On the Supreme Importance of Æsthetics

Buffalo Jenkins
Daily Stormer
October 22, 2013


The Aryan racial soul strives for beauty.

The first and most sweeping swindle perpetrated upon the west by its enemies was the obfuscation of the definition of Art. Starting with Kandinsky’s ‘Expressionism’ and bolstered by Clement Greenburg’s ‘Artspeak’ criticism, this new abstract creativity overwhelmed all tradition in art. Swept away in this nihilist flood were traditional art tutelage,inherited skills dating back to prehistory, high culture, good taste, standards or hierarchy in art, naturalism, symmetry, decoration, technical merit, self-determination and ‘becoming’ in art. Styles in painting, sculpture, architecture that had evolved from European antiquity came to a crashing halt on the pages of Judaic ‘art theory’ criticism – a ridiculous construct of universalism that tried (successfully!) to embrace pure abstraction as progressivism in art.

Irony became in vogue. Random splatters of paint, intentionally awkward and ugly forms, childish primitivism became intellectual culture, via reams of this irrational wordsmithing. True progress was hijacked and perverted by cultural Marxism. This later would be the same brand of relativism they found could be successfully applied to all aspects of western tradition and taste, beyond just the false edifying of abstraction as intellectualism, but as a means of attacking every aspect of European culture. The self-eating snake, wracked with guilt, wallowing in weakness and trembling with pity. Their success in art criticism and art theory not only paved the way for total degradation, but the ongoing artlessness of our western world remains and enormous obstacle in allowing us to rediscover our true self-becoming.

Today we have ‘conceptualism’ and ‘abstract expressionism’ ruling our art academies – one may take a lazy preamble into any ‘modern art’ gallery to see what kind of mindless, indefinable childishness this results in. Literal piles of garbage, arranged sex dolls, people standing in animal suits, you may find pretty much anything other than, ironically, actual art. Many voluminous rants about the imagined merits of this perpetual stream of anti-art are printed and spoken of in modern art academies and critical literature. But not a word of it amounts to anything more than liberal guilt, juvenile self-hate, and profuse obsession with human failings and perversions.

Nothing that smacks of beauty, positivity or self-affirmation can fall under this new modernist art definition. All serves to remind us that grandeur is an illusion, human affairs are nihilistically limited, and we are not worth saving. We deserve ugly, lascivious paintings rendered childishly – they are an attack against elitism! But this view is a construct, relying upon egalitarian tropes that are as evil and false as a lie can be. True art is not the all-encompassing cloud of pure creativity where permissiveness enshrines the freedom to announce anything you desire as art. Modernity exists upon a platform of hating true art, or all art before modernism, which they couch in snide blanket terms like ‘realism.’

There is no foundation for modern art abstraction other than proving that the public will accept whatever you tell them to accept. After all the long years of Pollock’s and Picasso’s and Duchamp’s, a cursory Googling of contemporary art definitions lays bare this bizarre and poisonous foundation. A definition of abstract expressionism reveals its basis is ‘A school of painting that flourished after World War II until the early 1960’s, characterized by the view that art is nonrepresentational and chiefly improvisational.’ If this revelation about art is true, that means that Michelangelo, Raphael, Phidias, Sargeant, Turner, Reubens, Titian, DaVinci, and every artist before this movement were completely wasting their time actually learning the craft of painting or sculpture or architecture. They should have been practicing random improvisation, freeing themselves of talent and technical prowess. They should have been splashing paint about like the moronic Pollock, or painting three stripes endlessly like the Judaic con Rothko. The average person assumes that public art comes to them courtesy of respected, talented academics and institutions devoted to furthering and bettering society. They can not fathom or assume that our art ethos is an enormous lie eroding western civilization with hubris and hatred.

This is not art.  It is an act of violence against the human soul.

This is not art. It is an act of violence against the soul.

Modern art cannot exist in the same world as traditional art. Modern art can exist only as a hate-filled backlash against the superiority of that which came before it. If something appears to have no point should one dig deeper until a point manifests? Does it not remain ultimately pointless?

Modern art criticism, from the likes of Clement Greenburg, is the only truly creative aspect of modern art. He pioneered the style of criticism that found praise in the willfully ‘nonrepresentational’. This opened the floodgates to endless reams of eloquent bloviate about ‘redefining art preconceptions’ and all the typical modernist buzz words we’ve come to associate with generic attacks on western values. Vagaries about progressiveness and old ways that are tired and ready for the dustbin of history. Thus, over time, the idea of craftsmanship becomes denigrated – as the painter becomes the illustrator, the true architect a restorer, a traditional fashionista a set designer, and naturalism becomes pastiche. There is a reason that during the Renaissance you didn’t have celebrated artists making random splatters of paint on a canvas in the Uffizi – that is because it is stupid. It is patently on it’s face idiotic. Because a child really could do it. Turner or Rembrandt did not have to compete in the creative arena with a Tracy Emin type character who traipses around confidently arranging mannequins or unmade beds and touting it as art because it is ‘pushing boundaries.’ That is because it takes a society existing, as we do, at a sustained level of luxurious stupidity to even imagine philosophizing such obvious lies.

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This is a great post. I’ve always hated modern art, even before I knew about the Jew…… I must have good instincts! Now I know why I hated it.

– Brett

Female Model turns into Justin Bieber

From this:

Elliott Sailors
Female model, Elliott Sailors


To this:




This is not normal folks!

Before and After:



This article from the Huffington Post explains her ‘gender-bending’:

While she did lose her womenswear clients after switching over to male modeling, Sailors discovered that she could extend her career in this new gender role, rather than try to extend her tenure in the youth-obsessed female modeling world. “In the industry, females are expected to look younger longer than males are,” she said. “And I knew I was getting older.” Once she committed, she chopped off her long hair into a masculine haircut and hoped for the best, understanding that she would certainly take a pay cut as a male model (per the industry standard).

“I’ve never identified as a male, but I’ve always described myself as a guy,” she told HuffPost Live, explaining that the career shift is not just a “phase.” Thanks to gender-bending models like Andrej Pejić, who Sailor considers a “total inspiration,” and Casey Legler, another female model who exclusively models menswear, it seems that Sailor is contributing to a growing industry-wide conversation about self-expression and the roles of men and women in fashion.

Read more and watch video

This sure is weird stuff.

Why, oh why, would a model who looks beautiful and natural as a FEMALE, want to do this to herself? She looks about as masculine as one of those Justin Bieber, One Direction types of teenage fags, that the Jew-controlled music industry loves to promote! She doesn’t have manly features, so why bother turning her into a ‘little boy’? It’s just sick and fucked up; all this ‘gender-bending‘. If the fashion Jews over there in Jew York really need more male models, then why not find a MALE for the Job? Oh no, that would make sense. “Better offer it to a female, so we can promote ‘gender-benders’ as somehow normal

This is the sort of stuff promoted ALL OVER THE TV these days. We truly do live in ‘enlightened‘ times………..

– BDL1983

Babylon Before Hitler

From Hardon’s Blog (commentary by John, not me)

Most of you may have seen ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ (Completed full version). This is a Bonus feature which portrays the Jewish Marxist infiltration of filth and pornography throughout pre-National Socialist Germany and particularly in Berlin. J.H.


In this 15 minute Special Bonus Feature learn about how in 1933, Adolf Hitler was a man of high morals and proved it by cleaning up the depraved streets of the Marxist cesspit otherwise known as Berlin.



Does all this look familiar? Look around you, you have a two tier society, the poor and the ultra rich (the Jew is destroying the ‘middle class’), you have homosexuality and all kinds of perversions becoming the acceptable ‘norm’. On top of that we have ‘Miscegenation’ and the mass influx of alien people and cultures imported by the Jew to further destroy the indigenous race.

How inspiring that in 1926 the Nationalist Resistance amounted to two hundred dedicated men whereas the Jewish Marxist controlled scum numbered over 250,000, then Hitler and National Socialism against all the odds gained power with the full support of the majority of the indigenous German people. This was a victory beyond belief, the Jew and his Marxist foot soldiers were told to get out of Germany and those that didn’t were not slaughtered or gassed, they were imprisoned and made to work although they were well looked after (contrary to Jewish lies).

Adolf Hitler should inspire us all. National Socialism is the ONLY answer to the parasite that infests ALL our Aryan lands. Greet your Aryan brothers with the NS salute, why should you be ashamed of who and what you are?

The only way the existence of our race and a future for white children can be assured is by embracing National Socialism.

Hail Victory

John Hardon

Click 1488 to visit John Hardon’s blog

The Great Global Warming Swindle (It’s a hoax!)


The video above should demolish any belief anyone may have in the man-made, CO2, Global Warming/Climate Change hoax. The lies of the IPCC (branch of the U.N.) are clearly exposed. Basically, the IPCC’s job is to get sell-out ‘scientists‘ to find any variance in temperature, anywhere in the world, and then blame it on CO2 emissions. As you’ll see, the IPCC and the U.N. are completely full of shit!

The video below takes bits and pieces of the ‘Great Global Warming Swindle’ documentary, and shows how the bullshitgreenie‘ agenda fits into the Jew World Order agenda. They don’t mention the Jews though. It’s the New World Order to them………. Whatever.


Related articles from this site:

Climate Change is a Jewish Hoax

Religious Leaders Unite on Climate

John Friend’s Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom

This should be enough information for any reasonably intelligent person to see that human-induced ‘Global Warming’ is complete & utter bollocks!

– BDL1983

Jews in the Obama administration

From John Friend’s Blog:

The Jewish Virtual Library recently published a list of all the Jews currently serving in the Obama administration, many of whom occupy key strategic positions in the Obama White House and federal government. Current members include:

  • Tony Blinken – Deputy National Security Advisor
  • Danielle Borrin – Director of Intergovernmental Affairs; Deputy Director Public Engagement
  • Gary Gensler – Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
  • Jack Lew – Secretary of the Treasury
  • Eric Lynn – Middle East Policy Adviser
  • Matt Nosanchuk – Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement for Jewish Outreach
  • David Plouffe – Senior Advisor to the President
  • Dan Shapiro – Ambassador to Israel
  • Gene Sperling – Director, National Economic Council
  • Adam Szubin – Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury)
  • Janet Yellen – Chairwoman, Federal Reserve

National security, foreign policy, and fiscal, monetary, and economic policy are largely controlled by Jewish apparatchiks. The Jewish Virtual Library also included a listed of Jews who formerly served in the Obama administration, including:

  • Ben Bernanke – (2006-2013) Chairman, Federal Reserve
  • Mary Schapiro – (2009-2012) Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Steven Simon – (2009-2012) Senior Director, Middle East/North Africa, National Security Council
  • Rahm Emanuel – (2009-2010) Chief of Staff to the President
  • David Axelrod – (2009-2011) Senior Advisor to the President
  • Elena Kagan – (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States
  • Peter Orszag – (2009-2010) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
  • Lawrence Summers – (2009-2011) Director National Economic Council
  • Mona Sutphen – (2009-2011) Deputy White House Chief of Staff
  • James B. Steinberg – (2009-2011 ) Deputy Secretary of State
  • Dennis Ross – (2009-2011 ) Special Assistant to the President
  • Ronald Klain – (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
  • Jared Bernstein – (2009-2011) Chief Economist/Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
  • Susan Sher – (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the First Lady
  • Lee Feinstein – (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor
  • Mara Rudman – (2009) Foreign Policy Advisor

When you consider the fact that 12 United States Senators and 22 Congressional Representatives, many of whom chair some of the most strategically important Congressional committees, are Jewish, that the various pro-Israel largely Jewish lobbying organizations (AIPAC, American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, etc.) essentially dominate American politics and elections, and that 3 of the 9 United States Supreme Court Justices are Jewish, is it really a stretch to say that the United States federal government is largely controlled by a tiny, yet quite powerful, minority?

And then consider the fact that the mass media and Hollywood are under the control and influence of Jewish financial and political interests, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve System are for all intents and purposes Jewish monopolies, and that Jews are extremely influential in academia and higher education.

It is time for the American people to recognize the fact that an extremely hostile, alien elite is controlling their country, operating it for their own personal and tribal benefit at the expense of everyone else.

Source: http://www.john-friend.net/2013/10/jews-in-obama-administration.html

Well, it certainly isn’t a stretch to say that Jews run the United States! In fact, it would be a LIE to suggest anything other than that!

Just for a laugh, have a read of how Jewish this arsehole is! The name ‘Steven ISRAEL‘ just cracks me up…..

Steve Israel.

I was disappointed when I saw Mr. Israel’s picture. When their last name is ‘Israel’, and they were born in Brooklyn, New York, you’d expect someone more ‘Jewy‘ looking than him. Ah well, it matters not, he is still a typical Jew, just like the rest of them.

– BDL1983