What’s the Deal with Bitcoins?

I’ve never really given this ‘Bitcoin’ thing much thought, but I’d like to know what people think the deal is with them?

Based on simple logic I can see no way that they can be anything other than a scam. A Bitcoin is apparently backed by nothing other than a bunch of computer algorithms. So there’s no precious metal or substance backing them, and also no output of any real service or product. That should raise a few red flags, to put it mildly…..

When you have something that does nothing useful, like a Bitcoin seems to, then what do you really have? A bullshit scam as far as I can see. Apparently it started off with a really low value in exchange for real currency, then it went up dramatically, but it still does nothing. There’s nothing useful to it. It would be the same if I started printing money and said to people, “well, here you go, just believe it’s worth something and trade with it”. People would look at me as if I had four heads! That is, unless I was a really professional conman, which is what I suspect is going on with these Bitcoins. It appears to be an alternative scam to the mainstream Jew money scam. Whatever…….

It appears to be a load of bullshit to me....
It appears to be a load of bullshit to me….

This small article seemed about right to me:

Bitcoin: The Ultimate Scam

Here is a little brief introduction into Bitcoin. It has been around for roughly 3 years. The individuals who own it are unknown, it uses a peer to peer link to make sure there is always a database in existence.


This is mind blowing (or as they say it in Blades of Glory, “MIND BOTTLING”) to anyone who lives in the real world. You simply download a bitcoin wallet software, download a “MINING” program onto your computer (MAC,PC,LINUX). This “MINING” program then runs algorithms using your CPU and Graphics card to solve a them. Depending on the specifications of your computer you are “mining” for bitcoins at a rate (faster the computer the more the bitcoins you earn). Seems easy? It is, it will simply cost you a lot on your electrical bill. Now note as the number of BITCOINS rises, it becomes hard to get them, so the longer you will have to run these programs on your computer to get 1 BITCOIN.

Here is my problem with “HOW TO GET BITCOINS”. They treat it like you are mining for gold? Really it is solving a bunch of useless algorithms that go NO WHERE! So imagine this, your light bulb breaks, you stand up and turn the switch on and off infinite times to get light. Get the point? No matter how many times you do this, no light comes on. This useless “MINING” program rewards you in this virtual currency called bitcoin when you run this program.

Hopefully those less computer savvy are still following around. In simple terms you doing a pointless thing to get some fake virtual coins that will exist in this fake virtual wallet. That’s right virtual. Like Barney and friends used to say. Use your imagination.


Well, really to be honest, I have no clue. It makes no sense, either all these individuals own stocks in their utility companies or they spite their parents so they run up the electric bill. No one good reason comes to mind to run your computer at full capacity to do pointless algorithms. NOT ONE REASON TO GO FLICKER ON AND OFF A LIGHT BULB THAT HAS BURNT OUT.

Source Article

Anyway, I could be wrong about these Bitcoins, but it does smell a bit fishy, does it not?

Please, do leave comments. I want to know what people think about this topic!

– BDL1983

National Socialism is the ONLY Answer!


I agree with everything said in this video. I also think we need to be more brutally honest about things. No longer am I going to accept the phoney, meaningless label of “White Nationalist”. No, I am not one of them. I am a National Socialist because it is the only true expression of our Aryan spirit. It is also the only system of REAL RACIAL FREEDOM, and the ONLY ANSWER to our problems. Anything that does not adhere to the principles of National Socialism (Nature) is doomed to failure.

This is the holy symbol we will one day carry to victory!
This is the holy symbol we will one day carry to victory!

Thanks for sending me this video Cairo!

Sieg Heil! 1488!


Let’s talk about National Socialism

Written by John Hardon

In this article I will try my best to explain in layman’s terms just what National Socialism is all about and more importantly dispel the myths that have been drip fed into your conciousness since the day you were born. I am talking to ALL race’s here not just the noble White Aryan race.

The NS Eagle and Swastika is simply awesome!

Myths conjured up by the the Eternal enemy about not just the White Aryan but all races other than the ‘Chosen one’s’. In other words the ‘Goyim’.

  • Nazi’s (a name that the Jew attributed to National Socialists) Are hateful ‘White Supremacists’

Nothing could be further than the truth, Adolf Hitler, or National Socialist ideology has no desire to control or exploit people of different races and to suggest that he wished to exterminate them is pure fantasy. National Socialist policy dictates that every race has a right to live and prosper in their own lands by means of their own inventiveness and labour.

  • The Nazi’s killed 6 million Jews, they gassed them in chambers, made lampshades out of their skin and shrunk their heads after brutally killing them

This is an out and out lie, for a start how would it be possible for National Socialist Germany to exterminate 6,000,000 Jews whilst fighting a war (That the Jew instigated) on numerous fronts Between 1939 and 1945, that equates to a Million a year do the maths, it means they would have to gas or exterminate one million Jews a year or 83,000 a month, 19,000 a week. This is totally impossible and has been totally debunked by many a scholar and even the Jews themselves. The ‘Human Lampshades’ and ‘Shrunken heads’ have been proven to be badly made ‘props’ produced for ‘Allied’ propaganda purposes.

  • Hitler was a mad dictator

Adolf Hitler was a visionary elected democratically by the German people of ALL classes, he could see that the Jewish International Banking Cartel was bleeding his country dry. The first thing he did was to close down and expel the Rothschild owned Banks and the rest of the parasites that existed living a life of affluence while the German people starved. He offered every Jew residing in Germany 1,000 DM to leave, many did but many decided to remain thinking that their ideology of Communism would defeat Hitler and in doing so their parasitic ways could remain intact. What’s mad about that?

  • But Hitler was against Gay’s

Yes he was because homosexuality goes against nature and National Socialism is based on the rules of nature. Procreation needs a male and a female and nature is all about procreation of the individual race or species that is why he was also against race mixing. Race mixing (Miscegenation) can only result in offspring with no sense of belonging and racial identity. Race is not as the Jew would like us to believe ‘Just a social construct’ Race is reality created by nature for an express purpose. The Jew believes this for his own race but you as a lowly Goy are not allowed to.

What is wrong with this (something I wrote years ago after my ‘awakening’)

Think of the words: National Socialism, can you not be an individual that cares about his country and his people as a distinct race (Nationalist) and cares and looks after the vunerable, needy and sick of his kinsfolk (Socialist) but at the exclusion of all other races?


Look around you, the world that the Creator gave us is a beautiful place, Nature is wonderful. Who’s screwing it all up. The Jew invented Monterey system whereby everyone of you is in debt to the Jew via the system of ‘usury’. There is no reason for us to accept this, break the shackles and embrace National Socialism. It is the only salvation not just for our race but for ALL races otherwise if we carry on with the Jewish plan we will all lose our Racial Identity forever. Except for the one race, the Jew. But after all, according to them they are ‘The Chosen one’s’.


Yes that is Eva Braun (at the beginnig of this video, picking flowers) the woman that loved and adored Adolf and was willing to die with him rather than be defiled and ravaged by the invading hoards of Marxist and ‘Allied’ scum.

Hail Victory


Source: http://hardons-blog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/lets-talk-about-national-socialism.html

Janet’s Yellen at Ben for quitting the Bernanke; Shalom….

The big Jewish reshuffle at the Federal Reserve sure is exciting stuff! We were all holding our breaths, wondering who the Jews would pick!

Janet Yellen, a Jewess, is now officially the pick of the litter, since Larry Summers (another Jew) withdrew from contention last month. Yellen will be replacing Jew, Ben Shalom Bernanke, and continuing the tradition of Jews occupying the position of Fed Chairman. Bernanke took over from Alan Greenspan in 2006, and Greenspan took over from Paul Volcker in 1987 (both are Jews of course). Even though the Chairman of the Fed is just a figurehead position, it shows how the Jews only trust their own tribe to occupy the leadership role. It is interesting to note that the real rich and powerful Jews who own the Fed are confident enough of their power, to not feel the need to put a token ‘Goy’ in the Chairman role.

From the Jew Yorker:

Janet Yellen: A Woman atop the Fed


It isn’t exactly news that President Obama will be nominating Janet Yellen to replace Ben Bernanke as head of the Federal Reserve. (The official announcement will take place on Wednesday afternoon.) Since Larry Summers withdrew his name from contention last month, Yellen has been the prohibitive favorite to get the job. A former professor of economics at Berkeley, she has extensive experience at the Fed: since 2010, she’s been Bernanke’s deputy as its vice-chair.

In the coming days, there will be much more to say about Yellen’s economic beliefs, her approach to monetary policy, and the challenges she will face in taking over from Bernanke next February. (Earlier this year, when her name surfaced as a serious candidate, I took a quick look at her background.) For now, though, let’s dwell for a moment on the fact that she will be the first woman to lead the Fed. Indeed, if you don’t count Russia as part of the West, she will be the first woman to head a central bank in any big Western nation.

That matters in a number of ways.

On a trivial, but not entirely inconsequential, level, Yellen’s extra X chromosome will ensure that she receives more public attention than your average gray-haired, male central banker would. People who work in the financial markets hang on every word that a Bernanke or a Greenspan mutters. But most regular folk don’t take much notice of central bankers except when they raise interest rates or bail out a stricken financial firm. Yellen, like Christine Lagarde, the Frenchwoman who took over the International Monetary Fund, in 2011, will be looked at a bit differently. However much she tries to avoid it—and she will probably try pretty hard—she will be regarded as something of a celebrity.

And there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that: she deserves the attention. Ever since 1962, when she graduated from Fort Hamilton High School, in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, she has been leaving her mark in fields that traditionally have been heavily male-dominated: the economics profession, the world of offering policy advice to politicians, and, finally, central banking.

In all of these areas, Yellen has made significant contributions that amply qualify her for the Fed post. This doesn’t mean that she has hitherto been an absolute standout in every area. As a professor, she wrote some innovative and influential papers about unemployment and other subjects, bravely resisting the conservative orthodoxy that conquered U.S. economics in the nineteen-eighties and nineties. Still, purely in terms of academia, her husband and occasional co-author George Akerlof, who shared the 2001 Nobel Prize, partially eclipsed her. When it came to gaining the ear of Presidents and other powerful politicians, Summers and others have (until recently) often proved more adept. Inside the Fed, Yellen has long been widely respected for, among other things, her smarts, her relatively early recognition of the dangers of the housing bubble, her forecasting record, and her ability to translate complicated issues into readable speeches and presentations. Inevitably, though, she has been overshadowed a bit by Bernanke and his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, who was chairman of the central bank back in the mid-nineties, when she was first appointed to its board of governors.

In a way, though, these things just add to Yellen’s achievement, and to the significance of her appointment. Yellen isn’t Wonder Woman. But by dint of her intelligence, her technical expertise, her judgement, her creativity, her work ethic, and her willingness to coöperate with people rather than elbow them aside, she has risen to the top of the one of the most demanding professions there is. That, surely, makes her a role model for all women.

“Tonight, I feel reassured that my daughter’s economic future is in good hands,” Justin Wolfers, an economist at the Brookings Institution, wrote in a Bloomberg column hailing Yellen’s appointment. “I also plan to tell her that she, too, can grow up to become the most powerful economist in the world.”

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Why Justin Wolfers at Bloomberg is ‘Very Happy about Janet Yellen’:

President Barack Obama plans to nominate Janet Yellen as the next chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. In doing so, he will promote the pre-eminent policy economist of her generation to the role of the most powerful central banker in the world.

Yellen is quite simply more qualified for the job than any of her predecessors. She’s an imaginative and technically adept economist possessed of a brilliant and precise mind. As a researcher, she has made fundamental contributions to our understanding of unemployment and the importance of smoothing out the ups and downs of the economy. She has demonstrated an ability to navigate political corridors, having served successfully as the chairman of President Bill Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers.

She’s also battle-tested, having worked in key policy roles through both the Asian financial crisis and the recent global financial crisis. She has spent most of the past two decades as a leading voice within the Fed, initially as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, then as president and chief executive officer of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Board, and over the past four years as vice chairman of the Federal Reserve.

No Fed chairman has ever been subject to as robust a public vetting as Yellen has over the past two months. It’s notable that through the drawn-out public debate over who should replace current Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, not a single economist who has ever worked with Yellen has had a bad word to say about her.

Historic Moment

Yellen’s appointment is also a historic moment: If confirmed by the Senate, she will be the first woman ever to lead the Fed. Economics remains an excessively male-dominated field, and this is particularly evident among the world’s central bankers. The European Central Bank’s governing council, for example, counts no women among its 23 members. Likewise, there are no women on the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee.

On a personal note, I’ve known Janet Yellen and her husband George Akerlof, a Nobel laureate in economics, for more than a decade. They are both deeply passionate about the capacity for economics to improve people’s lives, and are also refreshingly human. Yellen shares the ability of her doctoral adviser, the late Nobel laureate James Tobin, to translate dry economic data into an understanding of the lives that those numbers depict. Hence, her appointment reflects concern for Main Street, though it comes with a deep understanding of Wall Street.

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Finally, 9 thrilling facts about Janet Yellen:

Janet Yellen will be appointed Fed chair tomorrow. Neil and Ylan already wrote the definitive profile of her, but here are the main things you ought to know going into her confirmation hearings.

1. She is perhaps the most qualified Fed chair in history.

Paul Volcker (center, between Elizabeth Warren and Gary Locke) is the only Fed chair who even comes close to Janet Yellen’s level of experience. (Chip Somodevilla-Getty Images)

Just look at the competition. When he was appointed chairman, Ben Bernanke’s only prior government service was three years on the Fed board and six months as chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). Alan Greenspan had three years as CEA chair.

Yellen, by contrast, has served for three years as vice chair, headed up the San Francisco Fed for six years, ran the CEA for two years, and before that did a three year stint on the Fed Board of Governors. She also did a stint as an economist at the board in the late 1970s, for good measure.

Only Paul Volcker — who had a multi-decade career at the New York Fed and the Treasury — even comes close to that, and he had nowhere near as much exposure to the highest echelons of the Fed system as Yellen has. If experience is your main criterion, Yellen is hard to beat.

2. She’s been a powerful voice for the unemployment hawks on the Fed.

Yellen speaks at an AFL-CIO event; at right is Richard Trumka, the federation's president. (REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque)

Yellen speaks at an AFL-CIO event; at right is Richard Trumka, the federation’s president. (REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque)

In various speeches — perhaps most notably at the AFL-CIO — and in Fed deliberations, Yellen has been clear that she thinks subpar growth and too high unemployment are the biggest problems facing the Federal Reserve. “Maximum employment,” she has emphasized, is the main goal of the Fed at this point in time. In her words, “With employment so far from its maximum level and with inflation currently running, and expected to continue to run, at or below the [Federal Open Markets] Committee’s 2 percent longer-term objective, it is entirely appropriate for progress in attaining maximum employment to take center stage in determining the Committee’s policy stance.”

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Well, I’ve had enough of this Jewy affair for now, although it is entertaining! You gotta laugh sometimes. The Jewish control of U.S. Finance, and therefore the entire country, is so obvious, it is beyond belief that people can’t work this out! It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

Wake up!

– BDL1983