White Self-Hate: Master-Stroke Of The Enemy

George Lincoln Rockwell
American Nazi Party
From back in the 1960’s…..

Last week I penetrated into the “South” for the first time in more than five years of speaking at colleges. I spoke at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It was a shocking – and unpleasant-experience!

Since last September, when I spoke at Harvard, I have been having such incredible success speaking all across the country, everywhere EXCEPT the South, that I was beginning to believe ALL America’s college youth was waking up, especially to the nigger problem.

I had never penetrated the really “deep” South, for what reasons I am still not sure. I have had few invitations from South of Virginia – and all of them have been cancelled.

Around the rest of the country, this year has been one of immense gratification to me, speaking from Harvard and Brown in New England, across the nation through Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, North Dakota, Minnesota, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, California – just about everywhere EXCEPT the “deep South.” The reaction to my speeches, as those who have heard the record or tapes of some of them will know, has been FANTASTIC! The violence has almost stopped, even the boos and the hisses have died down, and the audience reactions have been SO favorable that even the Jew papers in Minneapolis, for instance, reported I got “thunderous applause”!!!

Not only that, but the INDIVIDUAL reactions have been unbelievable!

Most remarkable of all is the tremendous change which has occurred since last summer in the reactions of these college kids to NEGROES.

For years, I was plagued by the ignorance of Northerners on the subject of niggers – and the same kind of ignorance by many Southerners about Jews. They have plenty of niggers in the South, so the Southerners know about them. But they have few Jews, and the ones they have down South are usually “tame” Jews, utterly unlike the wild and hateful Hebrews swarming in the streets of the North and West.

At the same time, the Jew-wise “Yankees” in North and West never got CLOSE to any “coloreds”, and knew almost nothing about them. Until the riots began.

Back in those days, whenever I went to jail in the North, the cops would privately say “You’re doing a great job on the damned Jews, but why do you go after the ‘colored’?” – as they used to call them.

Down South, cops would say “God bless you for the way you’re fighting the niggers, but what have you got against the Jews?”

This year, all across the Northern part of America, and all over the West and South West, I found the people are growing rapidly more alert not only to the Jewish problem, which they always sensed, but are thoroughly aware – and worried – about the “coloreds”, because, of course, the “coloreds” have finally let the Northerners SEE what they are like, at first hand, in the dozens of riots and the endless horror of nigger crime and terrorism in the city streets.

The success of my speeches in colleges and universities across most of America has been gratifying – and spectacular – fantastic! If even the liberal KIDS in these colleges are waking up, you can IMAGINE the way the working masses are ready to FIGHT!

While I have been speaking sometimes as often as six and seven times per week all over the continent, I have naturally presumed that when I finally DID get a chance to speak in the real SOUTH – it would be the best of all – a real triumph!

So I approached Wake Forest in North Carolina with my hopes up – and my guard down!

When I got there, things seemed SUPER relaxed. Usually, the campus where I am to speak is in a state just short of explosion – with threats, counter-threats, headlines, etc., etc. There are vast crowds outside the hall, hours before the address, and the hall is always packed to the point where the fire marshall often takes a hand.

But at Wake Forest, there was no crowd outside, when I came to the hall. And when I got inside, although they said it was the biggest crowd yet, there were several hundred empty seats!


All of this got me “off balance” sufficiently so that I failed to follow my usual routine of insisting on only WRITTEN questions (to prevent emotional outbursts and speeches from the floor). But I figured that an audience of SOUTHERN kids would be wild with enthusiasm when I defended the great White Race and the history and traditions of their own grandparents.

What I ran into was something NEW!

In speeches everywhere else, there are always overtones of threat and violence, heckling and possibilities of mobs, etc.

All seemed quiet when I began to speak at Wake Forest.

But the minute I opened my mouth, the place busted wide open! American flags started to wave – HELD BY COONS! A Jew got up with a black armband and began marching up and down the aisles. Some of the kids acted like a bunch of kooks, whooping and cheering this disorder.

An old Jewess rose and began screaming at me in unintelligible “English”. She got a huge round of cheers and applause!

In spite of all this, I managed to take control of the crowd as I have been forced to learn to do, and speak for about forty-five minutes. But I never did succeed in getting a train of thought started with the audience. Always, they managed to bust up any orderly presentation, and I had to keep using shouts and “tricks” to beat the heckling.

There was no applause at the end of my speech, although a few kids tried feebly, only to be squelched by their neighbors.

I made the mistake of taking live questions from the audience (being somewhat angered and frustrated by now, and hoping to beat these hellraisers). That did it!

One huge Negro walked up to the front of the hall just before my platform, held up his hands and signalled for silence. He got it!

The hall was hushed, FOR THE FIRST TIME, and I knew from experience what came next.

Had that Negro done nothing more than say “abracadabra”, he would have been drowned in enthusiasm. He did a masterful job – whether planned or not, I don’t know.

I had pointed out in my speech that ghetto Negroes were often in good physical shape because they were forced to do menial physical work such as garbage men, etc. This was not to insult Negroes. (Actually, it makes a lot of my own people mad when I point this out). But it is part of the reason the blacks think they can whip us because they say we’ve gotten soft. The big black used my statement to make appear I had advocated making nothing but garbage men out of all Negroes.

“Maybe all we’re good for is garbage men”, he said, “but if being garbage men is all the contribution America will let us make, then we’ll make it, we’ll BE garbage men!”

The audience rose, first the rabid ones, then more and more, until finally the hall was a sea of hysterical cheering, as the Negro (who I later learned was the local football hero) led the rest of the football team in a “walk-out”.

None DARED fail to rise for this mad scene, for fear of being branded a “hater”, as the arc-lights and TV cameras swept the audience.

I did my best to plug on, and succeeded to some degree. I even managed to get a good round of applause at the end, myself.

But I was bitterly disappointed to see all this take place in my FIRST speech in part of the “deep South”!

I had been winning rabid, liberal “Yankees” over with a “Southern” speech in the North all year. Now here I was being swamped by a wave of wild, hysterical “nigger-loving” – by SOUTHERNERS! Or so I thought!

I spent more than ten more hours at banquets and seminars, cocktail parties, and the other usual accompaniments to these speeches, and then, after I finally got to bed at 2 a.m., I laid awake for two more hours before I reached any kind of conclusion as to what it was all about.

At the banquet, the speaker was none other than Dick Gregory. I had to sit up at the head table only two seats away from this coon comedian-turned-revolutionist. I wouldn’t have put up with it, except I really wanted to hear this “cat” (as he calls everybody) and see how he would affect these kids in North Carolina! He did a pretty smooth job on these kids, and I learned a lot.

First, he told a series of “supper-club” jokes to “warm up” the kids – which he did.

Then he launched into his “You-gotta-give-us-the-country, Baby” approach of the black scum now risen to glory among us as a result of Yiddish money, Yiddish leadership and Yiddish press-agentry for these miserable Africans.

I could hardly believe what I saw there. I watched the racially fine faces of the young White boys and girls who were intently watching the ape-like face of Gregory. They were hypnotized!

He actually went so far as to BOAST to them that the only way they could PROVE they were not full of “racism” and “hate” was to give our White women to the Negroes, thus showing that we recognize that there’s no difference except color.

He went so far as to use the fact of motherhood, and went into a physical description of the process of birth, and how you couldn’t stop delivery of a baby by crossing a woman’s legs, etc.,etc., ad nauseam – all to “prove” that delivery of our women to the blacks was “inevitable” – and standing in the way was like crossing the woman’s legs, and trying to stop the birth of what he said was “Nature’s insistence on equality”!!!

He got a STANDING OVATION – just as the earlier black ball player had in the audience!

Once more, I watched the fanatic few rise up applauding wildly the moment he was done speaking, then the guilty looks on the faces of more and more kids who rose up, until all (except me) were standing to give honor to a man who had just announced he was going to utterly DESTROY them – women and children and our whole RACE!

I had HEARD about this sort of thing happening – just last month as I was speaking at one college in Wisconsin, Stokely Carmichael was speaking only a few miles away at another. He got up and hollered, “BLACK POWER!”, and openly announced his intention of leading a “burn-baby-burn” ATTACK on White people, hollering “Get Whitey!” – and got the same “standing ovation”, as I had just seen twice in one day, and in the “deep South”!! WHY?

In all of history, no people have ever sunk so low they have given cheers and ovations to their own executioners. Some people have become too rotten to resist, but no people ever before has sunk so low as have those of our people who stand and cheer when told by arrogant Negroes that the blacks fully intent to WIPE US OUT AS A RACE!

The blacks holler, “GET WHITEY!” – and WHITEY CHEERS AND APPLAUDS! Surely you, too, must have tried to figure it all out!

Lying there in bed in the Sheraton Motel in Winston-Salem, in the fancy room they always get for you on these visits, I think I found the answer: GUILT! – Self HATE!

The South has been BEATEN half to death, over a hundred years ago, now, and it has its psychological toll.

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G.L.R. – He certainly had his finger on the pulse, even back in the 60’s…. Now, we are about 50 years down the track….. He saw it all back then, so why the hell is our White Race still in it’s slumber?

Wake up, then “Stand Up and FIGHT“! (as Rockwell would have said)

– BDL1983

On the Importance of Exposing the Holohoax

From Fascovereign Weltanschauung:

exposing the hoax

Some people don’t think it is that important to expose the holocaust fraud. The argument is that it was a long time ago and not relevant to today, also that it can sound extremely callous to those who have yet to discover the deception behind it. For me, it was discovering the truth about ‘the holocaust’ that proved to me that it was not just a few bad Jews that were being dishonest, but the entire tribe that were consciously lying about this event, and punishing an innocent nation for a horrendous crime that they were not guilty of in any way. The punishment for perjury in court is justifiably severe when it is just against one person, but to bear false witness against an entire people is beyond anything a court has ever had to deal with. Hitler’s description of the Jews ‘big lie technique’ and how if the lie is massive enough people will not suspect its veracity, has its perfect fulfilment in ‘the holocaust’. A lie of such massive proportions that it has to be reinforced everyday at least once on every television and radio station.

Once you realise that the whole ethnicity are united in telling such a lie as this, with only the odd exceptional Jewish witness telling the truth about some small part of it, it becomes clear that none of them could ever be trusted. The magnitude of the crime is so hard to imagine, to falsely accuse an innocent nation of the most horrific genocide ever, it is as alien to the Aryan consciousness as it would be for us to even contemplate doing it. It has to be the greatest injustice of all time bar crucifying our Lord.

Exposing the Jews collectively as a people has to start with the holohoax. Investigation of their other crimes all hinges on exposing the one that gives them their false ‘victim’ status. When I hear about miscarriages of justice and about people imprisoned on false evidence, just one person is bad enough, but a whole people are being punished here, for something that never happened and it was not a mistake, but a carefully thought out deception. There isn’t even a word capable of describing just how much of a crime the false accusation of ‘the holocaust’ is. It’s like when an innocent man is accused of rape by a vindictive psycho-femme, but literally millions of times worse. It should make everyone’s blood boil when they realise how their emotions have been manipulated into blaming an innocent party for imaginary gas chamber atrocities, how children have been shocked into being ashamed of their own flesh and blood, and generations have lived with the guilt of being descended from a people capable of such inhuman behaviour.

Once you get over the realisation that an entire nation could be so vindictive and deceitful, you then discover that many of the crimes they levelled at the German people actually had their origin in real crimes committed by the Jewish Communists against the Christian Russians. The alleged holocaust horrors weren’t just from a twisted imagination, but were very often real acts of terror projected onto the German people in order to change the Jews from being the most wicked murderers of the Russians, into the poor, innocent victims of the Germans.

After understanding what they are capable of, you start to see how they have placed the blame on others for many of the tragedies they have engineered in history, famines being just one of them. The Holodomor intentional famine that the Communist Jews inflicted on the Ukraine, was just a repeat of the intentional famine that the Crown Jews inflicted on India, which was a repeat of the intentional famine that the British Jews inflicted on the Irish. Whenever the Jews are involved there will be intentional famines and the blame deflected away from them. It still goes on today through their control of the UN, only now they call it ‘sanctions’ and instead of stealing the food from the targeted gentiles, they prevent food and medicine from being exported to them.


For anyone that thinks that the Jews don’t operate as a group, then the holohoax proves that they do. When Aryan peoples find out that their politicians have lied about other nations for personal gain, there are large movements dedicated to exposing the truth and attempting to have the war mongers tried in court for their deceptions. The demonisation of Gaddafi, Assad, Iran and Iraq come to mind. But where are the Jewish movements defending Hitler and charging their elites with not speaking for them, or for their interests? We continually hear ‘white’ people making excuses for Muslim terrorism as a response to British imperialism, where are the Jews excusing Hitler for his response to Jewish imperialism in Germany? There are large British movements that point out the crimes of the ‘British’ Crown in India, South Africa and Ireland, but where are the Jewish movements pointing out the crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks, the Jewish bankers and all the Jewish false-flags that have been used to start wars?

There was nobody that came out of the second world war better off than the Jews. During the later stages of the war, when the rest of Europe were starving and being bombed, the Jews were fed, clothed, medicated and paid for their work, while they were being housed in the work camps for their own safety. Being in those camps prevented the European people from taking vengeance on them for staring the war in the first place. The rich Jews were even more comfortable, staying in America, Canada and England, spreading their lies in the media about the Third Reich and plotting the Nuremberg trials. They were the only nation in Europe to actually increase in number during the war, according to the Jews own almanac census figures. The whole fraud relies on the people being deceived being such good people, that they are unable to imagine that anyone could lie like that. Our imaginations have become so used to just being used for entertainment, that we have forgotten that it is also there for us to imagine all the ways that somebody else could be different to us. It is no wonder that they are continually promoting the idea that we are all the same, it means good people don’t doubt other peoples intentions.

Once they lose their victim status they stop being given the benefit of doubt and people cease to make excuses for them. There is nothing worse than someone pretending to be a victim in order to gain sympathy, especially when they are blaming the real victim. The fact that they try to hide all the evidence that proves that there were no gas chambers, is proof in itself that it is a lie. Anyone else would be happy to hear that not so many of their people died and that none of them died in such a horrible way.

Investigating the holohoax is the first rung of the ladder that leads up out of the rabbit hole and into the fresh air. The high priests of the half-truth movement know this, and will do all they can to keep people going around in circles and never stumbling across that ladder in the dark. Even though the war happened 70 years ago, it is still vitally important to expose the holohoax, to take their cloak of invisibility away from the Jews, and to expose the hypocrisy and double-standards of half-truth ideology.

‘The Jew ‘cries’ with pain when he attacks you’ – Old Polish Proverb.

Source Article

Also at The Daily Stormer

It is a hoax, so let’s hammer it home to everyone, loud and proud!


– BDL1983

Identifying Where the Power Lies

What is it that determines whether or not someone is capable of understanding how political power works? What are the factors involved?

The main factors in my mind are intelligence, perception, mental courage, and critical thought. Varying degrees of natural ability exist in each person for using these faculties. For some reason, humans, as a species, are dangerously deficient when it comes to recognising and understanding how power works. As a life-long independent thinker, I’ve always found the ‘sheepish’ nature of people, or the ‘herd mentality’, to be immensely frustrating to deal with. It gets very irritating to see how the majority of people around you can live quite happily, completely oblivious to the ‘world political nightmare’ we are facing. If you are reading this, you probably already know that the ‘Jewish Agenda for World Domination’ is the only real problem facing the world, and that everything else is merely symptomatic.

The American Empire is simply the main engine, or 'Jew HQ' for World Domination.
The American Empire is simply the main engine, or ‘Jew HQ’ for World Domination.

Here’s how I analyse the situation:

A power structure always works in a ‘top-down’ fashion. This is just a basic fact of nature. Every species lives among its own kind, and among all the individuals who all have different traits, a pecking order will develop. This forms a hierarchical pyramid-shaped structure, and when the species is living exclusively (not including foreign invaders), it will be a natural, agreeable type of structure. When parasites, like Jews, are included in the structure, you get problems.

The eye at the top represents the Jew controlling everything
The eye at the top represents the Jew controlling everything

At this current juncture in history, we have a power structure of unprecedented size, operating and ruling over the entire ‘western world’. To identify the ‘hidden force’ behind things, I’ve always pictured the pyramid. The pyramid tells you that there must be a ‘Mr. Big’, who represents the force responsible for holding the power structure together. All you have to do, is work out who Mr. Big is! He must exist, or the power structure would fall apart, like a match-stick castle without glue.

As it turns out, Mr. Big is a collaborative effort of a certain (alleged) 2%, to rule everything. They are called Jews. The question remains; how do I know I am right? How can I be so certain?

This is the answer, and something I’ve always understood intuitively:

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize.”

This quote has been attributed to Voltaire, but there’s some conjecture about whether it’s one of his. Either way, it always holds true!

To find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize, you must identify ‘taboo’ issues, forbidden topics, and anyone who is ‘holier than thou’. It’s pretty easy, when you put your mind to it. The Jews, Race, and the Holocaust, are never talked about in an open fashion in modern society. The Jews are ‘holier than thou’, while Race and the Holocaust are off the discussion table! Those facts alone, made me want to know why, and urgently! Once you crack the ‘Jews, Race, Holocaust’ trio, everything starts making sense. You also know for sure that you have hit the ‘nerve centre’ of the power structure! The ‘holy ones’ are not to be spoken badly of; therefore, we have identified Mr. Big of the pyramid!

The real sign in Hollywood

Jews are the rulers of the modern western world, and once you know that, it becomes child’s-play to tie every taboo issue back to them. Why can’t we discuss Race? Well, that’s because the Jews are out to destroy every race except theirs. Why can’t we discuss the Holocaust? It’s because if people understood that it’s a hoax, then the Jews could no longer hide behind their veil of persecution, and everyone would see the vampire for who he is! You can just keep on going down the line, exposing all the Marxist crap for what it is. Every taboo issue, where certain opinions are deemed unacceptable, will lead you back to the Jewish poison in our modern society. For example: equality, feminism, the fags, 9-11, global warming, wars in the middle east (for Israel), race, the Holocaust, etc. It’s always the Jews behind the poison, and you are not allowed to point the fact out (in public discourse anyway)!

It's everyone except the Jews
It’s everyone except the Jews

Why is it hard for some people to identify the real ruling power? It obviously is difficult for a lot of people. Forget the masses and consider how many people are out there chasing ghosts, goblins, and Trilateral Commissions. Alex Jones ranks 1,030 on the Alexa Rankings, so clearly there are tons of people who know something’s wrong, but have absolutely no idea how to work out where the power is actually emanating from. I was fooled by Jonestein for a couple of months during the awakening process, but I smelled a rat (faced-Jew) pretty quickly!

Those at the ‘top of the pyramid’ tend to look like this

I know that I’m an intelligent person, much smarter than the average in regards to IQ, but I’m not some super-smart genius or anything. Why is it that I can figure the entire world political situation out, while much more intelligent people, like physics professors and mathematicians, often don’t seem to be able to? (Obviously, William L Pierce is excluded from the list of physics professors who can’t figure it out!) This is where I believe perception comes into the equation.

Intelligent thought is one thing, but being perceptive and able to see the bigger picture is a different sort of skill. Either you are born with it, or you’re not. This is why I think geniuses are often compartmentalised in their brilliance. They can only use their intellect in certain fields, and the rest of the world is lost on them. Only a naturally perceptive mind has any hope of reaching the point where they can see past all the crap, and work out how the world really works.

I think that most people stuck on the ‘Alex Jones- Infowars’ level are intelligent, but sorely lacking in the skill of perceiving how power operates. As we know, all Alex Jones does, is point (with his fat fingers) at every conceivable Goyim group, real or fictitious, and says,

Well, we know it’s the Germanic Death Cult, since Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was a Nazi, and he was in the Bilderberg Group, they’re planning to use Nazi Eugenics on us all to reduce the population, and we should never forget that Hitler holocausted 6 million Jews”.

The guy talks utter crap, and whenever he points at a ‘Shabbos Goy’ (Jew collaborator), these people are fooled into believing that the Jews aren’t the force at the top of the pyramid. How many giant criminal networks don’t have willing sell-out collaborators assisting them? Could the Jews do all this on their own? Of course not! But it doesn’t mean that they aren’t the controllers and string-pullers behind the agenda. The fact that big fat Alex Jones broadcasts from a Jewish owned radio network, with nearly all Jewish sponsors, should arouse suspicion amongst his followers! The strange thing is that it doesn’t seem to. It illustrates how gullible people can be, and these people are at least somewhat intelligent.

Alex Jones: The fat lunatic is constantly lying to his gullible followers

The faculty of critical thought is an extension of general intelligence, or IQ of a person. It can be taught to people who are intelligent enough to use it, but it’s more a question of whether the individual is mentally active, or mentally lazy.

If I were a betting man, I’d say that most people lack a virtue which is very tempting for the average coward to ignore: Mental Courage! Take a certain portion within the Alex Jonestein camp, and I bet they know the real deal, but simply do not have the guts to admit it. They are truly pathetic, and in fact, are far worse than the genuinely gullible person.

A person must possess all four skills/abilities if they are ever going to work things out.

Sufficient levels of intellect and perceptivity are something that an individual either has, or doesn’t have. These two factors depend entirely on the innate qualities within an individual, and cannot be learned.

Without it, you can never hope to correctly diagnose what’s causing all the problems!

Whether someone has the mental courage to face the truth depends upon their innate nature mainly, but environmental factors may also come into play, either enhancing or hindering the individual’s level of mental courage.

Everyone is born with a certain ‘level of inclination’ toward critical thought. Some have no inclination, while others are very critical thinkers. With a bit of training and effort, the mentally lazy person can be taught to think critically!

That is my basic summary of how I view the concept and reality of power in this world. Just in case anyone reading this doesn’t know that it’s the Jews at the top of the pyramid; please return to this fundamental truism:

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize.”

It never fails.

It's never them!
It’s never them!

– Brett

Babylon Before Hitler

From Hardon’s Blog (commentary by John, not me)

Most of you may have seen ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ (Completed full version). This is a Bonus feature which portrays the Jewish Marxist infiltration of filth and pornography throughout pre-National Socialist Germany and particularly in Berlin. J.H.


In this 15 minute Special Bonus Feature learn about how in 1933, Adolf Hitler was a man of high morals and proved it by cleaning up the depraved streets of the Marxist cesspit otherwise known as Berlin.



Does all this look familiar? Look around you, you have a two tier society, the poor and the ultra rich (the Jew is destroying the ‘middle class’), you have homosexuality and all kinds of perversions becoming the acceptable ‘norm’. On top of that we have ‘Miscegenation’ and the mass influx of alien people and cultures imported by the Jew to further destroy the indigenous race.

How inspiring that in 1926 the Nationalist Resistance amounted to two hundred dedicated men whereas the Jewish Marxist controlled scum numbered over 250,000, then Hitler and National Socialism against all the odds gained power with the full support of the majority of the indigenous German people. This was a victory beyond belief, the Jew and his Marxist foot soldiers were told to get out of Germany and those that didn’t were not slaughtered or gassed, they were imprisoned and made to work although they were well looked after (contrary to Jewish lies).

Adolf Hitler should inspire us all. National Socialism is the ONLY answer to the parasite that infests ALL our Aryan lands. Greet your Aryan brothers with the NS salute, why should you be ashamed of who and what you are?

The only way the existence of our race and a future for white children can be assured is by embracing National Socialism.

Hail Victory

John Hardon

Click 1488 to visit John Hardon’s blog

Erich Priebke – Rest In Peace

News From Atlantis


Erich Priebke fought for Europe against the international materialist tyranny which has since swept over our lands.  He fought for freedom and for national survival.  As a part of the struggle for European survival, Erich Priebke was a part of a defensive measure in Italy against the Marxist terrorists of Bandiera Rosa.  In 1944, under his direction, 335 terrorists were executed for the crimes of murdering loyal Europeans, some of whom were serving in the armed European resistance to global finance imperialism.  For the act of liquidating the vermin of Bandiera Rosa, Erich Priebke was declared a ‘War Criminal’ by the victorious powers, who cited the fact that amongst the terrorist menace which were put down, there were a number of Jews.  For dealing with the self-Chosen terrorists in the manner befitting their crimes, Priebke was treated as an enemy of the people, whereas he was in fact defending the people of Europe from those whose kind have since destroyed our freedom.

Erich Priebke died in Rome at the age of 100, on the 11th October.  The enemies of humanity who infest the official church of Rome, taking their orders from their Judaic masters, denied Priebke his rightful funeral in a Catholic Church, citing his actions against Jewish terrorists as justification for this unjustifiable proscription. The last bastion of true Catholicism, the Society of Saint Pius the Tenth, (SSPX), defied the infiltrators who occupy the Vatican by giving the heroic soldier a decent Christian funeral.  It is to their credit that they stood up for Christian morality and the rights of the dead, whilst the Vatican ordered that they bow down to the orders of Talmudic vengeance.

Proving that their evil extends to attacking the dead, organised Marxist and liberal extremists attacked Priebke’s funeral, which was held earlier today.  If anyone has any doubts about the anti-human motivations of our enemies, that they stoop so low as to attack the body of a man who served his people and in any case is no longer using it, proves how debased they truly are.

Erich Priebke fought for us all, and his memory deserves to be preserved; not the propaganda and lies of the victorious materialistic powers who have ruined our lands.  Erich Priebke – Presente!

Source: http://newsfromatlantis.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/erich-priebke-rest-in-peace.html

Note: This bit which I highlighted in bold, “Erich Priebke was a part of a defensive measure in Italy against the Marxist terrorists of Bandiera Rosa“, relates directly to the alleged ‘worst wartime massacre’ in Italy, from an earlier article. Whilst that earlier article portrays Erich in a ‘bad light‘, this article tells the story in the context of reality!

– Brett