This is complete insanity. (Zoom in or just click here if you can’t see the graph clearly)
M1 Money is basically the cash economy- currency that actually circulates, or should I say, would circulate if the stupid virus restrictions were ever lifted. That graph pretty much applies throughout the western world. All the economies are just floating on enormous piles of stimulus money. If the governments decide to open things up, then money velocity will pick up and prices will go through the roof.
Here’s what Dr. Doom on the tube thinks about it:
Hyperinflation? May well be. Large inflation at the very least. Infinity stimulus everywhere and reduced economic output (scarcity in some circumstances) equals high prices. You can’t just completely destroy the purchasing power of a currency and expect no consequences.
It’s 2 minutes to midnight, then it’s time to pay the piper.
Welp. I’ve decided I need to do something with this site, which has been lacking for ages. I had a real good think about it today and I reckon the best approach might be if I just write up a bunch of random short commentaries on whatever the hell I feel like, and post them a lot more regularly than what I do – which at the moment is fuck all!
I hope some people may still check in on this site, so if anyone on Virus Planet does, well, stay tuned. Fact is, when you do this thing called blogging like I did for a few years, mainly between 2013-17, you get burnt out writing long articles and editing things, so I’m not going to bother with that approach anymore. It just gives me the shits doing that.
But I will say I always enjoyed sticking music in most posts in the past, so I’m going to keep doing that. Reminds us all that we are human and we need enjoyment in whatever medium we choose to consume. These turds have a few good tunes:
Written by Van, performed by Eric. Excellent song!
One of the most frustrating things about this pathetic coronavirus hoax has been the lack of people in the public spotlight speaking out against the lockdowns and weird government rules.
At least Van “The Man” and Eric Clapton are prepared to use their fame to try and get the right message out.
Here’s the Van songs:
And this one isn’t a protest song, but I feel like posting it anyway:
Speaking on the Matt Morgan podcast, the former Oasis guitarist said: “It’s not a law. There’s too many fucking liberties being taken away from us now … I choose not to wear one. If I get the virus it’s on me, it’s not on anyone else … it’s a piss-take. There’s no need for it … They’re pointless.”
Gallagher said he had resisted calls to wear a mask on a train and in shops. “I was going up to Manchester the other week and some guy’s going, ‘Can you put your mask on,’ on the train, ‘because the transport police will get on and fine you a thousand pounds. But you don’t have to put it on if you’re eating.’ So I was saying: Oh right, this killer virus that’s sweeping through the train is gonna come and attack me, but see me having a sandwich and go, leave him, he’s having his lunch?
Bloody funny- he’s having his sandwich, leave him!! Hahahaha!
The death of the cruise ship industry is without doubt one of the best things to come out of the coronavirus hoax. It fills my heart with joy to know that the types of people who like cruises will never be able to do so ever again!
You want to know why I have a specific hatred for these sorts of cruise ship people? It’s because they sum up absolutely everything that is wrong with society. They are usually fat, disgusting, selfish people who believe that life is just one big amusement park and they’re entitled to a ticket on every ride. None of these people care about anything other than their own gluttonous carcasses and they sure as hell don’t give a fuck what happens to their race of people and future generations. They effectively hate their own children in this respect. The whole cruise ship idea is the epitome of excess – a disgusting mass gathering of the financially fortunate splurging their excess wealth in the most pointless of ways. If you don’t know what I mean, then look up the pictures of the fat slobs crammed on board the decks of these ships (pictures will make you feel sick, that’s why I’m not posting them). Each ship is nothing but an oversized petri-dish of contagion.
Well, this shit had gone on long enough and thankfully it’s over now.
A big fuck you to the cruise ship industry & good riddance.
Flush it all away…. and replace it with something much worse – that’s the plan.
Back To Normal?
There is a certain pervasive feeling among most ‘normies’ that things will soon be ‘back to normal’ – it’s just a matter of getting over the coronavirus thing. If we get all the case numbers down to zero, then the authorities will be really happy with us and let us go back to doing what we were doing. Everything will be just like it was before.
The problem is that it doesn’t work like that, especially in the economic sense, but I’ll save the rant about that aspect for another day.
This Is Not About Some Virus
None of the stuff going on regarding this virus nonsense has anything to do with stopping a virus. That much is obvious since the measures put in place to supposedly stop it are all insane. Seriously, since when do we do ‘rolling lockdowns’ and shutdowns of the economy over cases of the sniffles? “What the fuck?” – this is the question I don’t hear uttered enough among people. Most normies seem to take it for granted that this corona response is a perfectly normal reaction to a flu nowadays. When did everything change? March this year, apparently. The TV told them that this completely unremarkable virus was super scary for some reason and they all bought it hook, line and sinker. It is truly amazing to me how people cannot see through this obvious nonsense. The virus is a mild flu at worst, so it’s not hard to figure there must be some other agenda being pushed. And that agenda is the jewish one world government agenda, a.k.a the New World Order.
If only there was a way to get through to normies… Now, despite the high amount of complicity and indifference to the ‘new way of life’ among the population, a fair number of them still seem to think the reaction to the coronavirus is a bit ‘over the top’ (putting it mildly lol), but they always try to reconcile the weird restrictions on everything with ‘tackling the virus’. They just can’t understand that other agendas could be at play. The whole lockdown, the weird restrictions and the social distancing crap – it only makes sense once you stop looking at it as though it’s there to stop a virus. It isn’t. It’s there so the jewish elite can trial and implement police state measures and have them at their ready for whenever civil unrest inevitably breaks out. That’s what it’s for – to crack down on YOU – should you happen to not like the economic collapse and your shit new standard of living. It is to stop people expressing their discontent with the ‘new normal’. The whole planet is basically a big testing ground at the moment. They are testing us to see what they can get away with.
How Naive Are People?
Just stop and think for a second. People are very gullible creatures. Most of them actually believe that their governments care about their health – the same people who just locked down the place and threw tons of people out of their jobs. How does destroying the economy and with it people’s livelihoods not negatively effect people’s health? Also, bear in mind these loving government people are in bed with the Bill Gates billionaire cabal of pharmaceutical companies and would just love to coerce or outright force you to be injected with one of his poisons (not to even mention the amount of money they stand to make via the vaccination program). Yes, Bill Gates and these giant fuck-arse billionaire pharma companies care about your health. How fucking gullible and naive is it possible to be? We have set all new records in this department in 2020, that’s for sure!
Desperate to control all and everything.
The Old Normal Is Gone And It Isn’t Ever Coming Back.
This is a tough nut for people to crack. ‘Normality is just around the corner once the corona is gone’- this is what most people believe and I can understand how they feel. A part of me sort of wants to believe that as well, but when you know what the jews have planned, it becomes easy to see where this is all headed. What the normies don’t understand is that for the past 75 years (and before of course) the jewish elite have been systematically undermining and destroying the foundation of our civilization. Since the 1960’s this culture of endless amusement and ‘life as one non-stop party‘ has been utilized to bring us to this point in history. It was all a plan to break us down and make us malleable to their New World Order. 2020, so it turns out, is the end point for the ‘never-ending party’ phase of history. It is no longer the direction the jewish elite wish to push us in, and for that reason alone it won’t be coming back.
We are now moving into a much more sinister, tyrannical phase of history, all under the auspices of a certain breed of ticks and leeches.