With the Jews in the process of backing themselves into a corner, how can we possibly keep them from activating the Samson Option and nuking the whole world? I have no idea, but somebody better hurry up and figure it out.
And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life. -Judges 16:30
The state of Israel, which has proven itself, over the last six and a half decades to be the most war-hungry and sadistic world power which has ever existed, now posses 80 nuclear warheads, with the resources to triple that number it in a short period of time if they so desire, a report by U.S. experts has claimed.
But the country has enough fissile material for an additional 115 to 190 warheads, according to the report, meaning it could as much as double its arsenal.
Previous estimates have been higher but the new figures agree with the 2013 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute yearbook on armament and international security. The yearbook estimated 50 of Israel’s nuclear warheads were for medium-range ballistic missiles and 30 were for bombs carried by aircraft, according to a report in the Guardian.
Even after the Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear technician, reported on Israel’s nuclear program in 1986, the Jews continued to vaguely deny its existence, though its existence was assumed.
As the Jews have just lost a serious battle in failing to get the US into a war with Syria, and been forced to show their hand, we might expect that their behavior will continue to become more and more deranged, as they are likely set to lose more of such war-pushes in the future. Given this, the fact that Israel has managed to secure such a massive stock of WMDs is even more frightening than it was in previous times.
Ultimately, as the Syria failure proved, the Jewish plan for world domination is non-feasible. They will fail, because they do not know when to stop – they are biologically incapable of knowing when to stop. Thus, the world’s number one dilemma, as I see it, is figuring out how to get these weapons away from the Jews before they trigger the Samson Option, a plan to nuke the entire planet if they are backed into a corner.
If you’re not familiar with the story of Romanian Nationalist leader, Corneliu Codreanu, or the Iron Guard; then read up on it! Here’s the intro paragraph from Metapedia:
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu born Corneliu Zelinski (September 13, 1899 – November 30, 1938) was a Romanian Nationalist and founder of the Legion of Michael the Archangel, an organization also called the Iron Guard (Garda de Fier). Codreanu was a dedicated fighter for the Romanian nation as well as a devout Christian. He had begun his battle against the Jewish-Communist menace as a member of the Guard of National Conscience and later as a member of Cuza’s National Christian Defense League. Finally, he broke from Cuza’s party in 1927 and formed the Legion of Michael the Archangel, which quickly attracted many young nationalists. The Legion immediately developed a revolutionary doctrine centered around Christian spirituality, national affection, sacrifice, hierarchy, and personal responsibility in order to eradicate political corruption and purify the nation. Enduring heavy persecution in the years in which the Legion grew in popularity, Corneliu Codreanu was eventually imprisoned and murdered in 1938 by the dictatorship of King Carol II. After his death, the Legionary Movement, still dedicated to his teachings, would establish the National Legionary State as well as continue its battles against its enemies beyond the end of World War II.
More on Metapedia:http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Corneliu_Zelea_Codreanu
The song doesn’t cut off in this video:
Great quotes from Corneliu Codreanu:
“The country is dying because of a lack of men, not a lack of programs.”
“From this Legionary school a new man will have to emerge, a man with heroic qualities; a giant of our history to do battle and win over all the enemies of our Fatherland, his battle and victory having to extend even beyond the material world into the realm of invisible enemies, the powers of evil. Everything that our mind can imagine as more beautiful spiritually; everything the proudest that our race can produce, greater, more just, more powerful, wiser, purer, more diligent and more heroic, this is what the Legionary school must give us! A man in whom all the possibilities of human grandeur that are implanted by God in the blood of our people be developed to the maximum. This hero, the product of Legionary education, will also know how to elaborate programs; will also know how to solve the Jewish problem; will also know how to organize the state well; will also know how to convince other Romanians; and if not, he will know how to win, for that is why he is a hero. This hero, this Legionary of bravery, labour, and justice, with the powers God implanted in his soul, will lead our Fatherland on the road of its glory.”
“Legionary life is beautiful, not because of riches, partying or the acquisition of luxury, but because of the noble comradeship which binds all Legionaries in a sacred brotherhood of struggle.”
“Its culture: the fruit of its life, the product of its own efforts in thought and art. This culture is not international. It is the expression of the national genius, of the blood. The culture is international in its brilliance but national in origin. Someone made a fine comparison: bread and wheat may be internationally consumed, but they always bear the imprint of the soil from which they came.”
Above: Codreanu with his wife Elana
“Dear comrade in arms,
after 15 years of battles, persecutions and sacrifices,
Romania’s youth must know
that the hour of the Legionaire victory isn’t far.
All of our enemies attempts will be crushed.
All plans of tempting us,
All attempts at buying our souls,
All attempts of seperating us,
and all treasons will fall to the ground.
Look at them, at your tyrants,
straight in their eyes.
Endure with submission all blows,
endure all pains,
whatever they may be,
because our sacrifices will be the iron foundation
made from broken bodies
and from tortured souls,
of our Victory.
Those, among us, who will fall
will have names and tombs of heroes,
and those who will kill us
will bear the names of traitors
and will be cursed from generation to generation.
From the depths
the Legionnaire rises victorious with his rock-like soul.
Those who think they can defeat him…
as well as those who think they can buy him…
will soon, but too late…
Come to the conclusion…
that they were wrong.”
“Wherever the Legionary’s hand and soul show up, a garden appears.”
“The Politician’s goal is to build a fortune, ours is to build our homeland flowering and strong. For her we will work and we will build. For her we will make each Romanian a hero, ready to fight, ready to sacrifice, ready to die.”
“A nation lives forever through its concepts, honour, and culture. It is for these reasons that the rulers of nations must judge and act not only on the basis of physical and material interests of the nation but on the basis of the nation’s historical honour, of the nation’s eternal interests. Thus: not bread at all costs, but honour at all costs.”
12 years on from the most famous Jewish attack on American (western) soil…… What lessons have we learnt?
(Apart from the fact that Alex Jones tells lies about 9-11!)
Here’s what I make of 9-11:
There are three primary reasons why the Jewish Cabal decided to attack the U.S. on September 11, 2001:
1.) To put the blame for the attacks on Israel’s enemies; meaning the Arab/Muslim nations surrounding them. The goal was to portray them as “terrorists” and the enemies of “western” civilisation in general…. This objective has clearly been achieved by the Jews. They can then call anyone who opposes the Jewified Western nations a “terrorist” and also bitch and moan about how much “terrorism” the poor innocent persecuted Jews have to put up with in Israel. Basically, they get the “sympathy vote” if we follow their bullshit story of the 19 Arabs wielding box-cutters!
2.) So the Jewish controlled “west” would willingly fight wars on behalf of Israel…. Now that we have common enemies it’s supposedly in our interest to help the Jews.
3.) To create hi-tech police-states throughout the West and survey every single action anyone makes… If we “good goyim” oppose them in any way then we must be “siding with the Terrorists”!
We’ve already been through Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and now are about to go into Syria, and after that, Iran. Why is that? All because the Jews have us on a “terrorist witch hunt” for the “bogey man”….. (I thought Osama bin Obama was already dealt with….. Haha….. Nope; the wars still continue, telling us clearly that the “binny” hunt was all bullshit to start with!)
It’s interesting to note that the “Fighting Terrorism” excuse for all these mid-east wars was used most extensively for the Iraq and Afghan wars, but in the more recent Libya and Egypt debacles the media simply shows Arabs/Muslims = Bad, U.S. (west) = Good, peace loving, democratic…. And that’s enough for most to swallow the “Jew Party Line”! The Jew narrative is so entrenched, they only have to show 9-11 footage “every now and then” to illustrate how evil the Muslims are, and everyone believes it…… (Not that I like Muslims btw…)
Whenever the “rat faced Jews” are looking for extra sympathy all they do is throw in the ultimate chutzpah, and mention the Holohoax so we feel even more sorrow and pity for the “poisecuted” Yids!
The latest bit of chutzpah here in Australia has been our U.S. Ambassador, Jeffrey Bleich (Jewish of course), putting up flags of all the “victim” nations at a 9-11 memorial in Canberra… The NERVE of these RAT bastards is unbelievable: They commit the crime, play the victim, get us to fight their illegitimate wars, and then pretend to be “sorry” for the acts of the supposedly evil, plotting, Arabs/Muslims……
Folks, we have one problem in the world today and that is the JEWISH PROBLEM!
Everything else is a symptom of the JEWISH PROBLEM!
12 years after the fact it is high-time “average Joe Schmo” got an IRON FIST of TRUTH in his FACE!!!!
Watch this if you are unsure of whether JEWS did 9-11:
The concept of infinity is one of the most baffling concepts ever conceived in human thought. The idea that something can continue ‘infinitely’, without any starting point or ending point is beyond the capacity of human comprehension. No-one can explain it because the infinity concept destroys our entire understanding of what we perceive as reality…. None of even the most incredible minds in all of history have come up with adequate explanations of ‘infinity’ and why it contradicts our perceived reality!! This is because we do not understand the true nature of our existence, what put us here, and why we exist….. Why does the world exist as it does, or the universe for that matter? What is the true nature of our reality? Can our minds even fathom it? Or can we only establish for certain that we don’t understand absolute reality?
These questions are fascinating to think about when you’re in the right mood. I believe that humans in their current state cannot ever fathom the true nature of reality and existence. It is beyond our comprehension. I believe we CAN establish that we don’t understand the true nature of reality; but that is where it ends…… Here’s how I see things:
The perceivable reality in front of us is a 3D world. We perceive distance, direction, force, speed, sound, time (I know; this is the 4th dimension…), weight, hot, cold and on and on…… For the purpose of this argument I’m going to use distance and time as my measurable mediums. Distance is a finite and numerically definable quantity in our everyday world. If something is 4 kilometres down the road or 35 millimetres away, we can establish a relative sense of how far away the object in question is….. This is simple logic. The same idea applies when analysing how we think of time intervals. It is all relative in a finite sense. As long as we keep our thought processes within our everyday finite reality; distance and time make sense to us!
Now take distance and time, and apply ‘infinity’ to them.
For ‘distance’, picture yourself on a dark starry night pointing directly upwards. If our perceived 3D reality was the absolute truth, then we could in theory travel an infinite distance in that direction and NEVER stop or reach an end point; effectively heading for infinity. But where is infinity? Our minds cannot properly fathom this concept. If you went the longest distance into the universe it still wouldn’t matter because according to our finite understanding of reality, you could always travel one millimetre further! This is where I think various scientists like to promote the idea of the universe having a non-linear shape, thereby “explaining” away the ‘infinite universe’ concept. What they can NEVER explain is the fact that if the universe has a non-linear shape (curved) and ‘point to point’ distance (a straight line) is a finite concept and true throughout the universe (as we understand it here on earth), then what’s to stop something heading DIRECTLY STRAIGHT until it leaves THIS universe? I don’t think there is any way humans can ever really understand infinite space….
Our ‘universal’ understanding of reality tells us that there cannot be an end-point in outer space; therefore it MUST continue infinitely; while our earthly perception (being finite) tells us there MUST be an end-point somewhere in space; ENTER THE INFINITY PARADOX!
If humans could comprehend infinity, then we could answer the following:
Q. What is the smallest/longest possible distance? A. Neither question can be answered finitely…. How long is a piece of string?…… It could be infinitely short (tending to zero length), or infinitely long. Both are outside our realm of realunderstanding…. This is where calculus enters the equation; to mathematically express the infinity concept so it can be applied to various engineering and scientific problems.
It’s the same deal with the concept of time. When did time begin? HOW could time have a beginning point? It is a finite relative concept as we perceive it. If you could go back to a theoretical beginning point for ‘time’, what would prevent you from going back before this point, if our current perception of ‘time’ is absolute truth?
I think I’ve made my point here…… The fact that a concept such as infinity exists and is beyond our comprehension proves that we do not understand the absolute true nature of reality! If we did understand absolute reality, then everyday quantities like distance and time would make perfect sense in a UNIVERSAL way, not just as we use them in their finite sense……
Another concept which is mind-boggling is that of our individual consciousness. What is it that creates our individual conscious awareness? Religious people say it’s God and that they know all about this ‘God’ character, therefore we should all listen to them…. I say we don’t know what this creative force is and that our current level of understanding is not high enough for us to be able to define it. But I do believe there IS some ‘higher creative force’ of the universe that somehow and for some reason put things how they are……. We just don’t know what it is! When we hear stories of reincarnation and out-of-body-experiences/near-death-experiences; maybe these phenomena are related to the person’s conscious perception entering another realm of reality? I really don’t know but this sort of stuff is interesting to think about!
Q. Where is humanity at when it comes to raising its level of consciousness and striving for a higher understanding of reality?
A. Almost all of humanity has been on a downward path lately…. The coloured races have never really been in the game to start with. Most of the White race has degenerated, but within it there still lies that all-important seed of creative thought and upward thinking which only the best still have…. If you agree with the spirit of intellectual inquiry and idealism, then you are among the most worthwhile people of our race! If you are non-white, try supporting these ideals for your own race too……