Final Thoughts on the 9-11 No-Planes Issue

After listening to the “debate” with “Mike Delaney & Scott Roberts versus John Friend & Tom in CT”, I am now certain that the 9-11 No-Planes Theory & September Clues are both completely bunk. After watching September Clues it’s clear to me that none of it makes any sense. There is no reason for the Jews to have turned New York into a giant movie set in order to carry out 9-11, nor is there any way they could have done this and gotten away with it, without thousands of New Yorker’s noticing something strange that day. The whole Simon Shack scenario is so bizarre that, like Scott Roberts said, the official story of 19 Arab Hijackers is far more plausible. Think about it. Just because the Jews own the TV doesn’t mean that normal people in New York “all of a sudden” were completely incapable of recognising or bearing eyewitness to something fishy, like Jews filming a 9-11 movie.

The only valid concept put forward by the “No Plane” crowd is that of “Media Fakery“. Video footage can be faked, digitally altered, superimposed, etc. They could have used faked videos, but there was really no reason when they could film the real thing! Dov Zakheim – Systems Planning Corporation – remote control planes – fly into towers – and there you go.

This is Simon Shack:

Jew or not Jew. Given his 'Jewy look' and role as chief disseminator of the September Clues disinfo film, I say 'Jew'!
Jew or not Jew? Given his ‘Jewy look’ and role as maker of the September Clues disinfo film, I say ‘Jew’!
Smug Khazars Max Konrardy (Hoi Polloi) & Simon Hytten, AKA Simon Shack, Social Service; enough said.
Simon Hytten AKA Simon Shack & Max Konrardy (Hoi Polloi)….. Yeah, they’re Jews…

Regarding the “debate” itself; it wasn’t much of a debate. It was basically Mike and Scott telling it like it is, and to hell with everyone and everything else. I firmly believe that Mike’s film ‘Missing Links’ is spot on, and the only 9-11 documentary worth watching, so I can understand Mike’s fierce defence of its rock-solid thesis. John Friend was barely given a chance to state his case, therefore the whole thing was completely unfair to him. For a “debate” to be done right, it needs a moderator, especially when both sides are likely to get heated! Tom in CT surprised me with how well he explained the “Media Fakery/ Psyop” aspects of 9-11 (or any given case), whilst agreeing with Mike and Scott’s underlying theme of always exposing the Jew and looking at the bigger picture.

Finally, this point should have been raised, but it wasn’t:

  • Ken Feinberg ran a victims compensation fund of $7 billion. 97% of victims’ families took the money and waived their right to demand a real investigation into 9-11. Why bother with a compensation fund if there were no real victims?

That fact alone is a smoking gun. It tells us that the Jews clearly knew there were going to be real victims AND that the reason for a lack of victim’s family members demanding real answers is because the Jews put up irresistibly high sums of money as compensation to keep their mouths shut.

I stand by my earlier article about this issue. It sums up what I think and it’s the truth. I don’t really care to investigate this topic anymore; I’m done with it.

Hopefully there’s no bitterness between John Friend, Mike Delaney and Scott. It was a necessary thrashing out of the issue. It’s done now, so everyone can get back to focusing on what matters: The White Race and defeating the eternal Jew! (Anyone who can’t work that last bit out isn’t worth a pinch of shit)

– BDL1983

White Self-Hate: Master-Stroke Of The Enemy

George Lincoln Rockwell
American Nazi Party
From back in the 1960’s…..

Last week I penetrated into the “South” for the first time in more than five years of speaking at colleges. I spoke at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It was a shocking – and unpleasant-experience!

Since last September, when I spoke at Harvard, I have been having such incredible success speaking all across the country, everywhere EXCEPT the South, that I was beginning to believe ALL America’s college youth was waking up, especially to the nigger problem.

I had never penetrated the really “deep” South, for what reasons I am still not sure. I have had few invitations from South of Virginia – and all of them have been cancelled.

Around the rest of the country, this year has been one of immense gratification to me, speaking from Harvard and Brown in New England, across the nation through Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, North Dakota, Minnesota, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, California – just about everywhere EXCEPT the “deep South.” The reaction to my speeches, as those who have heard the record or tapes of some of them will know, has been FANTASTIC! The violence has almost stopped, even the boos and the hisses have died down, and the audience reactions have been SO favorable that even the Jew papers in Minneapolis, for instance, reported I got “thunderous applause”!!!

Not only that, but the INDIVIDUAL reactions have been unbelievable!

Most remarkable of all is the tremendous change which has occurred since last summer in the reactions of these college kids to NEGROES.

For years, I was plagued by the ignorance of Northerners on the subject of niggers – and the same kind of ignorance by many Southerners about Jews. They have plenty of niggers in the South, so the Southerners know about them. But they have few Jews, and the ones they have down South are usually “tame” Jews, utterly unlike the wild and hateful Hebrews swarming in the streets of the North and West.

At the same time, the Jew-wise “Yankees” in North and West never got CLOSE to any “coloreds”, and knew almost nothing about them. Until the riots began.

Back in those days, whenever I went to jail in the North, the cops would privately say “You’re doing a great job on the damned Jews, but why do you go after the ‘colored’?” – as they used to call them.

Down South, cops would say “God bless you for the way you’re fighting the niggers, but what have you got against the Jews?”

This year, all across the Northern part of America, and all over the West and South West, I found the people are growing rapidly more alert not only to the Jewish problem, which they always sensed, but are thoroughly aware – and worried – about the “coloreds”, because, of course, the “coloreds” have finally let the Northerners SEE what they are like, at first hand, in the dozens of riots and the endless horror of nigger crime and terrorism in the city streets.

The success of my speeches in colleges and universities across most of America has been gratifying – and spectacular – fantastic! If even the liberal KIDS in these colleges are waking up, you can IMAGINE the way the working masses are ready to FIGHT!

While I have been speaking sometimes as often as six and seven times per week all over the continent, I have naturally presumed that when I finally DID get a chance to speak in the real SOUTH – it would be the best of all – a real triumph!

So I approached Wake Forest in North Carolina with my hopes up – and my guard down!

When I got there, things seemed SUPER relaxed. Usually, the campus where I am to speak is in a state just short of explosion – with threats, counter-threats, headlines, etc., etc. There are vast crowds outside the hall, hours before the address, and the hall is always packed to the point where the fire marshall often takes a hand.

But at Wake Forest, there was no crowd outside, when I came to the hall. And when I got inside, although they said it was the biggest crowd yet, there were several hundred empty seats!


All of this got me “off balance” sufficiently so that I failed to follow my usual routine of insisting on only WRITTEN questions (to prevent emotional outbursts and speeches from the floor). But I figured that an audience of SOUTHERN kids would be wild with enthusiasm when I defended the great White Race and the history and traditions of their own grandparents.

What I ran into was something NEW!

In speeches everywhere else, there are always overtones of threat and violence, heckling and possibilities of mobs, etc.

All seemed quiet when I began to speak at Wake Forest.

But the minute I opened my mouth, the place busted wide open! American flags started to wave – HELD BY COONS! A Jew got up with a black armband and began marching up and down the aisles. Some of the kids acted like a bunch of kooks, whooping and cheering this disorder.

An old Jewess rose and began screaming at me in unintelligible “English”. She got a huge round of cheers and applause!

In spite of all this, I managed to take control of the crowd as I have been forced to learn to do, and speak for about forty-five minutes. But I never did succeed in getting a train of thought started with the audience. Always, they managed to bust up any orderly presentation, and I had to keep using shouts and “tricks” to beat the heckling.

There was no applause at the end of my speech, although a few kids tried feebly, only to be squelched by their neighbors.

I made the mistake of taking live questions from the audience (being somewhat angered and frustrated by now, and hoping to beat these hellraisers). That did it!

One huge Negro walked up to the front of the hall just before my platform, held up his hands and signalled for silence. He got it!

The hall was hushed, FOR THE FIRST TIME, and I knew from experience what came next.

Had that Negro done nothing more than say “abracadabra”, he would have been drowned in enthusiasm. He did a masterful job – whether planned or not, I don’t know.

I had pointed out in my speech that ghetto Negroes were often in good physical shape because they were forced to do menial physical work such as garbage men, etc. This was not to insult Negroes. (Actually, it makes a lot of my own people mad when I point this out). But it is part of the reason the blacks think they can whip us because they say we’ve gotten soft. The big black used my statement to make appear I had advocated making nothing but garbage men out of all Negroes.

“Maybe all we’re good for is garbage men”, he said, “but if being garbage men is all the contribution America will let us make, then we’ll make it, we’ll BE garbage men!”

The audience rose, first the rabid ones, then more and more, until finally the hall was a sea of hysterical cheering, as the Negro (who I later learned was the local football hero) led the rest of the football team in a “walk-out”.

None DARED fail to rise for this mad scene, for fear of being branded a “hater”, as the arc-lights and TV cameras swept the audience.

I did my best to plug on, and succeeded to some degree. I even managed to get a good round of applause at the end, myself.

But I was bitterly disappointed to see all this take place in my FIRST speech in part of the “deep South”!

I had been winning rabid, liberal “Yankees” over with a “Southern” speech in the North all year. Now here I was being swamped by a wave of wild, hysterical “nigger-loving” – by SOUTHERNERS! Or so I thought!

I spent more than ten more hours at banquets and seminars, cocktail parties, and the other usual accompaniments to these speeches, and then, after I finally got to bed at 2 a.m., I laid awake for two more hours before I reached any kind of conclusion as to what it was all about.

At the banquet, the speaker was none other than Dick Gregory. I had to sit up at the head table only two seats away from this coon comedian-turned-revolutionist. I wouldn’t have put up with it, except I really wanted to hear this “cat” (as he calls everybody) and see how he would affect these kids in North Carolina! He did a pretty smooth job on these kids, and I learned a lot.

First, he told a series of “supper-club” jokes to “warm up” the kids – which he did.

Then he launched into his “You-gotta-give-us-the-country, Baby” approach of the black scum now risen to glory among us as a result of Yiddish money, Yiddish leadership and Yiddish press-agentry for these miserable Africans.

I could hardly believe what I saw there. I watched the racially fine faces of the young White boys and girls who were intently watching the ape-like face of Gregory. They were hypnotized!

He actually went so far as to BOAST to them that the only way they could PROVE they were not full of “racism” and “hate” was to give our White women to the Negroes, thus showing that we recognize that there’s no difference except color.

He went so far as to use the fact of motherhood, and went into a physical description of the process of birth, and how you couldn’t stop delivery of a baby by crossing a woman’s legs, etc.,etc., ad nauseam – all to “prove” that delivery of our women to the blacks was “inevitable” – and standing in the way was like crossing the woman’s legs, and trying to stop the birth of what he said was “Nature’s insistence on equality”!!!

He got a STANDING OVATION – just as the earlier black ball player had in the audience!

Once more, I watched the fanatic few rise up applauding wildly the moment he was done speaking, then the guilty looks on the faces of more and more kids who rose up, until all (except me) were standing to give honor to a man who had just announced he was going to utterly DESTROY them – women and children and our whole RACE!

I had HEARD about this sort of thing happening – just last month as I was speaking at one college in Wisconsin, Stokely Carmichael was speaking only a few miles away at another. He got up and hollered, “BLACK POWER!”, and openly announced his intention of leading a “burn-baby-burn” ATTACK on White people, hollering “Get Whitey!” – and got the same “standing ovation”, as I had just seen twice in one day, and in the “deep South”!! WHY?

In all of history, no people have ever sunk so low they have given cheers and ovations to their own executioners. Some people have become too rotten to resist, but no people ever before has sunk so low as have those of our people who stand and cheer when told by arrogant Negroes that the blacks fully intent to WIPE US OUT AS A RACE!

The blacks holler, “GET WHITEY!” – and WHITEY CHEERS AND APPLAUDS! Surely you, too, must have tried to figure it all out!

Lying there in bed in the Sheraton Motel in Winston-Salem, in the fancy room they always get for you on these visits, I think I found the answer: GUILT! – Self HATE!

The South has been BEATEN half to death, over a hundred years ago, now, and it has its psychological toll.

Read More

G.L.R. – He certainly had his finger on the pulse, even back in the 60’s…. Now, we are about 50 years down the track….. He saw it all back then, so why the hell is our White Race still in it’s slumber?

Wake up, then “Stand Up and FIGHT“! (as Rockwell would have said)

– BDL1983

Anti-Semitic incidents rise 21% in Australia

A feel-good” story from a couple of days ago:

"Oy Vey, What did I ever do?"
“Oy Vey, What did I ever do?”

SYDNEY, Australia – Anti-Semitic incidents in Australia rose 21 percent in the last year and are the second highest on record, according to an annual report.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s annual “Report on Anti-Semitism in Australia” – tabled at Sunday’s annual general meeting in Melbourne – revealed 657 reports of racist violence against Jewish Australians and Jewish community buildings between Oct. 1, 2012 and Sept. 30, 2013.

Serious physical attacks were at the lowest since 2005, however, with fewer than 20.

“In general, it can be said that Australians neither particularly like nor dislike Jews,” wrote the authors, Julie Nathan, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s research officer, and Jeremy Jones, director of international and community affairs at the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council.

“Although stereotypes of Jews remain part of the culture in Australia, these are not as deeply ingrained or hateful as in European and Middle Eastern cultures,” according to the authors. “Anti-Semitism remains at the fringes of Australian politics and society, and though there are exceptions, anti-Semitism is not generally part of the mainstream discourse.”

The 202-page report does not include the recent brutal assault of five religious Jews walking home from Shabbat dinner in Bondi last month, described as the worst anti-Semitic incident of its kind since records began in 1989.

Read More

Well done Australia! A big ‘pat-on-the-back’ and cheers!!

Mmmm... Delicious German beers to celebrate with!
Mmmm… Delicious German beers to celebrate with!

 – BDL1983

The New South Wales Parliamentary Menorah-Lighting Ceremony

Here’s a sickening display of Jewishness in the New South Wales parliament. (Showing us all who’s boss.) From J-Wire:

Chanukah got off to an early start when Rabbi Pinchus Feldman lit all eight candles at a special ceremony in the NSW Parliament.

A fully lit Menorah by Rabbi Pinchus Feldman
Premier Barry O’Farrell

The event, co-hosted by the Sydney Yeshiva and the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, was attended by many NSW State politicians as well as Federal members Michael Danby and Josh Frydenberg together with NSW Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells.

During his speech preceding the lighting of the candles the Yeshiva’s Rabbi Feldman recited a special prayer for the victims of the Philippine typhoon as well as victims of other disasters around the globe.

Speakers included Premier Barry O’Farrell, Leader of the Opposition John Robertson, President of the NSW Legislative Council Don Harwin, Speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly Shelley Hancock and President of the NSWJBD Yair Miller.

In his address, Premier Barry O’Farrell reaffirmed Don Harwin’s statement that the NSW Parliament was the oldest in Australia and effectively where modern-day Australia began. He said that Chanukah not only represented a story of multiculturalism but also one of multi-faith. He added: “The story of the Jewish people is a story of survival. Your values, the values of Judaism, underpin Western society.”

Rabbi Pinchis Feldman, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and Premier Barry O’Farrell

He told a WWII story from Holland which he described as “a Chanukah miracle”. He said: “A young woman who had survived too many pograms decided to flee and to change her name and pretend she was Christian in order to survive the war.The good news is that she did. The bad news is that she left her home by train with a package packed for her by her sister on the eve of Chanukah with all the usual Chanukah treats including latkes. As she was sitting in the train with part of her luggage a Gestapo officer walked into the carriage and she suddenly realised that within her luggage was something that would disclose her religion…something that could have ultimately have lead to her death. As she worried about this a young girl who was eating an apple, spat the apple out and as luck would have it, like a miracle of Chanukah, the Gestapo officer slipped on the apple and knocked himself out and was carried out of the carriage.”

There just had to be a Holohoax miracle involved somewhere along the line! Hahaha!!

“Your values, the values of Judaism, underpin Western society.” – There you go. Straight from the Premier’s mouth! The modern “West” most certainly is a Jewified culture, that’s for sure.

For more on this disgusting ceremony click here.

– BDL1983

Jewish Mistletoe…..

This is how I dealt with the “Plant-Jew” at work yesterday.


Big fat healthy parasite. Sucking away at the host tree's healthy nutrient supply.....
Big fat healthy parasite. Sucking away at the host tree’s healthy nutrient supply…..

Time for a destructive haircut.



Cheap imitation gum tree parasite! Gave it a good headache anyway…

This pictorial guide is the metaphoric equivalent of what must be done with the Jews who live parasitically off the fruits of our labour!



Posting will probably be a bit slower over the next few weeks. Getting computer problems sorted out and busy as all hell with work at the moment.


Sieg Heil 1488

– BDL1983