Van & Eric Are Prepared To Stand & Deliver, Are YOU?

Written by Van, performed by Eric. Excellent song!

One of the most frustrating things about this pathetic coronavirus hoax has been the lack of people in the public spotlight speaking out against the lockdowns and weird government rules.

At least Van “The Man” and Eric Clapton are prepared to use their fame to try and get the right message out.

Here’s the Van songs:

And this one isn’t a protest song, but I feel like posting it anyway:

A reminder that life is worth living.

P.S. In case anyone missed it, back in September Noel Gallagher went nuts about the whole mask thing:

Speaking on the Matt Morgan podcast, the former Oasis guitarist said: “It’s not a law. There’s too many fucking liberties being taken away from us now … I choose not to wear one. If I get the virus it’s on me, it’s not on anyone else … it’s a piss-take. There’s no need for it … They’re pointless.”

Gallagher said he had resisted calls to wear a mask on a train and in shops. “I was going up to Manchester the other week and some guy’s going, ‘Can you put your mask on,’ on the train, ‘because the transport police will get on and fine you a thousand pounds. But you don’t have to put it on if you’re eating.’ So I was saying: Oh right, this killer virus that’s sweeping through the train is gonna come and attack me, but see me having a sandwich and go, leave him, he’s having his lunch?

Bloody funny- he’s having his sandwich, leave him!! Hahahaha!

-ETP Admin.

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