and pieces of the ‘Great Global Warming Swindle’ documentary, and shows how the bullshitgreenie‘ agenda fits into the Jew World Order agenda. They don’t mention the Jews though. It’s the New World Order to them………. Whatever.


Related articles from this site:

Climate Change is a Jewish Hoax

Religious Leaders Unite on Climate

John Friend’s Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom

This should be enough information for any reasonably intelligent person to see that human-induced ‘Global Warming’ is complete & utter bollocks!

– BDL1983

A Couple of Radio Shows Well-Worth the Listen:

First up, John Friend’s interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom. This man knows his stuff regarding the whole issue of ‘Global Warming‘, or ‘Climate Change‘ (Climate Change is what the so-called experts label it, when unsure if temperatures are going up or down).


The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), is a branch of the United Nations, and therefore a political organisation. The UN and the Oil companies are controlled by Jews. Since Kikes are pushing BOTH sides of this agenda, then obviously one side must be wrong. The way you tell is by the evidence and the labelling of the nay-sayers. On the Al Gore, TV, UN side, there is no evidence other than fearmongering propaganda. On the other side, there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that the man-made CO2, ‘Global Warming’ theory is a load of bullshit, and the epithet of ‘Climate Change DENIER‘ being thrown at those who doubt the UN’s bogus claims!

Holocaust = Hoax, therefore ‘Holocaust Denier’ is the smear term used against those who question.

Climate Change = Hoax, therefore ‘Climate Change Denier’ is the smear term used against those who question.

You do the mathematics.

It’s purpose is to sell the idea that humans are destroying the planet by pumping too much life-giving CO2 into the atmosphere, and catastrophically warming things up. It is just a guilt-trip used on ‘White’ countries to con us into paying ‘carbon’ taxes, where they can go, “Look, too much of a carbon footprint here, let’s cut back on resource use in the WHITE countries, because Whitey ‘pollutes’ too much, then pretend to use our carbon offsets to help starving Africans”. All the while, Mr. Jew just pockets the money anyway, because all the ‘developing’ countries are already in huge debt! Mr. Jew only wants to use this issue to lower our White living standards, as he simultaneously ‘multiculturalises’ us!

White Nationalists: Pay Attention, this is the TRUTH!

Older article about Jew Climate scam

Also, listen to this show with Kyle Hunt interviewing Thomas Goodrich. It’s all about the disgusting Jew-led WAR CRIMES against Germany; mass rape, murder, torture etc….. Truly horrible stuff that SHOULD BE COMMON KNOWLEDGE AMONGST EVERYONE! It is a very significant event in our history, illustrating what these filthy, disgusting, fucking kikes have done to our race….. (and are perfectly capable of repeating, if given the chance)

Older article about what the filthy Jews did to the Germans

That’s all.

– Brett

Religious leaders unite on climate….

Rabbi Kamins climate
Oy Vey Jew boy! Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins signs the letter.

THREE rabbis are among 16 diverse Australian religious leaders who have signed an open letter calling for bipartisan support of a ­carbon price.

The letter, which has been organised by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC), also calls for the winding back of coal exports and for more investment in clean, renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“We urge all Australians to give this moral issue the attention it demands,” it reads. “Our world is a blessing, a gift, and a responsibility. We must act now if we are to protect this sacred trust.”

Among the signatories are Emanuel Synagogue senior Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins, Rabbinic Council of Progressive Rabbis chairperson Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky and The Great Synagogue senior Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence.

Speaking alongside other religious leaders at a press conference held at the Pitt St Uniting Church in Sydney last Thursday, Rabbi Kamins said Australians needed to take responsibility for the impact we’re having on the planet.

“That means not only stopping coal exports, but also coal mining over a period of time, and retraining people in those fields for other jobs in renewable resources,” he said.

“This has to be a thought-out societal approach, but to pretend that the problems are too hard or can’t be dealt with now will mean that they can’t ever be dealt with.”

He said religious leaders had a responsibility in their teachings and sermons to raise awareness of the issue.

Read More:

NOTE: The Jewish controlled United Nations spawned the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and therefore “Climate Change” is a Jew agenda… This article goes to show that the lying Jewish propaganda has worked wonders in getting other religions to support their bullshit!


(I grabbed this pic from John Friends blog; it sums things up rather well!)

– BDL1983

“Climate Change” is a Jewish Hoax!


Here’s an article I wrote as a summary of a “Global Warming Hoax” DVD back in May 2009…

I was reading Mein Kampf for the first time back then and I was only a “beginner” on the Jewish Problem…….

– BDL1983

It is very important that the general public knows the truth behind this ‘Global Warming’ or ‘Climate Change’ scare. It is not a real environmental issue, but a very real political issue with huge implications for everyone on this planet if our so-called governments ‘act’ on it. After recently viewing a ‘Sovereignty International Environmental Perspectives Inc.’ production entitled ‘Global Warming or Global Governance’ (including snippets from the ‘Great Global Warming Swindle’ documentary), it is obvious for the good of humanity, that the powerful Global Warming lobby needs to be dealt a political death blow. Otherwise we must welcome multi-national corporate global enslavement, and the death of all national sovereignty. Sounds bad, it is! Here’s why:

The essence of the problem is summed up well by Dr. Vincent Gray, an Expert IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations body) Reviewer, Climate Consultant for New Zealand. He States, “The IPCC is a political organisation, set up by the UN, to provide evidence to support the framework convention on Climate Change, it’s been signed by governments, it’s entirely political”. Furthermore, “They made up what they were going to do beforehand and then chose whatever science they could find which they thought might support it, that’s my view”. On the government policies formulated from UN/IPCC findings he states, “Now, this summary for policy makers isn’t a summary for policy makers at all, it’s a summary by policy makers, in other words, it is a summary agreed line by line by government representatives”. Dr. Gray hits the nail on the head with these statements. This sums up the political process used by the IPCC, but what about the climate science and the media portrayal of this issue?

The controlled mass-media loves dramatizing this issue. Most often their examples supposedly linked to man-made global warming show floods, hurricanes, droughts, fires etc. You name it, it’ll be on the TV screen, in the paper, or on the net. Drama, Fear, Catastrophe, we should be scared because it’s our fault, or is it? They fail to mention that history shows natural catastrophes are more regular and dramatic in colder periods, not warmer ones. Anyone willing to do the research will find examples of natures’ fury throughout all history and that there has been no abnormal increase in natural disasters, but why not blame global warming for the disasters we do get? Seems to make people agree with the loony carbon dioxide idea!

Ian Clark, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Ottawa and director, G.G. Hatch Isotope Laboratories, one of Canada’s leading analytical facilities says, “In fact, there is no evidence of humans being the cause (of Climate Change), overwhelmingly it is the sun”. Even among IPCC reports they have not established greenhouse gasses as responsible for warming the earth.

Data and Consensus?

The misleading use of data is incredible. Al Gore is a liar who uses misleading graphs to convince uninformed crowds of his ‘inconvenient truth’, or should we say ‘convenient lie’! He shows two separate graphs asserting that the temperature graph follows the carbon dioxide graph, when in truth it is the carbon dioxide that follows temperature with about an 800 year lag. An important lesson in cause and effect, don’t you think Mr. Gore? Very hypocritical of Mr. Gore to preach to us to cut down on carbon emissions when in fact he uses seventeen times the energy of an average American! But he says he uses ‘green’ energy so it’s OK since the rich can afford it!

Al Gore LIAR!

The other piece of data these liars use is a discredited ‘hockey stick’ graph which shows temperature increases over the last thirty years or so. The ‘hockey stick’ data is contaminated by the Urban Heat Island effect as well as old unreliable measurements. Hot year 1998 is often thrown into the mix when discussing Global Warming and they conveniently forget that increased water vapour as a result of El Niño caused this one degree spike in temperatures. But it doesn’t end there; a look back thousands of years into earths’ history will reveal many warmer and cooler periods than today’s temperatures, and that the climatic conditions of today are nothing out of the ordinary.

And as for consensus? A 2003 Heartland Institute survey revealed 55.8% of scientists agree with the orthodox climate theory whilst 30% flatly disagreed. The reason for 55.8% agreeing is that without climate catastrophe, there is no government funding for them and they would have to look for a new job! To support this claim, John Christy, a Lead Author on the 2001 IPCC Report stated, “I was at the table with three Europeans having lunch and they were talking about their role as lead authors, they were talking about how they were trying to make the report so dramatic, that the US would have to sign up to the Kyoto Protocol”. This illustrates the attitude of those in the IPCC ‘agreeing’ with the Global Warming theory. Not to mention it was the same group of people pleading for funds by stoking up the ‘Global Cooling’ rubbish of the seventies!

Despite the fact that so-called ‘Climate Action’ groups are interested in getting carbon dioxide listed as an official pollutant, there have been many studies that reveal not only is carbon dioxide beneficial to plant life planet wide, but that carbon dioxide levels have been up to ten times more concentrated without any corresponding warming! Amazing! With more carbon dioxide, agriculture would thrive and world food production would soar. Climate scientist, Dr. Tim Patterson states, “Research has shown that an increase in carbon dioxide up to five times the current levels would not have a detrimental effect on earth’s biosphere”. Anyone ever wondered why we aren’t told of these remarkable studies? There are many studies and scientists that thoroughly agree with this statement but we wouldn’t know it!

And before anyone says that Global Warming ‘Sceptics’ are funded by oil companies (a small number of studies have been), it must be stated: if one side of this story is guilty of receiving loads of funding by those with vested interests, it is the Global Warming proponents! Government funding is how the entire ‘climate beast’ really built its’ industry.

More political implications…

Don Young, the Former Chairman, House Resources Committee states, “The environment is being used for a power struggle, used for centralised government, used to make a one-world government, and if you don’t think this is occurring, just see what’s happening in the US, this is an awakening call, that we are facing a battle against those who want to destroy a great United States of America”.

This statement should strike a chord with those aware of the UN’s position in global politics. They are an international body hell-bent on getting countries signed onto the Kyoto Protocol to relinquish their sovereignty, (through Cap & Trade/ Carbon Tax schemes) to this potential international ruler of nations. The ‘Climate Change’ issue illustrates clearly that the UN has an agenda to start with, then they send home delegates from member countries to implement their policies. But, above all this, Russia and China are not signed onto the Kyoto Protocol, so they can continue polluting regardless, making the efforts to cut emissions by those bounded by Kyoto, totally pointless anyway. The Kyoto Protocol is really about destroying the economies of the stronger more developed nations, and the environment is the excuse to do it!

The economic effects of ‘Climate Change’ legislation will be devastating. By its very nature it will crush small businesses, which won’t be able to cover the costs, allowing multi-nationals the monopolies they crave, wipe out the middle classes since only the rich will be able to afford commodities and the so-called ‘eco lifestyle’. We will be left with very rich aristocratic rulers and poverty for most of humanity, which equals enslavement.

As US Senator James Inhofe put it in 2007, “Offsets & credits are gimmicks used by the wealthy so they don’t have to change their lifestyles”.

Carroll Quigley, author of Tragedy and Hope, who, from within, had access to secretive world government conspiratorial documents and records said on page 324 of his book, “The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central bankers of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences”.

It is for these reasons people should be very weary of propaganda manufactured by certain exclusive clubs. Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, UN, Club of Rome. The list continues but this is the truth of the ‘Climate Change’ story!


This diagram sums it up nicely!

– BDL1983

It’s The Jews, Stupid!

I don’t know why I’m writing this today. I must have got out the wrong side of bed this morning because I’m so fucking angry!!

I’ve been going over and over in my head about how stupid the general public is…. Can’t they see what’s going in the world? Is it really that fucking difficult to figure out?? I just don’t know anymore…. What do we do with all the dumb-arse lemmings? I feel like grabbing some random idiot off the street, holding ’em by the scruff of the neck and forcing them to digest reality! It’s not that hard to figure out all this shit about the ‘New World Order’ and the damn Jews….. All you have to do is use common sense and logic…..

I would like to make this ‘random idiot’ off the street sit down, read a few things, watch a few videos, and think about it.

The first thing I’d put the idiot through would be one of those videos about the Holocaust hoax. Once you have seen through this idiotic hoax, which even a fucking 5-year-old could figure out, your world view changes forever. You learn that people get sent to prison for questioning the grand hoax… This tells us two things: 1.) The people promoting this Holohoax story have something to hide and 2.) that they have the power to send people to prison for questioning it.

The next logical step is to ask “who are these people?” Obviously, it is the Jews whining endlessly about this thing that never even happened…… So you go and investigate the apparatus used to uphold this power structure and what do you find? You find Jews running all the big banks, the UN, the Western worlds mass-media and on and on…. It’s not complicated to understand… All you have to do is view the Jews as a distinct tribe and then you’ll see how they network; how they operate this ‘New World Order’ thing….

The New World Order Alex Jones bangs on incessantly about is clearly a Jewish construct. The UN is a kind-of structural framework for the Jews to establish world domination. They run this ‘Kosher-as-all-fuck’ operation out of Jew York City itself and the UN’s basic job is to get all the governments of the world to sign on to various treaties promising to be Kosher! The UN, the IMF, World Bank, all the big banks in the U.S. for that matter, work as one big kosher unit to dominate all nations.. There is nothing tricky at all about this!!

To add extra proof for this common idiot to digest, I’d make him watch 9-11 Missing Links which definitively proves that the Jewish Crime Network did 9-11….. The logical question after learning that the Jews did 9-11, is how the fuck did they pull that off and not get caught? And then pass it off as an Islamic act of terrorism? The answer is obvious.. The Jews wrote the official narrative and promoted the fuck out of it through their total control of the mass-media! There is no other possible answer….They did it; got away with it; therefore they must control the media!!! And of course any simple investigation of media big-wigs will confirm this…

The other thing the idiot doesn’t get is why we are fighting endless wars in the middle-east…. It’s not hard to understand: The Jews run the show and are using our western military might to fight Israels enemies!!! It’s that simple. Muslim Terrorism is just the fake pretext to get us to do the Jews bidding… 9-11 was ‘kick-off’ for the final kosher push to dominate the world.. It’s no coincidence that we are militarily ‘kosherising’ ONLY those countries Israel doesn’t like!

The Holocaust being the hoax that it is and Jews being the doers of 9-11 prove that IT IS THE JEWS behind this New World Order thing!!! Once you know that; it is childs’ play to figure out the rest… Jews clearly own everything of any importance in the global power structure and they just so happen to be the most tribal group of people on the face of the fucking planet! We know there is an agenda for ‘world domination’ or ‘global governance’… Anyone can work that out… Now we know exactly what the coordinating force is behind this agenda: THE JEWS!!!


Another issue for the common person to investigate is the Climate Change/ Global Warming hoax. This is a complete load of kosher bullshit designed and promoted by the UN’s “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”. Note that it is a UN agenda; therefore a Jewish agenda. It is simply a wealth re-distribution scheme aimed at guilt tripping White Nations for using ‘fossil fuels’. And how do we fix this Climate Change problem? Pay ridiculous Taxes to our Jew controlled Governments? Don’t make me laugh!! It is all bullshit to get more taxes out of us and they’ll be simply offset against our international Jew debts……. Fucking Great!!

Can someone please tell Alex Jones about the Jews? The poor man is struggling poking his fat fingers at Goblins, Bilder-ham-bergers, Trilaterals, the UN, Nazis, and various other stupid groups all controlled by Jewry!

One final thing for the common person to ponder: The Holocaust is a hoax; so that means we have to re-evaluate what we think of National Socialist Germany and Hitler. Obviously Hitler was not the monster we have been told he was, because he didn’t mass murder Jews or anyone else for that matter… We now understand that it is the Jews who wrote the history books and LIED about Hitler, and therefore Hitler was right (and still is)!


Read this; Everything will make sense afterwards!! Trust me……..

I feel better for getting that rant off my chest….

Fourteen Hundred and Eighty Eight.

– BDL1983