G. Edward Griffin Expains The Mystery Of Cancer.

Activate your brain and think. What this man tells you here is the absolute truth and may Yahweh God bless him for it:

Now, if after watching and listening to this you still think the establishment’s “Big Pharma” has the answers, then go on right ahead and take their shit. But this is the truth, so fucking listen.

And furthermore, G. Edward Griffin was 87 years old at the time of this interview and he is as mentally sharp as most people a third his age (easily), if not better. Absolute credit to this man.

-ETP Admin.

Welcome To A Completely Non-Practical Way Of Buying Beers.

This is interesting because I like beer and I’m interested in the way gold prices work relative to our essential commodities:

By the way, I want to marry that girl holding the steins. Forget what she’s holding, just look into her beautiful eyes! Oh, my love, where art thou??

-ETP Admin.

Welcome To The Alex Jones Experience, Folks!

Now, listen folks, we all know we are entering the New World Order at an express rate. Only one man can express it in such an entertaining format! Do enjoy, I know I did:

It’s inspirational seeing one man take on the Satanic Globalist Psychopathic Cabal with such a fearless sense of leadership!

Hahahaha! Love this stuff.

-ETP Admin.

Welcome To The Cult!

How about: Fuck the coronavirus and let’s just listen to The Cult for a bit? Sounds like a good plan to me.

Welp. I don’t know about you, but I prefer listening to those tunes, something other than fucking corona related bullshit!

And as a bonus here’s Tony Iommi featuring Ian Astbury:

The Cult is awesome!

-ETP Admin.

Welcome To Reality On Coronaplanet!

Listen to what this bloke says (Third time re-posting this video because the jews keep deleting it. That tells you he might be onto something, you more astute thinkers):

Watch this one before it gets deleted again (Twice and counting)….

And have a watch of these overloaded hospitals suffering from corona patients:

It all smells like a cover story if one was looking to collapse a global economy, create mass hysteria, and have people look the other way.

-ETP Admin.