Brace yourselves, this could get ugly. Fucking ugly!
This Jew appeared on the screen when I innocently flicked the TV on just before:

Anyway, the Jew in question is one of Channel Ten’s favourites. Joe Hildebrand is his name, and he seems to always be on those stupid morning-panel-discussion shows where a bunch of idiot feminists sit around and bitch about pointless shit and celebrity gossip.
I got the shock of my life to see someone so ugly. I nearly spat my coffee all over the place! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. All I know is if I had a face like that I’d be wearing a bag on my head. He should not be allowed out in public. A little old lady would just about fall off her perch if she encountered him!
He wins the “Expel The Parasite Award for World’s Ugliest Jew”! The prize is a one-way ticket to Tel-Aviv!
Bye-bye rat boy! Hahaha!!
– BDL1983