On the Importance of Exposing the Holohoax

From Fascovereign Weltanschauung:

exposing the hoax

Some people don’t think it is that important to expose the holocaust fraud. The argument is that it was a long time ago and not relevant to today, also that it can sound extremely callous to those who have yet to discover the deception behind it. For me, it was discovering the truth about ‘the holocaust’ that proved to me that it was not just a few bad Jews that were being dishonest, but the entire tribe that were consciously lying about this event, and punishing an innocent nation for a horrendous crime that they were not guilty of in any way. The punishment for perjury in court is justifiably severe when it is just against one person, but to bear false witness against an entire people is beyond anything a court has ever had to deal with. Hitler’s description of the Jews ‘big lie technique’ and how if the lie is massive enough people will not suspect its veracity, has its perfect fulfilment in ‘the holocaust’. A lie of such massive proportions that it has to be reinforced everyday at least once on every television and radio station.

Once you realise that the whole ethnicity are united in telling such a lie as this, with only the odd exceptional Jewish witness telling the truth about some small part of it, it becomes clear that none of them could ever be trusted. The magnitude of the crime is so hard to imagine, to falsely accuse an innocent nation of the most horrific genocide ever, it is as alien to the Aryan consciousness as it would be for us to even contemplate doing it. It has to be the greatest injustice of all time bar crucifying our Lord.

Exposing the Jews collectively as a people has to start with the holohoax. Investigation of their other crimes all hinges on exposing the one that gives them their false ‘victim’ status. When I hear about miscarriages of justice and about people imprisoned on false evidence, just one person is bad enough, but a whole people are being punished here, for something that never happened and it was not a mistake, but a carefully thought out deception. There isn’t even a word capable of describing just how much of a crime the false accusation of ‘the holocaust’ is. It’s like when an innocent man is accused of rape by a vindictive psycho-femme, but literally millions of times worse. It should make everyone’s blood boil when they realise how their emotions have been manipulated into blaming an innocent party for imaginary gas chamber atrocities, how children have been shocked into being ashamed of their own flesh and blood, and generations have lived with the guilt of being descended from a people capable of such inhuman behaviour.

Once you get over the realisation that an entire nation could be so vindictive and deceitful, you then discover that many of the crimes they levelled at the German people actually had their origin in real crimes committed by the Jewish Communists against the Christian Russians. The alleged holocaust horrors weren’t just from a twisted imagination, but were very often real acts of terror projected onto the German people in order to change the Jews from being the most wicked murderers of the Russians, into the poor, innocent victims of the Germans.

After understanding what they are capable of, you start to see how they have placed the blame on others for many of the tragedies they have engineered in history, famines being just one of them. The Holodomor intentional famine that the Communist Jews inflicted on the Ukraine, was just a repeat of the intentional famine that the Crown Jews inflicted on India, which was a repeat of the intentional famine that the British Jews inflicted on the Irish. Whenever the Jews are involved there will be intentional famines and the blame deflected away from them. It still goes on today through their control of the UN, only now they call it ‘sanctions’ and instead of stealing the food from the targeted gentiles, they prevent food and medicine from being exported to them.


For anyone that thinks that the Jews don’t operate as a group, then the holohoax proves that they do. When Aryan peoples find out that their politicians have lied about other nations for personal gain, there are large movements dedicated to exposing the truth and attempting to have the war mongers tried in court for their deceptions. The demonisation of Gaddafi, Assad, Iran and Iraq come to mind. But where are the Jewish movements defending Hitler and charging their elites with not speaking for them, or for their interests? We continually hear ‘white’ people making excuses for Muslim terrorism as a response to British imperialism, where are the Jews excusing Hitler for his response to Jewish imperialism in Germany? There are large British movements that point out the crimes of the ‘British’ Crown in India, South Africa and Ireland, but where are the Jewish movements pointing out the crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks, the Jewish bankers and all the Jewish false-flags that have been used to start wars?

There was nobody that came out of the second world war better off than the Jews. During the later stages of the war, when the rest of Europe were starving and being bombed, the Jews were fed, clothed, medicated and paid for their work, while they were being housed in the work camps for their own safety. Being in those camps prevented the European people from taking vengeance on them for staring the war in the first place. The rich Jews were even more comfortable, staying in America, Canada and England, spreading their lies in the media about the Third Reich and plotting the Nuremberg trials. They were the only nation in Europe to actually increase in number during the war, according to the Jews own almanac census figures. The whole fraud relies on the people being deceived being such good people, that they are unable to imagine that anyone could lie like that. Our imaginations have become so used to just being used for entertainment, that we have forgotten that it is also there for us to imagine all the ways that somebody else could be different to us. It is no wonder that they are continually promoting the idea that we are all the same, it means good people don’t doubt other peoples intentions.

Once they lose their victim status they stop being given the benefit of doubt and people cease to make excuses for them. There is nothing worse than someone pretending to be a victim in order to gain sympathy, especially when they are blaming the real victim. The fact that they try to hide all the evidence that proves that there were no gas chambers, is proof in itself that it is a lie. Anyone else would be happy to hear that not so many of their people died and that none of them died in such a horrible way.

Investigating the holohoax is the first rung of the ladder that leads up out of the rabbit hole and into the fresh air. The high priests of the half-truth movement know this, and will do all they can to keep people going around in circles and never stumbling across that ladder in the dark. Even though the war happened 70 years ago, it is still vitally important to expose the holohoax, to take their cloak of invisibility away from the Jews, and to expose the hypocrisy and double-standards of half-truth ideology.

‘The Jew ‘cries’ with pain when he attacks you’ – Old Polish Proverb.

Source Article

Also at The Daily Stormer

It is a hoax, so let’s hammer it home to everyone, loud and proud!


– BDL1983

“Holocaust denial” now officially defined

Talk about ‘Orwellian Thought Crime‘ Laws. This is a must read.

From John Friends Blog:

The Jewish Press is reporting that “Holocaust denial” has now been officially defined:

The International Alliance for Holocaust remembrance (IHRA), comprised of 31 member states, the UN and UNESCO have accepted a universal definition of holocaust denial. (Editor: You can see real, live examples of holocaust denial and antisemitism in the comments below).

According to Gideon Bachar, the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry department for the fight against antisemitism, who represented Israel in the discussions, the newly accepted definition of a holocaust denier is anyone who doubts the number of Jews killed, who denies the existence of the gas chambers, as well as anyone who claims the Jews have brought on the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel, and also anyone who includes the 1939-1945 holocaust among other great tragedies in human history. […]

Bachar told Israel Radio that the new universal definition does not have a legal validity, but it may help in the fight against holocaust denial and antisemitism. […]

Let me state for the record that:

  1. Six million Jews were not murdered during WWII, and the Germans did not have a plan to systematically exterminate European Jewry – they simply wanted the Jews out of Germany and, eventually, all of Europe;
  2. There were no gas chambers used to murder Jews or anyone else in the various work camps administered by the National Socialists in Germany and other parts of Europe during WWII;
  3. The Jews and their allies did indeed bring on “the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel” – and by “bring on intentionally” I simply mean they manufactured this fake historical narrative over time using their control of the media and Western governments, psychological warfare, scripted actors playing “Holocaust survivors”, and other forms of deceitful propaganda, such as “Holocaust” museums and Hollywood movies reinforcing their fake narrative of WWII;
  4. While some Jews did in fact die during WWII, millions of non-Jews were slaughtered before and after WWII at the hands of the Jewish-led Allied powers, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union.

The official narrative of WWII, especially as it concerns the fake Jewish “Holocaust” story, is literally the exact opposite of what really happened: the Jews were not subjected to a systematic campaign of extermination, the Germans were. Aryeh Leon Kubovy of the Israeli Center for Jewish Documentation has even admitted that, “There exists no document signed by Hitler, Himmler, or Heydrich speaking of exterminating Jews… and, the word ‘extermination’ does not appear in the letter from Herman Goering to Heydrich concerning the Final Solution of the Jewish question.”

On the other hand, Jewish writers and propagandists were in fact openly lobbying for the total destruction and annihilation of the German people before and during WWII. Jewish writer Theodore Kaufman wrote a pamphlet in 1941 entitled Germany Must Perish, calling for the genocide of the German people:

This time Germany has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world. As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY. And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty: Germany must perish forever! In fact – not in fancy! […]

The goal of world-domination must be removed from the reach of the German and the only way to accomplish that is to remove the German from the world. […]

There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forever of Germanism – and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind.

Perhaps even more brazenly, the Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg, a radical Jewish Bolshevik, openly encouraged the Red Army to murder Germans – soldiers and civilians:

The Germans are not human beings… If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day… If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet… [T]here is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days… Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German – that is your grandmother’s request. Kill the German – that is your child’s prayer. Kill the German – that is your motherland’s loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill… Kill, Red Army men, kill! No fascist is innocent, be he alive, be he as yet unborn.

The real Holocausts of WWII were committed against the German peoples and their allies who were standing up to and fighting against the forces of the Talmudic “New World Order” agenda.

So yes, I am a “Holocaust denier”, at least according to the Jews and those they have brainwashed with their fake narrative of WWII. The Jewish “New World Order” agenda largely rests upon the fake “Holocaust” narrative of WWII, and all of the lies associated with WWII and Adolf Hitler generally, and it is time we recognize this and reject their false history and deceitful, arrogant propaganda.

Source: http://www.john-friend.net/2013/11/holocaust-denial-now-officially-defined.html

Very good summary. This article is too important not to spread.

“Truth does not need the law to uphold it, only a lie does” – Don’t know who said that, but it’s spot on!

– BDL1983

The Holocaust Hoax; IT NEVER HAPPENED

UPDATE 14/5/14 – Personally, I’ve had enough of arguing the case that the Holocaust is a hoax. It gets pretty boring and tedious after a number of years of repeating oneself. I will be writing an article sometime soon about the herd mentality and Holocaust belief, but if you want to know why it is we say the Holocaust is a hoax, then read this book:

The Holocaust Hoax Exposed by Victor Thorn

If you still don’t “get it” after reading that, then you are beyond help! There’s nothing more I can do or say to help you see through this enormous lie. It’s a waste of my time even trying to reason with thoroughly brainwashed minds. I don’t have anymore time for it.

Just for good measure watch this video as well:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnr3f-vaesQ?feature=player_embedded&w=640&h=360]

I’m not responding to any more comments on this post arguing some stupid illogical crap. In fact I’m closing the comments because I’m sick of the childish shit people write. I’ve said all I need to say. It’s in this actual article below and clearly demonstrated in the links above. Have a nice day and always bear this in mind:

It is illegal in 16 European countries to question the official Holocaust story! I wonder why? The truth is that the Jews don’t want questions being asked because all they have to back up their story is lying so-called “eye-witnesses” and the obligatory emotional banter. If you investigate the Holocaust story honestly and objectively you’ll find no actual substance whatsoever supporting the official version of events. It is a big Jewish fairytale about how much of a victim they always are, meanwhile these same people are running all the banks, mass-media, governments, and education systems throughout the ‘West’. Go figure…..

Truth does not fear investigation, nor does it require force of law to uphold it! Lies do, and that’s exactly what the Holocaust is!

From Nazi Gassings:


Simple Reasons for Rejecting the Holocaust HOAX

People believe wrongly that the “Holocaust” is based on an enormous body of “irrefutable evidence.” Those who deny it happened must be either insane, or nearly insane—and driven by only the foulest of motives. The exact opposite is the case. It is the holocaust claims which are, in fact, driven by a fanatical Jewish campaign of systematic and wholesale lying—and hardly any evidence at all. What little “evidence” there is turns out to be bogus or totally irrelevant. Holocaust revisionists are the true “whistleblowers” who deserve the greatest respect for what they continue to endure in their pursuit of Truth. America pretends to care about “human rights” but has no problem with the imprisonment of revisionists in Germany and elsewhere, even of revisionists who were in the US seeking political asylum for merely speaking against the most monstrous hoax ever.

What is not addressed in any depth here is the major reason for why people believe in the hoax. My guess is that people believe the hoax because they want to believe. It fills some deep emotional need—perhaps to overcome a sense of inferiority compared to the Germans, or to somehow join the dominant group in society. The exact answer is beyond any understanding of this writer—but it is an enormously important question nonetheless in the same way that one should try to understand why people believe in religion. Holocaust belief is a kind of new religion—as irrational and ridiculous as any other religion but enormously appealing. For those who have not totally lost their minds, the following reasons for rejecting the hoax may have meaning.

1) There are NO autopsy reports of any Nazi gassing victims from any western doctors. Although there were many thousands of corpses available in German concentration camps by the end of the war and although at least 1,000 autopsies were performed, none showed any evidence of death by poison gas or poison. Dr. Charles P. Larson made those autopsies to find proof of gassings but found nothing. No other western doctors ever claimed to have found any forensic medical evidence of gassings either. So, what indicators of gassing were the doctors looking for? Larson gives no answer but the simple fact is that if there had been gassings with carbon monoxide or cyanide, the indications would have been extremely dramatic and readily visible. The corpses would have been bright cherry RED. The Soviets had supposedly performed autopsies (on red corpses from CO) to support their diesel gas van claims at the Kharkov and Krasnodar trials in 1943—but those trials were such obvious shams that almost no one takes them seriously today.

2) Except for two poor qualtiy photographs allegedly taken near Krema 5 at Birkenau (see Pressac), there are NO photographs that are even alleged to be of corpses of Nazi gassing victims from any German concentration camps. Both photographs were obviously retouched and clumsily, especially one naked female in the foreground with flailing arms. They also fail totally to show any signs of hypostasis. Some darker areas should have been evident even in black-and-white photos.

The photographs that are endlessly shown from Belsen, Dachau and elsewhere—and misused deliberately—have nothing to do with gassings. The captions for those photos from any number of news or government sources clearly fail to even claim they are of gassing victims. For nearly everyone else, however, those photos are “undeniable proof that the holocaust really happened, even with poison gas.” The evidence from trials and confessions is largely unknown by comparison. The deaths shown were caused, in nearly all cases, o-n-l-y by natural causes brought on by the Allied terror bombing and strafing of civilians and civilian targets. One example of the catastrophic Allied bombing was the attack on the electric power station that powered the water supply to Bergen-Belsen shortly before the camp was taken over by the British at the request of the Germans. Without water for drinking or bathing, people suffer terribly and cannot possibly wash lice feces from their bodies either. The ongoing typhus epidemic with its episodes of fevers as high as 105 degrees Fahrenheit was made far worse because of the lack of water to rehydrate victims after their fever episodes. The inevitable dehydration caused, no doubt, many of the deaths. Similar horror pictures of emaciated corpses or sick people can be taken in any hospital anywhere in the USA today—even without the addition of terror bombing. Just remove the pajamas and bedsheets of those who have died. A pile of naked victims of cancer, or AIDS, or hepatitus or any number of other diseases looks no better than a pile from Bergen-Belsen.

Was FDR starved and tortured before he died on April 12, 1945? He died less than one month before the end of the war that he had done so much to bring about. Although his funeral casket was paraded through Washington with a great outpouring of public sorrow, his corpse was totally hidden from view. There are NO pictures of his remains. Why? No doubt his naked remains would NOT have looked any better than any of the corpses at Belsen. FDR could have been tossed into any of the open pits without drawing any attention at all. From the pictures we have of FDR at the Yalta Conference in February of 1945, he was little more than skin and bone already at that time, two months before his actual death. FDR died in America after receiving the best medical care and nutrition available anywhere. Poetic justice? Yes, of course!

3) There are NO German documents to identify any gassing victims. For those who think otherwise, let the USHMM, or the ADL, or anyone else provide such a document.

4) For “overwhelming” holocaust evidence, what one is given aside from photos of people who died from natural causes is anecdotal rubbish. So-and-so was last seen being sent to the “left,” or “right,” (it doesn’t even matter) usually by Dr. Mengele (with a “conductor’s baton” and wearing a “monocle” according to Elie Wiesel: Night, page 29 in Bantam paperback—just like Erich von Stroheim) and never seen again—but, some time later (half-an-hour, or so) smoke was seen rising from the chimney of the crematoria just down the road and, therefore, darling so-and-so must have been gassed. That is as good as it gets, folks. An inconvenient fact for the Jewish liars who told such tales is that according to a CIA report,“The Holocaust Revisited,” Feb 1979, page 11: “Although survivors recalled that smoke and flame emanated continually from the crematoria chimneys and was visible for miles, the photography we examined gave no positive proof of this.“ That is an understatement because the CIA had more than fifty high resolution photos from large format negatives taken by US reconaissance aircraft when gassings were supposedly most frequent, every day during the summer of 1944 (4 April through 13 September 1944). The CIA experts could NOT find the slightest trace of smoke from any crematoria. Clearly, the “eyewitnesses” LIED.

5) There are NO German documents that speak of gassing. For those who think otherwise, let the USHMM, or the ADL, or anyone else provide such a document.

6) Elie Wiesel and many tens of thousands of Jewish “survivors” c-h-o-s-e to leave Auschwitz and go west by January of 1945 with the very same people who had supposedly been murdering them by the thousands every day for years. How is that possible if Auschwitz had been any kind of “extermination camp?”

According to Night, just before Auschwitz was to be “liberated” by the Soviets, both Elie and his father trekked west with the Nazis in a terrible winter on foot by their own choice. They had both chosen, in effect, to c-o-l-l-a-b-o-r-a-t-e with the Nazis and work (no free ride waiting in a Gasthaus) to defend the Reich. Some of Wiesel’s exact words in Night, paperback edition (Bantam Books, 1960) page 78 are:

The choice was in our hands. For once we could decide our fate for ourselves. We could both stay in the hospital, where I could, thanks to my doctor, get him [the father] entered as a patient or nurse. Or else we could follow the others. ‘Well, what shall we do, father?’ He was silent. ‘Let’s be evacuated with the others,’ I told him.

7) Claims about how Nazi gas chambers functioned are wild, fantasmagorical speculation based on torture, intimidation and perjury, especially by Jews—and not on any German documents, or scientific evidence, or on any other gassings ever in the entire history of the world. As to the use of torture on German defendants—Rudolf Hoess, former commandant of Auschwitz, who appeared as a “witness” at Nuremberg was definitely “tortured” and his Jewish torturer Bernard Clarke even admitted it later in the book LEGIONS OF DEATH by Rupert Butler, pages 236-38.

8) The most thoroughly stupid gas chamber claims were those that insisted Diesel exhaust was the source of carbon monoxide to murder nearly two million Jews in the so-called Aktion Reinhardt Camps (Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor), and in “gas vans” in Russia. This writer can take credit for the fact that those claims are finally being abandoned (very quietly, of course) by some leading “holocaust scholars,“ at least in Germany:—Achim Trunk and Peter Witte.

The final straw for the mass murder by diesel HOAX may have been an essay in the Journal of Forensic Science, September 2008 entitled Diesel Fumes Do Kill. On page 1206: “Lastly, an extensive literature review produced no scientifically reported cases of fatal CO poisoning attributed to diesel fuel exhaust. …in the medical examiner arena, lethal CO poisoning from inhalation of diesel fumes from any make or model of on-road vehicle is virtually unheard of and contemporary literature foes not report it.” Although the report concludes that the authors had discovered one case of such poisoning, their research was critically flawed by their failure to properly treat the blood chemically to counter the effects of decomposition which had occurred in the corpse. The fact that death from diesel exhaust is possible has never been denied by this author. The report shows, however, that diesel exhaust as a source of lethal concentrations of CO is absurd for exposures of less than several hours. A recent Filing before the US Court of Appeals explains the medical issues on pages 14-20 and 32. It seems the Kentucky court had prior to this ruled wrongly against the trucking firm and the truck manufacturer more out of a desire to protect Kentucky institutions than anything else.

The emerging alternate claim that gasoline exhaust was used instead of diesel exhaust is even more stupid. Deaths from gasoline engine exhaust would have definitely been from carbon monoxide because of the extremely high percentages of CO present before the advent of catalytic converters and environmental concerns. But for the so-called “holocaust,” the “eyewitnesses” ALL failed to even mention any of the stunningly bright cherry red coloring that appears on nearly all corpses of people who died from carbon monoxide or from cyanide. Were the “eyewitnesses” all color blind? Of course, not. They simply lied—ALL of them!

There is one important exception, however, and that is a Dr. Theodore Friedrich Leidig of the Kriminal Technisches Insititut (KTI) who supposedly claimed to have seen an experimental gassing of Russian POWs in a gas van at Sachsenhausen resulting in red corpses. Such a story would have also been perfectly consistent with earlier Soviet claims made in 1943 during the Kharkov and Krasnodar show trials (with red corpses from CO) about homicidal gas vans but with diesel engines. By the end of the war, the Soviets had simply moved their homicidal gas van hoax to Germany itself. Leidig was smart enough to know, apparently, that any competent forensic doctor could not possibly be so stupid as to claim such corpses (from gasoline engine exhaust) were anything but red. No doubt, there were some accidental gassings from the widespread use of producer gas vehicles (18% to 35% CO) throughout the war and that is what probably was involved here—if there is any truth to Leidig’s claims at all and nothing more sinister than that. A forensic pathologist like Leidig would have been expected to determine the cause of death precisely. After the war, such incidents were so useful for supporting the hoax and Soviet propaganda, especially in connection with Sachsenhausen which was under Soviet occupation in East Germany. Why would the Soviets change their story about how the Nazis committed mass murder? It had worked so well for them before. Just drive the same message with some “evidence” from Leidig. The Sachsenhausen gassing van claim was essentially the same Soviet claim as had been made by the Soviets in 1943.

9) The numbers of “holocaust survivors” are enormous—even today. The numbers are well into the hundreds of thousands even sixty years after the war. In 2003 an Israeli demographer, Sergio Della Pergola, stated in an official Israeli report that there were 1.092,000 Jewish holocaust survivors alive in the world in 2003. Those huge numbers imply that there were many millions of Jewish “holocaust survivors” alive at the very end of the war. Moreover, many YouTube videos from “survivors” give personal details about how fiendish Nazis kept multitudes of Jews alive for many months, even years inspite of a supposed policy of extermination. Why would the Nazis have done that if they were trying to “exterminate” the Jews? Did they want hundreds of thousands of Jewish “eyewitnesses” to help hang them after the war? The alleged crematoria-gas chambers at Birkenau, for example, were in full, open view of nearly every inmate there. Why even bother with concentration camps if the goal is to exterminate people?

10) The “six million” number itself is pure Jewish mythology—with a life entirely of its own. The number had been used repeatedly long before Hitler. Read the research from Eric Hunt and Don Heddesheimer. The magic number had been used repeatedly already in the nineteenth century—as early as October 31, 1869—as a metaphor for perceived or future persecution of Jews by the Czar, or whomever.

11) Carbon Monoxide was used throughout German-occupied Europe as an inexpensive, alternative fuel (Holzgas or Generatorgas–“Producer Gas” in English) to drive more than 500,000 motor vehicles. It was made from woodchips and scrap wood, dead branches, twigs, etc. (available almost everywhere including the remotest backwoods of eastern Poland) by burning the wood with a restricted air supply in special gas generators, usually mounted at the backs of trucks and buses. The performance was terrible but at least the vehicles could function—and the cost of the fuel was minimal. The concentration of CO produced in this way varied from 18% to 35% and was extremely lethal. It was also flammable, even explosive. Its use required careful training and licensing and safety precautions by the drivers of all such vehicles. The gas would have also been ideal for mass murder since it was far more deadly than gasoline engine exhaust (only 7%–12% CO). Ironically, this technology has never been implicated in any of the holocaust gassing scenarios anywhere. Any danger of explosion in a likely homicidal gas chamber would have been easily eliminated by simply running water through the shower nozzles which the gas chambers also contained, supposedly.

Given the desperate shortages of fuel and raw materials thoughout the war, especially in German-occupied Europe, the use of diesel or gasoline engines as a source of carbon monoxide should be seen as one of the dumbest ideas imaginable. No doubt, people do dumb things but surely after a few gassings with engine exhaust, someone would have tried to find something better. The diesel engines even had trouble starting, according to Kurt Gerstein, and that supposedly influenced Rudolf Hoess to use Zyklon-B instead in Auschwitz. Well, why use an engine in the first place when the fuel everyone was urged and eventually even required to use by law as an alternative to gasoline or diesel fuel was itself far more toxic—and as cheap as dirt? Why, indeed? If the engine exhaust for mass murder claims persist, one should also condemn the Nazis for being the most technically ignorant mass murderers in all of human history. Can anyone who knows the facts about what was happening in technology during the war, really believe the Germans were that dumb? Are historians capable of recognizing the inherent technical absurdity of the gassing claims, especially for the so-called Aktion Reinhardt camps? Probably not!

12) Cyanide gas from Zyklon-B was used ONLY to keep people alive. It had been used worldwide, even in the US in New York City of all places, since the 1920’s to fumigate ships, railroad cars, buildings and everything that might be harboring dangerous pests such as rats and lice. Its lifesaving use in German concentration camps such as Auschwtz was and still is marked by the brilliant Prussian Blue staining of the brick walls near to where it was used—even on the exteriors of the exterior brick walls which have been subject to more than half a century of weathering. But, but, but—where people were supposedly gassed to death by the thousands with the same substance every day, there is NO trace of blue staining at all

Cyanide escapes from Zyklon-B granules s-l-o-w-l-y unless the gas is forced out, preferably with warm air. Zyklon-B was made to work that way. Since no such forcing of cyanide is even alleged, (the fans were supposedly turned ON o-n-l-y after the victims were all dead) the ONLY way that anything like the mass execution times of as few as three minutes could possibly have occurred (Vrba-Wetzler Report of 1944) would have been by using enormous amounts of Zyklon-B, at least ten times more than the amounts needed to simply kill the victims over several hours. Such huge quantities of Zyklon-B would have given at least as much opportunity for cyanide to penetrate the surrounding stucco-covered brick walls as at the delousing stations. For people familiar with Zyklon-B and how it was actually used, the solution to the dilemma would have been obvious. Simply insert a mesh basket with Zyklon-B granules almost anywhere into the warm air ductwork which the mortuaries all had–and turn ON the blowers to force warm air through the granules and through the mortuaries during the actual mass execution. That is how standard DEGESCH Zyklon-B fumiagtion chambers worked in Dachau and in hundreds of locations throughout German-ccupied Europe. In this way, at least 90% of the Zyklon-B would have also been saved—and the deadly cyanide gas would have been dispersed quickly to all parts of the gas chambers. Pockets of cyanide-free air where victims might crouch to escape the deadly gas would have been impossible. The hoax defenders are trapped by the fact that all of the self-described “eyewitnesses” claimed the fans were turned ON only a-f-t-e-r everyone was dead. The “eyewitnesses” obviously LIED and the Zyklon-B gassing stories are rubbish!

13) The use of crematoria in German concentration camps is portrayed as shameful, even criminal, when, in reality, it is no more deplorable than the use of crematoria anywhere in the USA today. From page 78 of the linked source, left: “The average time for a cremation cycle of newer retorts is around 2 h or less, not counting the preheating of the chamber or the cooldown.” Cremation is, in fact, the recommended way to dispose of corpses generally to prevent the spread of many contagious diseases through ground water. If the purpose had been to merely dispose of evidence of mass murder, cremation makes no sense at all since one of the main purposes of cremation is to r-e-c-o-v-e-r at least a small portion of cremains to be returned to family members in urns. For disposal of bodies without any recognizable cremains, i-n-c-i-n-e–r-a-t-i-o-n as applied to ordinary garbage is far more effective since any human cremains will be thoroughly mixed with other waste. The fuel required is also far less. In Auschwitz-Birkenau, for example, large incinerator ovens were located in the crematory buildings also but it has never even been alleged that those ovens were ever used to incinerate corpses. Cremation was also used on Ellis Island and delousing chambers were used on nearby Hoffman Island.

14) Large Zyklon-B gas chambers for fumigating entire railroad trains, several railroad cars at a time, were strategically located in eastern Europe. Some known locations are Posen and Budapest, More than likely, Auschwitz-Birkenau also had such a gas chamber for railroad cars but there is no known proof of this yet. In any event, all such gas chambers would have been ideal for mass extermination. Intended victims trapped inside cattle cars could have easily been pulled into such chambers. The railroad cars after gassing could have been removed with corpses and disposed of in any number of ways later on. But, although such a technology would have been obvious to anyone familiar with Zyklon-B and how it had historically been used worldwide to fumigate hundreds of thousands of railroad cars, even in the USA—it has never been implicated anywhere in the holocaust mythology. How could the fiendish Nazis not have thought of applying this superb technology?

The Unbearable Truth for Americans, Brits and Jews

Before anyone blames the Germans for the horrors of Belsen and other German camps, they should look at themselves in the mirror. The Americans, Brits and Jews were the real monsters. After their humiliating military defeat in France in 1940, it was obvious that British soldiers and generals were pathetic compared to the Germans, especially Germans led by their enormously popular and brilliant leader—Adolf Hitler. That became obvious to Americans as well regarding American soldiers and generals compared to the Germans. So, what to do? Well, why not do what depraved cowards often do? Kill enemy civilians instead. Murder as many German women and children as you possibly can, turn entire cities into crematory ovens, and destroy everything needed to sustain life. The horrors of Belsen and other camps by the end of the war are the only persuasive evidence for the so-called “holocaust”—but those true horrors were the handiwork of the Americans and Brits and Jews.

The Germans and Nazis had kept camp inmates alive and healthy, including Jews, as best they could. No one had been gassed. Americans and Brits with enthusiastic support from their Jewish masses had tried to turn all of Germany and much of Europe into a kind of Bergen-Belsen for years. By the Spring of 1945, they succeeded. Such a surprise, already! That those same cowardly monsters deny all responsibility for Belsen is hardly surprising. Were they about to suddenly stand up like heroes and admit they had done anything wrong? Tell the truth for a change? Of course, not! To this day, they blame the Germans for what they had done all by themselves. They should pray there is no God.

In 1978 I met a young Hungarian man who had survived the American bombing of Budapest about which I had not known anything. He assured me that Budapest had indeed been bombed by the Americans—and that the American bomber crews were “extremely cowardly” because they deliberately avoided the small, but heavily defended, military targets and bombed the vast, undefended, residential areas of Budapest instead. Some of the American bombers were shot down, however, and some bomber crewmen managed to parachute to the ground. Local Hungarians killed many as soon as they hit the ground but others were rescued by Hungarian gendarmes who took them to POW camps. My Hungarian acquaintance insisted that the American airmen should have been tied instead to stakes near to where their bombs had fallen and then been burned alive. When I expressed my shock at his horrible suggestion, he looked straight back into my eyes and said: “but, that was what they were doing to us.”

That brief conversation has been seared into my conscience and I have thought about it many times. Could I have lit a fire to incinerate any of those cowardly airmen—perhaps just the officers, or high-ranking generals, or political leaders like Churchill, or FDR, or Truman? Certainly, it would have been a learning experience which they truly deserved and which others might heed as well. As a warning to future generations, it would have saved many innocent lives. The purpose of this website is not merely to acquit the Germans of the obscene charges against Germany—but to also condemn the victors, especially the Jews, for being the pious monsters that they truly were—and still are.

The Holocaust hoax PROVES that Hitler was right!

Friedrich Paul Berg’s site: “Nazi Gassings”, is the number one, most comprehensive site debunking all of the Jewish Holocaust lies. Anyone with any questions about the Holocaust and why we say it’s all bullshit, should visit Friedrich’s site. There’s an absolute ton of information on it!

– BDL1983

Steaming Pile of Shit (Part 2)

Kike-Jewess Deborah Lipstadt….

AUDIENCES in Sydney and Melbourne will have the chance to hear from one of world Jewry’s foremost defenders next month – US-based academic Professor Deborah Lipstadt (pictured), who famously defeated Holocaust denier David Irving in a British court when he sued her for libel in 1996.

Her book, History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier, will form the basis of the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission’s (ADC) Gandel Oration, which she will deliver in Melbourne on August 15.

Describing her as “a scholar of great moral strength and courage”, ADC chairman Dvir Abramovich said, “Lipstadt’s bravery showed the world that those who dare to deny the Holocaust will be exposed, and we are truly honoured that she accepted our invitation.” (Bullshit you Kike-Jew….. We are the truth because we tell it! And we will never stop! THE TRUTH DOESN’T NEED LAWS TO PROTECT IT; CASE IN POINT, YOUR PHONEY HOLOCAUST RUBBISH – BDL1983)

Lipstadt will also be delivering the Ervin Graf Memorial Oration, in support of the Shalom Institute, at the Sofitel Sydney Wentworth on August 14. (Ben Bernankes middle name is Shalom… Just in case anyone doesn’t know that one, hahhaa – BDL1983)


Read More: http://www.jewishnews.net.au/hear-from-denier-defeater/31807

What a bunch of arrogant arseholes…

– BDL1983

It’s The Jews, Stupid!

I don’t know why I’m writing this today. I must have got out the wrong side of bed this morning because I’m so fucking angry!!

I’ve been going over and over in my head about how stupid the general public is…. Can’t they see what’s going in the world? Is it really that fucking difficult to figure out?? I just don’t know anymore…. What do we do with all the dumb-arse lemmings? I feel like grabbing some random idiot off the street, holding ’em by the scruff of the neck and forcing them to digest reality! It’s not that hard to figure out all this shit about the ‘New World Order’ and the damn Jews….. All you have to do is use common sense and logic…..

I would like to make this ‘random idiot’ off the street sit down, read a few things, watch a few videos, and think about it.

The first thing I’d put the idiot through would be one of those videos about the Holocaust hoax. Once you have seen through this idiotic hoax, which even a fucking 5-year-old could figure out, your world view changes forever. You learn that people get sent to prison for questioning the grand hoax… This tells us two things: 1.) The people promoting this Holohoax story have something to hide and 2.) that they have the power to send people to prison for questioning it.

The next logical step is to ask “who are these people?” Obviously, it is the Jews whining endlessly about this thing that never even happened…… So you go and investigate the apparatus used to uphold this power structure and what do you find? You find Jews running all the big banks, the UN, the Western worlds mass-media and on and on…. It’s not complicated to understand… All you have to do is view the Jews as a distinct tribe and then you’ll see how they network; how they operate this ‘New World Order’ thing….

The New World Order Alex Jones bangs on incessantly about is clearly a Jewish construct. The UN is a kind-of structural framework for the Jews to establish world domination. They run this ‘Kosher-as-all-fuck’ operation out of Jew York City itself and the UN’s basic job is to get all the governments of the world to sign on to various treaties promising to be Kosher! The UN, the IMF, World Bank, all the big banks in the U.S. for that matter, work as one big kosher unit to dominate all nations.. There is nothing tricky at all about this!!

To add extra proof for this common idiot to digest, I’d make him watch 9-11 Missing Links which definitively proves that the Jewish Crime Network did 9-11….. The logical question after learning that the Jews did 9-11, is how the fuck did they pull that off and not get caught? And then pass it off as an Islamic act of terrorism? The answer is obvious.. The Jews wrote the official narrative and promoted the fuck out of it through their total control of the mass-media! There is no other possible answer….They did it; got away with it; therefore they must control the media!!! And of course any simple investigation of media big-wigs will confirm this…

The other thing the idiot doesn’t get is why we are fighting endless wars in the middle-east…. It’s not hard to understand: The Jews run the show and are using our western military might to fight Israels enemies!!! It’s that simple. Muslim Terrorism is just the fake pretext to get us to do the Jews bidding… 9-11 was ‘kick-off’ for the final kosher push to dominate the world.. It’s no coincidence that we are militarily ‘kosherising’ ONLY those countries Israel doesn’t like!

The Holocaust being the hoax that it is and Jews being the doers of 9-11 prove that IT IS THE JEWS behind this New World Order thing!!! Once you know that; it is childs’ play to figure out the rest… Jews clearly own everything of any importance in the global power structure and they just so happen to be the most tribal group of people on the face of the fucking planet! We know there is an agenda for ‘world domination’ or ‘global governance’… Anyone can work that out… Now we know exactly what the coordinating force is behind this agenda: THE JEWS!!!


Another issue for the common person to investigate is the Climate Change/ Global Warming hoax. This is a complete load of kosher bullshit designed and promoted by the UN’s “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”. Note that it is a UN agenda; therefore a Jewish agenda. It is simply a wealth re-distribution scheme aimed at guilt tripping White Nations for using ‘fossil fuels’. And how do we fix this Climate Change problem? Pay ridiculous Taxes to our Jew controlled Governments? Don’t make me laugh!! It is all bullshit to get more taxes out of us and they’ll be simply offset against our international Jew debts……. Fucking Great!!

Can someone please tell Alex Jones about the Jews? The poor man is struggling poking his fat fingers at Goblins, Bilder-ham-bergers, Trilaterals, the UN, Nazis, and various other stupid groups all controlled by Jewry!

One final thing for the common person to ponder: The Holocaust is a hoax; so that means we have to re-evaluate what we think of National Socialist Germany and Hitler. Obviously Hitler was not the monster we have been told he was, because he didn’t mass murder Jews or anyone else for that matter… We now understand that it is the Jews who wrote the history books and LIED about Hitler, and therefore Hitler was right (and still is)!


Read this; Everything will make sense afterwards!! Trust me……..

I feel better for getting that rant off my chest….

Fourteen Hundred and Eighty Eight.

– BDL1983