National Socialism is the ONLY Answer!


I agree with everything said in this video. I also think we need to be more brutally honest about things. No longer am I going to accept the phoney, meaningless label of “White Nationalist”. No, I am not one of them. I am a National Socialist because it is the only true expression of our Aryan spirit. It is also the only system of REAL RACIAL FREEDOM, and the ONLY ANSWER to our problems. Anything that does not adhere to the principles of National Socialism (Nature) is doomed to failure.

This is the holy symbol we will one day carry to victory!
This is the holy symbol we will one day carry to victory!

Thanks for sending me this video Cairo!

Sieg Heil! 1488!


Don’t Ignore the Class War!

We all know that Jews are moneyed up creatures. The first image that comes to mind when picturing a typical Jew is the cartoon of him grinning at a thick bundle of cash in his hand. The stereotype is true, and that’s why it exists.

A typical Jew......
A typical Jew……

The famous Jewish ability to ‘get’ money, without ever earning it, is the source of all his power today. This ‘power-of-the-purse’ has enabled the Jewish beast to cement control over pretty much everything in the modern Western world, including all of our political machinery. We understand that the Talmudic mindset of the Jew is what permeates every facet of our society. His slimy tentacles have ensnared everything in the grip of his false, unnatural doctrine of Marxism, which divides every natural process into two opposing halves. He then agitates both sides for war against the other.

The holy Jew book of filth
The holy Jew book of filth

Everyone understands how the Jew does this with the issue of race. Saving our White race is our most important task, but this doesn’t mean we should neglect the fact that the Jews cause countless other wars under the banner of ‘perceived injustice’. This ‘perceived injustice’ is the Marxist way of explaining why inequality exists, and also what they use as their excuse to agitate for war between the two sides. They do the same process with race, gender, class, and anything else you can think of!

In the ‘White Nationalist’ movement, there is a common knee-jerk reaction to label anyone who speaks of worker’s rights and class warfare, as a communist. This is a very naive and stupid mistake. Acknowledging the fact that class warfare does exist, and is a real problem, does not make someone a communist or communist sympathiser!

In the couple of years leading up to my awakening to the Jewish and race problems, I explored communist ideology and class warfare, and found that there were many legitimate concerns and problems that these people complained of. The capitalists’ habit of skimming unearned profits off of the workers production is the main one. I never really believed in their ideological system in its entirety, and I knew they were not whining about nothing, so I figured they were just misled. I didn’t know why or how at the time. I do now.


Class warfare is basically a Jewish game, where they use peoples’ natural status in the societal hierarchy against them. They tell the workers that their management hates them and is oppressing them. They tell the ‘management class’ how lazy the workers are. That leaves all the essential classes of people, who are supposed to be carrying out productive work, at war with each other, for no good reason! It’s the classic Jewish strategy of getting the workforce divided up into the unnecessary ‘capitalism versus communism’ game. Capitalism is made to appeal to the management class, and communism to the working class. That’s the game, and it has real devastating effects when foisted upon any society. And of course, the Jews sit at the top of the power structure, stealing the profits and pulling the strings!

Adolf Hitler understood the realities of Jewish-promoted class warfare, and how destructive it is to any healthy, ordered, working society. He knew the Jews were pulling the strings of both capitalism and communism. He offered a genuine solution which restored the natural order: National Socialism. It worked brilliantly. The point here is that ignoring the reality of class warfare, and labelling anyone who mentions it, as a communist, is simply stupid. Imagine how Hitler would have gone restoring the German nation if he couldn’t deal with the class warfare issue, or set up ‘workers-fronts’ to solve workplace disputes. He would have gotten nowhere! It would be rather stupid to ignore the class-war aspect of the Jewish agenda, since a productive, healthy workforce, is essential to any properly functioning society.

He knew what to do
He knew what to do…..

What does all this mean regarding how we deal with communists and communist sympathisers?

Since I have learnt about communistic thought through my own personal awakening process, I can safely say that there would be many genuine people, who think they have communist leanings, but in reality, just haven’t put together the bigger picture. I was one of these people! My position is that we should take these things on an individual basis where possible. For example, assess the person’s character before condemning them as an incurable communist. If they are reasonable and just need a little coaxing out of it, then we should work on them. The genuinely misled are good people and just need redirecting, over to our side! This is what the National Socialists did.

None-the-less, the Jews and dedicated communists must be dealt with severely because they are our mortal enemies. They will destroy us and stop at nothing to do so. That was the National Socialist method for dealing with the real enemies of the nation.

How the Jew should be dealt with...
How the Jew should be dealt with…

As a movement, I believe we need to better hone our skills at character examination. We must avoid knee-jerk or reactionary behaviour. Labelling someone, without thorough prior thought, or a good reason to do so, is reactionary, and contrary to the uplifting Aryan spirit of National Socialism. We should leave the petty and pathetically weak-minded task of reactionary behaviour to our dedicated enemies: the Jews and committed communist scum!

We are superior to our enemies and we should act accordingly.

She's nice.
She’s nice.

Also posted here:


– Brett


The issue of Christianity seems to be a never-ending topic of argument and division. People in this White Nationalist/ Jew-Wise ‘movement’ who are otherwise rational intelligent beings, just cannot put this issue aside and work together against the Eternal Jew. Why the fuck is this?


Jesus Christ: He is never depicted as “Jewy” looking….. Very Aryan actually…..Interesting…..

The way I see Christianity is that it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It is a firmly entrenched part of White civilisation and is the common mans ‘spiritual safe-haven’. There is absolutely, positively no way to get rid of it. It just isn’t going to happen! So what those in the WN/JW ‘movement’ should focus on doing is morphing it into something compatible with our beliefs. The question we need to ask ourselves is ‘how do we get Christianity to serve our interests?’ If you take into account the various denominations of Christianity you will see that to call someone simply a Christian is to paint them with a very broad brush. Orthodox, Catholic, Christian Zionist, Christian Identity etc…. You get the point. On most radio shows I listen to, which I’ll get to in a second, the hosts often use far too broader paint brushes and end up confusing the issue. To have one host wanting to destroy Christianity because ‘modern’ Christians support the Jews and another host upholding Christianity because they are CI, and arguing about it, is fucking stupid! Clearly, the latter CI guy believes in a very different form of Christianity than the first one, who is referring to the Christian Zionist types. We must make clear distinctions between the different types of Christianity out there!

My personal view is this: I say we take the Christian Identity theology, regardless of whether it’s true or not, and try to morph the modern ‘universalist’ or Christian Zionist forms into something more along the lines of Christian Identity.  At least the CI adherents are strongly pro-white and anti-Jewish!! How we actually ‘morph’ Christianity is anyone’s guess. I have no fucking idea how to do that!!!


Regarding Christian Identity: I think they raise some valid points about the real historical origins of Christianity, but on the other hand I see compelling reasons to reject the CI historical narrative based on any number of bible quotes…….  CI is probably half true and half misleading. The thing is though; I don’t see the misleading bits as being harmful to our pro-white anti-Jewish cause. So, whatever…. Who knows? Maybe CI is correct? I don’t know. Either way you look at it, we don’t have time to endlessly argue over it….

Radio Host Reviews on how they handle Christianity:

Renegade: As a network I think they handle the issue poorly. There is no expunging Christianity from our White consciousness anytime soon; so forget about it. I like all the hosts at Renegade, especially Kyle Hunt and Mike Sledge, but all the constant anti-Christian stuff will get them nowhere… I suggest they change direction and look at ways to morph Christianity….

John Friend: This man is the fairest toward all on this issue and it’s a credit to him for always hearing both sides of the argument. Everyone should take a leaf out of John Friends book on how to conduct themselves..

Andre Anglin: I don’t have any problem with his stance of not wanting to discuss it. It’s counterproductive….

Scott Roberts & Mike Delaney: I’ve never heard Scott or Mike push Christianity and Mike is Christian Identity! Mike never gets bent out of shape about the CI stuff and Scott isn’t fussed over religion; correct stance gentlemen!

Rich & Keith: They take the same stance as Andre. Fair Enough!

Rodney Martin: I think he adheres to a traditional form of ‘Christianity’. I can’t remember which. It’s never been a problem with his pro-white anti-Jewish outlook.

As a final thought:

Scott, Mike and Andre said something very important in a recent show: No ‘White’ leaders have ever accomplished anything by attacking Christianity in its entirety. Take a look at Hitler, Rockwell, and Pierce; they all had criticisms of Christianity but they would never have tried to remove it from White cultural life….. That’s an impossible task, and precisely why I believe it needs to be altered significantly to serve our pro-white anti-Jewish agenda…… Go figure eh!

Anyway, that’s my two cents on this issue for what it’s worth…….

– BDL1983


I started this blog because I felt a compelling urge to have a site where I could put my ‘spin’ on how things are. That’s the only reason really. A blog is just a blog. Nothing more, nothing less….


Above: Your typical fat internet troll, ha ha!

This blog can only be of use to anyone if they find some information on here which is enlightening to them. It’s just one more site putting out the right message. That’s it. There are thousands of other sites out there doing the same thing. Alot of them are ‘better’ than this site. It all depends on how many fancy upgrades you can be fucked getting, and whether you are particularly ‘gifted’ at expressing your message! I do alright; I don’t really care where I sit on the ‘giftedness’ scale and I certainly don’t have any inflated sense of ‘self-importance’. As if me sitting here rambling a bit of shit that’s been on my mind somehow translates into a REAL WORLD OUTCOME!…..  It doesn’t. I only post things here to disseminate my message.

Now this is where reality kicks in: BEWARE INTERNET WARRIORS!

In the real world POLITICAL POWER can only radiate from an ORGANISATION. This REAL WORLD ORGANISATION requires a chain of command, sets of laws, principles, and above all REAL PEOPLE in it! This is where I see a massive disconnect between alot of people running internet sites and neglecting REAL WORLD activity. To me it seems as if they actually believe that their internet activism somehow translates into REAL WORLD OUTCOMES. Guess what? IT DOESN’T!

My suspicions are making me more and more cynical about the whole ‘internet based’ White Nationalist Movement; whatever the fuck that actually is. My gut feeling is that the VAST MAJORITY of people involved in internet activism are probably people you would want nothing to do with in real life if you actually could meet them. We would probably be better off with the Jew World Order running the show, than some of the slime-balls in the White Nationalist Movement…..

Anyway, the beauty of the REAL WORLD and NATURE’S LAW is that when the shit-storm has wreaked havoc on all our formerly White Nations, we will be able to start fresh. Hopefully. All the internet warriordom will be forgotten and those people of REAL ARYAN CHARACTER can take over and ORGANISE politically…

I know that I stand for REAL WORLD OUTCOMES and one-day I’ll hopefully get a chance to prove my worth. That’s what I’ll stand for with all my strength!

The main problem we are dealing with at the moment is the FACT that there is absolutely NO WHITE NATIONALIST MOVEMENT in the REAL WORLD worth sacrificing for. NONE. So we are stuck in a kind of ‘political limbo’. The only thing we can do in any real sense is to spread our message. That means TALKING TO REAL PEOPLE who are worth talking to. Obviously I don’t mean wasting your time on the average White Liberal; but try informing receptive ears. That is the stage we are at: NO MOVEMENT EXISTS; so our job is spreading the right message. The internet is one thing to do, and spreading the message in the REAL WORLD is the other. That’s all we can really do until the current system exhausts itself; then we ORGANISE to pick up the pieces.

flaggen_nazi_deutschlands golden_dawn

Hitler’s’ Germany was the most outstanding example of ORGANISATION and how you fix things after the system loses its strength (Weimar Republic). The Golden Dawn in Greece is the best example we have today of how things should be done! When the time is right we will have our opportunity. Those of us who are in this ‘thing’ for the right reasons will take charge and fulfil suitable roles in ‘other versions’ of the ‘Golden Dawn’!! Genuine LEADERSHIP and FOOT-SOLDIERS will be required, and only worthwhile people will be allowed to fill any of these positions…

We won’t even have to tell the internet warriors to FUCK OFF, because like the weasely lumps of shit that they are, they’ll be nowhere to be seen!!

– BDL1983

Kai Murros on the European Revolution!

This one was posted a couple of years ago over at the “Majority Rights” website… It deserves to be reposted – BDL1983


Kai Murros on the European Revolution!

Style/Attitude/Revolution – A Letter to a Friend

by Kai Murros

The fundamental question us, white nationalists, are facing today is how to take over our societies psychologically, how to rise from the political and intellectual periphery in to the centre, refine our sub-culture to make it main stream and force the public in our societies to accept our vision of the future as the only possible alternative. To do that, we must first perfect the concept of the Pan-European nationalism and in doing so we must pay great attention to how the Pan-European movement looks like and feels like. Therefore we must be conceptual artists, fashion designers and copywriters rather than boring intellectuals and helpless theorists. If our concept is good it will dwarf other political styles and begin to dominate people’s thinking.

Seizing the hegemony in the society requires that nationalists are determined to become the new elite and understand that fundamentally they must wage politics of power and will. Today nationalists have nothing but if they at least have the right attitude then they have a chance, because what makes elite an elite is precisely the attitude. The conviction of being right and above others gives the members of the elite self-confidence and determination, which is then reflected in their appearance and behaviour. Outsiders recognize very easily those who seem to be on top of things, assertive, cool and even good looking.  The masses inherently despise desperate people and rather follow those who are arrogant and bold.

Nationalists must tirelessly talk about power and how to get power. Nationalists must make it absolutely clear that the movement is all about power, absolute power, power for the sake of power, a cynical conspiracy to get power. Nationalists must make everybody understand that one day they will have absolute power. This is important because all this talk about power makes nationalists look powerful and dangerous even when they don’t yet have power. Women, for example, love determined men who give the impression that they have great plans for the future. Power is sexy, nationalists have to make it their fetish.

Nationalists must always emphasize that they know more than the outsiders—after all they   understand the process of how and why western civilization will collapse and thus prepare conditions for the nationalist takeover. People are often very curious about groups/societies/cults/sects etc. that seem to have information that is not openly shared. Once there is a body of knowledge—New Right philosophy, nationalist theories on revolution or urban warfare techniques and combat exercises that can be acquired by joining this elitist, closed organization people get an irresistible urge to join – the more difficult it is to get in the more attractive it becomes. And once you are in the group, you can really feel that you are better than the outsiders.

Since nationalists do not yet have the money or means to effectively broadcast their message, the best platform for nationalist propaganda are the nationalists themselves and therefore their appearance is of utmost importance.  Nationalists should create a style that reflects power, strength, arrogance, danger and intelligence. The style should be easily recognizable so when nationalist youths are out in the town people notice them immediately—every single nationalist should be a walking propaganda poster for the movement. When nationalists are gathering it should immediately give a sense of downright occupation. There are several psychological studies on how a uniform affects the people who wear it and those who are outside the group—the effects are very dramatic! Once nationalists are oozing with sex, death, and danger, more and more people will want to join them. Fighting for your people is sexy—this is extremely atavistic—looking good while fighting for your people is even sexier.

Now how should a young cadre of the national revolution look like? Unfortunately I am not a fashion designer – although I really would like to be – anyway, I’ve been toying with some ideas. First of all I like very much the Mod -style and attitude, the colours of the today’s Mod-nationalist should definitely be black and dark grey.  An addition to the smart suit would be Dr. Martens boots laced up to knee high—like mormons gone bad. Imagine a young stylish nationalist wearing a black suit, white shirt, black tie,  Dr. Martens boots and a shoulder bag. In the shoulder bag the nationalist could carry books from Juenger, Evola, Nietsche, Thiriart, Niekitsch etc. and maybe a brass knuckles or something. The message would be that I can have an intelligent discussion with you or I can kick your teeth in—a nice combination of intelligence and violence.

The nationalist street combat uniform should definitely be the black biker all-leather outfit, with a white shirt and black tie. Against head injuries the nationalist shock troops should wear the black crash helmet. A crash helmet provides the best possible protection against any projectiles and blows as long as firearms are not used. The crash helmet also covers the shock trooper’s face revealing only his eyes—this way the fighter can hide his identity and in a combat situation you are always more threatening to your enemies if they can’t see your face and read your facial expressions so you don’t give away any signs of individual weaknesses.

Nationalist shock troops should be armed with aluminium baseball bats. By wielding the bat with both hands you can deliver terrible blows to your enemy, but more importantly the shining silver bat looks nice against black leather mass—the aesthetic aspect is always just as important as the practical one. Black and silver were the colours of the SS and in this way they could be our colours too—in a very modern way.  I’ve also been toying with the idea that the shock troops could also use American football pads as protective armour. Wearing black leather and football armour the shock troopers would be like some cool apocalyptic Mad Max road warriors—a fitting reference to the ongoing collapse of our civilization. In case football armour is a bit uncomfortable to wear in a fight, there are also other body armours that are lighter and easier to use … but still look great, check this out:

Nationalist shock troops should then learn to carry their weapons and move about in a uniform manner. The shock troops should learn to march in the same rhythm—the sound of the steps alone is a psychological factor. The shock troop formation looks great when it learns to move, turn, fold and unfold like a real military formation or like a mechanism made of leather and steel. The ability to move about like a real military formation requires a lot of drill but if done properly our fighters definitely give the impression of discipline and power—power has to be their fashion.

We must aesthetisize violence and spice it up with a hefty doze of sex—if we can do that our movement will become irresistible to young white males looking for action and purpose in life. The movie Clockwork Orange is a good example of how even cruel and senseless violence can be made appealing—we’ll just have to do it in real life and give it an ideological frame. Biologically sex and violence always go together—in nature males fight for their right to procreate and then defend their offspring and territory—this is in a nutshell exactly what the white nationalists are facing today. White national revolution is a biological phenomenon and that’s why it’s unstoppable!

Drill is very important because it gives nationalist units command structure and cohesion and their enemies get the idea that nationalists really mean business. A well drilled shock troop unit is the best publicity the movement could ever have, because the masses follow the strong and the self-confident. A riot or a street fight should be regarded as a spectacle, an opportunity for the shock troops to be seen and be admired by the timid public—nationalist demonstrations should never be just an angry mob of men with short hair. When the movement shows signs of strength and discipline, young males will flock under its banners—this pack mentality is in their genes, it just has to be activated. If the movement can make the young fighters to submit themselves to the tedious drill, it will turn them into real soldiers of urban warfare.

I’ve also been thinking that paint ball war gaming could also be an excellent opportunity to wear smart gear and look intimidating. Instead of guerilla fighting in the forests nationalists should especially simulate urban warfare, which is something they are most likely to face in the future as societies begin to fall apart. And, like I said, extra attention must be given to what the combatants wear—they should look as stylish and militant as possible—the best thing would be if we could create a cool nationalist city-camo look for them.

One option here is that we go for a fusion of different elements such as (city)camo, army surplus,  leather, studs, dyed jeans, hoodies and other combat/martial arts paraphernalia. With a little imagination everyone could create their own personal look—just like punks, they all look so different—their creativity seems to be absolutely endless in that department—but still in a uniform sort of way. This would give an impression of a ragtag army instead of the faceless mass of black leather, but I think it would fit the concept of post-collapse urban warfare well. Combatants having their own customized style and gear would be like characters in computer and video games—this time they would be creating their own real-life fighter characters. The most effective way to activate young people is by giving room for their individual creativity and imagination.

The idea of paintball war gaming is, of course, that nationalists publicly start preparing for war. The worst mistake would be to do this secretly somewhere in the forests. Combat training for the coming civil war must be brought outrageously in the open—obviously, where there are vacant buildings and rundown factories, but hopefully near where people live so that as many as possible can see what nationalists are doing. Once people realize what is going on they begin to believe that the country really is heading toward a violent confrontation and those who prepare for it openly and systematically are seen strong and powerful. Considering the state our societies are today, it doesn’t take much to shake people’s confidence in the system, this way we will scare the general public to accept our vision of the future.

Nationalists should start to act like a real insurgent army and start forming real units, where fighters have ranks and specialized tasks for different situations—it doesn’t matter how small this unit is as long as long as everything is done properly: Uniforms, training and structure. What ever nationalists do as a group they must always have a structure—this way outsiders take them seriously and they take themselves even more seriously—and obviously, nationalist fighters must look good!! Paintball war gaming is not just a bunch of lads running around and shooting each other but a PR campaign, a publicity stunt, a way advertize our concept to the general public and to other nationalists. Creating paramilitary combat units is in itself an open challenge to the system and it will not go unnoticed. By giving an impression of structure, discipline and determination nationalists will spread a sense of unease among the liberals as they start to wonder if there is something going on that they have no control upon. Nationalists do not have fire arms, but their attitude and attire alone make them look dangerous and appealing enough.

I guess I have a very one track mind when it comes to style and it seems that all I can think of is just recycling already existing elements—this way they are more easily available, though, but I do believe that uniforms like these would give their wearers a lot of needed visibility and credibility in the streets. I am convinced that somehow we should launch a brand new line of nationalist street fashion—in the post-modern world the coming revolution will be, above all else, a revolution of fashion and style as representation is just as important as the content itself—if nationalist fighters look good they feel good and the audience will love them. The Fascists knew this well—fascism is not an ideology but a style and a state of mind—and that’s why Fascism will always make a comeback. If the soil is fertile, the change can come very suddenly and the ground zero for the explosion of new creative cultural energy can be a small group of people or a geographical space—just imagine how Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood launched punk style from their SEX boutique.—The stage is set: now we must make our entrance.


– BDL1983