Man Up, Kid: German Health Official Says It’s Better to Have a Beer than Visit a Psychotherapist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 9, 2013

"Quit whining, faggots.  Have a few beer, go to sleep and get up tomorrow and deal with your shit like a man." -Josef Hecken (not an actual quote)

“Quit whining, faggot. Have a few beers, go to sleep, and get up tomorrow and deal with your shit like a man.” -Josef Hecken (not an actual quote)

The over-diagnosis of mental disorders has severely damaged our society, leading to femininization, with men preferring to feel bad for themselves than act like men and deal with their problems like men.

Mental illness exists, to be sure, but serious mental illness, which can’t be dealt with by simply facing down your problems, is very rare. These new disorders that are being diagnosed are a means for the Jew drug companies to get rich.

Men who believe they have an excuse not to deal with their problems won’t deal with their problems. They will sit around and feel bad for themselves like spoiled children. This leads to a further breakdown of the fundamental structure of society, the cornerstone of which must be men capable of decisive action in the face of adversity.

You will note that the savages who are colonizing and conquering our countries don’t whine about how they have ‘depression’ and ‘anxiety.’

I agree with Josef Hecken – man up and quit acting like little bitches.

From the Daily Mail:

A bottle of warm beer is better than psychotherapy, a German health official has advised.

According to Josef Hecken, chair of the country’s statutory health system, a drink can heal minor illnesses like sleep disorders.

Speaking at a debate, he also ridiculed the inclusion of psychotherapists in Germany’s healthcare provision.

His comments have provoked outrage among leading medics claiming he has trivialised severe mental disorders.

Dieter Best, chairman of the German Association of Psychotherapists, attacked Hecken’s suggestion as ‘unspeakable’ in an open letter.

He wrote: ‘You trivialise and ignore the needs of our patients with your bottle of beer metaphor.

‘And you subtly stigmatise people with severe psychiatric disorders.’

The letter, published in German newspaper Tagesspiegel, also blasted Mr Hecken for saying it was a ‘cardinal sin’ the government incorporated psychotherapists into the national health service.

Before 1999, people with mental disorders were transquilised instead of receiving therapy, Mr Best exclaims.

In a desperate bid to backtrack, Mr Hecken issued a statement describing his suggestion as ‘unfortunate’ and ‘misunderstood’.

Source Article

It is better to have a beer than visit any fucking quack!

No, sorry, I stand corrected: It’s better to have ‘half a dozen’, if you feel like it! I drink 5 or 6 EVERY night and I fucking love it! Then I proceed to drink more on the weekends, and guess what? I function just fine!

Drink BEER! It’s good for you!

– BDL1983

On the Importance of Exposing the Holohoax

From Fascovereign Weltanschauung:

exposing the hoax

Some people don’t think it is that important to expose the holocaust fraud. The argument is that it was a long time ago and not relevant to today, also that it can sound extremely callous to those who have yet to discover the deception behind it. For me, it was discovering the truth about ‘the holocaust’ that proved to me that it was not just a few bad Jews that were being dishonest, but the entire tribe that were consciously lying about this event, and punishing an innocent nation for a horrendous crime that they were not guilty of in any way. The punishment for perjury in court is justifiably severe when it is just against one person, but to bear false witness against an entire people is beyond anything a court has ever had to deal with. Hitler’s description of the Jews ‘big lie technique’ and how if the lie is massive enough people will not suspect its veracity, has its perfect fulfilment in ‘the holocaust’. A lie of such massive proportions that it has to be reinforced everyday at least once on every television and radio station.

Once you realise that the whole ethnicity are united in telling such a lie as this, with only the odd exceptional Jewish witness telling the truth about some small part of it, it becomes clear that none of them could ever be trusted. The magnitude of the crime is so hard to imagine, to falsely accuse an innocent nation of the most horrific genocide ever, it is as alien to the Aryan consciousness as it would be for us to even contemplate doing it. It has to be the greatest injustice of all time bar crucifying our Lord.

Exposing the Jews collectively as a people has to start with the holohoax. Investigation of their other crimes all hinges on exposing the one that gives them their false ‘victim’ status. When I hear about miscarriages of justice and about people imprisoned on false evidence, just one person is bad enough, but a whole people are being punished here, for something that never happened and it was not a mistake, but a carefully thought out deception. There isn’t even a word capable of describing just how much of a crime the false accusation of ‘the holocaust’ is. It’s like when an innocent man is accused of rape by a vindictive psycho-femme, but literally millions of times worse. It should make everyone’s blood boil when they realise how their emotions have been manipulated into blaming an innocent party for imaginary gas chamber atrocities, how children have been shocked into being ashamed of their own flesh and blood, and generations have lived with the guilt of being descended from a people capable of such inhuman behaviour.

Once you get over the realisation that an entire nation could be so vindictive and deceitful, you then discover that many of the crimes they levelled at the German people actually had their origin in real crimes committed by the Jewish Communists against the Christian Russians. The alleged holocaust horrors weren’t just from a twisted imagination, but were very often real acts of terror projected onto the German people in order to change the Jews from being the most wicked murderers of the Russians, into the poor, innocent victims of the Germans.

After understanding what they are capable of, you start to see how they have placed the blame on others for many of the tragedies they have engineered in history, famines being just one of them. The Holodomor intentional famine that the Communist Jews inflicted on the Ukraine, was just a repeat of the intentional famine that the Crown Jews inflicted on India, which was a repeat of the intentional famine that the British Jews inflicted on the Irish. Whenever the Jews are involved there will be intentional famines and the blame deflected away from them. It still goes on today through their control of the UN, only now they call it ‘sanctions’ and instead of stealing the food from the targeted gentiles, they prevent food and medicine from being exported to them.


For anyone that thinks that the Jews don’t operate as a group, then the holohoax proves that they do. When Aryan peoples find out that their politicians have lied about other nations for personal gain, there are large movements dedicated to exposing the truth and attempting to have the war mongers tried in court for their deceptions. The demonisation of Gaddafi, Assad, Iran and Iraq come to mind. But where are the Jewish movements defending Hitler and charging their elites with not speaking for them, or for their interests? We continually hear ‘white’ people making excuses for Muslim terrorism as a response to British imperialism, where are the Jews excusing Hitler for his response to Jewish imperialism in Germany? There are large British movements that point out the crimes of the ‘British’ Crown in India, South Africa and Ireland, but where are the Jewish movements pointing out the crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks, the Jewish bankers and all the Jewish false-flags that have been used to start wars?

There was nobody that came out of the second world war better off than the Jews. During the later stages of the war, when the rest of Europe were starving and being bombed, the Jews were fed, clothed, medicated and paid for their work, while they were being housed in the work camps for their own safety. Being in those camps prevented the European people from taking vengeance on them for staring the war in the first place. The rich Jews were even more comfortable, staying in America, Canada and England, spreading their lies in the media about the Third Reich and plotting the Nuremberg trials. They were the only nation in Europe to actually increase in number during the war, according to the Jews own almanac census figures. The whole fraud relies on the people being deceived being such good people, that they are unable to imagine that anyone could lie like that. Our imaginations have become so used to just being used for entertainment, that we have forgotten that it is also there for us to imagine all the ways that somebody else could be different to us. It is no wonder that they are continually promoting the idea that we are all the same, it means good people don’t doubt other peoples intentions.

Once they lose their victim status they stop being given the benefit of doubt and people cease to make excuses for them. There is nothing worse than someone pretending to be a victim in order to gain sympathy, especially when they are blaming the real victim. The fact that they try to hide all the evidence that proves that there were no gas chambers, is proof in itself that it is a lie. Anyone else would be happy to hear that not so many of their people died and that none of them died in such a horrible way.

Investigating the holohoax is the first rung of the ladder that leads up out of the rabbit hole and into the fresh air. The high priests of the half-truth movement know this, and will do all they can to keep people going around in circles and never stumbling across that ladder in the dark. Even though the war happened 70 years ago, it is still vitally important to expose the holohoax, to take their cloak of invisibility away from the Jews, and to expose the hypocrisy and double-standards of half-truth ideology.

‘The Jew ‘cries’ with pain when he attacks you’ – Old Polish Proverb.

Source Article

Also at The Daily Stormer

It is a hoax, so let’s hammer it home to everyone, loud and proud!


– BDL1983

Third Reich Music – Sunday, 10/11/13


Sorry this video was deleted by jew tube…



Morgen marschieren wir is one of the best Third Reich songs and videos I’ve ever seen.





ADOLF HITLER: SEE THE GLORY! Third Reich imagery with other music:


Harness the inspiration, feel the power, reach for glory!

– BDL1983

“Holocaust denial” now officially defined

Talk about ‘Orwellian Thought Crime‘ Laws. This is a must read.

From John Friends Blog:

The Jewish Press is reporting that “Holocaust denial” has now been officially defined:

The International Alliance for Holocaust remembrance (IHRA), comprised of 31 member states, the UN and UNESCO have accepted a universal definition of holocaust denial. (Editor: You can see real, live examples of holocaust denial and antisemitism in the comments below).

According to Gideon Bachar, the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry department for the fight against antisemitism, who represented Israel in the discussions, the newly accepted definition of a holocaust denier is anyone who doubts the number of Jews killed, who denies the existence of the gas chambers, as well as anyone who claims the Jews have brought on the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel, and also anyone who includes the 1939-1945 holocaust among other great tragedies in human history. […]

Bachar told Israel Radio that the new universal definition does not have a legal validity, but it may help in the fight against holocaust denial and antisemitism. […]

Let me state for the record that:

  1. Six million Jews were not murdered during WWII, and the Germans did not have a plan to systematically exterminate European Jewry – they simply wanted the Jews out of Germany and, eventually, all of Europe;
  2. There were no gas chambers used to murder Jews or anyone else in the various work camps administered by the National Socialists in Germany and other parts of Europe during WWII;
  3. The Jews and their allies did indeed bring on “the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel” – and by “bring on intentionally” I simply mean they manufactured this fake historical narrative over time using their control of the media and Western governments, psychological warfare, scripted actors playing “Holocaust survivors”, and other forms of deceitful propaganda, such as “Holocaust” museums and Hollywood movies reinforcing their fake narrative of WWII;
  4. While some Jews did in fact die during WWII, millions of non-Jews were slaughtered before and after WWII at the hands of the Jewish-led Allied powers, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union.

The official narrative of WWII, especially as it concerns the fake Jewish “Holocaust” story, is literally the exact opposite of what really happened: the Jews were not subjected to a systematic campaign of extermination, the Germans were. Aryeh Leon Kubovy of the Israeli Center for Jewish Documentation has even admitted that, “There exists no document signed by Hitler, Himmler, or Heydrich speaking of exterminating Jews… and, the word ‘extermination’ does not appear in the letter from Herman Goering to Heydrich concerning the Final Solution of the Jewish question.”

On the other hand, Jewish writers and propagandists were in fact openly lobbying for the total destruction and annihilation of the German people before and during WWII. Jewish writer Theodore Kaufman wrote a pamphlet in 1941 entitled Germany Must Perish, calling for the genocide of the German people:

This time Germany has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world. As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY. And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty: Germany must perish forever! In fact – not in fancy! […]

The goal of world-domination must be removed from the reach of the German and the only way to accomplish that is to remove the German from the world. […]

There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forever of Germanism – and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind.

Perhaps even more brazenly, the Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg, a radical Jewish Bolshevik, openly encouraged the Red Army to murder Germans – soldiers and civilians:

The Germans are not human beings… If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day… If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet… [T]here is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days… Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German – that is your grandmother’s request. Kill the German – that is your child’s prayer. Kill the German – that is your motherland’s loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill… Kill, Red Army men, kill! No fascist is innocent, be he alive, be he as yet unborn.

The real Holocausts of WWII were committed against the German peoples and their allies who were standing up to and fighting against the forces of the Talmudic “New World Order” agenda.

So yes, I am a “Holocaust denier”, at least according to the Jews and those they have brainwashed with their fake narrative of WWII. The Jewish “New World Order” agenda largely rests upon the fake “Holocaust” narrative of WWII, and all of the lies associated with WWII and Adolf Hitler generally, and it is time we recognize this and reject their false history and deceitful, arrogant propaganda.


Very good summary. This article is too important not to spread.

“Truth does not need the law to uphold it, only a lie does” – Don’t know who said that, but it’s spot on!

– BDL1983

Babylon Before Hitler

From Hardon’s Blog (commentary by John, not me)

Most of you may have seen ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ (Completed full version). This is a Bonus feature which portrays the Jewish Marxist infiltration of filth and pornography throughout pre-National Socialist Germany and particularly in Berlin. J.H.


In this 15 minute Special Bonus Feature learn about how in 1933, Adolf Hitler was a man of high morals and proved it by cleaning up the depraved streets of the Marxist cesspit otherwise known as Berlin.


Does all this look familiar? Look around you, you have a two tier society, the poor and the ultra rich (the Jew is destroying the ‘middle class’), you have homosexuality and all kinds of perversions becoming the acceptable ‘norm’. On top of that we have ‘Miscegenation’ and the mass influx of alien people and cultures imported by the Jew to further destroy the indigenous race.

How inspiring that in 1926 the Nationalist Resistance amounted to two hundred dedicated men whereas the Jewish Marxist controlled scum numbered over 250,000, then Hitler and National Socialism against all the odds gained power with the full support of the majority of the indigenous German people. This was a victory beyond belief, the Jew and his Marxist foot soldiers were told to get out of Germany and those that didn’t were not slaughtered or gassed, they were imprisoned and made to work although they were well looked after (contrary to Jewish lies).

Adolf Hitler should inspire us all. National Socialism is the ONLY answer to the parasite that infests ALL our Aryan lands. Greet your Aryan brothers with the NS salute, why should you be ashamed of who and what you are?

The only way the existence of our race and a future for white children can be assured is by embracing National Socialism.

Hail Victory

John Hardon

Click 1488 to visit John Hardon’s blog